Financed by the Belgian Directorate-General for Development (DGD) and managed by the King Baudouin Foundation, the "Business Partnership Facility-Enterprises for SDGs" aims at supporting and developing private sector involvement in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in developing countries. The grant supports projects that have social impact as well as economic viability in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Palestine, among other countries. This is a matching grant with a value between € 50.000 and € 200.000. The projects targeted by this call must contribute to achieving at least one clearly-identified SDG.
The Facility aims to simultaneously achieve two types of result:
- Social impact: Creation and maintenance of jobs, improvement in average income for families with low incomes, access to affordable goods and services for those on low incomes (by gender), inclusion and economic development of women and young people with low incomes, positive impact on the environment through saving resources, reducing emissions and by preserving biodiversity.
- Economic viability: Partnerships must clearly explain how the supported initiatives will become sustainable, present a competitive financial performance and show signs of potential scalability and replication.
Each applicant must be part of a partnership that brings together actors from the private sector, civil society, academia and/or the public sector. The partnership must comprise at least one organisation from the for-profit private sector.
Partners may be Belgian, European or international legal entities, under public or private law. Support can be obtained for up to a maximum of three years, the project should demonstrate to what extent it is on its way to self-sustainability after the period of support. Both start-up as scale-up projects can be submitted.
The selection of projects will take place in two
phases: a pre-selection phase, conducted together with the DGD and the KBF, secondly the final selection by an independent jury, on the basis of 10 criteria:
- Effects the project will have on development
- Economic, environmental and social sustainability and good governance
- Innovation, replicability and scalability
- Additionality
- Impact on the sector or market
- Experience and capacities of the beneficiary
- Degree of co-financing
- Efficiency
- Inclusiveness
- Synergy and complementarity with other actors
King Baudouin Foundation in collaboration with DARPE will hold an information session on the 29th of July 2019 for Business Partnership Facility: Enterprises for SDGs. This webinar is suitable for private business and non-governmental organizations from developing countries in Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, and Palestine.
Join us to engage with the Belgian Directorate-General for Development and King Baudouin Foundation.