The convening power behind building strategic and authentic relationships of trust to ensure sustainable impact

Giving Circles - MENA

Generating lasting relationships for lasting change.

Find Your Partners. Pursue Your Purpose.

A Giving Circle is established when Philanthropic Organizations, who act as grant makers and enablers, and nonprofit organizations, who act as implementers or implementing partners, come together to make change. They pool their time, thought-leadership and funds to transfer locally-led ideas to reality.

We leverage our convening power and our MENA audience to support funders and philanthropists to meet, learn and partner with vetted non-profit organization and implementing partners who are closest to the local issues, know problems that are inherent to their targeted communities and societies and know where to find the most vulnerable quickly

Giving Circles amplify the voices of vetted local organizations by bringing their experience, stories and key learnings to the attention of funding partners supporting the co-creation of locally-led solutions for a profound and cumulative impact.

A Giving Circle creates a space to build trustworthy relationships that were once difficult to secure. Giving Circles is the convening power behind building strategic and authentic relationships of trust to start and sustain locally-led and systemic change throughout the countries of the MENA region.

How does it work?

Create a Giving Circle
Create and / or join a Giving Circle that matches your areas of interest. Each Giving circle will have its own page at DARPE.
Engage & Position
Philanthropic organization(s) will meet with vetted nonprofit organizations through expertly moderated online events to share strategic visions, successes and local context learning.
Philanthropic organization(s) and nonprofits architect solutions for ground-breaking ideas, allocate and / or pool funds, sign contracts. Continue learning and strengthening relationships.

We amplify the voices of qualified local organizations. Shifting power to communities.

to locally-lead and deliver profound and cumulative impact.

DARPE’s deep relationships with nonprofits on the ground, across a wide range of sectors, countries, and organizations, allow philanthropic organizations to directly connect with qualified local  implementing partners  and efficiently engage in locally-lead meaningful impact. 


Engaging events around the MENA


Engaged development professionals


Reach-out capacity of development professionals

Our Members

Create and join Giving Circles

to build connections and collectively make an impact.

Philanthropic and Grant-Making Organizations

  • Create, sponsor and lead Giving Circles
  • Find strategic partners of vetted nonprofits and local implementing organizations.
  • Empower local leaders to implement locally-led projects that address problems inherent to targeted communities and societies
  • Gain exposure, brand awareness and networking opportunities.
  • Featured in DARPE newsletters, website and in promotional campaigns reaching-out to 47,000+ development professionals within the MENA region and beyond.
  • Access to directories database (7,000+ organizations), funding analysis, market analytics reports; featured success stories and learning webinars recordings. 

Nonprofits and Grant-Seeking Organizations

  • Create – lead Giving Circles
  • Raise awareness about their nonprofit
  • Pitch ideas, showcase and position their potential. 
  • Attract longer-term and recurring funding.
  • Gain exposure, brand awareness and networking opportunities.
  • Access to directories database (7,000+ organizations), funding analysis, market analytics reports; featured success stories and learning webinars recordings. 

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