There are 816 results
Client(s) Project Name Awardee Sectors Locations
USAID USAID Scholars Activity American University in Cairo Education Egypt
European Commission Technical Assistance to the Secretariat of the African Caribbean and Pacific Group of States for the Management of the ACP-EU Programme to strengthen Research and Innovation capacity in ACP countries GOPA Consultants Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship Sudan
European Commission Technical assistance for BEST for Energy (Boosting Effective and Sustainable Transformation for Energy) Human Dynamics Environment and Energy Turkey
GIZ Promote access to financial services for small and medium-sized businesses Go Beyond GmbH Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship Egypt
GIZ Pan-African Free Trade Association (CFTA) – GIZ module GFA Consulting Group Trade Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia
European Commission Technical Assistance for Increasing the Policy Making Capacity of Directorate General of International Labour Force in the Field of Labour Migration N/A Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration Turkey
European Commission Technical Assistance for Strengthening Training and Research Capacity of the Centre for Labour and Social Training and Research (ÇASGEM) Human Dynamics Economic Growth, Education Turkey
European Commission EU Support for Climate Action in IPA II beneficiaries Transition towards the low emissions and climate-resilient economy N/A Environment and Energy Turkey
GIZ Study and Specialist Fund Asia Endeva Education Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen

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