Dalia Sakr
Dr. Dalia Sakr has 18 years of experience in providing energy, resource efficiency, and climate change related advisory services in the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia regions.
She has led the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Resource Efficiency (REF) Program, under the World Bank Group (WBG), in the extended MENA region across 19 countries including Pakistan (2010-2016). This program aimed to increase investments in clean technologies and support efficiency led savings in energy, water, materials to improve the competitiveness of the private sector and mitigate climate change. The REF assessments provided to more than 50 clients in MENA identified total investments of about $25 million, annual economic savings of $18 million, and annual energy consumption reductions of 400 GWh (equivalent to 50 MW power plant). She has closely coordinated with IFC investment teams, to generate bankable project pipeline that led to either direct IFC financing or self/commercial banks finance. Additionally, she was a member of the World Bank’s Energy team and supported their technical assistance work in Egypt specifically with the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy in strengthening the capacity of its Energy Efficiency Unit and prepared a policy paper on recommended measures to scaling up distributed solar. Setting up partnerships and operational coordination mechanisms was a regular aspect of her work internally within WBG and with donors, federal/municipal governments, financial institutions, and other stakeholders across the extended MENA region.
Internally within the WBG, she has expanded strong partnerships regionally and globally. For example, she has supported IFC’s Public-Private Partnership Unit to evaluate energy efficient street lighting project with Oujda Municipality in Morocco. She collaborated with Investment Climate team to link the outcomes of market wide study on industry to their Energy Efficiency Regulatory Program with the Government of Punjab in Pakistan. Moreover, she has provided technical input on industrial electric motors minimum energy performance standards (MEPS), eco-industrial parks, and clean technologies innovation in Egypt to Trade & Competitiveness Global Practice.
Dr. Sakr’s climate expertise was consolidated by involvement in mobilizing sustainable and nationally-appropriate climate action through development of sectoral Low-Emission Development Strategies (LEDS), preparing Egypt’s first Biennial Update Report (BUR), and supporting the national climate Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) system in the framework of achieving and improving Egypt’s NDCs. She is currently participating in developing a comprehensive documentation for a NAMA on a RE or EE project/programme (small to medium scale PV) in the Egyptian electricity sector to be submitted for international support and build the capacity of stakeholders in Egypt. She participated as a stakeholder in the Policy and Technical Committee meetings for the preparation of Alternative Fuels Co-Processing NAMA for the Egyptian Cement Industry (funded and organized by EBRD). Importantly, she has been nominated by the climate National Focal Point to the UNFCCC Roster of Experts as a national expert on GHG inventory, mitigation, adaptation, and importantly financial support. This added to her extensive CDM experience and knowledge of relevant UNFCCC and IPCC methodologies, including electricity grid emission factor and GHGs emission reduction calculations. In the context of project development and technical assistance, she has provided numerous trainings on finance procedures, MRV arrangements, climate change, environmental management, and other topics.
She has a PhD degree on Cleaner Production, Cleaner Products, Industrial Ecology and Sustainability from Erasmus University of Rotterdam in the Netherlands and Master of Science in Environmental Engineering Specialization from the American University in Cairo. At present, she is adjunct faculty at both universities.
Essential Information
Personal Information
Mobile: Subscriber only
Email: Subscriber only
Gender: Female
Degree: PhD degree on Cleaner Production, Cleaner Products, Industrial Ecology and Sustainability
Linkedin Profile: Subscriber only
Years of Experiences: 18
Citizenship: Egypt
Curriculum Vitae:
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