Hadeer Othman
With a career spanning eight years in the development field, Hadeer has demonstrated her commitment to empowering youth and women through education and economic empowerment. Her expertise lies in designing and implementing impactful programs that address the unique challenges faced by these groups. Hadeer has worked extensively with both local and international NGOs, leveraging her knowledge and skills to make a positive difference in communities. In addition to her NGO experience, Hadeer has collaborated with startups and private companies, recognizing the potential for innovative approaches to drive sustainable development in job creation. She brings a diverse range of perspectives and a keen understanding of how different sectors can work together to create lasting change.
Essential Information
Personal Information

Mobile: Subscriber only
Email: Subscriber only
Gender: Female
Linkedin Profile: Subscriber only
Years of Experiences: 8
Languages: English, Arabic
Citizenship: Egypt
Curriculum Vitae:
Subscriber only