Establishing, sustaining, and growing a business for more than 6 years in times of conflict, pandemics, wars and financial crises is a commendable task, requiring not only deep knowledge of the industry but also a resilient commitment to overcome complexities to drive meaningful change. Since its establishment in 2018, RPS MENA, a Lebanese-based social impact consulting, training, and research firm, has excelled in the provision of management consulting and technical assistance to support the growth and sustainability of both profit and nonprofit organizations. RPS’s vision and mission is to help strengthen nonprofit organizations' efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability by leveraging best practices and local expertise organizational development, fundraising and financial security, improving services effectiveness and enduring impact. RPS usually tailors its solutions to meet the specific needs of their clients while bringing in know-how, lessons learned and international best practices into every engagement.

Research . Consulting . Training

Since its establishment, RPS has been growing steadily and offering several services, including but not limited to:


Country Context Analysis, Peace & Conflict Studies, Baselines Assessments, Mid-term & Endline Evaluations, Program Evaluations, Impact Assessments, and Market Studies.


Organization Capacity Assessments, Institutional Capacity Development, Strategic Planning, Financial Sustainability Planning, Human Resources Consultancy, Setting up Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Units Development of Standards Operating Procedures(SOPs), business development frameworks among other technical assistance, management and advisory services.

Capacity Building:

Training needs assessment, Training design and delivery, Coaching, mentoring and advising. Areas of expertise include strategic planning, Human resources management, monitoring and evaluation, fundraising, project & program management, organizational governance, financial management, procurement management, effective communication, proposal development, partnerships development, managing change, leadership training courses, among others.


RPS claims over 170 completed, successful, and impactful projects so far for clients ranging from UN agencies, international NGOs, regional organizations & foundations, local non-governmental organizations, coalitions and networks. RPS partners include but not limited to Save the Children, Mercy Corps, Care International, Search for Common Ground, IWPR, Diakonia, Expertise France, COSV, International Alert and GIZ.


RPS’s is proud to have an expanded access to more than 220 experts from various industries, nationalities, regions and specializations. RPS’s capacity of mobilizing seasoned experts and certified professionals brings multi-disciplinary and wholistic approach when providing its professional, consulting and advisory expertise. RPS's approach to professional service delivery is to look at every engagement from different angles, and tackle challenges with unique perspectives and deep understanding of organizational behavior, market insights and best practices. RPS is led by subject matter experts who bring a wide range of technical expertise across several areas of practice.

Youth Resolve 2 (YR2) project

An example is RPS’s work with World Vision, Utopia and DPNA, for the Youth Resolve 2 (YR2) project. The project aimed at empowering youth by increasing their civic participation to contribute to social stability in Lebanon. The project has established youth committees in target areas. RPS mobilized several multi-disciplinary experts to help and support the youth committees to conduct community needs assessments, design and implement capacity-building plans which includes a set of 8 training sessions and 10 coaching sessions in topics such as risk management, participatory planning and leadership skills. Moreover, through a participatory approach, the youth committees where able to identify their community’s needs, develop community initiatives and implement them successfully through the guidance and support of Utopia, DPNA and World Vision based on the training and assistance provided by RPS.

“The training sessions were full of valuable information. They were relevant and crucial to increase our public engagement more effectively. We learned so many skills and tactics that we need for our own self development, actualization and personal growth.”

Representative of the Youth Council in Tripoli.

Capacity Strengthening

RPS, with the request of International Alert developed and implemented capacity strengthening program targeting 22 Civil Society Organizations. The engagement covered topics like strategic planning, fundraising & financial sustainability, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning. The assignment delivery approach focused on not only delivering training based on a detailed organizational assessment, but also to coach organizations to implement what they learned, and to provide them with technical assistance through SOPs to fill in institutional gaps.

“RPS showed very well their knowledge about the topics at hand. The means of delivery were very interactive and captured the attention of the audience.”

President Local Rights-Based NGO

Moving forward, RPS is committed to expanding its positive impact on the development sector through continuing its growth and learning journey while onboarding more experts, expanding to new countries, and offering its services to more clients and partners.

For more information, please visit https://rpsmena.com/
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