UNICEF is the driving force that helps build a world where the rights of every child are realized. The Agency has the global authority to influence decision-makers, and the variety of partners at grassroots level to turn the most innovative ideas into reality. That makes UNICEF unique among world organizations, and unique among those working with the young. UNICEF believes that nurturing and caring for children are the cornerstones of human progress. UNICEF was created with this purpose in mind – to work with others to overcome the obstacles that poverty, violence, disease and discrimination place in a child’s path. The agency believes that together, we can advance the cause of humanity.
Profile Information
Bilateral and Multilateral AgencySectors of Interest:
Child Rights, Education, Health, Women Rights and EmpowermentSubsectors of Interest:
Women equity and equality, Basic Education, Education policy , HIV prevention and support, Ending violence against women and girls, Maternal-child health, Child protectionCountry of Coverage:
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, YemenHeadquarters:
United States
Contact Information

- https://www.unicef.org/
info@unicef.org - Iliana Albino
Deputy Director UNICEF/GenU and Global lead on Partnerships
nalbino@unicef.org - Machane Daniel
Strategic Operations and Executive Communications
mdaniel@unicef.org - Dorian Druelle
Global Fundraising Manager Emergencies
ddruelle@unicef.org - Kerry Albright
Deputy Director Principal Adviser Evaluation
Procurement Notices by UNICEF
Consultancy for supporting cities in the Gulf in the next phase of the CFCI planning cycle
Country of Coverage: United Arab Emirates, Sectors: Child Rights, Urban & Rural Development
Short-term Individual National Consultancy for Development of Tools, Guidelines and Materials for Child Rights Curricula in Two Universities
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights, Education
Consultant – Learning & Development Specialist, Division of People and Culture
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Improving access to quality and protective education for children in areas of need within the Syrian Arab Republic
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Education
WASH Public and Private Sector Capacity assessment and short/medium terms sector and investment planning at federal and states level
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Evaluation of UNICEF Yemen’s Solar Energy Activities
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Environment and Energy
International Indvidual Consultant to Develop Guidelines for Frontline Workers, Community-Based Organizations, and NGOs on Conducting Community Consultations for Safeguarding During Emergencies, Gaza, SOP
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Social Development
Call for Expression of Interest Empowerment and Protection of Women and Girls
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights, Women Rights and Empowerment
EVM Support Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Strengthening National Capacities and Standards for Communication Around Social Protection in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Media Development, Social Development
Adolescent and Youth Innovation Challenge Fund Expression of Interests
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology, Youth Empowerment
National Individual Consultant: Needs Assessment Specialist for West Bank Child Protection Needs Assessment
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultant: Programs -Tunisia, Education Outcomes Fund (EOF), Hosted Fund
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education
Short Term National Institutional Services for Data Collection through Household Surveys for a Perception Analysis towards Foster Care Services in Türkiye
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Recruitment of a Consultant/Consultants to support the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE) in developing interactive digital learning content
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Consultancy Title: Expert on CSO Engagement in the Social Protection Sector (Open for Jordanians only)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Social Development
National Consultancy: Sudan Primary Education Emergency Support Project (SPEEP) – School Grant
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education
Production and promotion of a Community Engagement Campaign aimed at enhancing communities’ access to reporting channels and access to preventive protection measures and practices
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
International Consultant-Children’s Climate Risk Index & Disaster Risk Model
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Child Rights, Climate Change and Global Warming
Establishment of Long-Term Arrangements for Provision of High-Quality Multimedia Production Services
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Child Rights
Baseline Assessment for UNICEF-Supported Health Facilities under the SHARE Project
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health
Promoting Youth Skilling, Employability, Entrepreneurship and Social Engagement in Mosul City and Jadaa 1 camp
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
National Consultancy: Social Welfare Fund Capacity Building Consultant
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Social Development
International Consultancy: Consolidated Emergency Report (CER), Writing and Editing, Syria Country Office
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Senior Social Protection Design Consultant Child Grant Programme (CGP)
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
(TOR) for media monitoring, social listening, and analysis solutions
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Child Rights
Demande d’Expression d’Intérêt (DEI) pour une Étude de Marché pour l’UNICEF Algérie
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Child Rights
Individual Consultant for Adaptation of the Global Community Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselling Package (CIYCF) for Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights, Health
Food and Nutrition Environment Assessment Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Food Security
National Consultancy Services for Preventing Violence, Abuse, and Neglect Among 7-18 Age Groups Through Targeted Training Programmes for Children and Parents
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights
Long Term Agreement for Media/Creative Agency with special focus on emergency response
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Senior Social Protection Consultant
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Social Development
International consultant to support UNICEF Sudan Country Office (SCO) to develop 2026-2028 Country Programme Document and related documentation
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Appel à consultation pour le recrutement d’une équipe d’experts (es) ou Bureau d’Études pour l’appui à la promotion des services de la médiation familiale en deux lots
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultant Individuel-Evaluation Projet (Accompagnement des adolescent.e.s et des jeunes)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Education
MCCT+: Cash and integrated social protection services including lifesaving H&N; and WASH interventions provided to lactating and pregnant women and their infants under 2 with SBC in Atbara & Aldamer localities targeted PHC
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health, Humanitarian aid
Consultant : LTA for the Provision of Logistics Services
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Consultant : Conduct Secondary Analysis of the Data Generated by the Study on Violence Against Children in School Setting in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy – Automated Information Flow and Alert Dashboard Developer, EMOPS
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights
Short Term National Institutional Consultancy under ACAR Project – Collaboration Program with Civil Society Organizations on Knowledge Generation and Monitoring
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights
Renforcement des capacités du Centre National des Technologies en Education (CNTE) et des centres de la deuxième chance pour l’administration et l’utilisation du Système d’Information
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Maternal and Newborn Emergency Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Consultancy: Technical Coordinator – for the National Social Protection Strategy’s Implementation Support Unit at the Ministry of Social Development
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultant : Recruitment of a Country Programme Development Expert
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Republication: Recrutement d’un.e Consultant.e international.e chargé.e du développement de la stratégie climatique de UNICEF Tunisie et l’appui au renforcement des actions climatiques dans son programme pays
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Fournir des kits de démonstration réalistes pour les séances pratiques de formation des personnels de santé en allaitement
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Establishing Local Long-Term Arrangements for Engineering Services in Sudan Country office
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Establishment of Long Term Arrangement (LTA) National Institutional Services for Engineering Services in Turkiye & Northwest Syria (Re-advertised)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Infrastructure
Establishment of Long Term Arrangement (LTA) National Institutional Services for Construction in Turkiye & Northwest Syria
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Infrastructure
Employability and Empowerment of Youth in Crisis- III
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education, Youth Empowerment
National Consultancy: Cash Plus Consultant , Hodeidah, Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Social Development
International Consultant (Review and Edit of OOSC Study and Strategy)
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Education
Republication : Analyse des besoins pour une revalorisation des allocations familiales du secteur contributif en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Social Development
Call for Expression of Interest-Youth Empowerment
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education, Entrepreneurship
Call for Expressions of Interest to support community mobilization and engagement towards FGM elimination(Updated)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
MCCT+:Cash and integrated social protection services incl. lifesaving health and nutrition interventions provided to lactating and pregnant women
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Consultancy : Human Resources Consultant, MENARO
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors:
Consultant Individuel National-Analyse de la santé environnementale des enfants
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Health
Consultancy: Consultant for Effective Presentation Techniques Training
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Consultancy for project coordination
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Adolescent and Youth Innovation Challenge Fund Expression of Interests
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Information Communication and Technology, Social Development
Élaboration des standards d’infrastructure et services d’EHA résilient au climat avec un focus sur la PCI dans les Centres de Santé de Base
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Consultant Individuel National-Renforcement de la protection de remplacement des enfants privés de protection familiale
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights
Elaboration des standards d’infrastructure et services d’EHA (Eau, hygiène et assainissement résilient au climat avec un focus sur la PCI (Prevention et contrôle des infections)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health, Water and Wastewater
Green Visions and Thriving Futures: Empowering Youth for Sustainable Impact in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Education, Youth Empowerment
EPICs Consultant : Beirut Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Provision of Psychosocial Support Services in high-risk and emergency duty stations
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Long Term Arrangement (LTA) for the Provision of Media Monitoring services for Yemen Country Office
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Child Rights
Provision of Integrated lifesaving Health and Nutrition interventions in 18 states in Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health
Reaching Every Child In Emergencies “IBB”
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Child Rights, Humanitarian aid
Establish an LTA for videography services on the situation of children & women in support of UNICEF’s advocacy and programme communication activities
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Child Rights
International Consultancy _ Health Master plan for Social Health insurance consultancy with Iraq country office (International)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Health, Information Communication and Technology
Consultancy for strategic Note for WASH Programme in Egypt country office – Internationals only
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Providing health and nutrition services, and Social behavior change activities for children, adolescent girls, pregnant and breastfeeding lactating women
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Health
Humanitarian and Resilient WASH interventions in NWS
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Humanitarian aid, Water and Wastewater
Consultant national pour l’Evolution du Dossier Electronique de Vaccination– DEVAC
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health
Consultant :Services D’organisation Et De Gestion D’événements Un Au Maroc.
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health
Consultant: Supporting Sharjah in the next phase of the CFCI planning cycle
Country of Coverage: United Arab Emirates, Sectors: Child Rights, Urban & Rural Development
National Consultant – Digital Learning Junior Consultants
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education
National Consultant (Digital Learning Consultant) Education Section
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education
National Consultant for Safe School Initiative (Master Trainer and Content Team Lead)
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultation internationale: Consultant. e spécialisé.e dans la chaine d’approvisionnement des vaccins
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Republication: Recrutement d’un expert national en (Care for Child Development) CCD
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Enhancing Employability and Skills Development Among Vulnerable Adolescents and Young People
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education, Refugees and Migration
Climate Change and youth led environment action in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Youth Empowerment
International Consultancy :(Education) TO support UNICEF Sudan in preparing the GPE-funded application for the STG
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education, Humanitarian aid
Long Term Agreement (LTA) for trainings on Hygiene Promotion, Social and Behaviour Change
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health, Water and Wastewater
Accompagnement institutionnel et technique pour la mise en place d’un système de management basé sur la qualité et visant à obtenir la certification ISO 21001
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
WASH and Hygiene Initiatives in Al Jawf Governorate, Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Health, Water and Wastewater
Consultant Individuel National-Chargé de Protection–Dispositifs Territoriaux Intégrés de Protection de l’Enfance (DTIPE)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights
Long-terms agreement for financial service (money transfer services – Inside Syria) for one year
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors:
Consultancy: Data Processing for MENA SDG report
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights
Diagnostic & développement des dossiers techniques, des travaux d’aménagement des Centres de 2eme chance dans 18 Gouvernorats en Tunisie y inclus l’équipement
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Consultancy: Mapping of Early Childhood and Parenting Policies, Programme and Interventions
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Education
Research and Documentation of Innovative Methods and Tools for Capturing Output, Outcomes, Impact and Contributions to Adolescent Girl Empowerment
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Public Partner Project Consultant
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Democratic Governance
International Consultancy : Artificial Intelligence consultant for Country Programme Evaluation
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
International Consultant to support the adaptation of the 2023 WHO guideline on the prevention and management of wasting in children under 5 years to the Syrian context, Damascus
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Health
Établissement d’Accords Locaux à Long Terme (LTA) pour les Services d’études, développement des dossiers techniques, ainsi que le suivi et contrôle de la qualité des travaux de construction
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Infrastructure
Nutrition environment assessment in schools
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Consultation Nationale: Recrutement d’un.e Consultant.e Junior protection sociale et défense sociale
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Social Development
Time Bound Long Term Arrangement for Design,Supervision and Consultancy Services
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
National Individual Consultant to support ADAP/Digital Learning
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education
Consultant : Analyse des besoins pour une revalorisation des allocations familiales du secteur contributif en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Social Development
Child rights in the green transition: just and equitable transitions from the perspective of child rights – in country research
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights, Climate Change and Global Warming
Develop a customized e-assessment system for reading within an existing open-source educational software application
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Promoting Young people Skilling and Green Skills, Employability, Entrepreneurship and Meaning Engagement of young people and communities in climate action
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Youth Empowerment
Evaluation of UNICEF Yemen’s Solar Energy Activities
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Long Term National Institutional Services for Engineering Services in Turkiye & Northwest Syria
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Infrastructure
Consultant: Formative Evaluation of Climate education and Action among Children and Young People in the United Arab Emirates
Country of Coverage: United Arab Emirates, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Education
Immunization Supply Chain Management Consultant, UNICEF Jordan Country Office
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health
Promoting Girls’ Empowerment Through Dawwie- the National Girls’ Empowerment Initiative
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Immunization Supply Chain Management Consultant
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health
Recrutement d’un bureau d’études pour la collecte de données qualitatives d’une étude mixte sur le cout financier pour les ménages induit par la présence d’un enfant en situation de handicap
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Mixed-methods data collection for conducting an impact assessment of the Maternal and Child Cash Transfers Plus for the 1,000 days of life (MCCT+) in Sudan: Phase IV Programme
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health, Social Development
National Consultancy for Training and Content Development on Children’s Access to Justice and Discrimination For Lawyers Working With/for Children
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights, Democratic Governance
Short-term Individual National Consultancy for Training and Content Development on Civil Law for Lawyers Working With/for Children
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights, Democratic Governance
Short-term Individual National Consultancy for Training and Content Development on Criminal & Criminal Procedures Law for Lawyers Working With/for Children
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights, Democratic Governance
Short-term Individual National Consultancy for Training Programming Development for Lawyers Working With/for Children
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights, Democratic Governance
Short-term Individual National Consultancy for Training and Content Development on Children’s Statement and Social Investigation Report for Lawyers Working With/for Children
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights
Short-term Individual National Consultancy for Training and Content Development on Forensic Medicine for Lawyers Working With/for Children
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Health
National Consultancy for Training and Content Development Psychology and Development of Children for Lawyers Working With/for Children
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights, Democratic Governance
National Consultancy for Training and Content Development on Child Friendly Procedures for Lawyers Working With/for Children
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights
National Consultancy for Training and Content Development on Private Law for Lawyers
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights, Democratic Governance
National Consultancy for Training and Content Development on Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights, Democratic Governance
UNICEF Jordan Support to Vocational Training Cooperation (VTC)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education
Consultation pour le développement de normes et des standards d’accueil, d’encadrement et de prise en charge des enfants accueillis dans les centres sous la tutelle du ministère des Affaires Sociales
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Consultancy for integration of GBViE within existing child protection services for Sudanese refugees, migrants, and asylum seekers in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights, Refugees and Migration, Women Rights and Empowerment
Short Term National Institutional Research Consultancy for Digital Ecosystem for Teacher Training Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education, Information Communication and Technology
Consultant International pour Appui technique à l’élaboration de la stratégie nationale de la triple élimination de la transmission Mère-Enfant du VIH, de la syphilis et de l’hépatite B
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health
Consultancy : Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Private Sector Service Delivery Study
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education
Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Private Sector Service Delivery Study
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education
Management and delivery of life saving Health and Nutrition supplies for improved child and maternal health in North West Syria
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Provision of life saving integrated health and nutrition services to children, adolescents, women and adults in high priority locations of Northwest Syria
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
National Institutional Services for Construction (Design Drawing, Ground Preparation, Manufacturing, and Installation of Modular Buildings) in Türkiye & Northwest Syria
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Infrastructure
Consultancy to Support MENARO Education and ADAP teams on PROSPECTs regional exchange and showcasing Learning to Earning
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Education, Refugees and Migration
Professional consultancy to support the development of the MENARO 2026-2029 Regional Office Management Plan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Child Rights
Professional consultancy to support the development of the MENARO 2026-2029 Regional Office Management Plan
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights
Vaccine and logistics management to support EPI services in Northwest Syria
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Health
Appel d’offres pour le recrutement d’une agence d’organisation évènementielle a Tindouf
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Child Rights, Refugees and Migration
Readvertisement – Partnerships Consultant (Reports & Proposals)
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors:
Software Development National Consultant
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Health
Consultancy for Social Policy – Nationals only
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
International Consultant for Study on Formative Lessons Learned and Costed Scale-up Plan for the Child Benefit Pilots
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Child Rights
Evaluation of UNICEF Yemen’s Solar Energy Activities
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Long-term agreement for institutional Firms covering research, data collection, data processing, methodology design, evaluation, and third-party monitoring in Palestine emergency response programs(Updated)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Long Term National Individual Consultancy for the Young and Child Feeding Nutrition with Early Childhood Development
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights, Health
Recrutement d’Un.e Expert.e International.e en Care for Child Development
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Re-publication: Consultation nationale Analyse des besoins pour une revalorisation des allocations familiales
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Social Development
Consultancy :Quantitative researcher on social protection/cash transfers in Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Social Development
Access to improved emergency nutrition services in Saada
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Health
No one Left Behind, in Emergency
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
International Consultancy : High-quality documents are produced by the agreed upon deadlines
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors:
Expanding Specialized and Non-Specialized Child Protection Services for Refugee and Migrant Children, Including Newly Arrived Sudanese
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights, Refugees and Migration
Consultancy: EDF Meeting Facilitator, MENARO
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
International Partnerships Consultant (Reports & Proposals)
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors:
Request for information for Reporting Solutions and Tools
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors:
Consultant – Core and Management Learning, Division of People and Culture
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights
Pre-Qualified Consultants’ Roster of Experts on Social Protection, Cash Transfers, Public Finance for Children, Child Poverty, and Local Governance
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Consultancy: Knowledge Management support in childhood overweight and obesity prevention
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights, Health
Recrutement d’un bureau de consulting pour mener une enquête panel auprès des ménages bénéficiaires du programme d’allocations monétaires pour les enfants de 0-18 ans
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Social Development
Re advertisement, Consultancy for Graphic Designer – Nationals only
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights
Evaluation of the Provision of clean drinking water for the population in Basra City’ project (Basra water project)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Consultant for Updating UNICEF’s Competency Framework and Integrating Humanitarian Competencies, Division of People and Culture
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Provision of Field Data Registration support for programme beneficiaries and frontline workers
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Social Development
Establish Global Long-Term Arrangement for Services (LTAS) for the Provision of High-Quality Technical Expertise to UNICEF on human rights and child rights
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights
Recrutement d’un bureau de consulting pour mener une enquête panel auprès des ménages bénéficiaires du programme d’allocations monétaires pour les enfants de 0-18 ans
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Social Development
International consultancy : Business Analyst
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Empowering Young climate Leaders in primary schools: Capacity Building for Community Initiatives
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Education
National Consultancy: Consultant for the Rollout of the Caring for Child Survivors Toolkit Contextualized
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights, Women Rights and Empowerment
Re- Advertisement: International Consultancy: Information and Knowledge Management Individual Consultant
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Child Rights, Water and Wastewater
National Consultancy:Public Finance Training Workshops
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Improved quality and access of PHC services at health facilities and community centers in the West Bank
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health
WASH Humanitarian Response for Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Humanitarian aid, Water and Wastewater
Promotion de l’allaitement maternel exclusif au sein : renforcement des capacités des professionnels de la santé, information et sensibilisation des futurs parents et parents
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights, Health
Gender and Immunization Technical Support
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Consultant Individuel-Accompagnement des Adolescent.e. s et des jeunes dans leur transition de l’adolescence à l’âge adulte au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Education
International Consultancy _ Health Master plan for Social Health insurance consultancy with Iraq country office (International)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Health
Provision service of development of comprehensive web-based learning portal with offline App
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education
Home-based Gender and Immunization Technical Support
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Short Term National Individual Consultancy for Disability Care: Support to the Ministry of Family and Social Services in analysis of centers-based services for strengthening of provision of early intervention services for children with delays/disabilities
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Consultation nationale: Analyse des besoins pour une revalorisation des allocations familiales
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Social Development
Provision of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services among IDPs, Refugees and vulnerable host communities across Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Humanitarian aid, Water and Wastewater
Consultancy for Graphic Design-Nationals only
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights
Long Term Agreement Consultancy: Character Designer and Illustrator, Amman – Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Child Rights
Long-Term National Institutional Consultancy for Development of Children’s Storybooks under ‘Increasing Quality of and Access to ECE Services Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Subcontracting a Third-party monitoring firm to conduct post distribution monitoring activities for UNICEF Sudan Mother and Child Cash Transfer Plus (MCCT+)
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Child Rights, Humanitarian aid
Graphic Design Services for UNICEF Oman Child Rights
Country of Coverage: Oman, Sectors: Child Rights
International Consultation to support Effective Vaccine Management Assessment and Continuous Improvement Plan
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health
Provision of micro assessments spot checks and special audits for Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfers (HACT) related requirements
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) for Market Survey for UNICEF Libya Country Office
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Re-advertisement: Consultancy for Trainers on mental health and child protection
Country of Coverage: United Arab Emirates, Sectors: Child Rights, Health
Social & Behaviour Change Knowledge Management International Consultant
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors:
Consultant for enhancing partnerships in the Nordic Region, Education Cannot Wait (ECW)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Reaching Every Child In Emergencies in Hodaidah
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Child Rights, Humanitarian aid
Consultancy for Technical assistance to support analysis of Out-of-school Children
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Education
Consultant : Trainer to strengthen institutional capacities on gender equality
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Expert (e) en communication pour l’élaboration et le suivi de la mise en oeuvre d’un plan stratégique de Communication pour le Changement Social et Comportemental (SBC) sur la lutte contre la violence
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Request for proposal: Media for WASH
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Technical support on Assessment of School Nutrition Policies, Interventions and Programmes, and Marketing of Unhealthy Food to Children in Europe and Central Asia
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education, Health
(Re-advertisement) International Consultancy for UNICEF Yemen: Strategies Consultant
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Recrutement d’un Consultant(e) International(e) en allaitement
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Consultant :Public Financing for Primary Health Care
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Health
Consultant: Technical Support for the Development of Oman Country Programme
Country of Coverage: Oman, Sectors: Child Rights
Provision of the support provided by UNICEF to the implementation of the School-Based Management approach in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education
Recrutement d’un.e consultant.e international.e en Code de commercialisation des substituts du lait maternel (SLM)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Education Opportunities for school aged children in Ar-Raqqa governorate
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Education
Providing health and nutrition services, and Social behavior change activities for children, adolescent girls, pregnant and breastfeeding lactating women (Updated)
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Health
Child-Friendly Education Evaluation Consultant
Country of Coverage: Oman, Sectors: Education
STEM Training Programme for Adolescent Girls and Boys for School Year 2024-2025
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education, Information Communication and Technology
Prospects Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (Mel) Consultant
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
National consultancy to support the update of the Situation Analysis of Children and Women in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Child Rights
National Consultancy: Cash Plus Consultant, Hodeidah, Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Social Development
Evaluation of UNICEF Middle East and North Africa Regional Office Management Plan
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights
Recrutement d’une agence pour élaborer l’étude sur l’état des lieux des dispositifs d’accueil et de garde formels et informels du jeune enfant avant sa scolarisation
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Risk & Financial Management Support for New Fund Modality, TREF, for the Lebanese Education Sector
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
Fresques murales et ateliers peintures pour les enfants (Dans le cadre du Projet de Réhabilitation des écoles touchées par le séisme)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights, Education
Recrutement pour formation des professionnels et processus d’institutionnalisation de la pratique du CCD (Care for Child Development) en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Développement d’outils pédagogiques et formation des professionnels des structures d’éducation de la petite enfance et autres centres d’accueil des enfants et adolescents
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Appui technique pour l’opérationnalisation de l’Agence Nationale de l’Aide Sociale (ANAS) au Maroc (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors:
Etude de faisabilité d’options de financement de la réforme de la protection sociale, notamment L’Aide Sociale Directe au Maroc (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Social Development
Syria Partnership Compact Working Group Consultant
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Education
National Individual Consultancy: on Early Childhood Education
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Consultancy : National Expert on NGOs, CBOs, Classification & Rating Mechanisms
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Social Development
Evaluation Consultant with Iraq country office
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education, Health, Social Development
National Consultancy on Cash Plus Pilot Coordination with Social Policy – Al Muthana, Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Social Development
National Consultancy: Cold Chain and Vaccine Management
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Health
Recrutement d’un.e consultant.e international.e pour un appui en communication sur le programme U-Report
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Re-advertisement : International Consultant to Develop Child Protection (CP) Area of Responsibility (AoR) Strategy
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy for Technical expert to support development of Egyptian National Acute Malnutrition Prevention and Management Technical Guidelines
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
National institutional contractor to support the Data Collection and Analysis of the Longitudinal Impact Evaluation of Adolescent Girls’ and Boys’ Empowerment for Elimination of Child Marriage Intervention
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy for Digital learning
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Education
Consultancy: Editor/writer for Middle East and North Africa Regional Office
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Child Rights
International Consultant update the Situation Analysis of Children and Women in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Child Rights, Women Rights and Empowerment
National Consultant to support the development of adapted parenting content
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights
Schools Teaching for Learning Recovery (ST4LR)- RRP & MAPS
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Integrated Social Protection Consultancy
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Social Development
Support to the provision of Education Grant and Teacher Development Packages (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education
Consultation : recrutment d’un ( e) Sociologue pour l’élaboration et le suivi de la mise en oeuvre d’un plan stratégique de Communication pour le Changement Social et Comportemental (SBC) concernant la prévention et la lutte contre la violence
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy: MHPSS in Emergencies Consultant
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Consultation nationale Pour renforcer le mécanisme de la conciliation familiale En Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Développement et mise en œuvre de la stratégie de communication de l’introduction du vaccin contre le HPV en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Consultancy: Child Rights Promotion and Protection in MENA
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights
International Consultancy: Information and Knowledge Management Individual Consultant
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Child Rights, Water and Wastewater
Consultancy support to UNICEF UAE Programme in the area of anti-bullying and youth engagement in UAE
Country of Coverage: United Arab Emirates, Sectors: Child Rights
Développement d’un module de formation sur l’audition de l’enfant victime de violence
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Short-Term National Institutional Consultancy: Education Technology Services Consultancy for Digital Ecosystem for Teacher Training Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Business Establishment and Sustainability Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Consultancy: Supporting UASC Kinship Care
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights, Health
Consultancy: Trainers on mental health and child protection
Country of Coverage: United Arab Emirates, Sectors: Child Rights, Health
Green Initiative in 6 Schools and 2 Youth Centers
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater
Positive Parenting Campaign
Country of Coverage: Oman, Sectors: Child Rights
Reaching Every Child In Emergencies
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Child Rights, Humanitarian aid
Request for Expression of Interest (REoI) Consultancy Services for Energy
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Institutional Consultancy to develop evidence-informed recommendations and products to support faith engagement for the abandonment of harmful practices
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
National Consultancy: A national consultant to do Revision of UNICEF Primary Health Care Kits in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Health
Bureau de contrôle pour assurer les missions de contrôle des études et de l’exécution du projet de construction d’un bâtiment à A ENFIDHA
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Infrastructure
Consultant Individuel international: Revue de la feuille de route pour accélérer l’élimination des Troubles dus à la Carence en Iode (TDCI) au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health
Consultation nationale : recrutment d’un ( e) Sociologue pour l’élaboration et le suivi de la mise en oeuvre d’un plan stratégique de Communication
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Expert (e ) en communication pour l’élaboration et le suivi de la mise en oeuvre d’un plan stratégique de Communication
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Enhancing Health Outcomes: SBC-CE Strategies for PHCC-led Community Health
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Recrutement pour formation des professionnels et processus d’institutionnalisation de la pratique du CCD (Care for Child Development) en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Strengthening Programme for Ministry of Health (MoH) in the State of Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health
Provision of Development of life skills package to Promote youth Girl’s Leadership (18-29 years old) consultancy
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Short-term National Individual Consultancy: Data Landscape Analysis for Child Related Data in Türkiye
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights
Engaging a Climate Expert Consultant for developing roadmap on sustainability and climate change action plan for UNICEF Türkiye
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights, Climate Change and Global Warming
Consultancy to support Child Protection System Strengthening Policy, Case Management Reform, and Ending Violence against Children Programming – Nationals only
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy, Candidate Experience Monitoring
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors:
Social & Behavior Change Specialist [Non-Jordanians only]
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Child Rights
Provision of ITB for services for information technology infrastructure for MEHE in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education, Information Communication and Technology
Renforcement des capacités des personnels de l’éducation nationale sur la prise en charge enfants/adolescents porteurs d’handicap.
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Education
Provision of a Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) Environment for the Ministry of Education and Higher Education
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education, Information Communication and Technology
International Consultant to Develop Child Protection Area of Responsibility Strategy (for non-Syrians only)
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Child Rights
Green and Clean Schools: Integrating Green Energy and Wastewater Recycling in Schools
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education, Environment and Energy
Sélection agence d’organisation d’event pour choix d’un hotel a Ain Temouchent
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors:
Consultancy: Technical Support to Recruitment Centre of Expertise
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Consultancy for Review of UNICEF’s Emergency Response Team (ERT) Mechanism
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
International Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) Consultant, Tripoli, Libya
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Health
Equitable Opportunities to Access Quality Learning for Migrant, Refugee and Asylum Seeker Children in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Education
Provision of Social and Behavior Change Research Services in Various Locations in Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health, Humanitarian aid
Provision of Financial Services for delivering Cash based interventions in the State of Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Développement d’outils pédagogiques et formation et de la promotion de la nutrition et de l’alimentation saine
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
UNICEF Jordan Adolescents and Youth Programme in Zaatri and Azraq Camps
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Basic Need Support Programme (Cash Transfers and referral to social services)-Hama Governorate
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Social Development
Basic Need Support Programme (Cash Transfers and referral to social services)-Homs Governorate
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Social Development
Development of Academic Degree Programmes for social Work in Syria (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Social Development
International Institutional Consultancy on Development, Coordination, and Ensuring Delivery of an Advanced Training Program for Civil Society Organizations on Monitoring Child Rights
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultant to conduct a Climate Landscape Analysis for Children (CLAC) in the Sultanate of Oman
Country of Coverage: Oman, Sectors: Child Rights, Climate Change and Global Warming
Education support to out of school children in Al-Hasakeh governorate
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Education
Strengthening Strategic policy and programme advocacy on Maternal and Child Nutrition during the first 1,000 days in the Middle East and North Africa
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Consultancy for Institutionalization and scale up of parenting programmes in the UAE
Country of Coverage: United Arab Emirates, Sectors: Child Rights
Long Term Arrangement for provision of solar systems (good and services) in Türkiye & Northwest Syria
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Développement et mise en oeuvre de la stratégie de communication de l’introduction du vaccin contre le HPV en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Enhancing Community Resilience in Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Social Development
Development of Academic Degree Programmes for social Work in Syria (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Social Development
Consultation nationale Pour renforcer le mécanisme de la conciliation familiale en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Appui à la mise en place et l’animation de 35 plateformes de parentalité Positives (P+) au niveau local et accompagnement des 21 sites
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Social Protection sustainability and institutionalization support Consultant (Re-advertised)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Social Development
Humanitarian Evaluation Consultancy with UNICEF Evaluation Office in Sudan (June-August 2024)
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Réponse d’urgence eau, hygiène et assainissement en faveur des migrants, réfugiés et demandeurs d’asile
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Water and Wastewater
National Consultancy: Social Protection Monitoring and Data Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Social Development
Provision of Integrated lifesaving Health and Nutrition interventions in 21 famine prevention response priority one localities in eight targeted states
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health
Consultation pour analyser du cadre légal sur la protection de l’enfance en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
MHPSS in Emergencies Consultant
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Consultation nationale pour analyses secondaires sur la couverture de protection sociale, du handicap, le travail des enfants et la violence en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Basic Need Support Programme (Cash Transfers and referral to social services)-Lattakia Governorate
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Social Development
Build capacity of Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation Center to establish a workshop for 3D printing of prosthetics and orthotics
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health, Information Communication and Technology
National Consultancy: Immunization Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Formative evaluation of UNICEF Jordan Syrian Refugee Humanitarian Response, commissioned by UNICEF Jordan Country Office (Updated)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration
Appel à Consultation internationale/nationale : Consultant pour l’élaboration du Plan National d’Action pour l’Enfance 2025-2030
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Child Rights
National Consultancy: Technology Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
National Consultancy: Endline Review consultant for 3 years education program
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Education
Réponse d’urgence eau, hygiène et assainissement en faveur des migrants, réfugiés et demandeurs d’asile
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
UNICEF Jordan Adolescents and Youth Programme in Zaatri and Azraq Camps
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Provision of Long Term Agreement for Policy Analysis and Advocacy Services to UNICEF Lebanon Country Office
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights
Functional Review of the Ministry of Social Development for integration of the Makani programme
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Social Development
Empowerment and Capacity Building of Young People Advisory Group and Youth United for Climate Action and green approach
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Youth Empowerment
Partnership on responding to ADAP programmes, selected areas in Baghdad and Basra
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Youth Empowerment
Consultation pour appuyer la mise en œuvre d’un Plan d’Actions National pour lutter contre les Violences en lignes faites aux enfants
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Still Birth and Neonatal Mortality Audit- Policy Support
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
International Child Protection Case Management Consultant (Review interagency SOPs in State of Palestine)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Child Rights
International Consultancy to conduct a synthesis of available data and evidence to inform the prevention of stunting strategy in Syria
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Health
Data Management Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Development of Yemen Community Primary Health Care Systems Strategy Consultant
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Health
Social Protection sustainability and institutionalization support Consultant ( Jordanian Nationals only)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Social Development
An invitation to suppliers and vendors to register for the United Nations Supplier Network workshop in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Education, Humanitarian aid, Water and Wastewater
National consultancy: Joint Social Protection Program Coordination Support Consultant
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Social Development
Recrutement de quatre consultants pour former et accompagner 120 éducateurs du préscolaire sur le déploiement des standards de qualité
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
International Consultancy: Donor Report Quality Assessment
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors:
National Individual Consultant to support Digital Learning
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education
Financial Service Provider-Provision of Bulk Payment Solutions for MICS Operations
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Selection d’une agence de communication pour la conception et impression de boite a image
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health
Media training – Reporting on children
Country of Coverage: Oman, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultation nationale pour la conception et diffusion d’une campagne nationale de lutte contre la violence à l’égard des enfants
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Provision of multimedia services in emergency and humanitarian settings
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Regional Adviser Adolescent Development
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Consultancy: Adolescent Development and Participation (ADAP) Consultant to support implementation across 3 strategic initiatives in MENA
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Two National Consultants for School Leadership and Teacher Training, Education Section
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Education
Consultant for teacher professional development with a Jordan curriculum subject specialism in Arabic, Mathematics, Science or English
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Set-up and provision of Complaints and Feedback mechanism channels and solutions in Port Sudan, covering all Sudan for UNICEF Sudan Country Office
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors:
Long-Term Agreement for Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfers (HACT) Services
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Appel d’offres pour la sélection d’une agence d’organisation d’event/ Formation UNICEF
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors:
Consultant.e international.e pour l’évaluation du programme de transferts sociaux monétaires pour les enfants âgés de 6 à 18 ans
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Appel à Consultation internationale : Formation au protocole NICHD (National Institute of Child Health and Human Dévelopment)
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Child Rights, Women Rights and Empowerment
Consultant.e en appui à la préparation de la réunion régionale de Haut Niveau Apprentissage, compétences, inclusion sociale et transition des jeunes vers un travail décent
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Integrated Social Protection Program for Children with Severe Disabilities and Basic Need Support
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Long Term Agreement for Photography,Videography,Storytelling and Creative Multimedia Productions
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Appui à l’analyse et optimisation intégrale des outils numériques de santé pour la facilitation des procédures d’usage et d’Administration
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health, Information Communication and Technology
SBC National Consultant
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health
Call for Expression of Interest issued by UNICEF for partnership on responding to ADAP and SBCC programmes, selected areas in Anbar and Salahuddin
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Medical Waste Management Information System
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Waste Management
Consultant.e National.e pour l’élaboration d’une cartographie des services de protection de l’enfance
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
National Institutional Consultancy on Mutual Collaboration on Knowledge Generation and Monitoring Program with CSOs working in the child rights field
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights
Etude sur les connaissances, attitudes et pratiques en matière de santé et hygiène menstruelle dans le milieu scolaire en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health, Women Rights and Empowerment
Consulting services for the installation of solar systems in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Environment and Energy
International/National Individual Consultancy: Employee Engagement, Ankara
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth
Health Policy Expert‐ Still births and Neonatal Mortality Audit (Updated)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Play and Heal Lead Research Consultant
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
National Institutional Consultancy for Supporting Molss on the Development of a Labour Inspection Model For Promoting Children’s Rights Business Principless in Türki̇ye Informed by Corporate Sustainability Human Rights Due Diligence
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights
Call for Expression of Interest for Remedial Education, Teaching at the Right Level – Digital Learning in Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education
Empowering Youth for Climate Action in Public Preparatory Education in Egypt Egypt- Education
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Education
International consultancy for Mid-Term Review (Formative assessment) of the Social Protection Programme for Iraq: leveraging effective response and accelerating reform
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Social Development
National consultancy facilitator for Mid-Term Review (Formative assessment) of the Social Protection Programme for Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Social Development
International Consultancy for UNICEF Yemen: Strategies Consultant
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Partnerships Consultant (Coordination and Fundraising)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Promoting Young people Skilling and Green Skills, Employability, Entrepreneurship and Engagement initiatives in Ninawa and Duhok
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Finalise Teacher of the Future modules and support the implementation of the Schools Teaching for Learning Recovery (ST4LR) Programme in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Establishment of a contract for the provision Retreat Facilitator services for Lebanon country office
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Développement de la stratégie de communication grand public autour du Changement Climatique et la Protection de l’Environnement en Tunisie. Rebranding du caractère de LABIB avec une nouvelle conception stratégique et visuelle
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Technical expertise to organize Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV, Syphilis and Hepatitis B Capacity Building Training for 8 countries in the Middle East and North Africa Region
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Develop a business model with an operationalization plan, a digital strategy, and visual identity for the transformation of youth centers into inclusive community centers
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Appui à la mise en œuvre d‘une plateforme numérique avec deux fonctionnalités : pour la gestion de l’inventaire de la chaîne de froid vaccinal, et pour la commande électronique des vaccins
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health
Expert (e) national (e) en finances publiques (BSE & BSG)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Short Term National Institutional Consultancy for an Analyses on Journalism Practices and Changing Trends on Child Rights
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights, Media Development
Strengthen Egyptian Ministry of Education and Technical Education (MoETE) capacity to accelerate young children’s enrollment in quality KG and increase Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) and Life Skills and Citizenship
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Education
Recherche consultant-e pour le développement d’un cycle de formation sur le principe de l’intérêt supérieur de l’enfant et le cadre légal de la protection de l’enfant international et national
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultant-e national pour le développement d’un cycle de formation sur le principe de l’intérêt supérieur de l’enfant et le développement psychosocial de l’enfant
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Child Rights, Health
Assistance technique au Ministère de la Jeunesse, de la Culture et de la Communication, relative aux crèches publiques et privées
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Education, Health
Consultant for Egypt FGM Programme Assessment – Phase II: Data Collection and Analysis
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Project Consultant to support the 2024 Regional High-Level Meeting on Young People’s Learning
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Community-based Explosive Ordinance Risk Education (EORE) and Awareness programme for children and adults in Northwest Syria
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
“RISING” An Initiative to Prevent Malnutrition and Childhood Developmental Deprivations in Lebanon 2024-2025
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Support MoH for establishment of recognition system and monitoring and evaluation frameworks for WASH and IPC in Health Care Facilities
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health, Water and Wastewater
Provision of Printing and Production Services for UNICEF Libya CO-Long Term Arrangement (LTAs)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Child Rights
Social Policy Consultant with a focus on PFM/LG for Children, Port Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health
Employability and empowerment of youth in crisis – II
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Consultation Nationale Appui au Ministère de la Santé dans l’analyse de l’impact des campagnes de vaccination contre la poliomyélite
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health
Consultancy for Institutionalization and scale up of parenting programmes in the UAE
Country of Coverage: United Arab Emirates, Sectors: Child Rights
Call for expression of interest- Child Protection
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights, Women Rights and Empowerment
Promoting Girls’ Empowerment Through Community Engagement
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Provision of routine vaccination to all children from birth up till 18 years of age, through border sites, UNHCR vaccination sites and in lowest coverage districts
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Emergency response for NES- Aleppo
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
International Consultant for Consolidated Emergency Report (CER) writing and editing
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Evaluation of the “Improving Living Conditions in Yatta for children and families through sustainable access to safe drinking water” project
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Evaluation of UNICEF Jordan Supported Adolescents and Youth Self-employment programme
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
National Consultant: Understand the role of Faith-Based Agencies in Promoting Child Rights and Social, Behaviour Change and Ways Forward for UNICEF Turkiye
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights, Democratic Governance
Communication pour le changement social et comportemental et engagement communautaire en faveur de la promotion des pratiques parentales positives
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Protection de l’environnement et lutte contre les effets du changement climatique dans le milieu scolaire et communautaire
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy
Data Quality Assessment for Primary Healthcare Information System in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health, Information Communication and Technology
Provision of Technical Experts on Digital Health Interventions
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health, Information Communication and Technology
National SBC HelathConsultant , Gadaref, Sudan (open to Sudan nationals)
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health
Establishing a Management Information System in the Ministry of Water and Environment (MWEMIS)-Aden
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Sélection d’une agence d’organisation d’évènements pour workshop au niveau national
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors:
SBC National (Health) Consultant, Blue Nile, Sudan (open to Sudan nationals)
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health
SBC Health (Immunization) Consultant, Port Sudan, Sudan (open to Sudan nationals)
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health
Establishing Girls Networks in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Appel d’offre pour la fourniture de services de gestion évènementielle sur la base d’un accord à long terme (LTA) a l’ensemble des Agences des Nations Unies, Fonds et Programmes
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors:
Appel à candidature pour le recrutement de deux experts Nationaux pour promouvoir l’écoute sociale et la communication pour le changement de comportement à travers les réseaux sociaux
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Social Development
Facilitate the Training of Trainers to Promote the Wellbeing Preventative Care Training Package for the Managers and Supervisors of the Frontline Workers
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Long Term Arrangement (LTA) for the provision of Software, mobile development and maintenance
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultation internationale Renforcement des capacités cadres de l’Office National de l’Education et la Formation (ONEF) sur l’analyse des profils des élèves a risque de décrochage
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Education
Vaccine Management Consultant
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Health
Provision of Educational Technology support for an educational online learning platform (UNICEF’s Learning Passport) for children and youth in Libya (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Education
Consultant to support Beirut Municipality to roll out the PSEAH policy developed in 2022 and its reporting channels
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Evaluability Assessment and Formative Evaluation of the Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) programme in Syria
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Child Rights
Financial Service Provider (FSP) on Long Term Agreement (LTA) for Direct Cash Transfers
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Child Rights
Evaluability Assessment and Formative Evaluation of the Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) programme in Syria (International Consultant)
Country of Coverage: , Sectors: Child Rights, Education
Expert (e) National (e) ou International (e) en droits des enfants
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
National consultancy roster to support education system strengthening in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education
International consultancy roster to support education system strengthening in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education
Senior National Health Consultant
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Health
Institutional consultancy to support UNICEF ECARO to develop a promotional strategy and promotion assets for the launch and maintenance of an immunization chatbot
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Consultant Individuel-Développement de modèles innovants de services préscolaires dans les régions à faible densité géographique
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Education
Consultation d’agences de communication pour un service de conception et d’impression
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health
LTA for Staff Counselling Support Services
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health
Provision of Internet Bandwidth Service to UN agencies in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Digital Tools Learning and Capacity Building Consultant
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Scaling up an integrated MOSS_MOHP iogt_social_media platforms
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health, Social Development
Impact Catalyst Fund 2023 Second Call for Proposals: Adaptive Social Protection
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Children In Contact With The Law Application
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights
National Consultant to support the Government of Syria to implement restorative justice approaches focusing on diversion and alternative measures to detention for children
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Consultant (Multimedia and Content Production),Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Hosted Fund
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Strengthening Programme for Ministry of Education staff (MoE) in the State of Palestine
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Education
International Consultancy for Libya budget analysis & policy briefs
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
National Social Protection Strategy
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Social Development
Consultancy to support the FGM programme-Nationals only
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights, Women Rights and Empowerment
Short-term National Institutional Service Contract-Graphics, Digital Products and Web Design Services
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
UNICEF Innovation Fund investment call for Open Source applications for Health, Nutrition and Mental Health startups
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Short Term Institutional Consultancy-2 Institutional Consultancy on Data Collection and Analysis on UNICEF’s Strategic Positioning for UNICEF’s Country Programme Evaluations
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights
TVET Pathway Development Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
Provision of life saving integrated health and nutrition services to children, adolescents, women and adults in high priority locations of North West Syria (North Aleppo and Idlib)
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Health
Social Impact Framework and Private Sector Engagement Plan Consultancy
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Economic Growth, Youth Empowerment
Institutional Capacity Building for the Ministry of Education in Yemen (Re-Advertisement)
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Education
Individual Consultancy-Conducting a Situation Analysis of Children and Adolescents in Turkey
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights, Health
Implementation of Rain Water Harvesting Systems
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Audit of the compliance and operation of the Omni processor
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Solarization study for Zuwara Desalination Plant
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Recrutement d’un (e) consultant (e) national (e) pour la formation des partenaires nationaux aux droits de l’enfant
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Microsoft Teams for Education Platform
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Accompagnement pour la préparation au premier audit de suivi du CENAFOP
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Long Term Agreements (LTAs) For the development, production and dissemination of Social Behaviour Change(SBC) Materials
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Media Development
Request for Proposals for Institutional Capacity Building for the Ministry of Education in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Education
Consultancy to Develop an integrated interactive social media platforms
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health, Social Development
Microsoft Teams for Education Platform
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Consultancy for Mapping of Childcare supply in KSA
Country of Coverage: Saudi Arabia, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Recrutement d’un consultant national, spécialiste en Partenariat et aux Innovations
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Economic Growth
Immunization Cold Chain International Consultant , Damascus, Syria
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Health
Recrutement d’un consultant Evaluation formative des programmes de développement de la Petite Enfance en lien avec le projet de Politiques intégrée de la petite enfance en Algérie [2013-2021]
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy for Project Engineer for Medical Waste Management and WASH Facility Rehabilitation – Nationals only
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Waste Management
Scaling Up Large Scale Food Fortification programming in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) Countries
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Food Security
Institutional Capacity Building for the Ministry of Education in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Education
Emergency Specialist Consultancy
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Short-term International Institutional/Individual Consultancy for enhancing feedback from children and affected communities with (MY) using Human-Centered Design (HCD) approach
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights, Refugees and Migration
Extension- Establishment of Long-Term Agreement for Services (LTAS) for Audit and Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfer (HACT) Services
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
Community-based Child Protection and GBV Interventions for conflict-affected and displaced children and parents/ caregivers in Northwest Syria
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Child Rights, Refugees and Migration
Strengthening Strategic policy and programme advocacy on Maternal and Child Nutrition during the first 1,000 days in the Middle East and North Africa
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Facilitate the Acceleration of New Vaccine Introduction in Middle-Income Countries across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Consultancy to develop digital activities for e-learning platforms to raise awareness on child online protection – Nationals only
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights, Education
Consultant.e National.e Junior dans le domaine de la protection sociale
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Social Development
Humanitarian and Resilient WASH interventions in NWS
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Water and Wastewater
Improving Equity and Quality Learning: Strengthening Educational Pathways for Children & Adolescences in Northwest Syria in Formal & Non formal Education
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Education
Child Protection Prevention and Response Services; Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Intervention (Play and Learn) with children; and Warehousing and Distribution of Child Protection supplies
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Child Rights, Health
National Consultancy, Monitoring and Assessment Consultant
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Education
Improving maternal and child nutrition during the first 1000 days in Egypt: A multi-sectoral nutrition sensitive model
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Cash for Education Program
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
National Consultancy on Cash Plus Pilot Coordination with Social Policy-Duhok, Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Social Development
National Institutional Consultancy for the Revision of Guidebooks on Psychosocial Support Activities in Disasters and Emergencies
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
National Institutional Consultancy for the Development of Support to Workers Programme in Disasters and Emergencies
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
HR Specialist (Workforce Planning), P3, Temporary Appointment
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth
WASH in Informal Settlements – 2024 – Lot #11
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Water and Wastewater
WASH in Informal Settlements – 2024 – Lot #10
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Water and Wastewater
WASH in Informal Settlements – 2024 – Lot #9
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Water and Wastewater
WASH in Informal Settlements – 2024 – Lot #8
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Water and Wastewater
WASH in Informal Settlements – 2024 – Lot #7
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Water and Wastewater
WASH in Informal Settlements – 2024 – Lot #6
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Water and Wastewater
WASH in Informal Settlements – 2024 – Lot #5
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Water and Wastewater
WASH in Informal Settlements – 2024 – Lot #4
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Water and Wastewater
WASH in Informal Settlements – 2024 – Lot #3
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Water and Wastewater
WASH in Informal Settlements – 2024 – Lot #2
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Water and Wastewater
WASH in Informal Settlements – 2024 – Lot #1
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Water and Wastewater
Staff Counselling Support Services
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health
Recrutement d’une agence pour la conception et la validation de la mascotte LABIB avec production de la mascotte en différents matériaux
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Beneficiary Monitoring Application (BMA) Consultant, Individual Consultancy, Home based
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Industry
Le recrutement d’un fournisseur pour la refonte de l’Application Mobile du Système d’information « Amen Social » pour les familles nécessiteuses et à faibles revenus.
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Social Development
Monitoring and analyses of discrimination and violence against children with disabilities and children with foreign/ethnic origin in the earthquake affected region
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Consultancy for Monitoring and Reporting Service
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors:
(Re-advertisement II), Consultancy for National Strategy for Human Rights (NSHR)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights, Human Rights
Istanbul based consultancy: Health Financing Expert
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Health
Consultant Individuel-Développement d’un modèle de parentalité positive destiné aux parents des enfants du préscolaire
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights
Provision of Technical support to the BSC on surveys and data management including Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Consultancy: Climate Advocacy and Negotiation Training for Youth Climate Delegates
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Youth Empowerment
LTA (for 3 years) to conduct Data collection, Secondary analysis, Developing knowledge products and Training (for individuals) (Re-advertised)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors:
Grant for non-governmental organizations which operate in Türkiye and deliver services in the fields of refugee protection and inclusion
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
International Consultant for the Development of the Wellbeing Preventative Care Package for Frontline Workers’ Managers and Supervisors , Damascus, Syria
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors:
Policy and Strategies Expert
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Social Development
Consultancy: Microsimulation of the feasibility of Universal Child Benefit (UCB) in Tunisia – GORaF, Florence, Italy
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy: Gender Technical Support for Addressing Zero Dose Immunization
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health, Women Rights and Empowerment
Training of Governmental Institutions on the Applications of GIS & Remote Sensing in the Water Sector
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology, Water and Wastewater
Solarization study for Zuwara Desalination Plant
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Consultancy: Youth Engagement
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Bid Number 9186153 for Management Information System (MIS)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors:
Assessing public school infrastructure to generate BoQ for Internal connectivity Loop (Local Area Network)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education, Information Communication and Technology
Employer Contribution Costing Consultant; Beirut, Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Economic Growth
National Consultancy: Cash Plus Technical Consultant ,Sana’a and Aden
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Social Development
Consultant.e National.e Junior dans le domaine de la protection sociale
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Social Development
Consultation internationale Renforcement des capacités des inspecteurs sur la différenciation pédagogique et l’hétérogénéité des classes (Classe Multi Niveaux)
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Education
Appel à Consultation internationale : Formation au protocole NICHD (National Institute of Child Health and Human Dévelopment) pour le renforcement des compétences des Brigades de protections des personnes vulnérables
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy for National Strategy for Human Rights (NSHR)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Human Rights
Assistance technique pour la finalisation du processus d’élaboration du protocole cadre de la protection des enfants et accompagnement des acteurs territoriaux dans sa mise en œuvre dans le cadre des dispositifs territoriaux intégrés de protection de l’enfance (DTIPE)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights
Recrutement d’une agence de communication pour la restitution et la dissémination des résultats de l’enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples (MICS – Tunisie 2023)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Short-term Institutional Service Contract (International): Assessment and Development of Social and Behaviour Change Capacity Building Package For Unicef Tco and Its Implementing Partners Including Tools and Monitoring Framework
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors:
Short Term National Institutional Consultancy Adapt the UNICEF’s Minimum Quality Standards and Indicators for Community Engagement (MQSICE) and Community Engagement in Humanitarian Action Toolkit
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Write an assessment bank for mathematics grades 4 to 9 for an out of scholastic hours programme in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Comprehensive Wastewater Management in the Azraq Refugee Camp – including desludging, transportation, treatment, and disposal
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Recrutement d’un consultant national, spécialiste en finances publiques
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Climate Advocacy and Negotiation Training for Youth Climate Delegates
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Consultancy to provide technical support to family development programme on SBC framework development and Realtime monitoring
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights, Women Rights and Empowerment
Enhancing the systemcapacity on Child Growth Monitoring and Promotion and Management of Acute Malnutrition Services in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights, Health
WASH/IPC in Healthcare Consultant
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health, Water and Wastewater
Consultant to develop the M&E framework for Qudwa
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights
Institutional Contract – Recording and production of videos and audios
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education
Recrutement d’un bureau d’étude pour l’élaboration d’une étude du marché local en termes de fournisseurs par secteur d’activité
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors:
Consultancy for Mapping of Childcare supply in KSA
Country of Coverage: Saudi Arabia, Sectors: Social Development, Women Rights and Empowerment
Promoting Youth Skilling, Employability, Entrepreneurship and Social Engagement in Hasakah governorate
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Appui institutionnel et pédagogique à la formation initiale des enseignants en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Short Term National Institutional Consultancy to support the Design and Development of Education Sector Working Group’s Back to School Campaign Website
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
International Consultancy: Assessing the potential for youth programming, Sana’a, Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Provision of Operational, financial ,reporting systems and PSEA capacity building for 5 UNICEF implementing partners, State of Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors:
Design and Implementation of Digital Strategy for reach and engagement for Dawwie (Re-Bid)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Registration of Vendors in IOM Iraq System
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors:
Evaluation à mi-parcours de la stratégie quinquennale d’éducation dans les camps de réfugiés sahraouis à Tindouf, en Algérie
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Education
Evaluation of UNICEF Yemen’s Education Sector Plan Implementation Grant under the Global Partnership for Education
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Education
Renforcement du système de gestion logistique du ministère de l’Éducation
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Consultation nationale pour la réalisation des formations de renforcement des capacités des juges d’enfants et de familles
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Development of an online archive and content management system (CMS) for the health awareness and promotion content and manage digital assets which are produced for the Palestinian Ministry of Health (MoH)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health
Qualitative research consultant, Child Marriage Interventions in Jordan (Jordan nationals only) Global Office of Research & Foresight (GORaF)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Child Rights
Qualitative research consultant, Child Marriage Interventions in Lebanon (Lebanon nationals only)Global Office of Research & Foresight (GORaF)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights
Qualitative research consultant, Child Marriage Interventions in Yemen (Yemen nationals only) Global Office of Research & Foresight (GORaF)
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Child Rights
National Digital, flexible Open Learning Consultant
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education, Information Communication and Technology
Development and conduction of a capacity building program for Engineers working in the maintenance and Equipment Departments in the Ministry of Health – Gaza
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health
Short Term National Individual Consultancy: Technical Support in Mapping of Early Intervention and Support Services Available for Children with Disabilities
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Health, Social Development
Consultancy: Development of Sustainable Child Friendly Governorate (SCFG) , Zahle, Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights
Learning Recovery Tutoring Hotline (Call and Learn)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
Dynamic LMS, E-Assessment and Attendance System to Support UNICEF’s Educational Programming
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Request for Proposal to conduct a Market Survey
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors:
Promoting Youth Skilling, Employability, Entrepreneurship and Social Engagement in Mosul City and Jadaa 1 camp
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Mapping the Needs of Children at Municipal Level (Re-advertised)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights, Democratic Governance
Evaluation of Humanitarian Action of UNICEF SOP Country Programme (2020-2023)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Long Term Agreement for provision of Digital Transformation for Health – Assessment, Planning, Costing, Guideline, Strategy and Roadmap Development
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health, Information Communication and Technology
Design and Implementation of Digital Strategy for reach and engagement for Dawwie
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Assurer la protection des enfants en mouvement en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Evaluation Team member Iraq United Nations Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2020-2024 (national consultancy)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Environment and Energy, Refugees and Migration, Social Development
Réalisation d’une étude de profilage des adolescent (e)s bénéficiaires du programme de la deuxième chance
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Evaluation Team Leader Iraq United Nations Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2020-2024 (International consultancy)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Environment and Energy, Refugees and Migration, Social Development
Provision of branding and Partners visibility Services in Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors:
Individual Consultant (National) – Development of the Partnership and Private Sector Engagement in the State of Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Child Rights, Economic Growth
Investigator of SEA Allegations Consultant, Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights
Long Term Arrangement (LTA) for Third-party Monitoring Services in Sudan for Initial Period of 12 Months With Possibility of an Additional 24 Months Extension
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
LTA (for 3 years) to conduct Data collection, Secondary analysis, Developing knowledge products and Training (for individuals) – Nationals only
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors:
Integrated Social Protection Programme for Children with Severe Disabilities (Cash Transfers and Case Management Services) and Basic Need Support (Cash Transfers and referral services)
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Social Development
CP/ GBV Consultant to Mainstream CP and GBV in Public Health Facilities
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights, Health, Women Rights and Empowerment
Institutional Consultancy on Combatting Child Labour in Turkish Garment Supply Chains
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy: WASH in Health Care Facilities
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Long Term Arrangement – Provision of HR Services to Recruit and Manage Third-Party Facilitators for UNICEF in Syria
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Child Rights
Long Term Agreement for Provision of Third Party Monitoring Services
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Child Rights
Positive Parenting Capacity Building -160 days
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights
Positive Parenting Capacity Building – 216 days
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights
scaling up an integrated MOSS_MOHP iogt_social_media platforms
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health, Social Development
Recrutement d’un.e Consultant.e National.e pour la finalisation du Plan Opérationnel de la Stratégie Nationale Multisectorielle pour le Développement de la Petite Enfance
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Regional Evaluation Advisor (Re-advertised)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights, Education, Health, Humanitarian aid, Water and Wastewater
Recrutement d’un.e Consultant.e National.e ou International.e chargé.e de la révision des plans de construction/installation des infrastructures d’eau, d’hygiène et d’assainissement dans les écoles
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Digital Workspace Restructuring Consultant (MENARO)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Information Communication and Technology
International Consultancy: Senior Support Services for the Elaboration of the 2025-2029 United Nations Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth
International consultancy: Reporting, Writing and Resource Mobilization
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Social Development
GBV User Research Consultant
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Project Lead for Art Competition on Climate Education and Action Consultancy, MENARO
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Education
Appel à consultation pour le recrutement d’un Bureau d’Études pour la formation des acteurs associatifs en matière de parentalité positive avec production du contenu digital pour l’alimentation de la plateforme dédiée à l’éducation parentale
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights
Selection d’une agence d’organisation d’event et de soutien logistique
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Child Rights
Short Term National Individual Consultancy: Mapping and Ranking of Universities in Turkiye in the Fields of Statistical and Social Research, Study, and Survey
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Recrutement d’un cabinet pour l’organisation d’une session de Team Building de deux jours pour le staff du bureau de l’UNICEF Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors:
Adaptation of Adolescent Girls Consultant (MSSCC), Consultancy agreement
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
National Consultancy for STEAM research
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Education, Information Communication and Technology
3eme relance Revue à mi-parcours de la Politique Publique Intégrée de Protection de l’Enfance au Maroc 2015-2025 et élaboration du Programme National de sa Mise en Œuvre 2023-2025
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights
Data Quality Assessment for Primary Healthcare Information System in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health, Information Communication and Technology
Développement d’une campagne vidéo du programme M4D
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Consultant Individuel-Evaluation de la composante migration du programme de pays UNICEF-Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights, Refugees and Migration
Reporting & Partnerships (Donor & end year reporting) Consultant
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors:
National Institutional Consultancy Services for Communication Activities of Strengthen Foster Care in Türkiye Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultant to Develop the M&E Framework for Qudwa
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights, Women Rights and Empowerment
Consultation internationale Renforcement des capacités des personnels du MEN à travers la généralisation de l’utilisation des parcours de formation en ligne au profit des enseignants du préparatoire
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Education
Mise en Œuvre du Programme de Cooperation UNICEF 2023-2027
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Education, Youth Empowerment
Electronic System of Awareness Management Community Participation and Customer Service at the level of the Holding Company for Potable Water and Wastewater and its subsidiaries in 26 governorates
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Roster of Senior Data Management and Systems Consultant, Yemen CO, Amman-Jordan
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors:
Consultation internationale Renforcement des capacités des inspecteurs en charge de l’education préparatoire, pour le MEN
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Education
Soutenir la prise en charge des enfants sans soutien parental (y compris les enfants en situation de rue et en mobilité)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Aide légale pour les enfants en contact avec la loi en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Selection d’une agence d’organisation d’event et de soutien logistique
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Child Rights
Institutional Consultancy for training events on Infodemic and Media and Children’s Rights (Re-biding)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights
Strengthen and implement Education interventions in Al -Shuaiba sub district in Basra governorate, Al Zubair district
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education
Consultancy to lead development and support delivery of country-specific simulation exercises for selected UNICEF Offices and MENA Regional Office
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Child Poverty Analysis Consultant
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy for the preparation of a discussion paper on“The state of children and adolescents in MENA:challenges,opportunities and foresight”– MENARO
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights, Health
Individual Consultant (National)-Development of the Partnership and Private Sector Engagement in the State of Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Child Rights, Economic Growth
Establishing Local Long-Term Arrangements (LTA) for Engineering Services in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Short Term National Institutional Consultancy “Mapping Study On Existing Child-rights Focused Csos/networks (Including Youth-led Organizations) And Available Tools And Mechanisms”
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultant Individuel-Revue mi-parcours de la Politique Publique Intégrée de Protection de l’Enfance au Maroc 2015-2025 et élaboration du Programme National de sa Mise en Œuvre 2023-2025-Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights
National Consultancy: Governorate Education Sector Coordination support
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education
Consultation pour Revue à mi-parcours de la Politique Publique Intégrée de Protection de l’Enfance au Maroc 2015-2025 et élaboration du Programme National de sa Mise en Œuvre 2023-2025
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights
Service Provision for the Production of 11 Animation Videos video provision with different animated characters, background and special effect
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health, Water and Wastewater
Short Term National Institutional Consultancy for Revision of the Oi Child Rights Strategy, Development of a Guidebook on Child Friendly Decision Writing and Delivery of Awareness Raising Activities
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights
Evaluation of Humanitarian Action of UNICEF SOP Country Programme (2020-2023)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
LTA for Event Management Services (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors:
Health-related Risk Communication and Community Engagement
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health
Education Meeting Facilitator Consultant, Amman
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Recrutement d’un.e consultant.e nationale.e pour un appui en communication et dissémination des résultats de l’enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples (MICS 2023)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Roster of facilitators for People Management training: Emotional Intelligence, Communication, Managerial/Leadership Skills, Conflict Management
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors:
Rapidpro feedback and social listening mechanism
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
International Consultant on Yemen Strategy on Out-of-school Children
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Education
National Institutional Consultancy for the Development of Support to Workers Programme in Disasters and Emergencies
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Health, Humanitarian aid
National Consultant to Conduct an Assessment for School Infrastructure Needs, Aden
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Education
National Consultant to Conduct an Assessment for School Infrastructure Needs, Sana’a
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Education
Extension – Consultancy for Evidence Generation for National FGM Surveys – Nationals only
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights, Women Rights and Empowerment
Responding to Education Programme needs in selected areas in Anbar and Baghdad
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education
Short Term National Institutional Consultancy for Conducting a (KAP) Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Study on Early Childhood Development (ECD) and Responsive Parenting
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights, Education
Consultancy services for Supply Chain Strengthening of Ministry of Public Health and population and GHOs
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Health
Technical Experts on Digital Health Interventions
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health, Information Communication and Technology
LTA to conduct Data collection, Secondary analysis, Developing knowledge products and Training (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors:
Health Documentation Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Long Term Agreement for creative services
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights
Appel à consultation pour la formation des acteurs associatifs en matière de parentalité positive avec production du contenu digital
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights
Long-Term Arrangement for Services (LTAS) for Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfer (HACT) Services
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Affichage urbain pour la Campagne de Communication sur la Nutrition
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Revue à mi-parcours de la Politique Publique Intégrée de Protection de l’Enfance au Maroc 2015-2025 et élaboration du Programme National de sa Mise en Œuvre 2023-2025 (Re-launched)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights
Request For Proposal-The National Program of Self-employment–INHAD
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth
Youth Challenge 4.0 on Climate Change: Design and Implementation of Youth and Adolescent Skills Development Programme
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Sélection d’une agence évènementielle
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors:
Implementation of the UAE Environmental Sustainability Framework through national rollout of professional development for K-12 teachers and school principals
Country of Coverage: United Arab Emirates, Sectors: Education
National Consultancy: Reform the Social Protection Programme
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Social Development
Provision of Water Quality (WQ) Monitoring and Evaluation Services
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Youth Engagement Lead Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Digitalizing the Media and children’s rights Guide including the infodemic modules
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights
Institutional Consultancy for training events on Infodemic and Media and Children’s Rights
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy services for Supply Chain Strengthening of Ministry of Public Health and population and GHOs
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Health
International Consultancy: Assessment of Needs, Vulnerabilities, Service Delivery Gaps and Resilience Coping Mechanisms to Mitigate the impact of violence on children in East Jerusalem
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Child Rights
National Consultancy: Social Welfare Fund Capacity Building Consultant
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Social Development
Asset Valuation & Asset Management Platform for Wastewater Treatment Plants in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Establishing Local Long-Term Arrangements (LTA) for Engineering Services in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Infrastructure
Provision of ICDL Training Services to Syrian Volunteers in the Ministry of Education
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education, Refugees and Migration
Development and conduction of a capacity building program for Engineers working in the Construction Department in the Ministry of Health (Re-Advertisement)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health
Long Term Agreement for Services (LTAS) for Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfer (HACT) Services
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Provision of Design-Build of Three Radio Frequency Towers in Garyan,Sabha and Benghazi,Libya (Re-Advertisement)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Infrastructure
LTA for Event Management Services
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors:
Consultancy services for Supply Chain Strengthening of Ministry of Public Health and population and GHOs
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Health
Establishment of a long-term agreement for the provision services – Design, Supply, and Installation of Greywater Treatment Systems in Institutions
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Health Resources Availability Mapping System “HeRAM” National Consultant
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Health
Establishing Local Long-Term Arrangements (LTA) for Engineering Services in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Infrastructure
Goods & Services Vendors
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Education, Entrepreneurship, Humanitarian aid
Career Guidance component
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Youth Empowerment
Senior International Consultant for School Leadership and Teacher Training in Libya
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Education
Consultancy : Human Centered Design (HCD) and Social Listening (SL)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Health
International Consultancy: Standards and Accreditation Consultant (for non-formal education)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
Consultant national- Formation portant sur les compétences de vie et kit d’expression et d’innovation UNICEF
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Social Development
Consultant national Développement d’une plateforme numérique pour la surveillance des contaminations de la COVID-19 et maladies du PEV avec un système d’alertes intelligent
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health
Recrutement d’un bureau d’assistance spécialisé pour assurer le suivi et contrôle de la mise en place des datacenters du centre de données du CIMS
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Mapping the Needs of Children at Municipal Level
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights, Democratic Governance
Recrutement d’un bureau d’assistance spécialisé pour assurer le suivi et contrôle de la mise en place des datacenters du centre de données du CIMS
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
International and National Institutional Consultancy Services to Strengthen Foster Care in Türkiye
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Social Development
Conception et développement d’une plateforme numérique avec application mobile pour la surveillance des manifestations post-vaccinales indésirables à l’échelle nationale
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health
International consultancy to conduct evaluation of social media platform for PHI
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
National Consultancy: Inclusive Social Protection Strategy Development
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Social Development
National Consultancy: Management Information System (MIS) for Cash Plus Programme for Children
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
National Consultancy: Reform the Social Protection Programme
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Social Development
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
Recrutement d’une Expertise chargée de la conception, et l’élaboration d’un plan d’action pour améliorer l’accès et la qualité de l’éducation de la petite enfance en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Provision of high-quality photo-service institutions for multimedia content gathering to help cover the many competing deadlines and increase visibility
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors:
Management of WASH Services in Jadaa Camps
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
2023-2025 Strategic Partnership with UNICEF – Initial Expression of Interest for Partners, including INGOs, NGOs and CSOs
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Child Rights, Education, Health, Social Development, Water and Wastewater
Build the institutional capacity to teachers’ professional development system
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Education
Evidence generation on the Impact of Sustainability Measures under the Makani Programme of UNICEF Jordan (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Social Development
Senior Consultant: Undertaking a Gap Analysis and Review of the National Child Protection Case Management SoP and Tools
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights
Institutional consultancy for the capacity building of “Meshwary” (My Journey) trainers
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Renforcement de l’Education dans les camps des refugies Sahraouis
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Education, Refugees and Migration
Affichage urbain de la campagne de communication de prévention de la violence à l’égard des enfants
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Strengthening vaccine management and monitoring with Stock Management Tool (SMT) and Visibilities for Vaccines (ViVa)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
LTA to conduct Data collection, Secondary analysis, Developing knowledge products and Training
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors:
Youth-Led Advocacy on Climate Change Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Youth Empowerment
Responding to Education Programme, selected area in Basra governorate, Shuaibaa sub district
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education
Institutional Contract for an Internal Audit of UNICEF’s Treasury and Investment Operations
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors:
Institutional consultancy to implement qualitative research about child online sexual violence (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights
Provision of Child Protection and Gender-based Violence Prevention and Response Actions and Services
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights, Women Rights and Empowerment
Increasing Quality of and Access to Early Childhood Education Services (ECE) Project Monitoring Exercise
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Development and conduction of a capacity building program for Engineers working in the Construction Department in the Ministry of Health
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health
Recrutement de 2 consultant(e)s nationaux(les) pour le Programme de Parentalité Positive
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors:
National Consultancy for Digital Learning
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Education
Contrat a long terme des Travaux d’impression des documents et conceptions graphique a l’ensemble des fonds, agences du système des Nations Unies (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors:
Institutional Contract for Crisis Communications Consultancy
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights
Development and Maintenance of Nahno and CPA web platforms
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Youth Empowerment
Home-based Consultancy: SBC expert to support content development,design and promotion of social and behaviour change (SBC) resources
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors:
Consultancy: Behavioural Data Analyst
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights, Women Rights and Empowerment
Rehabilitation of WASH facilities in 13 schools in Abyan and Shabwa governorates
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Education, Water and Wastewater
Travaux de réhabilitation d’ouvrages EHA dans 17 institutions (8 établissements scolaires et 9 Centres de Santé de Base ) dans le Gouvernorat de Kasserine
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Promotion of a Gender Transformative Approach within Social Work
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Professional Review and Vetting of Climate Innovation Solutions
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Entrepreneurship
Establishing LTA for Provision of Harmonized Approach to Cash TransfEstablishing Lta for Provision of Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfers (Hact) Services in Syria Including Micro Assessments, Spot Checks & Audits
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
LTA for Institution to support Data collection, Secondary analysis Developing KP and Training
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors:
Time Bound Long Term Arrangement (LTA) for hiring Photographer & Videographer
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Child Rights
Appel Consultation nationale : Formation pour le renforcement des connaissances des formateurs des écoles de police sur les principaux instruments internationaux relatifs aux droits de l’homme
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Human Rights
Household Survey Consultant: Support Data Processing for Yemen MICS
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors:
Consultancy for Mental Health and Psychosocial Well-being Consultant for the Joint Programme UNICEF and WHO
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Renforcement des capacités des organisations de la société civile en matière des droits des enfants et genre
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights, Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment
National Consultant to Design and Implement Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) Surveys of the humanitarian SP programmes, Damascus, Syria
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Capacity Development Programme for Adolescent Peer-Engaged Conflict Resolution Syria
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Education
Implementation of a Web-Based System and Phone App for Ambulance Emergency Medical
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Photographer and Videographer
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Child Rights
Implementation Research for Most Significant Change (MSC) International Consultancy , Damascus, Syria
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Child Rights, Health
Senior international consultant for school leadership and teacher training in Libya
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Education
Integrating Primary Healthcare and Outreach to Communities and Households in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Evaluation of the National Girls Empowerment Initiative- Dawwie
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Institutional Contract for Multi-Regional Landscape Analysis on the Nutritional Management of Infants at Risk of Poor Growth and Development
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Partenariat pour la mise en place de clubs de santé et l’organisation d’une campagne pour la vaccination contre la covid 19
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health
Consultancy to Review Legislations Relating to Child Rights, with Adequate Focus on Child Justice, in the Gulf Countries
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy Recruitment – No Lost Generation – External Review – MENARO
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Long Term Arrangement for Provision of Advocacy Capacity Building Services
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors:
UNICEF Call for Frontier Technology Startups
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Information Communication and Technology
Recrutement d’un.e Consultant.e National.e Communication et engagement communautaire
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Establishment of Long term arrangement for the implementation of HACT Assurance Activities (Micro Assessment, Spot Check, Financial Audit and Special Audit)
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors:
International Consultant in support to immunization cold chain
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Recrutement de 2 consultant.e.s internationaux.les pour préparer et conduire la formation CCD (Care for Child Development) des professionnels de la petite enfance en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Strengthening the waste management of vaccines and vaccines commodities at the Ministry of Public Health and EPI points/facilities
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health, Waste Management
Consultation pour une étude sur les coûts de la violence à l’égard des enfants en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Institutional Contract for Multi-Regional Landscape Analysis on the Nutritional Management of Infants at Risk of Poor Growth and Development
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Development and testing of policy benchmarks for universal parenting support policies
Country of Coverage: United Arab Emirates, Sectors: Child Rights
National Technical Consultant to Strengthen the Juvenile Justice System in Libya
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Child Rights
International Technical Consultant to Strengthen the Juvenile Justice System in Libya
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy Recruitment – Nutrition Supply Chain Management
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
UNICEF’s Trusted Fund Education Cannot Wait is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from qualified institutions for the provision of services related to Media Partnership
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Education
Provision of Design-Build of Three Radio Frequency Towers in Garyan,Sabha and Benghazi,Libya
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Infrastructure
Adolescent Kit/ Training Package- ADAP (UNICEF ADAP Section)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
National Consultants for Life-Skills Curriculum Development
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Education
Appel à manifestation pour la réponse aux éventuelles crises humanitaires
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Partnership to support the promotion of rainwater harvesting, wastewater reuse and permaculture approaches in Zahle / Central Bekaa
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Agriculture, Water and Wastewater
Provision of Financial (Cash Transfer) Services
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Integrated Immunization Supply Chain Data Management System(ISCDMS) in Iraq (Amendment 2)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Health
Establishment of an online training platform for teachers
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education
Establishment of Long term arrangement for the implementation of HACT Assurance Activities (Micro Assessment, Spot Check, Financial Audit and Special Audit)
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors:
Humanitarian Programme Document (PD) for WASH Response and Climate Change
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Humanitarian aid, Water and Wastewater
International Consultant to undertake a Gender Programmatic Review
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Market Assessment for Co-composting
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Still Birth and Neonatal Mortality Audit consultancy
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Institutional Contract for Multi-Regional Landscape Analysis on the Nutritional Management of Infants at Risk of Growth and Development
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
School Assessment MIS
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Education
Establishment of Long term arrangement for the implementation of HACT Assurance Activities (Micro Assessment, Spot Check, Financial Audit and Special Audit)
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors:
Consultancy: Developing a dashboard for UNICEF Middle East and North Africa Regional Accelerator Indicators
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors:
Strengthen the child protection system in Missan governorate and to implement Child Protection interventions in Missan
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Child Rights
Recrutement d’un(e) Consultant(e) international(e) pour renforcer les capacités du partenaire gouvernemental et des prestataires de services sur la thématique des enfants revenant d’une zone de conflit
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Nutrition Supply Budgeting Consultancy
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Unlocking their Potential: Increasing access for girls and boys to skills building, literacy and active citizenship in Karbato 1 and 2 camps and the host community
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Developing a UNICEF digital donor & consumer research platform
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors:
UNICEF Innovation Fund investments in Open-Source solutions – “Frontier Tech Solutions for Climate Action”
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
Learning Recovery Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
Consultant to edit and update the Arabic version of the inter-ministerial child marriage action plan, Beirut, Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights, Women Rights and Empowerment
Recrutement de 4 Consultant.es nationaux pour le Programme de Parentalité Positive (P+)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
International Consultancy to produce the UNICEF Algeria communication and advocacy package/kit to mobilize partnerships and resources
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Child Rights
Partnership and External Relations consultant. Muscat- Oman
Country of Coverage: Oman, Sectors: Child Rights
Impact Catalyst Fund 2023 Call for Proposals
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Recrutement d’une Agence de communication pour la campagne de communication et de sensibilisation pour la rentrée scolaire 2023 et pour lutter contre le décrochage scolaire
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Monitoring & Evaluation International Consultant for the Social Policy Programme, Khartoum, Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Social Development
Recrutement d’un(e) Consultant(e) national(e) IPC/WASH – centres de santé de base
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health, Water and Wastewater
International consultant to provide technical support for strengthening the teachers monitoring/evaluation system in the Sahrawi camps
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Education, Refugees and Migration
International consultant to provide technical support for strengthening the learning monitoring/evaluation system in the Sahrawi camps
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Education, Refugees and Migration
Promoting Youth Skilling, Employability, Entrepreneurship and Social Engagement
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Support towards the BBaity center in Derna: To offers integrated education, child protection and health services to vulnerable children and their families in Derna
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Child Rights, Education, Health
Establishing Local Long-Term Arrangements (LTA) for Engineering Services in North-West Syria
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Individual Consultant to assess the Impact of Core Supplies Pipeline break down (RUSF and RUTF) on CMAM programme new admissions among under-five children in Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health
Human Centered Design research to understand drivers and barriers for vaccines demand and uptake in Libya.
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Health
Data Collection and Analysis Consultant for Sa’ada, Yemen area
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
National Consultancy: Data Collection and Analysis Consultant for Aden, Yemen area
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
National Consultancy: Data Collection and Analysis Consultant for Hudayhah, Yemen area
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
National Consultancy: Data Collection and Analysis Consultant for Sana’a/Ibb Yemen area
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Communication Campaign to enhance reporting on PSEA cases and raise the awareness related to the Code of Conduct of aid workers and related personnel serving people in need in Gaza and West Bank
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Human Rights, Women Rights and Empowerment
International consultancy Fiscal Space Analysis of Social Protection in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Social Development
Recrutement d’une Firme spécialisée en Communication pour le soutien à la composante communication et changement de comportement social sur les pratiques alimentaires et nutritionnelles (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
National Consultancy for Climate Resilience
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
International Consultant to conduct Evaluation of UNICEF Syria Social and Behavior Change (SBC) , Damascus, Syria
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Child Rights, Education, Health, Water and Wastewater
Global Public Relations Services including Brand, Communication, Crisis Management & Digital Services
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors:
International Consultancy: SBCC behavior data collection
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Health
Consultant to conduct training of trainers for law enforcement on children in contact with the law, Beirut
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights, Democratic Governance
Consultancy for Climate Change and sustainability Expert in UAE
Country of Coverage: United Arab Emirates, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
International Consultancy: Social Protection and Cash Transfers
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Social Development
Recrutement d’un Bureau d’études pour le développement de normes et des standards d’accueil, d’encadrement et de prise en charge des enfants accueillis dans les centres sous la tutelle du ministère des Affaires Sociales (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy for Climate Change and sustainability Expert in UAE
Country of Coverage: , Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Humanatarian Programme Document (PD) for Humanitarian WASH Response to Affected People
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Humanitarian aid, Water and Wastewater
Call for Expression of Interest (CFEI) for Multi-Service Community Centers (MSCC) and Specialized Services in the Palestinian Camps and Gatherings
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights, Education, Health, Water and Wastewater
National Medical Oxygen Assessment Consultant
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Health
Recrutement d’une Firme spécialisée en Communication pour l’Elaboration d’une Stratégie de communication environnementale SUPERLABIB 2023-2030 et la conception des supports de sensibilisation afférents
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Call for Expression of Interest on the development of life skills through direct delivery of skills programs related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Education
Long-Term Arrangement (LTA) for the provision of consultancy services in Social and Behavioral Change in UNICEF
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors:
Child Poverty Analysis Expert Consultant
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Child Rights
Recrutement d’une Firme spécialisée en Communication – pour le soutien à la composante communication et changement de comportement social sur les pratiques alimentaires et nutritionnelles
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Food Security, Health
Digital Skills Programme for Young people in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology, Youth Empowerment
Third Party Monitoring
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights, Education, Health, Social Development, Water and Wastewater, Youth Empowerment
Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights, Women Rights and Empowerment
Recrutement d’un(e) consultant(e) national pour appuyer la mission de l’Evaluateurdans le cadre de l’évaluation des compétences des enfants à l’entrée au primaire
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights, Education
Consultant.e National.e senior pour l’appui à la conception de la plateforme digitale pour l’éducation de la deuxième chance virtuelle
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Conduct an outcome and output indicators assessment for UNICEF Sudan mother and child cash transfer plus (MCCT+) for the first 1,000 days of life programme
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health, Social Development
SBC National Consultant to support Polio Outbreak- Home-based
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health
SBC National Consultant to support Polio Outbreak- Home-based (Kosti)
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health
SBC National Consultant to Support Polio outbreak Home-Based , Zalinguei
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health
SBC National Consultant to support Polio Outbreak- Home-based (Kadugli)
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health
National Individual Consultant: Development of the Ministry of Social Development Strategy (MOSD) 2024-2027
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Social Development
Lebanon’s Crises’ Long-Lasting Repercussions
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education, Refugees and Migration, Social Development
International consultant to provide technical support for strengthening the teachers monitoring/evaluation system in the Sahrawi camps
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Education, Refugees and Migration
Consultation internationale, Soutien technique au Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale dans la Mise en place de communautés de pratiques professionnelles (CoP) dans 4 wilayas pilotes
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Education
National consultant to support Cold Chain Logistics and Vaccine Management (CCL&VM)
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health
International consultant to provide technical support for strengthening the learning monitoring/evaluation system in the Sahrawi camps
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Education, Refugees and Migration
Consultant.e national.e pour le renforcement du système de gestion de cas des professionnels de la protection de l’enfance et sociale en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Capacity building around community engagement, public health and emergency issues
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Orientation & Mentoring for HCD & BI / applied Behavioural Sciences in the MENA Region to support Achievement of Results for Zero-Dose Children & other Regional Priorities
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights, Health
MHPSS Consultant for Middle East and North Africa Regional Office (MENARO) Education (Re-advertised)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Evaluation of Scale-Up of the Minimum Service Package (MSP) at the Primary Health Care Level in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Health
Le recrutement d’un groupe d’Expert(e)s pour l’élaboration d’une politique familiale sociale en appui aux droits
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Social Development
Graphic design and digitalization service to design, illustrate and digitalize the newly developed empowered learning materials books
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors:
Adolescents and Youth Life Skills Programme Evaluation
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Youth Empowerment
Le recrutement d’un groupe d’Expert(e)s pour l’élaboration d’une politique familiale sociale en appui aux droits
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Social Development
Revue à mi-parcours de la Politique Publique Intégrée de Protection de l’Enfance au Maroc 2015-2025 et élaboration du Programme National de sa Mise en Œuvre 2023-2025
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights
National Individual Consultancy: Study on digital skills as a mean to increase employability of young people in the textile, furniture and software development industries in Gaziantep Province
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth, Industry, Information Communication and Technology, Youth Empowerment
Short Term National Consultancy for Situational Analysis on Unaccompanied and Separated Children in Türkiye
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights
Institutional consultancy services for Conducting Market Survey and development of qualified suppliers list in the State of Palestine (SoP)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Child Rights, Education, Health, Social Development, Water and Wastewater, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
Long Term Arrangements (LTA) for Social and Behaviour Change (SBC) strategy, rapid assessment, and multi-media material development (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights, Education, Health, Humanitarian aid, Social Development, Youth Empowerment
Learning and Development Strategy Institutional Consultant
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors:
Support towards the Baity centers which offers integrated education, child protection and health services to vulnerable children and their families in Libya
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Child Rights, Education, Health
Nutrition Supply Financing Consultancy
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Disability Consultant-Home based International Consultancy with UNICEF Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Social Development
Étude d’Impact Environnemental et Social (EIE&S) dans le cadre des travaux de réhabilitation des ouvrages WASH
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Design, Supervision, and Construction Management Services
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Infrastructure
Recrutement d’un.e consultant.e national.e WASH
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Consultancy: Senior Advisor-Social Policy and Inclusion, Baghdad
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Public Finances for Children, Social Protection and Poverty Senior International Consultant
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Child Rights, Economic Growth, Social Development
Individual Consultancy for the Development of a National Shock-Responsive Social Protection Measures & Procedures in the State of Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Social Development
Poverty and Equity Mapping Data Consultant
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Consultancy to Development of a digital system for Accountability for Affected Populations (AAP) # Protection of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) in the State of Palestine (SoP)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Child Rights
Long-term National Institutional Consultancy Services for Videography and Photography Service Establishment of Long-term Arrangements (LTAs) (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultant to Develop a Learning and Development Strategy for UNICEF-Jordan (2023-2027)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors:
Short Term National Institutional Consultancy: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Study on Early Childhood Development (ECD) and Responsive Parenting
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights, Health
Education Systems Strengthening Data Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
Mise à l’échelle du programme UPSHIFT pour l’entreprenariat social des adolescent.e.s et jeune
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Provision of Engineering Consultancy Services to support UNICEF programmes and operations (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education, Environment and Energy, Health, Infrastructure, Water and Wastewater
Francophone quantitative research Consultant for social protection/cash transfers workstream (Senegal, Tunisia)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Social Development
Strengthen the Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) pillar in the overall response to Cholera in the MENA region
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Analyse de l’impact de l’inflation sur les ménages et les enfants au Maroc (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights, Food Security, Health
Writing and Editing of the Outcome and Output Indicators Assessment of the Mother and Child Cash of Life Programme, Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Social Development
partnership on Child Protection and GBV system strengthening in (Anbar, Baghdad, and Najaf, Salah al-Din)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Child Rights, Health, Women Rights and Empowerment
National Consultancy: Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights, Women Rights and Empowerment
New Consultancy Recruitment & Non-Staff Workflow
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Education, Health
Supporting Adolescents and Youth to access quality learning, employment support and entrepreneurship services in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education, Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Promoting transformative outcomes for conflict affected children and young people through social cohesion, peacebuilding, and community-based reintegration in area of returns including (but not limited to) Ninewa, Anbar and S
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Child Rights, Democratic Governance, Education, Entrepreneurship, Health, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Women Rights and Empowerment
Short term National Institutional Service contract for IPA III Project, Training and Content Development Consultancy
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
National Consultancy: MIS Developer Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Social Development
Establishment of LTA(s) for Financial Service Providers (FSPs)
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Monitoring and supervision of borehole equipment and extension of water supply network in Azraq Camp
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
MultiService Community Center Approach
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights, Democratic Governance, Education, Health, Youth Empowerment
Conception et production d’une mallette pédagogique constituée d’un cartable en toile résistante haute densité et quatre guides de stages
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Consultancy: Partnership Development and Resource mobilization in the Gulf Areas
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Child Rights
Consultant.e national pour l’appui à l’analyse des impacts de l’inflation sur les conditions de vie des ménages pauvres et l’identification des déterminants de la pauvreté
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Social Development
Support Curriculum B Media Campaign
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Child Rights
Recrutement d’un.e Consultant.e International.e pour le renforcement du système de gestion de cas des professionnels de la protection de l’enfance et sociale en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Child Rights
Fundraising Consultant for Kuwait
Country of Coverage: Kuwait, Sectors:
WASH Emergency Response in informal Settlements
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater, Refugees and Migration
Analyse de l’impact de l’inflation sur les ménages et les enfants au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health, Child Rights, Food Security
Consultancy for Management Information Systems (MIS)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights
Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Child Rights
Consultancy for Nutrition for first 1000 days – Nationals only
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
ORACLE services for a period of 2 years
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education, Information Communication and Technology
Services for maintenance and development of MEHE ICT software for SIMS
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education, Information Communication and Technology
Establishment of Microsoft Agreement with Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education, Information Communication and Technology
Appel à consultation pour l’élaboration d’un programme et kit de formation sur le Guide du Développement Psychomoteur de la Petite Enfance
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health, Child Rights
International MICS (Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys) Consultant
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Recrutement d’un bureau de consulting pour mener une enquête panel auprès des ménages bénéficiaires des allocations monétaires du programme Amen Social
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Feasibility Study-Common Premises
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Infrastructure
International Consultant for Children on the Move/Case Management
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Child Rights, Refugees and Migration
Consultancy Post_Education in Emergency Consultant
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Education
Consultant international expert en conception des modules de formation utilisant les nouvelles technologies
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Education
Consultant individuel international expert en conception des modules de formation utilisant les nouvelles technologies
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Education
PSFR Market Assessment Process (MAP)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights
Service Provider for Delivering Third Party Facilitators on behalf of UNICEF
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Child Rights
International Consultancy to assist in the Annual Review process and to write the 2022 Country Office Annual Report (COAR) and Results Assessment Module (RAM)
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Child Rights
Social and Behaviour Change Study Around Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene in Azraq and Zaatari Refugee Camps (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Ethics review for Evaluations & Research
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights
Elaboration D’un Programme Et Kit Formation Sur Le Guide Du Développement Psychomoteur De La Petite Enfance
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health, Child Rights
Provision of photography and/or videography services for UNICEF Syria
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Child Rights
Basline survey for Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (Wash) in Agig and Algalabat Algharbia Localities, Red Sea and Gedarif states
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Support for the Iraqi Ministry of Health (MoH) Directorate of planning and Directorate of public Health information technology as part of the continuous improvement
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Health, Information Communication and Technology
International/National Consultancy: Public Finance For the Social Sector
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Social Development
Recrutement d’un (e) consultant (e) pour une étude de la documentation de l’expérience pilote du Programme de Parentalité Positive (P+) en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy for Mapping and analysis of Arab States’ National Voluntary Commitments HLM-TES-AGS
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
National WASH consultant to support the planning, implementation, supervision of UNICEF supported WASH program interventions in Ad Damazine
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Monitoring and supervision of borehole equipment and extension of water supply network in Azraq Camp
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Implementing a household survey focused on online child sexual exploitation and abuse in 11 countries in Eastern Europe, Middle East and North Africa, and the Latin America and the Caribbean regions
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights
Expansion of Partners – Girls, boys and women at risk and survivors of violence exploitation and abuse have access to improved and equitable prevention and response
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Child Rights
COVID-19 vaccines, IPC and Lifesaving skills Campaign
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Health
Consultancy: End-of-Year Reporting assignment
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors:
National Consultants for Life-Skills Curriculum Development
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Education
Social Policy Consultant (Evidence Generation & National Social Protection Polices)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Social Development
Consultancy for Data and Monitoring
Country of Coverage: , Sectors: Child Rights
Elaboration des directives nationales de la prise en charge des affections respiratoires chez l’enfant
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health, Child Rights
Consultancy company to review the upgrade and the expanding the capabilities of the educational TV channel automate ministerial exams- Aden
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Education
Provision of consultancy Services for Rehabilitation of main water transmission line in Al-Tawahi district- Aden
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors:
Establishment of Long-Term Arrangements (LTAs) for Third Party Human Resource Services in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors:
International Child Protection Consultant to support “Sudan Free of FGM” programme
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Child Rights
International Broad-Based Educational Expert
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Demand Driven On the Job Training for Vulnerable Jordanian
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education, Economic Growth, Youth Empowerment
Appel d’offres pour la selection d’une agence d’organisation d’evenement
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors:
International Consultant: International Broad-Based Educational Expert
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Self Employment Support for most vulnerable young people in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education, Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Growth monitoring training for national companies
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Long-Term Arrangements (LTAs) for Third Party Monitoring of UNICEF Supported Interventions in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
National IYCF Consultant in Libya
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Health
End-line Study: Strengthening Early Childhood Health,Protection and Development
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health, Child Rights
WASH Consultant (open to nationals of Sudan only)
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Consultancy for Management Information Systems for Social Protection Programs
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Social Development
Développer un Plan Stratégique National d’Atténuation et d’Adaptation aux changements climatiques en relation avec les droits de l’enfant (2023-2030)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights, Climate Change and Global Warming
Call for Public Relations Services for Shabab Balad Project
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Consultancy for Egypt FGM Programme Assessment (Re-advertised)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Child Protection CP interventions and system strengthen in Muthanna governorate
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Child Rights
Social Policy Consultant (Public Finance)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth
National Consultant on Disability Inclusive Social Protection (Open to nationals of Iraq only)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Social Development
Education Management Information System (EMIS) International consultant
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Education, Information Communication and Technology
Consultant Individuel-Renforcement des capacités des cadres du Ministère de la Santé et de la Protection Sociale en matière de santé communautaire-Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health, Social Development
International Consultancy to assist in the Annual Review process and to write the 2022 Country Office Annual Report (COAR) and Results Assessment Module (RAM)
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors:
Development of learning content to raise awareness of mental health issues among adolescents and youth and help break the stigma associated with it
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health
International 2 consultancies For life-skills curriculum development
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Education
Recrutement d’un bureau de consulting pour mener une enquête panel auprès des ménages bénéficiaires du programme d’allocations monétaires pour les enfants de 6-18 ans
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education, Child Rights, Social Development
KAP survey for Children with disabilities in Yemen (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Gender and Zero Dose Immunization Consultancy
Country of Coverage: Qatar, Sectors: Health
Consultancy: Assessment Expert
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Content Development for Empowerment of Parents And Caregivers of 0-6 Age Group for Prevention of Neglect and Abuse
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights
Developing of Pandemic Playbook to improve future public health emergency responses
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health
Recrutement d’un(e) consultant(e) national(e) WASH
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Water and Wastewater, Climate Change and Global Warming
Consultant national(e) – Recrutement de Cinq (5) pédagogues chargés de former et accompagner des éducateurs du préscolaire sur l’exploitation d’une plateforme de formation à distance
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
National Individual Consultancy: Schooling Adolescents through Vocational Education Programme Monitoring Excercise
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Recrutement d’un Bureau d’études pour la réalisation d’un sondage sur la violence faite aux enfants
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
National WASH Consultant
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Diagnostic study on challenges and lessons learned from UNICEF Graduation programmes
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Social Development
National Consultant (Youth Program Facilitator) one each in Ubari, Sabha, Al Kufra, Brak Shati and Ghat municipalities
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Education, Youth Empowerment, Child Rights
Design and Build – Confined Terrace Space at the Roof Floor
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Infrastructure
Long-Term Agreement (LTA) for Third-Party Monitoring Services
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Child Rights, Humanitarian aid, Social Development
National Consultant to support a high-level Conference on Child Rights Governance and Child Protection
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights
Elaboration des directives nationales de la PEC des affections respiratoires chez l’enfant moins 18 ans
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health
Appel d’offres pour la selection d’une agence d’organisation d’evenement au niveau de cinq Wilayas (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors:
Edutainment Life Skills Episodes for supporting consolidation of the Learning Passport in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Education
Individual Consultancy: Assessment report on the Juvenile Justice system in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Child Rights
KAP survey for Children with disabilities in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Ancillary service Only for National companies or companies located in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors:
Supervision and Construction Management Services
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Infrastructure
Development of Interactive Games and 3D animations on key life saving behaviours for Iraq country office
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Health, Child Rights, Water and Wastewater, Climate Change and Global Warming
Recrutement d’une boite de communication pour la réalisation de trois spots TV et un spot Radio sur les mesures de prévention et la vaccination
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health
Appel d’offres pour la selection d’une agence d’organisation d’evenement au niveau de 04 Wilayas
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors:
Responsabilisation Communautaire pour la prévention de la Covid-19 et la promotion de la vaccination anti-Covid-19
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health
Adolescent Participation and Social Media Engagement (Re-advertisement)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Youth Empowerment, Media Development
Functional Review Consultant
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Consultant to carry out Research on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Care and Services
Country of Coverage: Kuwait, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Consultancy for Strategic Framework for Childhood & Motherhood (2018-2030) and the National Action Plan (2018-2022)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights
Generation Unlimited ImaGen Youth Challenge in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
MENA HR Certified Training on HR Business Partnering
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors:
Media Monitoring Paid Service for UNICEF Turkey Country Office
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights
Provision of Media Services & Support COVAX National Deployment
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Child Rights
Request for proposal for Provision of capacity building activities for child protection implementing partners
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Child Rights
International Consultant for documentation ‘Putting knowledge to work to achieve rights and results for children returned from conflict zones in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights, Refugees and Migration
Roaster: Social Behaviour Change Consultants to be Engaged by UNICEF Turkiye Office
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education, Health, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Child Rights, Humanitarian aid
Consultation relative à l’élaboration d’un plan d’action national pour le suivi des recommandations du comité des droits de l’enfant, concernant l’application de la CIDE et des protocoles facultatifs
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Individual National Consultancy: National Coordinator for the Protection against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Network in the State of Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Consultant Individuel- Appui au déploiement de U-Report au sein du bureau UNICEF Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Youth Empowerment
Researcher on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Care and Services in Saudi Arabia
Country of Coverage: Saudi Arabia, Sectors: Health
Consultant National pour l’appui à l’élargissement du pilotage d’un modèle quadridimensionnel -M4D
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Consultation nationale pour la mise à jour des indicateurs relatifs à la situation et la protection de l’enfance en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
ECD services consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultant for the development of a national strategy and roadmap for the scaling up of the medical oxygen system in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Call for Youth Consultancy
Country of Coverage: Qatar, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Consultation nationale Soutien technique pour la mise en œuvre de l’initiative « recherche par action participative des jeunes (Youth Participatory Action Research Y_PAR) sur les effets du changement climatique et la pénurie d’eau ».
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Consultancy-Management and leadership Training (Working with teams, delegation of authority and Time Management)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors:
Consultancy for Independent appraisal of the Egyptian Pre-University Education Sector Plan 2023/24–2027/28
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Education
Individual contractor (national) Communication specialist to support the ACO Communication and advocacy activities
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultant Development of Area Programme Document (APD) for UNICEF Gulf Area Office
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights
Elaboration d’un guide du programme d’éducation aux CPS en faveur de la santé des adolescents et des jeunes
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health
Support the Development of a National Education Technologies Strategy Document for the Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Support and motivation learning in primary schools
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education
National Consultants in charge of training and accompanying educators on the deployment of quality standards in the Koutteb
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
National Technical Consultant to strengthen the Juvenile Justice System in Libya
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy for Supporting the MOSS / UNICEF partnership
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
LTA for training service providers
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors:
Renforcement du plaidoyer des organisations de la société civile en matière des droits des enfants et genre
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights
Market Survey for IRAQ
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Child Rights
Behaviour Change Communication campaign on climate change, water scarcity and environment
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater, Climate Change and Global Warming
Access to Education for displaced children in Abyan and Al Dhaele Governorates
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Education, Social Development
Social and Behavior Change Program in West Bank – Increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health
National Consultant:Support Development of an Adolescents and Young People Engagement Strategy
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Health
Support the Ministry of Water and Irrigation in the Development of the Water and Sanitation Vulnerability Maps
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Evaluation of Scale-Up of the Minimum Service Package (MSP) at the Primary Health Care Level in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Health
Deploiement Du Programme Egalite Du Genre Dans Les Ecole De La Deuxieme Chance
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Education, Women Rights and Empowerment
Provision of Site assessments for determining energy needs and infrastructural condition of 272 Primary Health Clinics in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health, Environment and Energy
Renforcement des capacités des organisations de la société civile en matière des droits des enfants et genre
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment, Child Rights
Consultancy:Technical Support for the Health and Nutrition Programme
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health
Provision of Design Services, including Site supervision and Quality Assurance for two Packages
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education, Infrastructure, Water and Wastewater
End-line Study: Strengthening Early Childhood Health, Protection, and Development in the State of Palestine For National or International Consulting Firms
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health
Third Party TREF (Financial and Risk Management)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
Consultancy to support in the development of Costed Plan of Action on Child Protection
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Child Rights
Inclusive Education Trainer
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Education, Social Development
Consultation Nationale Pour la Mise à Jour des Indicateurs Relatifs à la Situation et la Protection de l’Enfance
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
National Consultant to Support the Adaptation of the Global CP Volunteers Toolkit
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy for Adolescent Health (Re-advertisment)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Provision of External Monitoring of The Cash Transfer Program in the State of Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Social Development
Capacity building program for General Center for Training and Education Development (GCTED)’s staff and teachers on ICT skills in education
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Education
National Girls Network; Empowering girls to increase their participation in decision-making
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment
Evaluation à mi-parcours de la mise en œuvre de la Stratégie Nationale Multisectorielle de Développement de la Petite Enfance 2017-2025
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
International Consultant:To provide technical support for the development of Sudan Country Office Programme (2024‐2028)
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Child Rights
International consultant to strengthen capacity of services providers on MHPSS for children returning from conflict zone (Re-Advertisement)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights, Refugees and Migration
Refugee community school and learning center assessment and enhanced coordination of Education Working Group members
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Education, Refugees and Migration
Household Survey Consultant–support to the MICS programme
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Consultation pour le renforcement de la ligne d’écoute pour enfants 1809
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Third party monitoring of Gavi Health System Strengthening (HSS) support in Yemen (Updated)
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Health
Consultant-Technical support to design and conduct Climate Landscape Analysis for Children (CLAC)Technical support to design and conduct Climate Landscape Analysis for Children (CLAC)
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Consultancy: Senior ICT Associate
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Provision of Lebanon Integrated Micronutrient Assessment
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Adaptation du curriculum national de l’éducation préscolaire et élaboration d’un dispositif de formation
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Education
Audit of the compliance and operation of the Omniprocessor
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Justice for children in Thi Qar
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Child Rights
Provision of Lebanon Integrated Micronutrient Assessment (LIMA)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Provision of scoping study on youth employability skills in Libya nation wide
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth, Youth Empowerment
National Consultancy: National Evaluation Consultant for Community Health and Nutrition
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Health
International Consultant: Gender and Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Specialist
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Child Rights
Country Programme Management Plan (CPMP) Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights
Community Mobilization (CM) activities in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater, Climate Change and Global Warming
Establishment of Long Term Agreements (LTAs) to provide technical support to UNICEF Country Offices for the Operationalisation of the Life Skills and Citizenship Education (LSCE) Initiative in MENA
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Education, Democratic Governance
Conducting Baseline Survey for the Project “Improving Education Quality in the West Bank in the State of Palestine” in Partnership with KOICA
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Consultancy:Formative Evaluation of Anti-Bullying Programme in Schools
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights
Roster of Evaluation Consultant (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors:
Consulting Services to Revamping Targeting of Social Protection Schemes
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Social Development
Operationalize an Effective School Leadership Team Framework including preparing Professional Development packages
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
National Consultancy Contract for Cold Chain and Solarization Projec
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Baseline Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice (KAP) Survey among communities in the SGDP project areas on Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) related Social Behavior and Change
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Optimisation du Système d’information (Amen Social)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
The multiservice community center (MSCC) approach (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education, Health, Child Rights
Consultant on Caring for Child Survivors
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Child Rights
Consultant-Elaboration d’un guide de normalisation et de standardisation du programme d’éducation aux compétences psychosociales en faveur de la santé des adolescents et des jeunes
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health, Social Development
Consultation nationale relative à l’élaboration d’un plan d’action national pour le suivi des recommandations du comité des droits de l’enfant concernant l’application de la CIDE et des protocoles facultatifs
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultation pour la mise sur pied et l’organisation d’une exposition de photos sur le thème de l’enfance
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Consultancy to support to establishing community-led accountability mechanisms within the context of refugee community schools (Re-advertisement )
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Education, Child Rights
Multimedia media production company for Producing high-quality multimedia content
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Child Rights
Provision of Capacity Building Service
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy Services to conduct feasibility study to the options available for water supply and distribution in Al-Hol camp – Al Hasakeh
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Consultant-Appui au Programme de Santé et de Nutrition
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health
Digital Engagement-IOGT Consultant
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Evaluation Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
Assistance technique pour la réalisation de la modélisation et capitalisation dans le cadre du projet Hijra wa Himaya+
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights, Refugees and Migration
Promoting Youth Employability, Entrepreneurship and Engagement in Local Economic Recovery and Development in Duhok
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Recrutement d’un consultant local en Communication pour le Changement de comportement à l’égard de la vaccination
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health
Development of operationalization Toolkits for Community Health Workers Program in the context of Well Child Care
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Short Term Institutional Consultancy to support UNICEF to integrate interpersonal communication for immunization in national training curricula for health professionals
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Health
Conduct a Market Survey by inviting suppliers and vendors in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Child Rights
Renforcement de la ligne d’écoute pour enfants 1809
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Baseline Assessment of UNICEF-WFP Joint Programme “Strengthening Resilience and Social Cohesion in Darfur”, Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Social Development
Recrutement d’un (e ) consultant (e ) international (e) pour l’élaboration d’une stratégie nationale avec une feuille de route pour la mise à l’échelle du système d’apport d’oxygène médical opérationnel dans les structures sanitaires,
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Assurer une aide légale aux enfants en conflit avec la loi (partenariat de contingence) (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Child Rights
Individual Consultancy: Senior Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) Developer
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Social behavioural Change and Communication Plan (Qudwa) – Vedio Production Service
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Child Rights
Bureau d’études local /centre de recherches ou consultants / sur le climat, l’énergie, les questions environnementales, la réduction des risques de catastrophe (RRC) et les droits de l’enfant
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health, Child Rights, Environment and Energy, Climate Change and Global Warming
Développer un Plan Stratégique National d’Atténuation et d’Adaptation aux changements climatiques en relation avec les droits de l’enfant (2023-2030)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights, Climate Change and Global Warming
Provision of Financial Services for delivering Cash based interventions in the State of Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Consultancy-Climate Change Expert
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights, Climate Change and Global Warming
Girls, boys and women at risk and survivors of violence exploitation and abuse have access to improved and equitable prevention and response
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health, Women Rights and Empowerment, Child Rights
Real-Time Monitoring:Data Collection and Visualization Services for the Education Sector
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Education
Soutenir la prise en charge des enfants victimes de violence
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health, Child Rights
Renforcement de la ligne d’écoute tunisienne pour enfants 1809
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health, Child Rights
Impression de supports de communication pour la campagne nationale de sensibilisation sur les effets de la canicule
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Climate Adaptation and Resilient WASH Program
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health, Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater, Climate Change and Global Warming
Community engagement on ground activation
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Technical Experts on Oxygen
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Consultancy Services to Conduct Feasibility Study to the Options Available for Water Supply and Distribution in Al-Hol Camp – Al Hasakeh
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Provision of First Aid Training for Syrian Volunteers in MoE Schools
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education, Refugees and Migration
Adaptation du curriculum national de l’éducation préscolaire et élaboration d’un dispositif de formation
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Education
Evaluation de la gouvernance des établissements scolaires
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Education
Conduite d’une étude sur les mesures alternatives à la détention (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Review of UNICEF Iraq and World Bank Life Skills Tools
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education
LSCE Capacity building in Syrian Schools [LSCE] and Education platforms
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Education
Consultation pour une étude analyse de l’impact des actions de communication, de sensibilisation et de l’éducation pour la santé sur les comportements des individus vis-à-vis de la vaccination
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health
Time bound Long Term Arrangement for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Consultancy
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors:
Child-friendly City Planning Consultant
Country of Coverage: United Arab Emirates, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultantcy-MICS Household Survey Expert
Country of Coverage: Qatar, Sectors: Social Development
Conduite d’analyses de budget sensibles au genre et à l’enfant
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Child Rights
Consultancy: Disability Screening Specialist
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education, Social Development
Joint Program on Strengthening Resilience and Social Cohesion in Darfur, Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Social Development
Provision of integrated nutrition services for the management of under-nutrition among vulnerable children and women in high priority locations of North West Syria (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Health
Diagnostic study on challenges and lessons learned from UNICEF Graduation programmes
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Social Development
Building a Shock-Responsive National Social Protection System for Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Social Development
Consultancy: International Classification of Functioning-Disability-and Health (ICF) Specialist
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education, Social Development
Elaboration de trois notes budgétaires (Budget briefs) centrées sur l’Enfant au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Education, Health, Child Rights, Social Development
Consultant Individuel-Réalisation d’un diagnostic rapide de la scolarisation des adolescent.e.s en milieu rural et leur transition vers la vie active
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Education
Provision of HACT-related “micro assessment, macro assessment, spot checks, HACT Audits and special audit” for UNICEF partners in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors:
Establishing the foundations for integration of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in primary health care in two Gulf Countries in the Middle East and North Africa Region
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
International Consultant for Climate Landscape Analysis for Children (CLAC)-CSD-WASH
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Child Rights, Water and Wastewater, Climate Change and Global Warming
Consultancy-Technical support in Education and Youth
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Education
National Consultant-COVID-19 National Risk Communications and Community Engagement
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Health
Consultancy Researcher on climate,energy,environment,risk reduction (DRR) and child rights
Country of Coverage: United Arab Emirates, Sectors: Child Rights, Environment and Energy, Humanitarian aid, Climate Change and Global Warming
Expression of Interest in the Production of Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Short Term National Institutional Consultancy for Content Development for Empowerment of Children and Families for Prevention of Neglect and Abuse
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Social and Behavioral Change Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education, Health, Democratic Governance, Child Rights, Water and Wastewater
International Consultant for Change Management
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consultancy for Specialized technical support for Edutainment TV Drama and media advocacy for social and behavioral change
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Media Development, Social Development
Regional learning and capacity development on Social and Behaviour Change and Community Engagement (SBCCE)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Joint Education Needs Assessment
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Education
Establishing Oracle Agreement with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
Adolescent Participation and Social Media Engagement
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Provision of Risk Communication and Community engagement (RCCE) services
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health
Consultancy-Resource Mobilization
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth
Community Violence Reduction National Consultant
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Human Rights
Human Rights and Protection of Civilian National Consultant
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Human Rights
Conduct Joint Education Sector Needs Assessment (JENA) and developing an Education Sector Strategy that will be owned by all education stakeholders
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Education
Youth Climate Challenge-Design and Implementation of Youth Skills Development Programme
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Reading development assessment app/system – Technical Support for Arabic Digitised Reading Programme Reading Recovery – Stage 2
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Recrutement d’un(e) consultant(e) expert en plaidoyer dans le cadre de la promotion de l’allaitement maternel
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Consultancy to assess the Shock Responsiveness of the local COVID-19 Social Protection Response from a Horizontal Perspective (Local Level Interventions)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Social Development
Development of Digital Learning Content to Raise Awareness of Mental Health Issues Among Adolescents and Youth and Help Break the Stigma Associated with it
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Développement d’outils de suivi et évaluation du projet pilote relatif à l’enseignement soutenu par le numérique
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Education
Third Party Evaluation for WASH Support to Water Establishments Project
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Multimedia visibility campaign for MOHP
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Design of the Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Short Term National Individual/Institutional Consultancy for Revision of Quality Standards for Increasing Quality of and Access to Early Childhood Education Services (ECE) Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Long Term Arrangements for Technical Third-Party Monitoring of UNICEF Cross-border Activities in NW & NE of Syria
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Education, Health, Child Rights, Water and Wastewater, Humanitarian aid
Mapping the Existing Data Sources for Monitoring Public Health Emergency Indicators
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Recrutement d’un(e) consultant(e) Expert International (e ) Thématique pour l’évaluation des compétences des enfants à l’entrée au primaire
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Development & Roll-out of a Placement Test for Non-formal Education Programming in NW and NE Syria
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Education
Risk & Financial Management Support for New Fund Modality, TREF, for the Lebanese Education Sector
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
Consultation internationale Introduction des compétences de vie dans les pratiques pédagogiques et renforcement des capacités de personnels du secteur de l’education
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Education
International Consultant for Development of an Adolescents and Young People Engagement Strategy
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Education, Youth Empowerment
Consultancy Recruitment for Child Protection
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Child Rights
Development and Roll-out of a Placement Test for Non-formal Education Programming
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Education
School Bridging Program
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
National Evaluation Consultant for Community Health and Nutrition Volunteers Review
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Health
Realization (Coordination, Design, Delivery and Adaptation) of the Humanitarian Learning Programme (Field-based and Local Responder Stream)
Country of Coverage: , Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Renforcement des capacités institutionnelles de la formation des travailleurs sociaux et des délégués de la protection de l’enfance
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Institutional Capacity Assessment and Capacity Development Plans for the Ministry of Education (Aden and Sana’a) in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Education
Baseline Assessment of UNICEF-WFP Joint Programme for Strengthening Resilience and Social Cohesion in Darfur
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Consultancy company to review the upgrade and the expanding capabilities of the educational TV channel-radio channel and online platform
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Education, Information Communication and Technology
Build the capacity of Justice and law enforcement and scale up the alternatives to detention and access to justice services
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Child Rights
Analyse des programmes nationaux de protection sociale en Algérie en lien avec la réalisation des droits des enfants et des adolescents
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Workforce Planning and Organization Design Analysis for Development of UNICEF Sudan Country Office (SCO)’s Country Programme Management Plan (CPMP) 2024-2028
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Child Rights
Inclusion and Specialized Disability: Supporting Children with Moderate and Severe Disabilities in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights, Human Rights, Social Development
Recrutement d’un prestataire de services pour Assistance à la Maîtrise d’Ouvrage (AMOA) pour les projets de transformation du Ministère des Affaires Sociales
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Réalisation d’une recherche par action participative des jeunes (Youth Participatory Action Research Y_PAR) sur les effets du changement climatique et la pénurie d’eau.
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Youth Empowerment, Environment and Energy, Climate Change and Global Warming
Consultancy-Support the Family and Child Unit of the Sanliurfa Metropolitan Municipality to Develop its Strategy and Policies for Delivering Services for Children
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Long Term Agreement for Monitoring Services
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors:
Third Party Monitoring of UNICEF Supported Interventions
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors:
Explosive Ordnance Risk Education program for Children at risk and living in areas with high contamination IED / Explosive Remnant of war in Basra, Thi Qar, and Muthana
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Child Rights, Humanitarian aid
Nutrition in Emergencies Training Course
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Consultancy Services for Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building for Yatta Water Supply and Sanitation Department
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Recrutement d’un bureau d’étude pour une étude sur la violence en milieu scolaire
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultant to Support for Mapping and Strengthening of Oman’s Nutrition Surveillance Administrative Data System
Country of Coverage: Oman, Sectors: Health
Education Reporting Consultancy
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Recrutement d’un consultant pour l’élaboration d’une stratégie nationale avec une feuille de route pour la mise à l’échelle du système d’apport d’oxygène médical opérationnel dans les structures sanitaires
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Qualitative data collection services to inform the development of the National Early Childhood Development Policy in Turkey
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights
Caravane de l’Hygiène et du Changement Climatique
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Water and Wastewater, Climate Change and Global Warming
Provision of Administrative Services through the Syrian Volunteer Administrative Assistants Programme to support Formal Education in 435 Morning and Afternoon Shift Schools
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education, Child Rights, Refugees and Migration
Consultation nationale pour la conception et diffusion d’une campagne nationale de lutter contre la violence à l’égard des enfants
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Child Rights
Conduite d’une recherche-Action participative menée par les jeunes avec un focus sur le changement de comportement lié aux thématiques de changement climatique, rareté de l’eau et la promotion des bonnes pratiques d’hygiène
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater, Climate Change and Global Warming
Provision of nutrition supplies for the delivery of quality integrated nutrition services in the North West Syria.
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Health
Audit of the Compliance and Operation of the Omniprocessor
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Conduct CLAC Research on climate, energy, environment issues, disaster risk reduction (DRR), and child rights in Libya
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Child Rights, Climate Change and Global Warming
Recrutement un bureau d’études pour l’élaboration du plan stratégique d’alimentation et nutrition infantile
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Food Security
Appel d’offres pour la selection une ou plusieurs agences de communication
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Child Rights
L’élaboration d’une cartographie OSC dans le domaine de l’information et de l’éducation sanitaire
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health, Democratic Governance
Conduct Pilot Assessment of Child Protection chapter of SAEP implemented through APC project under MoWCA
Country of Coverage: Bahrain, Sectors: Child Rights
Research and Evaluation Services
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights
Establishing of the Transition and Resilience Education Fund
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
Appui technique à l’Institut Royal de Police du Maroc/DGSN pour le développement et le déploiement de programmes de formation initiale et continue en matière de droits de l’enfant et de protection de l’enfance
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Child Rights
Financial Service Provider for Long Term Agreement for Direct Cash Transfers
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors:
Conduct a National Volunteering Survey and establish a volunteering measurement for the national volunteering programme
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Call for Expressions of Interest (Eois) Evaluations of Unicef’s Level 3 Responses in Yemen, Afghanistan & Northern Ethiopia
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Development of a National STEM Strategy in State of Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Capacity Building and Engagement of Young People Advisory Group
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Youth Empowerment
Assistance technique pour l`élaboration de procédures opérationnelles standards pour l’evaluation et la determination de l`interet superieur des enfants en mouvement
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Education, Refugees and Migration
Support the development, piloting, implementation, and monitoring e-learning in Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education
Long Term Agreement for Financial Service Provider in all Syrian Governorates UNICEF Syria – (Extension)
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors:
Providing quality health and nutrition services with a focus on the most vulnerable groups including IDPs, refugees, returnees and host communities
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Appui à l’établissement d’un Centre pilote de prise en charge des enfants victimes de traite des êtres humains ou à risque de l’être
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights
Proposal for Baseline Survey for “Teaching at the right level (TaRL), Remedial Education” Project”
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education
Joint Education Needs Assessment 2022
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Education
Developing a Report on the Socio-Economic Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic on Children in MENA Region
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights
Provision of Social and Behavior Change Research Services on a Long Term Agreement (LTA)
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health, Democratic Governance, Child Rights, Water and Wastewater, Humanitarian aid
Appui aux autorités tunisiennes pour la production de recherches analytiques (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Climate Change and Global Warming
Conduct an End Line assessment of the Knowledge Attitude and Practice (KAP) and the Effectiveness of the FCMT Approach for Health Care Services Utilization and Facility-Based
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Long Term Arrangement for Financial Service Providers for Provision of Cash Delivery Services
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Youth Engagement in Climate Change and Environmental Actions
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Youth Empowerment, Environment and Energy, Climate Change and Global Warming
Contrat individuel / Instutionnel: Formateur « Gestion Axée sur les Résultats
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health
Long Term Agreement for Financial Service Provider in all Syrian Governorates UNICEF Syria
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors:
Social and Behavior Change
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Social Development
Long Term Agreement for Supply of Engineering Services
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors:
Primary Health Care in Lebanon-Financing Policy Brief and Advocacy
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Consultation internationale pour le renforcement des capacités institutionnelles de la formation des travailleurs sociaux et des délégués de la protection de l’enfance en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfers ( HACT ) Assurance Services (Re-bid)
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors:
Access to COVID-19 Tools -Accelerator (ACT-A)/ Increasing COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake Among Refugees and other population
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Enhancing Outcomes of Public Finance for Children/ Social Sectors with focus on five states: North Dafur , North Kordofan , Kassala , Al Gadarif and the Blue Nile in Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Child Rights
Conduct Sanitation Customers and Market Research in Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Database development on primary care service providers in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
SBC Dissemination of COVID-19 vaccination messages in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Health
Digital Campaign and Event in Europe About EU’s Support to Education in Emergencies in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Education, Humanitarian aid
Consultation internationale pour le renforcement du système de gestion de cas des professionnels de la protection de l’enfance et sociale en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Consultation internationale pour le développement d’un Plan d’Actions National pour lutter contre les Violences en lignes faites aux enfants
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Child Rights
Estimating the Cost of establishing a Primary Health Care Facility in the public sector including the cost of immunization program in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Mapping of the Drugs Purchasing Systems for the Public Sector in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Call for Expression of Interest for partnership on providing Non-Formal Education and responding to Child Protection (CP) needs in the Return areas in Ninawa Governorate in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education, Child Rights
Establishing LTA for Engineering Services ( Design Quality Assurance and Site Supervision for Solar Water Pump in Schools ) In Various Locations in Sudan (Re-bid)
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education, Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater
Video Production
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights
Appui à l’établissement d’un Centre pilote de prise en charge des enfants victimes de traite des êtres humains ou à risque de l’être
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Child Rights, Human Rights
Support to Tunisian Authorities for the Production of Analytical Research
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Climate Change and Global Warming
Non-formal education Project
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Education
Scaling of Meshwary programme & landscape analysis for S4D
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Summative Evaluation of the Adolescents Programme in State of Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education, Youth Empowerment
Consultancy for Pre-qualification of Construction Contractors for the use Period 2022-2023
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Infrastructure
Strengthening the demand for TVET and promoting entrepreneurship among Jordan’s youth, with a focus on girls and women, through a behavioural science approach
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education, Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Establishment of Long-Term Arrangement for the provision of graphic design and layout services
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Child Rights
Establishment of Long Term Arrangement (LTAs) for the provision of Printing and Production Services for UNICEF
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Child Rights
Establishing the foundations for the integration of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in primary health care in the Middle East and North Africa Region.
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Short Term National Institutional Consultancy: “Early Childhood Education (ECE) Investment Case Study in Turkey”
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Improving safe and inclusive access to quality learning in the five Sahrawi refugee camps
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Education
Short Term National Institutional Consultancy: Development of a learning portal for roll out of Genc-UPSHIFT
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Vulnerability Assessment of Public Water Supply sources and Public Water Supply Risk Mapping in the West Bank and Gaza Strip
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Landscape Mapping and Review of Technology-based Interventions to Mitigate Child Marriage and FGM for 13 countries in Africa and Asia
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Child Rights
Event Management Agency to provide Event Management for the MENA Regional Summit on the Transition of youth from Learning to Earning
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Youth Empowerment
Consultancy-Integrated Early Childhood Development Coordinator
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education, Health, Child Rights
Evaluation of COVID-19 Risk Communication and Community Engagement in Jordan Country Office
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health
Developing a Situation Analysis on Palestinian Children and Adolescents living in the State of Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights
Social & Behavioural Change Communication Consultant-Riyadh-Gulf Area Office (Re-advertisement)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Education, Child Rights
Social Policy Social Protection Strategy and Reform Roadmap Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Social Development
Evaluation of COVID-19 Risk Communication & Community Engagement in Jordan Country Office
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health
Children can benefit from a functional and child-friendly system of justice that protects them and their rights consistent with international standards
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Child Rights
National WASH Consultant
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
National Consultant to Support the Joint UNICEF-WFP Complementary Feeding Bowl Initiative to Improve Complementary Feeding Practices
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health
International Consultant for Humanitarian Social Cash Transfers and Shock-Responsive Social
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Social Development
Senior Consultant with the Child Protection Section
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights
Quality Implementation Support Services for UNICEF Cash Transfer Projects
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Education, Health, Humanitarian aid, Social Development
Elongation of Combined Intake Structure for (South Kufa and Najaf) Projects/capacity of 3,000 m³/hr for each- 2nd stage
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Development of Digital Campaign and Event in Europe about EU’s Support to Education in emergencies in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Education, Child Rights
WASH in Emergency Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Provision of HACT Financial Assurance Services
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors:
Provision of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services including COVID-19 interventions among vulnerable communities
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Exploring alternative models for early childhood education (ECE) for IDPs, refugees and vulnerable host communities in West Darfur, Central Darfur and Kassala states
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education, Refugees and Migration
Empowerment and Capacity Building of Young People Advisory Group (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Long Term Arrangement for Event Management Services
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors:
Consultancy Contract for Engineering Services that includes quality assurance and site supervision for the construction works of Yatta Water Project
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Infrastructure, Water and Wastewater
Consultancy for Lead Expert for the Organizational Audit of the Ministry of Education
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Consultancy for Community Manager for Emerging Platforms
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Consultancy: Case Management Associate
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Consultancy for Learning Passport
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Education
Consultancy: Case Management Supervisor
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Knowledge Transfer Consultant
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Social Development
Third Party Evaluation for “Sanitation Technology Demonstration in Emergency Settings in Lebanon” Project
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Consultancy Services for a Philanthropy feasibility study for UNICEF Turkey
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth
Information Management Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Accountability to Affected Population Consultant
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Social Development
Long term agreement for provision of software development services for UNICEF Jordan (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Social Development
Early Childhood Development in Lebanon: A formative mixed-methods research
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health, Child Rights
Study on how Businesses Active in MENA Region are engaged in supporting Education, Youth Engagement, Youth Skilling & Employability
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Education, Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Consultancy: Training of Trainers on Parental Engagement Curriculum for Children with Special Needs
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Conseil juridique et renforcement de capacité auprès d’avocats et d’associations partenaires en matière de protection juridique des enfants en mouvement
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Child Rights
Study on Private Sector Engagements & Partnerships relating to Ending Online Violence against children in MENA Region
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights
Provision of Operator Management Services
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education, Health, Child Rights
Specialized Consultant for Oxygen System Scales Up
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Consultancy for Data and Monitoring
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights
Develop Parenting Program from Early Childhood to adolescence-Promoting Enriched Caregiving and Positive Parenting Practices and Preventing Violence Against Children
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy: Social Welfare Expert
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Social Development
Design Manufacturing Report
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Consultant for Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) Strategy Development
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Sustaining integrated nutrition and health services targeting the most vulnerable populations in highest priority districts of Yemen (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Health, Humanitarian aid
Final Evaluation of the State of Palestine Education Cannot Wait Multi-Year Resilience Programme
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Consultancy for Senior Education Policy Advisor and Coordinator
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Education
Development of an Updated and Unified Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the Ministry of Social Development (MOSD)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Social Development
Detailed Mapping of all Social Service Workforce in Jordan Including all government (Social, Education, Health, Security and Justice) and NGO sectors (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Life-skills Programme RSSD1
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Education
Consultation nationale Soutien technique pour la mise en œuvre de l’initiative Generation Unlimited-Youth Challenge
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Prevention and Response to End Violence Against Children Programme in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Child Rights
Consultant-Soutien au Ministère de la jeunesse et des Sports dans l’intégration des compétences de vie dans la prize en charge pedagogique
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Education, Youth Empowerment
Call for Expression of Interest Remedial Education, Teaching at the Right Level
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education
Back to Learning [BTL] Training Services
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Education
Promoting Youth Employability, Entrepreneurship and Engagement in Local Economic Recovery and Development in Ninewa
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education, Youth Empowerment
Coordination and Technical Support Consultant
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Social Development
Consultancy for Planning-Monitoring and Evaluation
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors:
National Construction Engineer Consultant
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Infrastructure
Resource Mobilization Strategy Consultancy
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth
Conseil juridique et renforcement de capacité auprès d’avocats et d’associations partenaires en matière de protection juridique des enfants en mouvement (Re-launched)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights
LTA for Leadership Team Building facilitators
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors:
Consultancy for Management Information Systems (MIS)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Youth Programme Technical Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Youth Empowerment, Climate Change and Global Warming
Consultancy:Electrical Engineer (Technical Solar Power System Expert)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy
Mentorship Programme Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Establishing Local Long-Term Arrangements (LTA) for Engineering Services in Turkey for 3+2 years
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education, Infrastructure
Risk Management Consultant (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
International Consultancy: Development of a Social and Behavior Change (SBC) Strategy to Address Violence Against Children
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Child Rights
International Consultancy: Lead Researcher (for Formative Research-Monitoring and Evaluation)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Child Rights
Design, Printing and Production of an Educational Kit
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Consultant Individuel-l’Élaboration d’outils d’opérationnalisation du dispositif d’intégration éducative des enfants en situation de migration dans les écoles marocaines
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Education, Refugees and Migration
Donor Reporting and Resource Mobilization Support
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consultant: Preparation of Analytical Reports using the findings of the Third-Party Monitoring of Conditional Cash Transfer Program for Education for Refugees
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education, Refugees and Migration
Development of an Early learning action plan, costing, financing strategy and Investment case
Country of Coverage: Oman, Sectors: Education
National Consultant to monitor Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) Activities with the Partners
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Biomedical Equipment consultancy
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Consultancy for Technical Assistance for Child Friendly Schools Initiative
Country of Coverage: United Arab Emirates, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultant Individuel-Evaluation des services eau-assainissement et hygiène (WASH) dans les établissements de santé
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Biomedical Equipment Consultancy
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Soutien à la mise en œuvre de la plus grande leçon du monde (WLL 2021) sur le changement climatique et les ODDs
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Consultancy-Skills for Employment Expert-Education Outcomes Fund
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth
National Disability Allowance
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Social Development
C4D Consultant–Social Listening and Infodemic Management
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Conseil juridique et renforcement de capacité auprès d’avocats et d’associations partenaires en matière de protection juridique des enfants en mouvement
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights
Plan d’action avec le Ministère de la Jeunesse, de la Culture et de la Communication
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Provision of Quality Assurance Services for Seven Health Centers in the Gaza Strip
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health
Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfers (HACT) Assurance Services
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors:
Consultancy: Support for Decentralized Education Sector Coordination
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education
End line survey for Education Quality Improvement Program through Improving Learning Environments and Retention (EQUIP I-LEARN) Project
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education
Climate Landscape Analysis for Children (CLAC) in State of Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Climate Change and Global Warming
Consultancy for Communication and Digital Media
Country of Coverage: United Arab Emirates, Sectors: Media Development
Consultancy for Early Childhood Education Mapping
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Education
Provision of Training on Medical Waste Management
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Waste Management
Consultant : Senior Strategic PME and Evidence Generation
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Programme in Zaatari and Azraq Refugee Camps
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
Consultant-Scoping Study on Child Marriage
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Child Rights
Establishing the foundations for integration of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in primary health care for Children and Adolescents in the Middle East and North Africa Region (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Guided Play Activities Consultant
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Revue et renforcement institutionnel de l’Association Marocaine des Producteurs de Sel (AMPIS)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health, Industry
National Information Management Consultant
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Supporting Adolescents and Youth to access quality learning, employment support services and healthy lifestyles in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
MIS Developer Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Provision of Baseline Evaluation Services for UNICEF Libya’s Recovery, Stability and Socio-Economic Development Phase 2 (RSSD2)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Youth Empowerment, Social Development
Consultant-e nationale-e pour le développement d’un cycle de formation sur le principe de l’intérêt supérieur de l’enfant et le cadre légal de la protection de l’enfant international et national
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Child Rights
Individual Contractor for Administration
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consultancy to Assist in the Annual Review Process and Produce
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Audio-Visuel Vaccination Rougeole
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Consultant Individuel-Révision des outils pour le renforcement des compétences des professionnels de santé et personnes relais communautaires pour la sensibilisation contre Covid-19 (Prolongation)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health
National Consultant as Supply officer
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Consultancy: Identifying and Documenting Lessons Learnt-Good Practices and Innovations from implementation of Conditional Cash Transfer for Education (CCTE) for Refugees
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Renforcement de la prévention de la séparation, l’identification des risques d’abandon et le maintien de l’enfant dans son environnement familial
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights
Renforcement de la prévention et de la lutte contre les violences basées sur le genre dans une approche communautaire
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Renforcement de la connaissance des enfants, des familles, de la communauté et des associations sur les droits des enfants et les services existants au niveau loca
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultant Individuel-Appui à la révision de la gouvernance de l’Association Marocaine de l’Evaluation
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Consultancy-Communication for Development (C4D)
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Social Policy Consultant
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Social Development
Appel d’offre (individuel ou institutionnel) – Soutien au Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports algerien pour le développement de « Maisons Amies des Jeunes »
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
LRPS for Institutional consultancy to Hydrogeological, Geophysical, IWR Environmental and Social Impact assessments of Targeted localities in ND, WD, CD Red Sea, Kassala & Gadaref States (Re-advertised)
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Consultancy: Review of MENA Field Monitoring Strategies and Programmatic Visit Reports as a Part of Stocktaking Exercise on Implementation Monitoring
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Maintenance évolutive du Système d’Information intégré pour le suivi des enfants dans le circuit de protection SIIPE
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights
International Consultant on Inclusive Education Policy Development
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
Prequalification of potential firms for provision of Video Production and Video Special effects, Animation and Photography service
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultant on Inclusive Education Policy Development
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
Consultant to Assess the Shock Responsive Readiness of the Social Protection System
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Social Development
Scalability of Meshwary and Mapping for the Sports for Development (S4D) Strategy (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Consultants: Technical Assistance on Development and Implementation of Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse-Standards of Practice
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Child Rights
Recrutement d’un Consultant National Soutien au Ministère de la jeunesse et des Sports dans l’intégration des compétences de vie dans la prise en charge pédagogique
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health, Youth Empowerment
Consultancy: Documentation for EPI Supply Chain System Strengthening for COVID-19 Vaccine Introduction
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Adolescents and youth life-skills programme Evaluation
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Consultancy: Documentation of Lessons Learned and Best Practices from Covid-19 Vaccine Roll-Out in MENA Countries from Demand and Supply Side Perspectives
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Recrutement d’un Bureau d’études pour l’évaluation des connaissances-attitudes et pratiques des populations vis-à-vis de la prévention et la vaccination contre la COVID-19
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Recrutement d’un Bureau d’études pour l’élaboration d’une étude du marché local en termes de fournisseurs par secteur d’activité
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Suivi Médiatique Intégré des retombées communicationnelles Consultation pour la mise en place d’un contrat cadre
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights
Develop Parenting Program from Early Childhood to Adolescence—Promoting Enriched Caregiving and Positive Parenting Practices and Preventing Violence Against Children
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy for Under-5 Mortality Analysis
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Computable General Equilibrium Modelling Consultant
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consultancy: Documentation of Implementation of MENA Primary Health Accelerator
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Consultancy: Secondary Literature Review of Risk and Vulnerabilities of Adolescents and Young People’s Health and Well-Being
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health
National Individual Contractor for Mapping Information Systems at MOH
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Health
Engineering Services (Design Quality Assurance and Site Supervision for Solar water Pump in schools) in various locations in Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education, Water and Wastewater
Long Term Agreement for data collection, analysis and Monitoring services
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Child Rights
Long-Term Arrangement is for the provision of a variety of services relating to Digital Communication and Social Media (products, projects, campaigns)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights
Third Party Consultancy Services for UNICEF Cash Transfer Projects in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Social Development
Establishment and operationalization of a Data Quality Assessment LTA for UNICEF YCO
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Roster: Team Retreat-Team Coaching Facilitators
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors:
Recrutement d’un consultant / Cabinet Pour soutenir le bureau de l’UNICEF Algérie à améliorer l’environnement de travail et l’esprit d’équipe
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy: Designing a Strategy and Operational Plan for Community Engagement and Mainstreaming Accountability to Affected Populations
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Planning and Budgeting for Climate Change: Technical Assistance on institutionalizing and Integrating climate change into the National Planning and Budgeting Processes.
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Élaboration d’outils d’opérationnalisation du dispositif d’intégration éducative des enfants en situation de migration
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Education, Child Rights, Refugees and Migration
Evaluation of COVID-19 Risk Communication and Community Engagement in Jordan Country Office
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health
Consultancy for a Researcher on Climate-Energy and Environment Issues and Child Rights (Readvertisement)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights, Climate Change and Global Warming
Proposal Development Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Behavioral Data Analyst and Research Report Writer
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Partnership Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Cash Plus Evaluability Assessment Consultant
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Social Development
Digital Fundraising Consultant
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
Short Term National Institutional Consultancy for an Analysis of Child Labour and Children’s Rights And Business Principles in Turkish Garment Sector
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy for a Field Coordinator to Support to the Implementation and Monitoring of Project Activities under the Adolescent Development and Participation (ADAP) Programme
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Education, Youth Empowerment
Consultancy for Graphic Designer (Seconded to the Citizen Engagement and Fiscal Transparency Unit of the Ministry of Finance) (Re-Advertised)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Consultant: Development of Selection Criteria as Well as an accreditation system for NGOs to Provide Judicial Support to Children (Re-Advertisement)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy for Field Engineer: Monitoring Rehabilitation Services
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Infrastructure
International Consultant to Develop ECD Operational Guidance and Integrated ECD Action Plan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health
Consultancy: Psycho-Social Support (MHPSS)Technical Specialist
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health, Child Rights, Refugees and Migration
National Consultant: Construction-Civil Engineer
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Infrastructure
Consultancy to Support Launching and Dissemination of ECD National Strategy Action Plan
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights
Formative Mid-Term Evaluation of Strengthening Maternal, Neonatal and Young Children Health (MNCH) in Gaza
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health
Consultancy: Program Monitoring and Accountability
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy: GBV Case Management Capacity Building
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Child Rights
WASH Emergency Response in informal Settlements – LOT #8 (Baalbek/ Hermel)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
WASH Emergency Response in informal Settlements – LOT #7 (Baalbek)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
WASH Emergency Response in informal Settlements – LOT #6
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
WASH Emergency Response in informal Settlements – LOT #5
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
WASH Emergency Response in informal Settlements – LOT #4
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
WASH Emergency Response in informal Settlements – LOT #3
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
WASH Emergency Response in informal Settlements – LOT #2
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
WASH Emergency Response in informal Settlements – LOT #1
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Develop and Pilot Remedial Education, Teaching to the Right Level
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education
Consultancy to Support Deployment of COVID-19 Vaccine
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Provision of High-Quality Multimedia Services
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Child Rights
Primero Child Protection Information Management System (Primero CPIMS+) Rollout Consultant (Re-Advertised)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Child Rights, Information Communication and Technology
Consultancy: Knowledge Management Strategy Development
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights
Long Term National Individual Consultancy: Ministry Focal Point for Technical Support on Implementation of UNICEF DGSA Joint Activities
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Social Development
Technical Support for the UNICEF Morocco Office in Communication for Development (C4D)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health, Humanitarian aid
An International Consultant to Develop a Costed Plan of Action for Child Rights
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Child Rights
Camp School Database and Reporting Consultant
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Plaidoyer pour et avec les enfants sur leurs droits, en particulier le droit à la participation pour éclairer l’opinion publique le dialogue politique et la prise de décisions les concernant
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy: Review of the UAE Motherhood and Childhood Strategy (2017-2021) and the Strategy on Children with Disabilities (2017-2021) and Development of New Strategies
Country of Coverage: United Arab Emirates, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Renforcement des capacités nationales et élaboration du ‘Budget programme & compte satellite’ dans les secteurs de l’enfance
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Child Rights
Regional in-depth analysis of Nutrition Situation of Children, Adolescents and Women in the Middle East and North Africa Region
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Consultant for Joint Programming in Social Protection
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Social Development
National Social Protection Consultant (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Social Development
Consultancy for Learning Passport (Re-advertisment)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Education
Consultancy for Supporting the humanitarian Coordination in the Education Sector and Education in Emergency Initiatives
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Education
International Consultant to Provide Technical Support to UNICEF Sudan Common Back Office (CBO) Development and Implementation
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Democratic Governance
International Consultant to Conduct Desk Review on Adolescents and Youth (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Long Term Arrangement (LTA) for the Realization (Coordination, Delivery and Adaptation) of the Humanitarian Leadership Workshop (HLW) and Related Training Approaches and Materials for UNICEF Personn
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Establishing Local Long-Term Arrangements (LTA) for Engineering Services (Design, Quality Assurance and Site Supervision) in various locations in Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Infrastructure
Appel à consultation nationale : Institution/Cabinet pour le Développement d’une cartographie numérique des établissements spécialisés de la sauvegarde de l’enfance et de l’adolescence
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Child Rights
RFQ for Beneficiary Assessment in Baity Centres
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Child Rights
Long Term Arrangement for Event Management Services – Yemeni Service Providers Only
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors:
Formative Mid-Term Evaluation of Strengthening Maternal, Neonatal and Young Children Health
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health
Consultancy for Development of the National Framework on Child Online Safety
Country of Coverage: Saudi Arabia, Sectors: Child Rights
Conduct a needs and gap analysis for the Ministry of youth programmes
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Consultancy for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) for Child Protection
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health, Child Rights, Refugees and Migration
Consultancy for the Water and Sanitation Hygiene (WASH)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Policy Expert National Consultant
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
National Individual Contractor: Health specialist-Support to the Covid-19 Response
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health
Consultancy for Field Coordinators to Support Integration and Improvement of Primary Health Care Services
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Engagement communautaire en faveur de la vaccination contre le Covid-19 au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health
International or National Documentation Evaluation Consultant
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Education Economist Consultancy (Costed Models and Scenarios for Education)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
Stakeholder Mapping Consultant
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Study on Private Sector Engagements & Partnerships to support Response to the Climate Crisis with a Focus on Water Scarcity
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Study on Private Sector Engagements & Partnerships to support Accelerating Accessibility & Availability of High-Quality Primary Healthcare Services
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Consultancy : International Senior Child Protection Specialist
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Child Rights
Provision of Consultancy Services for conducting detailed technical studies and designs for the sewage system of Kua’aydenah city of Hajjah governorate
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Education Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
International Consultant: for Supporting the Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) Programming
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Consultant Individuel-Consultant en Protection de l`Enfance-Migration
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy: Secondary Data Analysis of HIV Risk and Vulnerability Indicators
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health
Development of comprehensive mapping of key management information systems MIS in the Ministry of Social Development (MOSD)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) National Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Democratic Governance
TOR for Campaign and Social Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) on Girls’ Education
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education
Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) Lead Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Consultancy for National Action Plan for Alternative Care Strategy for Children Without Parental Care (Re-advertisement)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy: Strengthen Private Sector Partnerships
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth, Child Rights
Consultation for the piloting and Evaluation of the Mother Kangaroo Method in the Region of Beni Mellal Khenifra
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health
Consultancy for Child Protection for MOSS Case Management System Scale Up (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy on Child Labour Legislation and Policy Improvement
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Social Development
Social Protection Public Expenditure Review
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Social Development
ICT Resources Mapping Expert
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Consultancy for Legal and System Strengthening Policy
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights
Support Integration of e-learning into formal learning in Sudan by providing scripted lessons to teachers
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education
Re-advertisement: Request for Proposal for provision of service for Assessment of ALP in Sudan “Support OOSC education in Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Study Za’atari and Azraq Camp 2021
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater, Refugees and Migration
Developing of Training Curriculum for Family Medicine Team
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Support the Inter-Agency PSEA Working Group in Turkey With the Development of Inter-Agency PSEA Standard Operational Procedures (SOPs) and Inter-Agency UN Victim’s Assistance Protocol
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Establishing LTA for the sampling and analysis of raw and treated drinking water within Lebanon.
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Establishing LTA for the sampling and analysis of raw and treated wastewater within Lebanon.
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
International Consultant: CPD and Annual Report for UNICEF Libya Office
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy for Community Engagement for COVID 19 and Polio Outbreak Response (prevention, vaccine demand and sustain demand for services)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Promotion of the SSE Programme Youth Tales Initiative products and Live Youth Sessions targeting EU audience in 3 EU Countries
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Long Term Arrangement (LLTS) for the provision of media monitoring services (Print, Radio, TV, Online, Social Media, Outdoors)
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Child Rights
Resilience building program for vulnerable children in Libya, including host communities, migrant and refugee children (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Education, Democratic Governance, Child Rights
National Individual Consultant for Support to the Local Education Group
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education
National Consultation Technical Support to Strengthen the Participation and Empowerment of Young People Through the Acquisition of Life Skills and the Promotion of Social Innovations
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Capacity Assessment of Social Welfare Fund (SWF) in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Social Development
Establishing Local Long-Term Arrangements (LTA) for Engineering Services in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Infrastructure
Consultant for the Increasing Quality of and Access to Early Childhood Education (ECE) Services Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Public Finance Economist for Child Rights in Oman
Country of Coverage: Oman, Sectors: Education, Health, Economic Growth, Child Rights, Social Development
Appui technique pour la conception et mise en œuvre de programme de formation sur la prévention, détection, prise en charge et réinsertion des enfants en situation de rue (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Communication for Development (C4D) Polio Consultant
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Health
Services on safe management, collection, and transportation of medical waste from Eastern vaccination sites
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Health, Waste Management
Consultancy: Cash Programmes to Support Access to Education
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
International Consultant to Support Unicef-Yemen in Documentation of Lessons Learned and Best Practices
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Develop materials for the ‘Increasing Quality of and Access to Early Childhood Education Services (ECE) Project’ National Campaign
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Evaluation of Sudan Country Office Emergency Preparedness and Response System
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Social and Behaviour monitoring on risk communication and community engagement of UNICEF programme interventions
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health
Providing Market Survey Services
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Child Rights
Information Management Consultant (IM)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Expression of Interest for the Provision of Community Mobilization Services in Za’atari and Azraq Refugee Camps
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Water and Wastewater
Market survey – Expansion of Vendor base and Development of vendors’ Database
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Child Rights
Appel à Consultation Appui au bureau UNICEF au Maroc pour la conception d’une stratégie et d’un plan opérationnel
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights
Communication for Development (Emergency)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Evaluation of the Pilot Phase of the Psychosocial Skills Education Program (CPS) for Adolescents
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health
International Gender Consultant
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Social Development
Community Management Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Consultancy Roster: English and Arabic Editors
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Media Development
National Consultant as Part of the Fight ِAgainst Covid-19 for:Technical and Strategic Communication Support
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health
International Individual Contractor Education in Emergency Specialist,Humanitarian Programm
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Education
Consultancy services for preparation of the feasibility study, detailed design and bill of quantities for a new Borehole (BH) installation and plot lev
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Consultancy for Developing Child Online Protection Toolkits
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights
Health specialist Support to the Covid-19 Response
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health
Workshop Facilitator: Anti-Discrimination and Unconscious Bias in Middle Eastern Context
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Human Rights
Long-Term National Institutional Service Provision “Activation and Management of an Interactive Sequential Wireless Messaging Using a Toll-Free
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Support for the Monitoring and Evaluation of the Activities and Results of the Tripartite Community Relay System Program
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health
Appel à Consultation pour le développement d’une solution informatique digitale pour le suivi et la relance de la vaccination
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health
COVID-19 Community–based Surveillance, Management, & Behavioural Tracking
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Health
Information Management Consultant
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
UNICEF Request For Proposal LRPS-2021-9168742- Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) at the time of COVID-19
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Appel à manifestation d’intérêt: Deploiement Regional Upshift au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Evaluation of the Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) programme in Syria
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Bureau d’études pour l’élaboration d’une étude prospective sur les coûts pour une fourniture équitable des services de préscolaire équitable et de qualité (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Consultancy: Information Management, Child Protection Sub-Cluster
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Child Rights
Communication for Development
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Child Rights
Public Finance Economist
Country of Coverage: Oman, Sectors: Child Rights, Social Development
Baseline Survey for Girls’ Education in Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education
Consultancy for Generation Unlimited to Conduct a Landscape Analysis for the development of a Country Investment Agenda for Youth and Adolescents
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education, Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Assistance Technique pour la Realisation d’une Étude Genre en Algerie/ Recrutement Bureau d’etudes National
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Building a Shock-Responsive National Social Protection System for Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Social Development
Curriculum for Family Medicine Team
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Consultancy: Transformation of public primary health care services
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Individual Consultancy – Workforce Development Expert
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Documentation of Education Response in Turkey during the Cov-19 Pandemic and its Effect on Children’s Access to and Retention in Education
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Annual Reflection Report on the State of Social Protection in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Social Development
Resilience building program for vulnerable children in Libya, including host communities, migrant and refugee children
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Education, Child Rights, Refugees and Migration
Provision of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services including COVID-19 interventions among IDPs, Refugees and vulnerable host communities in West/ Central/ East Darfur and Blue Nile states
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater, Refugees and Migration
Recrutement d’un Bureau d’études pour l’élaboration d’une étude prospective sur les coûts pour une fourniture équitable des services de préscolaire équitable et de qualité en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
International Consultancy: Project Manager and Specialist in Teacher Professional
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Programme de renforcement des capacités et des acteurs locaux et des associations en matière de promotion et protection des droits de l’enfant
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights
National Data and Monitoring in Port Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Child Rights
Consultancy to Support Gender-Responsive Ending Violence Against Children (EVAC) Programming and Harmful Practices (HP) Portfolio
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Child Rights
Deploiement Regional Du Programme Upshift Pour L’innovation Et L’entreprenariat Social Au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Evaluation Specialist
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Child Rights
Water Quality Management System (WQMS) in Water Establishments
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Expression of Interest for the Provision of Community Mobilization Services in Za’atari and Azraq Refugee Camps
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Support the Introduction of Functional Assessment for Disabilities
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Social Development
Realisation D’une Platforme Informatique Pour La Gestion Des Contrats Lta Et Des Fournisseurs Un Au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Short Term National Institutional Consultancy on “Production of a 2D Animated video about Support for School Enrolment programme for girls’ empowerment”
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education, Refugees and Migration
Call for Expressions of Interest on Combatting Child labour in Turkish Garment Supply Chains
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Child Rights
National Education Consultant
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education, Democratic Governance
Assessment of ALP in Sudan “Support OOSC education ” (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Education
LTA Digital Campaign
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health
Information Management Individual Contractor
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Institutional Support, Humanitarian aid, Information Communication and Technology, Social Development
E-learning Consultant
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Institutional Support, Education, Democratic Governance
Long Term Arrangement for National Institutional Consultancy (3+2 years) for “Comprehensive Design Services for the Increasing Quality of and Access to Early Childhood Education (ECE) Services Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Coordination and Technical Support Consultant
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Social Development
Maths, English and Arabic, Science, Humanities and Arts Subject Consultants
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education, Democratic Governance
Consultant Pour le Développement de Centres de Références Pour le secteur Privé et Formation à Distance des E’ducateurs du Préscolaire
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Institutional Support, Education, Democratic Governance
Reducing Violence Against Children in schools of Basra and Muthanna governorates
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education
Introduction des Compétences de vie dans les Pratiques Pédagogiques et Renforcement des Capacités de Personnels du Secteur de l’Education
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Institutional Support, Education, Democratic Governance
Etude sur l’analyse de l’espace budgétaire destiné au système de protection sociale au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Social Development
Consultancy: Immunization Supply Chain Management Expert
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Institutional Support, Health, Democratic Governance
Strengthen Regional Office Capacity in the Roll-out of Solarization of Health and Cold Chain Facilities
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Consultant Individuel-Mise à l’échelle du programme UPSHIFT pour l’entreprenariat social des adolescent.e.s et jeunes
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Institutional Support, Entrepreneurship
Consultancy for Positive Parenting Experts
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Institutional Support, Social Development
Consultancy for Communication to Support the drafting of Youth for Future Communication Strategy
Country of Cove