Enabel-Belgian Development Agency
Enabel-Belgian Development Agency
Enabel is the development agency of Belgium’s federal government. Enabel supports development projects across the globe to eradicate poverty. Doing so, it helps build a world where women and men live under the rule of law, have equal access to quality public services and are free to pursue their aspirations. Enabel enhances the impact of Belgium in international development by carrying out assignments for Belgian and international third-party donors. The Belgian Development agency has achieved many successes, in particular in the areas of health, education, agriculture, infrastructure, governance and support to economic development.
Profile Information
Bilateral and Multilateral AgencySectors of Interest:
Agriculture, Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Education, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Health, Information Communication and Technology, Infrastructure, Refugees and Migration, Urban & Rural Development, Water and Wastewater, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth EmpowermentSubsectors of Interest:
Vocational Education, Reproductive health, Employment and jobs creation, Municipal services and local development, Social and Economic Empowerment, Natural resources management, Water and wastewater treatment, ICT for Development, Early Childhood Education, Basic Education, Higher Education, HIV prevention and support, Rule of Law, Civil society strengthening, Decentralization, Power generation, Facilities Management, Social and economic inclusion, Refugee integration and social cohesion , Information, Communication and Technology, Aquaculture and fisheriesCountry of Coverage:
Algeria, Jordan, Morocco, Palestine, TunisiaHeadquarters:
Contact Information

Enabel-Belgian Development Agency
- http://www.enabel.be
Belgium - Karmel Al Salqan
Karmel.alsalqan@enabel.be - Mme Afaf CHOUAIB
afaf.chouaib@enabel.be - Alessandra Varesco
Migration Intervention Manager
alessandra.varesco@enabel.be - Khadija Bija
Charging of subsidies and public procurement
khadija.bija@enabel.be - Rika Elbadri
Program Officer
rkia.elbadri@enabel.be - Jamal Ouchker
Project Manager
jamal.ouchker@enabel.be - Imane Saber
Responsable Administration et Finances
imane.saber@enabel.be - Emilie De Keyzer
Procurement Notices by Enabel-Belgian Development Agency
Optimisation Du Référencement Et De L’expérience Utilisateur Du Site Web Type De La Dgct
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Marché de services relatif à l’accompagnement posthackathon pour le développement et la mise sur le marché des solutions gagnantes
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology, Women Rights and Empowerment
Réalisation De Sessions De Formation Dans Le Domaine De Violences Faites Aux Femmes
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Consultant : pour l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre d’un protocole de prise en charge médico-légale des violences sexuelles
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Formation Des Organisations De La Société Civile À L’usage Du Numérique Pour La Participation Citoyenne
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Information Communication and Technology
Capitalisation des démarches d’appui et d’accompagnement à la mise en place et d’opérationnalisation des espaces de dialogue et de concertation-Tadafor (Appui à la Participation Citoyenne)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Public service contract for the comprehensive environmental assessment of Vocational Training Centres in the West Bank
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education, Environment and Energy, Waste Management
Renforcement des capacités des communes bénéficiaires du projet Tadafor en gestion et traitement des avis consultatifs et des pétitions
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Marché de services relatif à la réalisation d’outils de communication (conception, photo, vidéo)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Marché de services relatif à l’Appui à la révision du projet de loi sur la consultation publique
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Marché de service pour l’élaboration d’un plan de renforcement des compétences en innovation, digitalisation et change management
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
Expert·e Pour La Conduite D’une Évaluation Des Activités D’information, Éducation Et Communication De L’onfp Sur Les Violences Basées Sur Le Genre
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Consultant : Hackathon pour le meilleur outil digitalisé pour lutter contre les cyberviolences
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Digital Transformation of the SSD21 Training Manual: E-Learning Adaptation and Capacity Building Consultancy
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education, Information Communication and Technology
Désignation d’un.e formateur.rice lors d’un hackathon sur le meilleur outil digitalisé pour lutter contre la cyberviolence basée sur le genre
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology, Women Rights and Empowerment
Organisation d’une formation complémentaire pour des techniciens de maintenance dans le secteur pharmaceutique
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Education
Collaborative research and participatory approaches to foster the inclusion of Syrian refugees in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
Services procurement contract for “Payroll Preparation Service”
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors:
Marché De Services Relatif À L’identification Des Opportunités D’emploi Dans Les Métiers De L’économie Circulaire
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Marché de services relatif au contrôle de l’état des infrastructures avant et après reconstruction/réhabilitation dans le cadre de l’intervention 3 « reconstruction » du programme de coopération Maroc-Belgique 2024-2029
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Humanitarian aid, Infrastructure
Marché De Services – Contrôle D’infrastructures
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Infrastructure
Services procurement contract for Gaza Reconstruction Planning Team Leader
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Infrastructure
Mise en place d’activité de tutorat sur la Plateforme e-Learning eTAMKEEN
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Education
Assistance Technique Pour le Suivi d’exécution du Marché d’installation de Systèmes Solaires Photovoltaïques
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Etudes Architecturales et Suivi des Travaux D’aménagement
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Infrastructure
Réalisation de sessions de formation dans le domaine de violences faites aux femmes
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Accompagner l’organisation d’une conférence/symposium international autour du futur de la coopération au développement à l’aube des défis de l’IA
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Boosting Resilience and Green Growth in Small-Scale Agri-Food Business
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Agriculture, Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Public service contract for the comprehensive environmental assessment of public buildings in the West Bank
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater
CFP- Equipping Youth, Syrian refugees, and women in Jordan with demand-driven skills to access inclusive and decent employment opportunities
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration, Youth Empowerment
CFP- Supporting vulnerable youth, Syrian refugees, and women to create new micro businesses or developing their existing businesses
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration, Youth Empowerment
Consultancy service for “Capacity Building Program on the Updated Green Building Guidelines”
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Consultancy service for “Design of a roadmap and Analysis of new and existing composting facilities and a vegetable market in the West Bank”
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Agriculture, Entrepreneurship
Services procurement contract for Event management Framework Contract
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors:
Call for Proposals:Youth Protection and Civic Engagement Intervention”Youth-led advocacy and awareness on youth human rights”
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Human Rights
mission d’accompagnement pour la mise en place d’un logiciel de gestion et de suivi de projets de coopération internationale
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Information Communication and Technology
Service Procurement Contract for conducting Action Research on the First Employment Facility (FEF)“Youth Economic Empowerment in Palestine (YEP)”
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth, Youth Empowerment
Mise En Œuvre D’activités De Communication
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
Termes de références pour accompagner le projet dans la mise en œuvre des activités de communication (Audiovisuel)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
Call for proposals for supporting the psychological health and well-being of youth caregivers
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health
Marché De Services Relatif À L’appui Aux Collectivités Territoriales Pour Opérationnaliser Les Mécanismes De La Démocratie Participative Au Niveau Local
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Public service contract for the Design and Works Supervision of two Eco-Friendly Schools in Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Consultation pour le développement et la mise en œuvre d’une plateforme d’authentification de diplômes relatifs à la formation professionnelle
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Information Communication and Technology
Marché de services relatif à l’élaboration d’une stratégie et d’un plan de communication et réseautage
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Appel à propositions dans le cadre de l’intervention TADAFOR
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Call for proposals for Awareness in schools on Gender based Violence/Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights and protection
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health, Women Rights and Empowerment
Enabel est à la recherche d’un prestataire de services pour l’appui à la rédaction des projets de co-création
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Provide Consultancy Services:Gender Assessment”Increasing the benefits of the work of women,youth and small farmers as change leaders in the value chain of fresh vegetables”
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Food Security
Consultancy to Conduct Training on mobilization,lobbying,advocacy,accountability and law enforcement mechanisms
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Entrepreneurship, Food Security
Appel à manifestation d’intérêt aux les associations et/ou Organisations de la Société Civile (OSC) à renforcer les capacités dans le domaine de la lutte contre la cyberviolence à l’égard des femmes
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Marché de services relatif à de l’expertise en matière de fiscalité
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
De consultance pour animer des ateliers régionaux de formation pour la Société Civile sur la thématique de la cyberviolence
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Marché de services relatif à l’appui et l’exécution d’activités RH en matière d’assessment center et de development center
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Consultancy service for the co-production of a collective artwork in 8 schools of East Jerusalem
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Service Procurement Contract for a senior“business-meets-data”analyst for a situational analysis and co-design of a roadmap to guide the development of an online skills-based job matching platform for the Palestinian labour market
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education
Marché de Services relatif à la réalisation d’un catalogue des formations des Centres de Ressources – Extended
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Education
Services procurement contract for “Video’s Production, Animation, and Photography Services”
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Media Development
Services procurement contract for “Conducting Need Assessment Study of a Vocational Education University in Nablus”
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education
Local economic assessment and vulnerability mapping analysis
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Social Development
Services Contract relating to Support for the deployment of digital platforms for citizen participation in 6 municipalities Moroccan
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Information Communication and Technology
Service Procurement Contract “Consultant for World Skills Competition 2024”
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education
Consultancy services for the design and supervision of rehabilitation works at Al-Nithamiyah school in Beit Hanina”
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
21st Century Skills Training “Youth Economic Empowerment in Palestine (YEP)”
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education
Marché de Services relatif à la l’appui de la division de placement à l’international pour l’élaboration et le déploiement terrain des modules en lien avec la mobilité à l’international et sur la destination Belgique
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consultancy service to support the role of the NDC Climate Finance and Fund-Raising Expert in Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Consultancy service to support the role of the NDC In-Country facilitator in Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Waste Management
Mission de consultance pour développer un programme de formations pour la Société Civile sur la thématique de la cyberviolence
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Couverture médias des activités réalisées dans le cadre du projet Link up Africa
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Media Development
Deux sessions de formation en perfectionnement technique à destination de jeunes demandeurs d’emploi de la région Ben Arous
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Youth Empowerment
à développer une masse critique de participation citoyenne au Maroc pour renforcer la gouvernance locale à travers la transparence
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Marché de services relatif à la rédaction de spécifications technico-fonctionnelles pour le développement d’une plateforme numérique pour l’authentification des diplômes de la formation professionnelle
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Wehubit Programme to support Projects using Digital Technologies
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Appui à la mise en place du système de monitoring et évaluation et à la ligne de base du programme de lutte contre les VBG en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
A facilitator to lead a strategic reflection workshop-ENABEL
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Consultancy service to identify and clarify the database requirements at the DG Buildings at the MoE
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
La Création De L’identité Visuelle Du Projet Enabel- Aecid De Lutte Contre Les Vbg En Tunisie.
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment
Gender Consultant to support the formulation of a joint EU program on developing & empowering Palestinian Digital Economy
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Information Communication and Technology
Digital Consultants to support the formulation of a joint EU program on developing & empowering Palestinian Digital Economy
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Information Communication and Technology
Consultancy service to identify and clarify the database requirements at the DG Buildings at the MoE
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Public works contract for the Development of Semi-Public Spaces in East Jerusalem
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education, Infrastructure
Service Procurement Contract “Framework Consultancy Service for the Mental Health & Wellbeing Support to Enabel Staff Members and their Families”
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health
Elaboration d’un plan de formation pour le renforcement des compétences en fonction des besoins du Ministère de l’Intérieur (MI), de la Direction Générale de la Sûreté Nationale (DGSN) et la Gendarmerie Royale (GR) sur la thématique de la lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment
Consultancy Service for “Conducting Comprehensive assessment of the solar water heating system in Palestine: A Study on Adoption, Performance, Alternatives, and Market Analysis”
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Réalisation d’une étude de ligne de base du projet d’appui aux services de sécurité sur la thématique de la lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes (Basma)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Public service contract for the comprehensive environmental assessment of existing school buildings in Palestine-(ADDENDUM No 1)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy, Waste Management, Water and Wastewater
Caring for Caregivers Supporting the psychological health and well-being of youth caregiver
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health
Services for conducting In-depth organizational development needs Assessment for the Palestinian Federation of Industry-PFI
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Industry
Marché de Services relatif à la réalisation de deux sessions de formation sur le montage et la gestion de projet dans le domaine du développement social (focus migration) au profit d’acteurs de la région Souss Massa
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Marché de Services relatif à la réalisation d’un cycle de formation sur la thématique de « Santé & Migration » au profit du personnel de santé des Directions Régionales de la Santé à Béni Mellal-Khénifra et Souss Massa
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Marché de Services relatif à des prestations d’accompagnement de la Direction régionale de la santé de Béni Mellal – Khénifra pour l’élaboration d’un plan d’action régional pour la Santé des Migrants
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Etude de faisabilité du Centre régional d’Orientation et d’Accompagnement des Migrants COAM
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Développement d’outils et de renforcement des compétences des conseillers en emploi sur l’international et la destination Belgique
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
Marché de Services relatif à la réalisation de « deux modules de formation dans le domaine migratoire au profit des éluEs de la région de Beni Mellal- Khenifra »
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultancy Service for Soft Skills Training
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors:
Supporting women to develop sustainable micro- or small businesses that enable them to generate income and enhance their economic independence
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Consultancy Service for Design and Implement Awareness Raising Activities
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy
Public service contract for the Design and Works Supervision of Four Eco-Friendly Schools in Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Réalisation de deux sessions de formation dans le domaine migratoire
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Réalisation de 4 capsules video et un film global
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Education
Production d’une plateforme de capitalisation
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Consultancy Service for designing and implementing sustainability plans for 5 Innovation hubs
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consultancy Service for updating and translating the 21st century skills manual for selected innovation Hubs in Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education
Consultancy Service for capacity building training for Private sector umbrellas and vocation training center
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education
Call for proposal under Youth Economic Empowerment in Palestine (YEP) as part of the EU-funded Youth Empowerment Program (WBL)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education, Youth Empowerment
Réalisation de campagnes de mobilisation, sensibilisation à l’entrepreneuriat d’étudiants et jeunes lauréats originaire d’Afrique subsaharienne, et sélection de porteurs d’idées – Extension
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Réalisation d’un cycle de formations
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Consultancy Service for End-Term Review
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Etat des lieux de l’entrepreneuriat étudiant (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Public services contract for “The design and supervision of a Public space in Beit Safafa and Al-Sheikh Saad”
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Infrastructure
Developing Management Information System for SAWA Project
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors:
Public services contract for “The design and supervision of a Public space in Sharafat in East Jerusalem” (Re-Advertised II)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Infrastructure
Etat des lieux de l’entrepreneuriat étudiant
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Improving the Availability and Accessibility of Youth and their Caregivers to Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services in West Bank
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration, Social Development
Support Multisectoral Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and Gender-based Violence (GBV) response Services
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health, Women Rights and Empowerment
Réalisation de deux capsules vidéo promotionnelles
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Renforcement de capacités sur l’égalité de genre et l’inclusion des jeunes dans la participation citoyenne au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
Cartographie des étudiants et jeunes diplômés originaires d’Afrique subsaharienne au Maroc, de leurs caractéristiques et ambitions professionnelles
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Consultancy Services for conducting Joint Analysis (JA) for the Team Europe Initiative (TEI) Entrepreneurship Component
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Awareness and Advocacy towards Palestinian Duty Bearers on Youth Human Rights
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Human Rights
Consultancy Service for Baseline Assessment
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Public Service Contract for Design and Supervision of Connection PV Monitoring Systems in the West Bank
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Marché de services relatif à un appui à la préparation du programme de coopération Maroc-Belgique pour y intégrer une approche transformatrice de genre
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Marché de services relatif à l’élaboration d’une étude sectorielle sur le marché de l’emploi dans la région de l’Oriental (Maroc)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Conducting a curriculum development/upgrading and training of trainers on the newly developed or upgraded curricula, following the Complex Task Approach as specified in the nationally approved Standardized Curriculum Development for TVET,under YEP project
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education, Youth Empowerment
Etude sectorielle sur le marché de l’emploi dans la région de l’Oriental
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Mental Health Community-based Awareness Campaign
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health
Awareness on Gender-based Violence (GBV), Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and support to coordination among GBV/SRHR service Providers
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
Réalisation d’une formation sur la Communication orientée migration
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Formation sur la collecte et éthiques des données
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Réalisation d’une formation sur les techniques de capitalisation orientée migration
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Media Services Framework Contract for Gaza Interventions
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors:
Réalisation d’une étude sur les initiatives, les dynamiques et les associations de la diaspora de la région de Béni Mellal -Khénifra
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Mise en place du plan particulier de sécurité de Enabel
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors:
Mise en place d’un plan particulier de sécurité/gestion de risques Enabel Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors:
Création d’un cours en ligne sur la Confiance numérique, la protection des données et la cybersécurité
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Information Communication and Technology
Etude de faisabilité du centre d’orientation et d’accompagnement des migrants – COAM de la région de SM
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultancy Services for Baseline Assessments
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Environment and Energy, Waste Management, Climate Change and Global Warming
Action Research on the Skills Development
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth, Youth Empowerment
Needs assessment for business support services and identification f support areas and approaches
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Analyse des données relatives aux études et services d’accompagnement fournis en matière d’accès aux droits des migrants, réfugiés et demandeurs d’asile
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Support for Vulnerable Children as Part of the Education and Learning (QEL), Empowered Youth in a Green Palestine Portfolio
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education, Youth Empowerment
Call for Proposals: Support to quality extracurricular STEAM activities as Part of the Education and Learning (QEL),Empowered Youth in a Green Palestine Portfolio
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Enhance Resilience of micro businesses and create sustainable livelihood opportunities in the Gaza Strip–SAWA Project
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth, Youth Empowerment
Call for Proposals: Support to quality extracurricular STEAM activities as part of the Education and Learning (QEL)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Consultancy Services for Baseline Assessments (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health, Economic Growth, Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Environment and Energy, Waste Management, Climate Change and Global Warming
Appui à l’intégration de la dimension migratoire dans les Plans d’Action Communaux des communes territoriales de Oujda, Berkane, Nador et Driouch
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Public services contract for Participatory design and supervision of Public and Semi-Public spaces in East Jerusalem
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Support Vulnerable Youth to Develop Micro-or Small Business Relevant to Their Local Economies
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Public services contract for Participatory design and supervision of Public and Semi- Public spaces in East Jerusalem
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Infrastructure
Call for Proposals under the intervention: Youth Economic Empowerment in Palestine (YEP) as part of the EU-funded Youth Empowerment Program-WBL
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Public service contract for Manual of Operations for the First Employment Facility operated by the Palestinian Employment Fund
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth, Youth Empowerment
Consultant Buildings Maintenance Worker Curriculum Content Development
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Agriculture
Consultant Agriculture Equipment Mechanical Curriculum Content Development
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education, Economic Growth, Agriculture
Development of AIMS version #2
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Youth Economic Empowerment in Palestine (YEP) as part of the EU-funded Youth Empowerment Program – Business Development
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Consultancy Services for experts (assessors) to assist in the evaluation of grant applications received in the framework of the YEP
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
Public service contract for Meta-analysis of the labor market and training needs in Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education, Youth Empowerment
Service contract in the field of sustainable bioclimatic architecture in the partner countries of the Belgian development cooperation
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure, Water and Wastewater
la mise à contribution d’expert pour assurer le suivi de l’accompagnement pré et post création des bénéficiaires MBI
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
Marché de Services relatif à des prestations d’appui à l’intégration de la dimension migratoire dans les Plans d’Action Communaux des communes territoriales de Belfaa, Sidi Bibi et Ait Amira
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Prestation de services Pour la conception et l’impression-exécution de documents-de visuels et d’outils de communication et visibilité.
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
Update the Energy Efficiency Code and Green Building Guidelines
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Réalisation des sessions de formation dans le domaine de la transformation digitale au profit des fonctionnaires des Administrations marocaines
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Information Communication and Technology
l’Elaboration d’un guide d’assistance sociale intégrant la dimension migratoire au profit des travailleurs sociaux de l’Entraide Nationale
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Baseline Assessment: “Youth Economic Empowerment in Palestine (YEP)”
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Digitalisation de deux modules de formation dans le domaine migratoire au profit de l’Entraide Nationale
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Education, Refugees and Migration, Information Communication and Technology
Consultancy for Environmental Awareness Activities in Schools of East Jerusalem
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education, Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Formation des cadres de la Direction des Affaires de la Migration sur la communication et les enjeux d’intégration socioéconomique des personnes migrantes dans le cadre de la SNIA
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
L’élaboration d’outils Auto-Emploi au profit des personnes migrantes et réfugiées régularisées
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
HR Recruitment Support Services
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors:
Implémentation des services d’expertise en accompagnement à l’emploi
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) of interventions implemented by Enabel (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors:
Conception et déploiement d’une campagne de promotion des dattes marocaines dans les GMS du Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Agriculture
Prestation des services pour la conception et l’impression/exécution de documents, de visuels et d’outils de communication et visibilité
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
le développement des supports de communication digitale et lancement d’une campagne digitale au profit des GIE partenaires du PAGIE
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Agriculture
Renforcement des compétences de l’Entraide Nationale dans la gestion des situations de crise avec un focus sur la population migrante
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Building Purchase Assessment Consultancy
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Infrastructure
Accompagnement de coopératives de services pour la réalisation de leurs business plan
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Agriculture
L’élaboration d’outils en Emploi au profit des personnes migrantes et réfugiées régularisées.
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Formation sur les bonnes pratiques en matière d’auto emploi
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
PMO- Human Capacity Empowerment & Network and Security Enhancement
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Developing Management Information System for SAWA project
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
Implémentation d’une solution digitale pour la gestion des candidatures
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Réalisation d’une étude sur l’écosystème entrepreneurial de la région Béni Mellal – Khénfira, et la région de l’oriental (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
Plateforme e-learning d’e-TAMKEEN
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Appui à la création d’un réseau d’ambassadeurs économiques
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Contractualisation de ressource(s) pour la prise de notes des rencontres et évènements organisés par le projet
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Appui à la modération des événements
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Design and Supervision of innovation hubs in Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Infrastructure
Marché de Services relatif à la « réalisation des formations en e-learning »
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Réalisation des sessions de formation dans le domaine de la transformation digitale au profit des fonctionnaires des Administrations marocaines
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Information Communication and Technology
Conception et production des supports de communication au profit des GIE partenaires du PAGIE
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Agriculture
Contrat-cadre pour la réalisation d’audit de projets de développement
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors:
Mise en place d’une plateforme de E-learning au profit de l’Entraide Nationale.
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Mise en place d’un dispositif de gestion des situations de crise à l’Entraide Nationale avec focus sur la population migrante
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Recrutement d’un formateur expert en communication digitale
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Implementation of a smart home training program
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Youth Empowerment, Environment and Energy
The final inspection of works of installation of roof-top photovoltaic (PV) panels on schools in the occupied Palestinian territory
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Environmental and Climate Change Assessments and Strategic Plans in Selected Clusters
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Climate Change and Global Warming
Training of teachers and supervisors in a fablab setting including 21st Century skills development, STEAM subjects integration and Project Based Learning
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Marché de services Digitalisation du système de suivi du projet Amuddu
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Réalisation de l’étude de ligne de base du projet THAMM
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Recrutement d’une équipe d’experts dans le cadre du renforcement de compétences du personnel de justice et des avocats
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Marché de service pour la réalisation de formation sur : les droits des migrant(e)s au Maroc entre la legislation national et les conventions internationales
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Senior programmer and Tester
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
System Manager- Operator
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Data Analyst and Reporting
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
La réalisation des sessions de formation dans le domaine migratoire au profit du personnel de l’Entraide Nationale pour renforcer ses capacités de prise en charge de la population migrante
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
System Manager- Operator
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Senior programmer and Tester
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Data Analyst and Reporting
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Etude de base (Baseline) du projet de dépoilement des politiques migratoires au niveau régional
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
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Awarded Projects
Consultancy for Design and Supervision of School (lot 2)
Awarding date: , Location: Palestine , Budget: EUR 38,490.00
Consultancy for Design and Supervision of School (lot1)
Awarding date: , Location: Palestine , Budget: EUR 30,835.00
Design and Supervision of a Semi‐Public Space in Collège des Frère
Awarding date: , Location: Palestine , Budget: EUR 25,830.00
Environmental Awareness Animation Movies
Awarding date: , Location: Palestine , Budget: EUR 13,506.00
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Current and Previous Partners Worked With Enabel-Belgian Development Agency
Logo | Name | Category | Countries of Coverage | Sectors & Services |
Consulting Firm
Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Yemen
Education, Economic Growth, Democratic Governance, Agriculture, Social Development, Trade
Consulting Firm
Health, Agriculture, Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Consulting Firm
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Human Rights, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Social Development, Urban & Rural Development, Water and Wastewater, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
National and Regional NGO
Morocco, Tunisia
Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Agriculture, Environment and Energy, Refugees and Migration, Social Development, Tourism, Trade
National and Regional NGO
Agriculture, Environment and Energy, Women Rights and Empowerment
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Agriculture, Child Rights, Economic Growth, Education, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Health, Industry, Information Communication and Technology, Infrastructure, Social Development, Trade, Urban & Rural Development, Water and Wastewater, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Lebanon, Morocco, Qatar, Sudan, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Education, Health, Women Rights and Empowerment, Agriculture, Water and Wastewater, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration
Consulting Firm
Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia
International Organization
Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia
Democratic Governance, Human Rights, Social Development
International Organization
Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment
International Organization
Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Democratic Governance, Youth Empowerment, Human Rights, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Social Development, Waste Management
International Organization
Morocco, Palestine
Education, Health, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Social Development
International Organization
Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia
Education, Health, Economic Growth, Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment, Child Rights, Human Rights, Agriculture, Infrastructure, Urban & Rural Development, Water and Wastewater, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Arts and Culture, Media Development, Social Development, Trade, Food Security
International Organization
Jordan, Palestine, Syria
Arts and Culture, Child Rights, Education, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Health, Humanitarian aid, Information Communication and Technology, Refugees and Migration, Social Development, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
International Organization
Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria
Arts and Culture, Child Rights, Democratic Governance, Education, Entrepreneurship, Health, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Social Development, Women Rights and Empowerment
Consulting Firm
Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment, Information Communication and Technology
Consulting Firm
Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Humanitarian aid
National and Regional NGO
Child Rights, Women Rights and Empowerment
International Organization
Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Tunisia, Yemen
Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Consulting Firm
Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, Turkey, Yemen
Arts and Culture, Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Education, Refugees and Migration, Social Development, Women Rights and Empowerment
National and Regional NGO
Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
National and Regional NGO
Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Tourism, Waste Management, Youth Empowerment
Consulting Firm
Arts and Culture, Economic Growth, Health, Refugees and Migration, Social Development, Women Rights and Empowerment
Consulting Firm
Education, Environment and Energy, Waste Management, Water and Wastewater
Consulting Firm
Sudan, Yemen
Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Education, Food Security, Health, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Social Development, Water and Wastewater, Women Rights and Empowerment
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Agriculture, Arts and Culture, Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Education, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Human Rights, Humanitarian aid, Industry, Infrastructure, Refugees and Migration, Trade, Urban & Rural Development, Waste Management, Water and Wastewater, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Child Rights, Education, Health, Women Rights and Empowerment
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Agriculture, Arts and Culture, Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Education, Entrepreneurship, Health, Human Rights, Humanitarian aid, Information Communication and Technology, Refugees and Migration, Social Development, Tourism, Trade, Urban & Rural Development, Water and Wastewater, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Climate Change and Global Warming, Food Security
Consulting Firm
Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey
Environment and Energy, Infrastructure, Social Development
International Organization
Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Turkey
Economic Growth, Education, Health, Urban & Rural Development, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
National and Regional NGO
Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Education, Health
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Health, Humanitarian aid
International Organization
Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Turkey, Yemen
Human Rights, Humanitarian aid, Social Development
International Organization
Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia
Education, Environment and Energy, Humanitarian aid
Consulting Firm
Environment and Energy
International Organization
Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen
Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Social Development
National and Regional NGO
Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
National and Regional NGO
Arts and Culture, Child Rights, Education, Social Development
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Yemen
Economic Growth, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration
National and Regional NGO
Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Social Development
National and Regional NGO
Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Consulting Firm
Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia
Environment and Energy, Infrastructure, Urban & Rural Development, Water and Wastewater
National and Regional NGO
Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Education, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
National and Regional NGO
Democratic Governance, Information Communication and Technology, Refugees and Migration, Urban & Rural Development
Consulting Firm
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates
Agriculture, Arts and Culture, Climate Change and Global Warming, Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Education, Entrepreneurship, Food Security, Health, Human Rights, Humanitarian aid, Information Communication and Technology, Media Development, Social Development, Tourism, Trade, Urban & Rural Development, Waste Management, Water and Wastewater, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
Palestinian Employment Portal |
Palestinian Fund for Employment and Social Protection |
Insights (Training-Research-Polling) |
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