Ifrikya Center for Common Ground (ICCG)


The association "IFRIKYA CENTER FOR COMMON GROUND" was founded on January 01, 2019, in accordance with the provisions of the decree-law Decree-law n ° 2011-88 of September 24, 2011, organizing associations, its headquarters is at 46 Rue Ibn Bassem Menzah 4 1004 Tunis.

To achieve its purpose and its specific objectives, the organization aims to organize activities of: mediation, training in different fields (techniques of non-violent conflict management, facilitation of dialogue, etc.), research on the dynamics conflicts, dissemination of credible and verified information related to conflicts, awareness, advocacy and information campaigns, creation of partnerships and coalitions with various groups, media productions, organization of conferences and other events. The association can carry out all the operations it deems useful and which relate directly or indirectly to its purpose. It can collaborate and take an interest in any activity similar to its purpose. To achieve its goals, the association can receive any help or material or financial contribution, from institutions and public or private persons. The funds and materials thus collected must be used exclusively for the non-profit objectives of the association.

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