World Bank
World Bank
The World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. The World Bank Group comprises five institutions managed by their member countries. Established in 1944, the World Bank Group is headquartered in Washington, D.C. We have more than 10,000 employees in more than 120 offices worldwide. The World Bank Group has set two goals for the world to achieve by 2030:
- End extreme poverty by decreasing the percentage of people living on less than $1.90 a day to no more than 3%.
- Promote shared prosperity by fostering the income growth of the bottom 40% for every country.
Profile Information
Bilateral and Multilateral AgencySectors of Interest:
Agriculture, Child Rights, Economic Growth, Education, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Health, Industry, Information Communication and Technology, Infrastructure, Social Development, Trade, Urban & Rural Development, Water and Wastewater, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth EmpowermentSubsectors of Interest:
Vocational Education, Literacy and Adult Education, Reproductive health, Primary Health Care, Employment and jobs creation, Business and investment support, Social entrepreneurship, Municipal services and local development, Women equity and equality, Social and Economic Empowerment, Agricultural research, Natural resources management, Early Childhood Education, Basic Education, Nutrition, Creative and innovative economic activities, Financial policy, Rule of Law, Ending violence against women and girls, Combating sexual harassment, Agricultural financial services, Power generation, Renewable energy and green technology, Social welfare services, Support the vulnerable and marginalized, Youth Participation and Leadership, Financial Inclusion , Industrial development , E-learning, Pollution reduction, Economic reform, Child protection, Economic empowerment , Education in Emergencies, Small-medium enterprises development, Aquaculture and fisheriesCountry of Coverage:
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, YemenHeadquarters:
United States
Contact Information

World Bank
Washington, DC-USA - Surat Nsour
Operations Officer
USA - Dalia Zaki
Social Protection Analyst
UAE - Christopher M. Walsh
Communication Officer
USA - Ashraf Al-Saeed
Communication Officer
USA - Youssouf Kiendrebeogo
USA - Eman Wahby
Communication Officer
Egypt - Maissa Abdalla
Online Communication officer
Egypt - Alya Alaskari
Communication Officer
UAE - Mona Ziade
Communication and External affairs officer
Lebanon - Sadok Ayari
Communication Officer
Tunisia and Libya - Mary Koussa
Communication Officer
West Bank and Gaza - Ebrahim Al-Harazi
External and Corporate Relations
Yemen - William Stebbins
Senior Communication Officer
USA - Lina Abdelghaffar
Communication Office
Egypt - Srikanth Srinivasan
Corporate Procurement Category Analyst
Palestine - Zeina El Khalil
Communication Officer
Jordan - Ibrahim Dajani
Program Leader for Sustainable Development and Infrastructure
Jordan - Jade Salhab
Senior Private Sector Development Specialist - Anna Reva
Private Sector Development specialist
Procurement Notices by World Bank
Promote Circular Economy in the Waste Sector in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Waste Management
Preparation of Technical Documents within the Scope of Sub-Component 1.2: TOB Digital Model for Collection, Analysis and Management of Sectoral Information
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Agriculture
Individual Consultancy Service for Mid-Term Review for Turkey Climate Smart and Competitive Agricultural Growth Project (TUCSAP)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Agriculture, Climate Change and Global Warming
Consultancy Service Procurement for Determining Technical Requirements for Additional Training Material for Animal Owners
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Health
Iraq National Education Strategy – Support to Strategic Planning, Monitoring, and Communications
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education
Plastics Policies Impact Assessment in Turkiye
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Waste Management
Preparation of Educational Video E-Content for Primary Education (Grades 1-8) Curriculum
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Individual Consultant for The Preparation of a Project Implementation and Completion Results Report
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Iraq – Climate Informed Public Expenditure Review of The Water and Agriculture Sectors
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Agriculture, Water and Wastewater
Supply Chain Analysis in Türkiye
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Economic Growth
Design and Implementation of a Clean Air Integrated Communication and Awareness Campaign
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Consultancy Services for Design Preparation, Drilling Ground and Foundation Survey and Preparation of Bidding Documents for Construction Work for Vetkom
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Agriculture, Infrastructure
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Training Service Procurement for Provincial Directorates Staff on Land Use Planning Applications
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Agriculture
Preparation of Cultural Site Management Plans for the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Tourism
FCS/IDA MCT Framework Agreements for Environmental and Social (E&S) review of IFC Projects
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Jordan Textile – Investment Promotion
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth
Jordan Textile – PR and Internal Promotion
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Industry
Jordan Textile – Developing curricula for six professions
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Industry
The preparation of requirements for the modernization of PFM and HRM/Payroll information systems
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Design and bidding documents preparation and Supervision of Karak water network rehabilitation and restructuring
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Infrastructure, Water and Wastewater
Design and bidding documents preparation and Supervision for rehabilitation and restructuring of the water network in Maan Governorate (Primary, Secondary, and tertiary)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Infrastructure, Water and Wastewater
Design and bidding documents preparation and Supervision of Design and Supervision for rehabilitation and restructuring of main, secondary, and Tertiary networks for Tafila Governorate and Construction of DMAs
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Infrastructure, Water and Wastewater
Consultancy Services for the Preparation of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Reports, Stakeholder Engagement Plans and Management Plans for Contractors for BSL 2 and BSL3 Laboratories
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Health
Construction Supervision Consultancy Service Procurement for Adana, Elazığ, Erzurum, İstanbul/Pendik, İzmir/Bornova, Konya and Samsun Veterinary Control Institute Directorates
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Local Short Term Consultant Economist for preparing Human Capital Review
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth
Senior Consultant for the development of the UHIS roadmap at Universal Health Insurance Agency (UHIA) in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Safawi New Proposed Transmission Pipeline Planning, Design and Construction Supervision
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Infrastructure, Water and Wastewater
Artificial Intelligence Penetration measurement in Jordan (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Consultancy for Preparation of Studies and Technical Designs Services for Energy for Energy Efficiency Renovations in Public Buildings – Group 5 Isparta
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Consultancy for Preparation of Studies and Technical Designs Services for Energy for Energy Efficiency Renovations in Public Buildings – Group 4: Burdur
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Consultancy for Preparation of Studies and Technical Designs Services for Energy for Energy Efficiency Renovations in Public Buildings – Group 3: Konya
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Consultancy for Preparation of Studies and Technical Designs Services for Energy for Energy Efficiency Renovations in Public Buildings – Group 2: Karaman
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Consultancy for Preparation of Studies and Technical Designs Services for Energy for Energy Efficiency Renovations in Public Buildings – Group 1: Aydin
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Feasibility Studies for the Installation of Renewable Energy Plants in Public Buildings
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Technical Assistance to Education Development in Iraq (TAEDI) Supporting Iraq National Education Strategy – Capacity Building for Strategic Management and Coordination
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education
Iraq National Education Strategy –Capacity Building and Support for a Foundational Learning Strategy
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education
Iraq National Education Strategy – Capacity Building and Support to Classrooms Assessment Strategy
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education
Consultancy Service for Managing the Pedagogical Skills Training Program for MOE ICT Teachers
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education, Information Communication and Technology
Consultancy Service for Delivering Digital Skills Training for MOE Supervisors and Teachers
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Cadastre Map and Information Update Work (Group 2)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Urban & Rural Development
Consultant Services for Design and Supervision Birean ,Bani Hashem Villages and Alqnaieh, Zarqa Government
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Consultancy Services for Upskilling School Leaders and Teachers to Promote Positive School and Classroom Climates for Wellbeing and Learning (Phase 1)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Etude pour le développement et l’aménagement touristique de la zone Amounde (oasis d’Akka) relevant de la province de Tata – Région Souss
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Tourism
Technical assistance to a Lebanese Microfinance NGO
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Etude Technique et Suivi des Travaux de Construction des Pistes d’acces Aux Oasis d’akka et Ouvrages de Franchissement de L’oued d’akka
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Etude de Faisabilite des Petits Seuils et Lacs Collinaires, Ouvrage de Protection des Perimetres et/ou Seuil de Recharge Au Niveau de La Vallee d’aoufous
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater
Etude de Protection Contre Les Inondations dans l’oasis d’akka Province de Tata – Region Souss Massa
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater
Etude de conception d’un modèle d’utilisation des eaux saumâtres et gestion des eaux au niveau des oasis relevant des communes territoriales d’Aoufous et R’teb dans la province d’Errachidia
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Etude d’execution des Pistes d’acces a L’intereur des Oasis Relavant des Communes Territoriales d’aoufous et R’teb Relevant de la Province d’errachidia
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy
Consultancy Service with in the Scope of The Social Entrepreneurship, Empowerment And Cohesion In Refugee And Host Communities In Turkey (SEECO Project)-(Extended)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
The preparation of requirements for the modernization of PFM and HRM/Payroll information systems
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Economic Growth
Trust Service Provider (TSP) Consultant (Updated)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors:
Independent Verification Agent (IVA) Services
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Information Communication and Technology
Selection of an Intermediary for the United States ICT Industry (U.S ICT Industry Bridge to Jordan) (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Information Communication and Technology
Global Business Process Outsourcing and Information Technology Outsourcing Expansion – Driving Growth and Partnerships
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Information Communication and Technology
Consultancy service for Providing Comprehensive Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Consultancy Services of Capacity Building for Sustainable Public Procurement, Awareness Raising and Increasing Energy Efficiency in Households & Buildings
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Consultancy Services For Dams Safety Assessment and Designs
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Infrastructure
Réalisation d’actions de formations qualifiantes 2024 au profit des chercheurs d’emploi diplômés dans la région de Marrakech Safi
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Youth Empowerment
Réalisation d’actions de formations qualifiantes 2024 au profit des chercheurs d’emploi non diplômés dans la région de Marrakech Safi
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Youth Empowerment
I3RF: Capacity Building Program for Supporting Iraq’s Energy Transition
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Consultant : Skills Assessment for Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Technical Support for a Media Training for Journalists
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Media Development
Upgrading MSMEDA’s IT infrastructure and data protection systems
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Development of Financing Proposals to Be Submitted to Donors
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Consultancy Service for Managing JoCodes Program
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education, Information Communication and Technology
Elaboration des Instruments et Politiques Internes de l’agence Nationale pour le Developpement des Zones Oasiennes et de l’arganier (ANDZOA)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy
Evaluation de la Vulnérabilité À L’érosion des Sols et L’élaboration d’un Guide Opérationnel des Bonnes Pratiques au Niveau des Zones Oasiennes
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy
Egypt Resilient Blue Economy
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Tourism
Soil Survey and Classification; Soil Analysis and Preparation of Detailed Digital Soil Maps
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Agriculture, Climate Change and Global Warming
Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision Services for Düzce (Centrum) Water Supply Project – Phase 1
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Consultancy Services for Upskilling School Leaders and Teachers to Promote Positive School and Classroom Climates for Wellbeing and Learning (Phase 1)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Technical Assistant Consultancy Services for the Development of a Drought Monitoring and Forecasting System for Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Design and Supervision to Improve Energy Efficiency for Selected Water and Wastewater Facilities in Water Sector in Jordan (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Capacity building and implementation support on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion for private sector
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Analyses for the development of fisheries and mariculture value chains in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Agriculture, Economic Growth
Artificial Intelligence Penetration measurement in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Consultant pour la réalisation des études détaillées et établissement des spécifications techniques de construction de la Station de Transfert d’Energie par Pompage
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Supervision Consultancy Services for Supply and Install of Medium-Scale PV Systems ( Extension 2)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Kastamonu (Central) Drinking Water Distribution Network and Sewerage Network Projects
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Terms of Reference for Skills Assessment for Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Digitalize Pilgrim Payments in Saudi Arabia
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Assistance Technique Fournie a L’andzoa dans le Cadre de la Mise en Œuvre du Projet de Gestion Durable des Écosystèmes Oasiens au Maroc -progedom
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Consulting Services: Trust Service Provider (TSP) Consultant
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Consulting services for the selection of an Intermediary for the United States ICT Industry (U.S ICT Industry Bridge to Jordan) (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Development of the national digital skills development and employment portal (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth
Commune de Casablanca – Private Credit Rating Preparation Support
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
Procurement of the Work Permits Application, Monitoring and Evaluation System Software
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consultancy Services for the Supervision of Completion and Rehabilitation of Baghdad-Baiji Railway Line
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Infrastructure
Consultancy Services for Data Analysis and Measurement and Verification
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Consultancy service for providing Comprehensive Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Youth Empowerment
Design and Supervision to Improve Energy Efficiency for Selected Water and Wastewater Facilities in Water Sector in Jordan (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Supervision Consultancy Services for Supply and Install of Medium-Scale PV Systems(Extended)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Consultancy Services for Design Review, Preparation of Tender Dossiers and Construction Supervision Samsun Central OIZ Construction of 2nd Stage and Rehabilitation of Existing WWTP Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Consultancy Services for Design Review, Preparation of Tender Dossiers and Construction Supervision Global Mixed OIZ Construction of Infrastructure Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Consultancy Services for Design Review, Preparation of Tender Dossiers and Construction Supervision Ankara ASO 2-3 OIZ Construction of Environmental Laboratory Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Consulting Services: Trust Service Provider (TSP) Consultant
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Consultancy Services-Purchasing and Contract Management Specialist
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Information Communication and Technology
Consulting services to conduct Functional Review of the Ministry of Finance
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Design, Supply and Installation of 400 kV connections
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Consultancy Services for Advisory Consultant to help PENRA in Developing the RFP for the Competitive Solar Project in Palestine (Independent Solar Power Producers (IPPs)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Consultant individuel en gestion de la passation des marché
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consultancy Services for Konya Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation and 2nd Stage Construction Supervision
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Supervision Consultancy Services for Supply and Install of Medium-Scale PV Systems
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Roadmaps and Awareness Raising of the Green Transition Support Program
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Industry
Assistance technique pour la mise en œuvre de la composante conseil agricole au niveau de la zone du projet de reconversion
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors:
Enhancing Home-Based Support to Early Learning in Iraq: Logistical Implementation Firm
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education
The selection of an Intermediary for the United States ICT Industry (U.S ICT Industry Bridge to Jordan)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Consultancy Service for Development of A Renewable Energy Strategic Action Plan Building Upon A Comprehensive Review of Regulatory Framework for the Palestinian Electricity Sector
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Capacity Building Programs for Entrepreneur Support Organizations and Startups in Algeria
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Enhancing Home-Based Support to Early Learning in Iraq: Technical Implementation Firm
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education
Consultancy service for “Career Accelerator Program” – Professional Training and Certification
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Development of the national digital skills development and employment portal
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth
Sélection d’une agence de conseil en communication et/ou d’évènementielle pour l’accompagnement du projet Startups et PME Innovantes
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Development of Manual on Compensation for Environmental Damage in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Country of Coverage: Saudi Arabia, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Consultancy Services for Advisory Consultant to help PENRA in Developing the RFP for the Competitive Solar Project in Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy
World Bank Enterprise Survey in Saudi Arabia 2025
Country of Coverage: Saudi Arabia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Egypt River Transport: Infrastructure Investment Projects Options and Vessel Design Standard Options
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Infrastructure
Realisation d’une Mission d’examen et d’evaluation du Soutien aux Producteurs Agricoles en Tunisien
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Agriculture
Recrutement d’un bureau de consulting pour la réalisation de panels d’enquête auprès des bénéficiaires du Projet
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Food Security
Supporting the Foundations and Enablers of E-Government in the Republic of Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Consultancy services for developing STEM (Science, Technology & Mathematics) teacher activity guides and accompanying teacher training modules for grades 5 and 6
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Consulting Services: Enterprise Architect (IT) Consultant
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Infrastructure
Consultancy Services for Electricity Tariff Consultant
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Entrepreneurship Extracurricular Activities at Universities
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Information Communication and Technology
A Regulated Sustainable Mass Transit between Amman – Al-Salt
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Infrastructure
Development of a Cash Transfer Program (CTP) MIS for the Social Protection Commission
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Social Development
Enhancing Home-Based Support to Early Learning in Iraq: Logistical Implementation Firm
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education
World Bank Enterprise Survey in Egypt 2025
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consulting Services: Develop Institutional Framework for Telecom Regulatory Authority (TRA) Ministry of Telecommunication and Digital Economy (MTDE)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
World Bank Enterprise Survey in Saudi Arabia 2025
Country of Coverage: Saudi Arabia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Enhancing Home-Based Support to Early Learning in Iraq: Technical Implementation Firm
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education
Recrutement d’un consultant Individuel Pour Suivi, Evaluation et Reporting (SSE) du projet- iSME
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
World Bank Enterprise Survey 2025 in Qatar
Country of Coverage: Qatar, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consulting Services for West Cairo Region Spatial/structural Plan
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Urban & Rural Development
Consultant Individuel Pour l’accompagnement des Pme Innovantes et l’identification des Expertises À Mobiliser du Projet d’appui aux Startups et Pme Innovantes
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Consultancy Services for Electricity Tariff Consultant
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Universal accessibility study
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Infrastructure, Urban & Rural Development
Block C Baseline Assessment – Global Water Security and Sanitation Partnership (GWSP)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Assessment for the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Assessment on Geospatial Information Management
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Urban & Rural Development
Technical Assistance to the INDH for the concurrent monitoring of the community health model (FY25)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health
Non-Consultancy Service Procurement: Scanning and Indexing of Past Work Permits
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth, Social Development
Consultancy services for developing STEM (Science, Technology & Mathematics) teacher activity guides and accompanying teacher training modules for grades 5 and 6
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Procurement of Non-Consulting Servise for Organisation of In-service Training II (DGILF)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth, Social Development
Iraq EITI strengthening the governance and reporting by State Owned Enterprises
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Industry
Recrutement d’un consultant individuel pour l’assistance technique et la formation relatif à la mise en place du nouveau système d’évaluation de handicap (SEH) (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Social Development
Creation of 3D City Models (Group-1) for Land Management Infrastructure Project for Green and Sustainable Development Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure, Urban & Rural Development
Procurement of Non-Consulting Service for Survey and Application of Forest Roads and Project Preparation
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Infrastructure
World Bank Enterprise Survey in Egypt 2025
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consultancy to design and operate working spaces (Tech Hubs) in underserved communities – Irbid City
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision Services for Environmental Infrastructure Projects
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Global Education Policy Dashboard (GEPD)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
Consultancy Services to Improve Capacity of TEİAŞ for Enhanced Electricity Grid Operations
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Determination of carbon stock amounts in primary tree species for Adana Regional Directorate of Forestry
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy
Development of a Cash Transfer Program (CTP) MIS for the Social Protection Commission
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Social Development
Strengthening the Capacity of the Service Purchasing Unit (SPU) at the Palestinian Ministry of Health
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health
Technical Assistance Consultant for SRSSP (TAC-SRSSP) Wastewater Treatment Plants Rehabilitation,Upgrades and Extensions
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Expanding Rail Freight Markets across Europe and Central Asia
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth, Infrastructure
Consultancy Services to Improve Capacity of TEİAŞ for Enhanced Electricity Grid Operations
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Assessment of Geospatial Information Management
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Urban & Rural Development
Systematic Mapping of Green Hydrogen and Energy Storage Development in Major Countries
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Smart Transportation, Mobility and Traffic Study on El Sheikh Zayed City and the Related Expansions
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Infrastructure, Urban & Rural Development
Lithium Value-Chain Analysis and Opportunities for Saudi Arabia
Country of Coverage: Saudi Arabia, Sectors: Industry
Silicon Metal Value Chain Analysis and Opportunities for Saudi Arabia
Country of Coverage: Saudi Arabia, Sectors: Industry
Réalisation du Contrôle Extérieur Topographique des travaux de renforcement et d’amélioration du niveau de service
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Infrastructure
Increasing Forest Fire Detection and Capacity through Unmanned Fire Watchtowers, Digital Surveillance and Communication Systems
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Capital Markets Development strategy
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
Supporting the development of an effective school guidance counseling workforce in West Bank & Gaza schools
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Mission d’Auditeurs Techniques pour les deux contrats de concession de service d’assainissement collectif dans les périmètres de Tunis Nord et Sud
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Water and Wastewater
Strengthening the Capacity of the Service Purchasing Unit (SPU) at the Palestinian Ministry of Health
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health
Scaling Up Electric Mobility in Turkiye
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
An economic and financial analysis for developing the blue economy in the Kerkennah islands
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy
UPBEAT global data collection & processing
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consultancy Services for National Soil Archive Building Construction Work Control
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Agriculture, Infrastructure
Procurement of IT Hardware and Software with Related Services
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consultancy to design and operate working spaces (Tech Hubs) in underserved communities – Irbid City
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision Services for Kemerhisar Municipality Solar Power Plant (SPP) Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision Services for Atabagı (SİİRT) Solar Power Plant (SPP) Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Technical Assistance Consultant for SRSSP (TAC-SRSSP) Wastewater Treatment Plants Rehabilitation,Upgrades and Extensions
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Consultancy Services for Flood Management Interventions Feasibility Study in the Yabus River Catchment & related riverain systems, covering Ethiopia, South Sudan and Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Supporting the development of multi-hazard Early Warning Systems in three selected sites in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Information Communication and Technology
Recommendation for service plan, concept design, & econ analysis of PT corridor in Baghdad
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Infrastructure
Iraq: High-level assessment of carbon abatement opportunities in oil and gas sector operations
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Assessment of the historical economic,environmental and social costs of associated natural gas flaring
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision Services for Golbasi (Ankara) Solar Power Plant (SPP) Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision Services for Tillo (Siirt) Solar Power Plant (SPP) Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision Services for Kadirli Municipality (Osmaniye) Solar Power Plant (SPP) Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Assistance technique pour appuyer la mise en œuvre du Programme des résultats pour le Développement de l’Economie Bleue (PPR EB)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Environmental and Social Assessment Studies for Sub-Projects (Group 6)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Industry
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Environmental and Social Assessment Studies for Sub-Projects (Group 5)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Industry
Technical assistance in the development and implementation of a study programme and building the necessary expertise to integrate insights from behavioural sciences and related disciplines into public policy related to the blue economy in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consultant national pour soutenir l’évaluation de la vulnérabilité au climat et à la santé
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Health
Supporting the development of an effective school guidance counseling workforce in West Bank & Gaza schools
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Consulting Services: Enterprise Architect (IT) Consultant
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Information Communication and Technology
Jordan Informal Economy Survey-Self-Employed Worker
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Social Development
Developing Mobile Source Emissions Inventory, and Emissions Inventory Integration
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy
Piloting Public Private Partnership model(s) to Expand Access to Kindergarten in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education
Development and delivery of a training program on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for governments
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy
Mid-Term Assessment Evaluator-Individual Consultancy Services
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy
AMOA pour la mise en œuvre des projets du programme Transformation digitale pour les services publics orientés citoyens «GovTech»
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Information Communication and Technology
Development of hydrological models for the modernization of national hydrometeorological and early warning services
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Assistance and support from the master craftsman for the implementation of the new handicap assessment system
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Social Development
Technical Assistance to the INDH for the concurrent monitoring of the community health model
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health
Assessment of Reinsurance Credit Risk Platform (“RCRP”)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth
Assessment of Risk Sharing Structures (RSF) & Insurance Linked Securities (ILS) Structures for (Re) insurance in Emerging Markets
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consultancy Services-Capacity Building initiatives for ICPAC forecasters in improved Climate Information
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy
Hire a Firm in Behavioral Science Advisory Services to design five BI interventions to support the project’s objectives
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Waste Management
Developing Mobile Source Emissions Inventory & Emissions Inventory Integration
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Consulting services for the “Integrator and Works Supervisor”
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Infrastructure
Support for development of Climate Change Citizen Engagement
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Economic Growth
Technical assistant consultancy services for the Jordan water sector efficiency program (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Consultancy Services for Increasing Competition and Transparency in Natural Gas Market
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Enhancement of Data Center for Social Protection Commission (SPC)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Social Development
Assistance et accompagnement du maître d’ouvrage pour la mise en place du nouveau système d’évaluation de handicap
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Social Development
Baseline phone survey for the beneficiary of a digital skills program
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Jordan Informal Economy Survey-Self-Employed Worker
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Social Development
Consultancy Services for Reviewing the Design of the Infrastructure and Geothermal Heating System Construction Works Related to İzmi̇r Di̇ki̇li̇ (SERA)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Consultancy Services for the Management and Control of Infrastructure and Geothermal Heating System Construction Works of Izmir Di̇ki̇li̇ Agriculture
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Luxor Urban Resilience
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Urban & Rural Development
Assignment GAM Feasibility Study for Modernization of the Amman Central Market for Fruits and Vegetables(CM)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Agriculture, Economic Growth
Third Party Monitoring Agency (TPMA)”Reduction of Unintentional POPs through Waste Management in a Circular Economy”
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Waste Management
Integrated Risk Management System (IRMS) for Jordan Customs Department
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Trade
Support to Achieving Methane Emissions Reduction in MCT Region
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Economic Growth
Assessment of Social Services Development Centers and Population’s needs
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Social Development
Design and bidding documents and Supervision Pipe line from Tabaget Fahel to PS0 Almanseya around 19km diameter 600mm
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
CIF NPC Agribusiness Finance Consultancy
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Agriculture, Economic Growth
Recrutement d’un bureau d’étude pour développer une plateforme informatique au profit de la DGES
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Upgrade of the Local Governments Portal to focus on a citizen-centric approach
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Recruitment of Technical Expert to Follow ORKOY Activities in the Adana Forest Regional Directorate Area
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Recruitment of Technical Expert to Follow ORKOY Activities in the Hatay Forest Regional Directorate Area
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Recruitment of Technical Expert to Follow ORKOY Activities in the Kahramanmaras Forest Regional Directorate Area
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision Services for Van Water and Sewerage Administration Solar Power Plant (SPP) Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Strengthening youth and women’s economic inclusion in the agri-food sector
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education
Mapping of Manufacturing, Agriculture, & Services companies in Egypt under the PROSPECTS Partnership
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Industry, Refugees and Migration
Request for Expression of Interest-Support for the development of National Green Taxonomy in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy
Appel de Manifestation d’intérêt national de Bureaux d’études ou d’agence spécialisé en communication
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Technical assistant consultancy services for the jordan water sector efficiency program
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Consultancy to design and operate working spaces (Tech Hubs) in underserved communities-South of Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Infrastructure
In-Service Training of Provincial Directorate Personnel and General Directorate Personnel Who Will Serve as Control Engineers in Soil Survey and Classification Studies
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Agriculture
Consultancy services for supporting the development of an effective school guidance counselling workforce in West Bank & Gaza schools
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health
Consultancy Services for Strengthening and Improving Early Grade Arabic Language Arts Instruction and Initial Teacher Education (Preservice)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Hiring an Independent Expert to Prepare the Dam Safety Inspection and Evaluation Report
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure, Water and Wastewater
Evaluation of Financial Institution’s advisory services
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consulting Services for Structural Assessment, Energy Audit, Structural – Energy Retrofit Design and Construction Supervision of Elazığ Fırat University Buildings and Public Buildings in Tunceli Province
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Sudan Somoud-Bank Support and Monitoring Agent (Updated)
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Infrastructure, Waste Management
Preparation of Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for Kahramanmaraş Pazarcık Kartalkaya Dam Irrigation Renovation Construction Work
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Soft Skills and Psychosocial Support Training Program & Vocational Training in Cultural and Creative Industries
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education, Youth Empowerment
Le Recrutement d’un bureau d’études pour l’accompagnement de la labellisation des activités relatives au tourisme durable
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Tourism
Le Recrutement d’un bureau d’études pour l’application de l’approche PSM pour l’établissement d’un plan de gestion smart aux AMP
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Measuring the impact of modern preschools in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Education
External Financial Audit for Reduction of Unintentional POPs through Waste Management in a Circular Economy Project
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Waste Management
Consultancy Services for Strengthening and Improving Early Grade Arabic Language Arts Instruction and Initial Teacher Education (Preservice)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Supporting the development of an effective school guidance counseling workforce in West Bank & Gaza schools
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Mission d’Experts Indépendants pour le règlement des litiges pour le projet de concession du service d’assainissement dans les périmètres du Sud de la Tunisie – Lot 2
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Procurement Expert – Individual Consultant
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Rapid Community Survey
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Infrastructure
Sudan High Frequency Welfare Monitoring Survey
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Social Development
Assistance and support for the project owner for the implementation of the new disability assessment system
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Social Development
Transport Data Collection
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Infrastructure
The Pandemic Fund:Second Call for Proposals
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
CIF NPC IP Private Sector Mobilization Consultancy
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth
Entrepreneurship and Investment Diagnostic
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Technical Assistance for Design and Legislation Development of Emission Trading System in Türkiye
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Trade
Consultancy Services For Data Analysis, Measurement, and Verification
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Economic Modelling of Emissions Trading System in Türkiye
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Supporting the development of an effective school guidance counseling workforce in West Bank & Gaza schools.
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Consultancy Services for Strengthening and Improving Early Grade Arabic Language Arts Instruction and Initial Teacher Education (Preservice)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Structural Assessment, Energy Audit, Structural – Energy Retrofitting Design and Construction Supervision of Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Rectorate Büyükçekmece Campus Buildings
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
IT Independent Verification Entity (IVE) for Support to Private Sector Employment and Skills Project
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth
Climate Change and Gender Strategy 2030 – Inclusive, Transparent and Climate Responsive Investments
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Etude quantitative pour la mesure de la consommation des cereales et produits cerealiers en Tunise
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Food Security
Feasibility of Flare Gas Recovery System at the Marmara Ereğlisi LNG Terminal of “Petroleum Pipeline Corporation (BOTAS)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Business Support Services Firm (BSSF) For Basra Electricity Dissemination and Development – Extension
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision for Environmental Infrastructure Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Supporting the development of multi-hazard Early Warning Systems in three selected sites in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Consultancy Services for Strengthening and Improving Early Grade Arabic Language Arts Instruction and Initial Teacher Education (Preservice)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Quick Assessment of the Current Situation of Climate Smart Agriculture Technologies in Turkey’ Consultancy Service Procurement
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Agriculture
Market Valuation Study for the Portfolio of the Innovative Small and Medium Enterprise (iSME) Project
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
The redesign and deployment of the integrated information system of social protection in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Social Development
Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision Services for Gerze(SNOP) Solar Power Plant (SPP) Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Jordan – Read@home program activities
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Consulting, digitization of the pension application
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Consultancy Services for Feasibility Studies Review, Preparation of Bidding Documents for Supervision Consultant and Design,Supply and Installation Contractor for Renewable Energy Projects(PUMREP)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Green finance strategy for the sustainable development of the Moroccan financial sector
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
Turnkey Contract for grain storage metal silo and handling facility systems expansion in Mafalsa site
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Agriculture
Individual Procurement Consultant-Türkiye Eartquake Recover and Reconstruction Project (TERRP)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Business Support Services Firm (BSSF) For Basra Electricity Dissemination and Development
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Individual Social Consultant-Turkye Earthquake,Floods and Wildfires Emergency Reconstruction Project (Tefwer)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
West Bank and Gaza Resilient Municipal Services Project
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Procurement Consultancy for the Supporting UHIS project
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Jordan’s National Investment Roadmap
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth
Market Study on low-clinker and blended cement
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Textile circular production, Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Industry
Technical Assistance to support Ministry of Education and Technical Education social media team
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Education
Development of Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment and Green Health Insurance Program for the Universal Health Insurance System
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Consultancy Services For Structural Feasibility, Energy Audit, Design Review, and Construction Supervision of The Surgery Hospital in ÇAPA Campus of Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
EOI: Provide Consultancy Services (Individuals Consultants) in 11 Governorates
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
SUTEM Program Application Training Services
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Agriculture
Termes de référence pour le choix d’une firme pour accompagner la Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy
G2PxLebanon – Proof of concept on delivering cash transfers onto an account
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Social Development
Landscaping of Financial Products for Forcibly Displaced Women
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Women Rights and Empowerment
Iraq: supporting startups, MSMEs w/forcibly displaced population integration
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
Mapping Of Government Social Payment Streams And Roadmap For Their Digitalization In Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Developing and implementing a comprehensive awareness raising campaign on Black Cloud
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy
Developing Mobile Source Emissions Inventory & Emissions Inventory Integration
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Consulting Services-Monitoring and Evaluation Expert-Turkiye Earthquake,Floods and Wildfires Emergency Reconstruction Project (Tefwer)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Call for Expression of Interest for Conducting a Study on Labor Needs in the AgriFood Sector
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Agriculture
UELDP-Consulting Services to improve the business environment and economic competitiveness for private sector development
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Consulting services for conducting support startup investment readiness
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Jordan Portfolio Review of the Pipeline of Budgeted Capital Projects
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth
Financial risk modeling for Private natural catastrophe insurance in Tunisia – Support in Analytics
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Increasing Information Technology (IT) Competitiveness Through Skill Supply
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
Supporting Egypt’s Universal Health Insurance System
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision Services for Keskin (Kırıkkale) Solar Power Plant (SPP) Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Social Risk Management Consultant
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Stakeholder Engagement Expert
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth
UPA Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence/ Business Intelligence (AI/BI)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Social Expert for Project Implementation Support
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Obtaining Individual Consultancy Services for Project Implementation Support
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Sélection d’une firme pour la Formation Des Formateurs Des Enseignants du Ministère de l’Education
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Développement et mise en place d’un nouveau Système d’Information de l’Identifiant Social au profit du Centre de Recherches et d’Etudes Sociales (CRES)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
La fourniture de services de Communication et de Conduite de Changement
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Agriculture – skills development pilot to women in seven governorates in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Agriculture
Preparation Of Feasible Studies For The Installation Of Renewable Energy Facilities In Public Buildings Consultancy Services (Group 1/2/3/4/5/6/7)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Consultancy Services For The Preparation Of Feasibility Studies For The Installation Of Renewable Energy Facilities In Public Buildings – Group 1
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Developing Mobile Source Emissions Inventory & Emissions Inventory Integration
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Supply and Demand Gap Analysis for Digital Skills in the ICT Industry
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Developing Advanced Air Quality Forecasting System – Integrating & Analyzing the Air Quality Forecasting Data
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Developing and implementing a comprehensive awareness raising campaign on Black Cloud
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Consultancy Service with in the Scope of The Social Entrepreneurship, Empowerment And Cohesion In Refugee And Host Communities In Turkey (SEECO Project)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
Earthquake Recovery and Reconstruction Project – Procurement Plan (English)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Humanitarian aid
West Bank And Gaza – Middle East And North Africa- Improving Early Childhood Development In The West Bank And Gaza – Procurement Plan
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Audio-Visual Media Market Assessment and Opportunities Exploration in Turkiye
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Turkey – Europe And Central Asia-Health System Strengthening And Support Project – Procurement Plan
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Health
Consultant individuel « ingénieur génie civil » pour l’assistance à la maitrise d’ouvrage déléguée en accompagnement au ministère de l’Éducation dans la mise en œuvre de ses projets de construction et réhabilitation des écoles primaires cibles
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Consultant individuel « ARCHITECTE » pour accompagner le ministère de l’Éducation dans la mise en œuvre de ses projets de construction et réhabilitation des écoles primaires cibles
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Landscape Assessment of Clean-Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Turkey Climate Smart and Competitive Agricultural Growth Project (TUCSAP) – (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, General Directorate of EU and Foreign Relations)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Emergency Operation For Development -Iraq – Middle East And North Africa
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Special Economic Zones Kurdish Region of Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth
Feasibility study for the implementation of “citizen kiosks” in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Tunisia – MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA-Tunisia Tertiary Education for Employability Project – (Agence Nationale de Promotion de la Recherche Scientifique)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Capacity building in implementing and measuring the impact of energy efficiency awareness raising activities and strategies towards households, industry, agriculture, service and transport sectors and awareness raising campaign for energy in Türkiye
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
An experienced consultant as a Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
An experienced consultant as the Financial Management Specialist
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Environmental Specialist
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Investigation And Evaluation Of Laboratory Needs In The Diagnosis And Analysis Of Animal Diseases Of Istanbul
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Agriculture
Turkey – Europe And Central Asia- Turkey Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Jordan – Middle East and North Africa – Agriculture Resilience, Value Chain Development and Innovation (ARDI) Program – Procurement Plan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Agriculture
West Bank and Gaza – Middle East and North Africa – Finance for Jobs II – Procurement Plan
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth
Morocco – Middle East And North Africa- Education Support Program – Procurement Plan
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Education
Iraq Schools PPP – Technical Consultant
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education
Iraq Schools PPP – Legal Consultant
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education
An Entry Point Analysis of the Tourism Sector in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Tourism
Artificial Intelligence Penetration measurement in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Harmonizing and Improving Statistics in West Africa – Procurement Plan
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Middle East and North Africa- West Bank Emergency Social Protection Covid-19 Response Project – Procurement Plan
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health
Developing Advanced Air Quality Forecasting System – Integrating & Analyzing the Air Quality Forecasting Data
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Waste Management
Agriculture – skills development pilot to women in seven governorates in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Agriculture
Consulting services for the “Integrator and Works Supervisor”
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Infrastructure
Consultancy Services for Increasing Competition and Transparency in Natural Gas Market
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Support to Small and Medium Enterprises for Economic Recovery Project
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Rapid Assessment Of The Current Situation Of Climate Smart Agricultural Technologies
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Agriculture
Plastics Market Study and Impact Assessment of Plastics Policies for Türkiye
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Waste Management
Resource Efficiency Assessment for Pharma Company in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
auprès des Bureaux d’Etudes pour la mission d’Audit
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Preparation of Operational Plans and Supervision Services for the Solid Waste Management Facilities
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Waste Management
Sutem/wuas Capacity Building Activities (workshops And Trainings)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure, Water and Wastewater
Refonte du système d’information métier de l’ANETI
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Consulting Services of the Preparation of Preliminary Site Environmental and Social Impact Assessments
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Jordan Back-end Semiconductors Feasibility
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth
Jordan WeFi
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth
For Preparation of Survey and Feasibility Studies, Preparation of Detailed Engineering Designs and Technical Specifications/Bills of Quantities for 6 Rail Last-mile Connectivity Infrastructure Sub-projects
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Increasing Information Technology (IT) Competitiveness Through Skill Supply
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Legal Consulting Firm to Support the Invest Kurdistan, Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth
Venture Capital Portfolio Fiduciary and governance
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Implementation of an online survey on climate beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours in Europe & Central
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Oman Data Center Market and Commercial Assessment
Country of Coverage: Oman, Sectors: Infrastructure
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Consultancy on application of international audit standards for IGF – Morocco Senior Audit expert
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance
La standardisation de la documentation juridique des Fonds de Placements Collectifs en Titrisation
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
Enterprise Survey in Bahrain 2024
Country of Coverage: Bahrain, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consultants for the Financial Management
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth
Support for the Development of a Multiservice Operators’ Performance Information System in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Enhancing knowledge and institutional capacity for a climate-resilient blue economy in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Recrutement d’un consultant expert en Technologie de l’Information
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Technical Assistance for the economic empowerment of forcibly displaced women through a human rights-based approach
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Identification of Decarbonization and Greening Opportunities in Industrial Zones in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Programme Taehil Appel d’offres réalisation d’actions de formations qualifiantes ou de reconversion 2023 au profit des chercheurs d’emploi diplômés dans le cadre du projet « Appui à l’insertion économique des jeunes dans la région de Marrakech Safi »
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Etude de modernisation des réseaux d’irrigation du périmètre de Massa
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Infrastructure
Programme Taehil Appel d’offres réalisation d’actions de formations qualifiantes ou de reconversion 2023 au profit des chercheurs d’emploi non diplômés dans le cadre du projet « Appui à l’insertion économique des jeunes dans la région de Marrakech Safi »
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Textile Cluster Feasibility
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Industry
Identification of Decarbonization and Greening Opportunities in Industrial Zones in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Industry
The Management of the Career Accelerator Program-AWS Training and Certification
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Industry
Assistance Technique pour le conseil agricole dans les secteurs N3 et N4 de la zone de reconversion collective du périmètre du Gharb
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Infrastructure
Soil Survey and Classification; Soil Analysis and Preparation of Detailed Digital Soil Maps
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Agriculture, Information Communication and Technology
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report, Stakeholder Engagement Plan and Sub-Management for Contractors for Izmir Dikili Agriculture Based Specialized Organized Industrial Zone Project Consultancy Service Procurement for Preparation of Plans
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Support for the Implementation of the Lebanon Digital Transformation Strategy
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Information Communication and Technology
Egypt Water Desalination Program: Modelling of Blended Finance Structures
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Environmental Expert in Integrated Air Pollution Management, Short Lived Climate Pollutants and GHG Emissions Inventory
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Procurement Of consultancy services regarding the preparation f survey, needs analysis and technical specifications
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Consultancy Service with in the Scope of The Social Entrepreneurship, Empowerment And Cohesion In Refugee And Host Communities In Turkey (SEECO Project)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
GPN: Türkiye Climate Resilient Forests Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy
Independent Verification Agency (Iva) Services-Jordan Education Reform Support Program-for-Results (JERSP)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Jordan Toll Roads PPP – Technical Consultant
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Infrastructure
Fisheries Profile in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Agriculture, Environment and Energy
Jordan Toll Roads PPP – Legal Consultant
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Infrastructure
Implementation Support for Environmental and Social Activities for the Greater Cairo Air Pollution Management and Climate Change Project.
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Career Accelerator Program- Professional Training and Certification
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Information Communication and Technology
Consultancy Service Procurement for Needs Analysis of the Veterinary Medicinal Product Control Center (VETKOM)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Agriculture
Consulting services to improve the business environment for private sector development and strengthen local government capacity for quality infrastructure and services in Upper Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consultancy Service with in the Scope of The Social Entrepreneurship, Empowerment And Cohesion In Refugee And Host Communities In Turkey (SEECO Project)-(Extended)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
identification des différentes actions de compensation et de préservation des espèces de faune et de flore qui ont été identifiées sur le site du Projet de Développement du Nord-Est
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Designing, Implementing, and Managing Resilient Flood Protection Infrastructures in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Firms technology adoption, green and managerial capacities survey – Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy
Sélection d’un consultant individuel chargé de mener une analyse économique et financière ex-poste du Projet de Gestion Intégrée des paysages (PGIP) dans les régions les moins développées en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Agriculture
Consulting Services for Met Ocean and Wind Measurement Studies for Offshore Wind Site Investigation in Türkiye
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
National Enterprise Architecture Framework Development
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Information Communication and Technology
E&S Scoping Study for the Miyahuna Non-Revenue Water Project
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Assessment and Recommendations for the Development of a National Traceability System for Agricultural Commodities in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Agriculture
Auditeur environnemental et sociale pour le lot1 Tunis nord et le lot2 Sud de la Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Consultant en santé publique – coordination du projet-La Banque mondiale
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Assessing Physical Activity and Perception of Neighborhood Walkability In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Country of Coverage: Saudi Arabia, Sectors: Health
Senior Software Developer for the Ministry of Education and Higher Education Consultancy
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
Women Banking Champions Program Impact Assessment
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Feasibility Studies for Renewable Energy Installations Consultancy Services for Group -1
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Gender analysis of investment potential – Sustainable Shipping and Ports in Turkiye
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Fuels & Ports analysis of investment potential – Sustainable Shipping and Ports in Turkiye
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Development of a Capacity-Strengthening Plan for the Permanent Resilience Structure
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Technical Assistance to the INDH for Concurrent Monitoring on Behavior Change for Nutrition
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health
CIC–Tunisia Developing Foundation of the Natural Capital Accounting for Sustainable Nature-Based sol
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Tourism
Conception et mise en place d’un portail web et d’une application mobile « E-Labes » dans le cadre du système d’échange électronique des données (SEED) entre la CNAM et ses partenaires
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Appui a l’audit interne de projet de la Protection Sociale d’appui a la Riposte Rapide a la Crise Covid -19 en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Social Development
Improving access to affordable digital skills programs in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
Assessment of Jordan Social Security Corporation’s Care Program (Reaya)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Social Development, Women Rights and Empowerment
Designing technical and financial parameters for public private patnership (ppp) models in education sector
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Fisheries Profile in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Agriculture, Environment and Energy
Assessing Physical Activity and Perception of Neighborhood Walkability In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Country of Coverage: Saudi Arabia, Sectors: Health
Développement et mise en place d’un nouveau système d’information de gestion des processus de pensions et accessoires et d’une plateforme d’échange du Compte Individuel au profit de la Caisse Nationale de Retraite et de Prévoyance Sociale (CNRPS)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology, Social Development
Contracting with a company to program the question bank
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Conception et développement de la «Plateforme d’apprentissage numérique et d’enseignement à distance»
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Jordan and Palestine: Assessment of Supply Chain Finance (SCF) Market
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
Green Investment Climate Diagnostic -Saudi Arabia
Country of Coverage: Saudi Arabia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy
Jordan and Palestine: Assessment of the Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Movable Asset Based Finance
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
Targeted Market Assessment of the Real Estate sector in Sulaymaiyah,Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Urban & Rural Development
Post-Earthquake Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Recovery Project Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Mission d’un Auditeur en Sauvegarde Environnementale et Sociale pour les deux contrats de concession de Tunis Nord et Sud
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Restructuring of Jordan’s Education Ecosystem
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Greater Beirut Urban Recovery and Development Strategy
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Urban & Rural Development
Consulting Services for Monitoring & Evaluation for Formal Employment Creation Project Sub-Grant Program
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth
Mission de Consultants Techniques en Sauvegarde Environnementale et Sociale du contrat de concession pour le Lot 2 Sud de la Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Support to the Establishment of Jordan’s Road Asset Management System (RAMS)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Infrastructure
GPN: Iraq Social Safety Net Enhancement Project
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology, Social Development
Technical Assistance to the INDH for Development of Media Content for a Nutrition Mass Media Campaign
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health
Assessment of the Readiness of EDL to Accommodate Renewable Energy
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Consultancy Services to Design Five (5) Substations for Palestinian Electricity Transmission Ltd. (PETL)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy
A roadmap for managing climatic risks in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Surveys on Access and Benefits of Digital Remittances
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
National Program to Develop Regional Water Utilities in Palestine (Phase 1)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Development of an Electricity Master Plan for the Aden Governorate in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Market Assessment for Microwork
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Economic Growth
Neighborhood Selection and Conceptual Urban Designs for Amman, Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Urban & Rural Development
Municipal Spatial Data Infrastructure implementation in Amman, Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Urban & Rural Development
Delivering a first year stocktaking review for the Pandemic Fund
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health, Humanitarian aid
Study on Options for Alternative Electricity Distribution Models in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Economic Growth, Industry
Forced Displacement Evidence Training
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Social Development
Health system analytics for improved hypertension and diabetes care in Tunisia: cascade analysis
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Consultancy Services for preparation Palestine Grid Code
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Capacity Building and training to Women-led or Owned Businesses
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Design and Construction of Sludge Solar Dryers for Zahlé Wastewater Treatment Plant (QC1W5).
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater
Consultancy Services for preparation Palestine Grid Code
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Energy Sector Support under EU/IPA 2018
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Public and Municipal Renewable Energy Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Communication Products for Resilience and Uncertainty Data, Analytics, and Concepts
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Water and Wastewater
La standardisation de la documentation juridique des Fonds de Placements Collectifs en Titrisation
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
Baghdad International Airport PPP – E&S Consultant
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Infrastructure
L’optimisation de la documentation juridique des operations du titrisation en Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
Preparation of the National Soil ARV Service Building Project for Consultancy Service Procurement
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Agriculture
The consulting services include design, development and implementation of a public-facing integrated portal with back-office supporting systems (project management, accounting, business intelligence and CRM component)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Training Materials and Delivery Support on Results-based Climate and Carbon Finance
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy
Preparation of the Design of Tulkarm Wastewater Treatment Plant and North-East Ramallah Wastewater Treatment Plant
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
L’Assistance Technique «phase I» de la mise en œuvre du Projet de Développement Economique Du Nord-Est sur les plans opérationnels, fiduciaires, environnementaux et sociaux
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Infrastructure
NextGen Drought Index Dashboard
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Humanitarian aid, Water and Wastewater
Réalisation des études d’aménagement intégré et participatif des forêts sur 90000 Ha
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Agriculture, Water and Wastewater
Développement de la plateforme du registre National des procédures administratives
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Information Communication and Technology
Individual Consultant to provide recommendations for improving Emergency Response Mechanism for the Seasonal Severe Air Pollution Crisis (Black Cloud)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Conception et développement d’une « Plateforme nationale des procédures administratives »
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Elaboration et /ou révision des études d’aménagement des forêts dans les gouvernorats de Bizerte, Béja, Jendouba et Zaghouan
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Mapping of Government Payment Streams, and Roadmap for Their Digitalization in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Information Communication and Technology
Firm Consultancy for Data Collection on Women Small and Medium Enterprises in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Türkiye Heat Pump Market Assessment
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Sélection d’une firme pour l’élaboration du rapport d’évaluation et de clôture du fonds CwA
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Urban Sanitation in Times of Climate Change
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Waste Management, Water and Wastewater
Consultancy Services to support Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) in improving their databases of economic establishments
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth
Assessment of Clean Cooking Market in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Environmental Expert in Air Quality Monitoring Networks and Source Apportionment.
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Detailed Design for the North East Ramallah Wastewater
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Individual Consultant to provide recommendations for improving Emergency Response Mechanism for the Seasonal Severe Air Pollution Crisis (Black Cloud)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Evaluation of GEF Support for Nature-based Solutions
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Study on the management of public transport terminals in Africa
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Infrastructure, Urban & Rural Development
Firm Consultancy for Data Collection on Women Small and Medium Enterprises in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Competitive assessment of Film & Television production environment in selected countries in Africa
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Industry
Sélection d’une liste restreinte de bureau d’études pour la mise à jour de 15 plans de développement intégré et participative (PDIP) élaborés dans le cadre du projet de gestion intégré des paysages (PGIP)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Agriculture
Technical support for preparing an Integrated Climate and Air Quality Management Plan (IC-AQMP) for Reducing Air Emissions in Greater Cairo
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Support the Implementation of the National Public Procurement Capacity Building and Professionalization Strategy in Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth
Scaling up Energy Efficiency (EE) in West Bank and Gaza
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Geospatial Mapping of Mini Grid Potential in High Electricity Access Deficit Countries
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Providing a Portal and CRM / ERP Integrated solution
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Pre-feasibility study for zero-carbon bunker fuel production/supply/export in 3 ports in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Egypt Food Security and Resilience Support Project (FSRSP) Poverty and Social Impact Assessment
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Food Security
Consulting Services for Met Ocean and Wind Measurement Studies for Offshore Wind Site Investigation in Türkiye
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Technical Assistance To The Ministry Of Social Affairs Of Tunisia For Their G2p Payment Digitization
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Consultancy Services for Design Review, Preparation of Bidding Documents and Construction Supervision Services for Merzifon Sub-Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
GPN: Türkiye PMI Carbon Market Development Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Senior Consultant – MENA PSD Mid-term review FY23
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
Key spatial-temporal trends in agricultural production
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Agriculture, Food Security
Agriculture Sector Study for Food and Nutrition Security
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Agriculture, Food Security
Consultancy Services for Design Review, Preparation of Bidding Documents, and Construction Supervision Services for Environmental Infrastructure Projects of MASK
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Consultancy Services for Design Review, Preparation of Bidding Documents and Construction Supervision Services Services for Transportation Infrastructure Projects
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Enterprise Surveys Türkiye 2024
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Enterprise Surveys Algeria and Tunisia 2024
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Enterprise Surveys Kuwait and Oman 2024
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
MENA Regional One Health Initiative Economic Analysis of the Burden of Animal Source Human Diseases
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Selection of Firm to Carry out Private Sector Consultations in Agri-Food Sector
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Agriculture, Economic Growth
Call for Proposals – Decarbonization and Diversification in the Middle East and North Africa
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Consulting Services for Design Review, Preparation of Tender Dossiers and Construction Supervision of Sub-Projects (Group 3)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Consulting Services for Design Review, Preparation of Tender Dossiers and Construction Supervision of Sub-Projects (Group 2)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Support the Implementation of the National Public Procurement Capacity Building and Professionalization Strategy in Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Renforcement du système de profilage, bilan des compétences et l’amélioration du système de suivi et d’évaluations de la formation des apprentis.
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
Development of a suite of FCCL identification and assessment related tools and update to PFRAM
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consulting Services for Design Review, Preparation of Tender Dossiers and Construction Supervision of Sub-Projects (Group 1)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Development of a suite of FCCL identification and assessment related tools and update to PFRAM
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
E-Commerce coaching and voucher program for women entrepreneurs in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Social Norms Measurement in Morocco and Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Resource Efficiency / Decarbonization work for a glass manufacturing firm in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Industry
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptive Planning in Capture Fisheries and Aquaculture in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Agriculture, Climate Change and Global Warming
Creation of One Health Regional Platform with special focus on North Africa
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Consultancy Services for Reconstruction Design & Supervision of Educational Buildings in Aydn, Mula ve Yalova (Amendment)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Consultancy Service for upgrading a Preliminary – Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (P-ESIA) to a full Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and preparing a Resettlement Plan (RP) in Gaza
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy
GPN: EU Instrument for Pre-accession (IPA) Energy Sector Program Phase IV Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
GPN: Turkiye Earthquake Recovery and Reconstruction Project (TERREP)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Health, Humanitarian aid
Understanding the Gender-based Violence and Climate Nexus
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Women Rights and Empowerment
Enterprise Surveys 2023
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
Transport: Sustainability Performance Metrics and SLF Targets
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Infrastructure
Eu Instrument For Pre-accession (IPA) Energy Sector Program Phase Iv Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Support in the Development of an Integrated Economic Study on Article 6
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Energy Efficiency Applications Renovation/Renovation in Public Buildings in Samsun Province
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
AFE Regional Trade Facilitation Project -political Economy and Competition Study
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Trade
Consultancy Services for Design Review, Preparation of Bidding Documents and Construction Supervision Services Services for Transportation Infrastructure Projects
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Consultant Individuel pour l’accompagnement du Ministere de la Sante dans la Mise en Œuvre de Ses Projets TIC
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Communication Consultancy for Development and Implementation Strategy of Nexus Project
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Agriculture
Istanbul and Izmir – public transport emergency preparedness assessment
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Digital Development Partnership – Independent End Term Evaluation
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Implementing the Ready to Respond Diagnostic for Improving Emergency Preparedness &Response in Amman
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Environment and Energy
GIS and Remote Sensing Expert
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Assistance pour le Recensement, l’Audit et la proposition d’un plan de Recommandations pour la réhabilitation et le renforcement de l’infrastructure et de la connectivité d’une liste de structures relevant du ministère de la santé Tunisien (PARTIE 3)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Assistance pour le Recensement, l’Audit et la proposition d’un plan de Recommandations pour la réhabilitation et le renforcement de l’infrastructure et de la connectivité d’une liste de structures relevant du ministère de la santé Tunisien (PARTIE 2)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Assistance pour le Recensement, l’Audit et la proposition d’un plan de Recommandations pour la réhabilitation et le renforcement de l’infrastructure et de la connectivité d’une liste de structures relevant du ministère de la santé Tunisien (PARTIE 1)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Conception, développement et déploiement d’une solution de gestion des équipements et de leurs maintenances pour le compte des établissements de soins de santé du ministère de la santé
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Turkiye Fiberco E&S assessment
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Plastic circularity and waste management Turkiye
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Waste Management
Consultants évaluateurs nationaux (02) de l’évaluation du réseau de diagnostic (DNA)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Short-Term Consultancy for Data and M&E Expert for the World Bank Geo-Enabling Initiative for Monitoring and Supervision (GEMS) Initiative
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors:
Consultancy Services for Design Review, Preparation of Bidding Documents and Construction Supervision Services for Nide Sub-Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Consultancy Services for Design Review, Preparation of Bidding Documents, and Construction Supervision Services for Environmental Infrastructure Projects of BASK
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Technical Support for Source Apportionment Analysis – sampling, laboratory analysis, and statistical analysis
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Implementation of Gender Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Peer Learning Intervention in Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Skills demand survey in Turkiye
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth
Delivery of accelerated Growth Program for 7 High-potential Startups in MENA Region
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Appel de Manifestation d’intérêt internationale de Bureaux d’études
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Accélération du développement de l’Economie Bleue
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Istanbul and Izmir – public transport emergency preparedness assessment
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Support of the Industrial Development and Trade Enhancement Strategy
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Industry, Trade
Consultant Individuel Pour L’accompagnement du Ministere de la Sante Dans La Mise en Œuvre De Ses Projets TIC
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Advancing the Global Agenda on Financial Abuse in the context of Domestic and Family Violence
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Women Rights and Empowerment
Skills demand survey in Turkiye
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth
PIM Phase 3 – Support to the Tunisia Public Investment Management Reform
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Assessment of Sustainable Lead Acid Battery (ULAB) Disposal, Collection and Recycling Scheme, Gaza Strip – Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Waste Management
Implementation of Gender Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Peer Learning Intervention in Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Design, Supply and Installation of the Unified Public Consultation Portal Information Systems
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Conduct a Comprehensive Evaluation Study of the Economic, Administrative and Promotional Performance of Development Zones and Free Zones
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Democratic Governance
ESMAP External Evaluation
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Carbon Pricing in a Climate Policy Mix
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Consultant Individuel Pour L’accompagnement Du Ministere De La Sante Dans La Mise En Œuvre De Ses Projets TIC
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Mapping of Hospital Services and Establishing Credentialing Standards for Hospitals In Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Health
Technical Assistance to the INDH for expansion of the Community Health System
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health
Assessment of Sustainable Lead Acid Battery (ULAB) Disposal, Collection and Recycling Scheme, Gaza Strip
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Waste Management
Hiring Procurement Consultant
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Technical support for providing complete assessment of EEAA existing air quality monitoring networks
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Developing Mobile Source Emissions Inventory & Emissions Inventory Integration
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Green Skills Assessment for Women and Youth in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
Analysis and Recommendations for Strengthening the Turkish Environmental Label System (Re-advertised)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Baghdad International Airport PPP – Technical Consultant
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Infrastructure
Sustainability and resilience assessment of water and sanitation schemes
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Unpacking the Stories of Female Entrepreneurs (Updated)
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Baghdad International Airport PPP–Legal Consultant
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors:
Mise en place d’une solution de Matching & Profiling et son Intégration au SI Métier
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
G1–G12 Digital Skills Activity Books and Curriculum Content Development for Public Schools
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Advancing Green Public Procurement
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Mission d’assistance et d’accompagnement pour la gestion des contrats de concession de l’ONAS
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Technical Assistance to the Development of Liquidity Support Account and Payment System (LSAPS)- Legal Support and Advice
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Appel à Manifestation d’Intérêt Pour le recrutement d’un Bureau d’Etudes pour la mission: «Former et certifier des enseignants /administrateurs en coaching (PNL)»
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Evaluation des conventions de cogestion et des conventions d’alliance productive
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Designing, Implementing, and Managing Resilient Flood Protection Infrastructures in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Infrastructure
Support for Drafting Turkey’s National Energy Efficiency Vision and Strategy and Action Plan
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Analysis and Recommendation for Strengthening the Turkish Environmental Label System
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Sustainable and Climate Smart Tourism in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Tourism
Project implementation consultant to supervise the implementation of the reconfiguration of water distribution system in southern and middle governorates
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Supply,Installation and Training of an Emergency Response Center Solution
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Support for Business Climate Reforms Monitoring
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Expert to Develop Participatory Methodologies Related to Open Government Partnership (OGP)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Consultancy-Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Specialist
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Private Sector Engagement and Stakeholder Relations consultant
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Pre-feasibility study for zero-carbon bunker fuel production/supply/export in 3 ports in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy
National Ecd Expert For Stocktaking Of Available Ecd Resources And Materials In West Bank & Gaza And The Mena Region
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health
Libya Health Service Delivery Indicator Survey
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Health
Senior Specialist (Middle East and North Africa) Technical support to develop regionally contextualized awareness materials,trainings,and coordination
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Strengthening the profiling,skills assessment,monitoring and evaluation system
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors:
Consulting Services for Capacity Building of ILBANK in Environmental and Social Management of Internationally Financed Projects
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors:
The Pandemic Fund Call for Expression of interest
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Expansion of Sarra & Tarqumia 161/33 kV substation
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy
International Broadband Redundancy Options for Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors:
Libya Health Service Delivery Indicator Survey
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Health
Water Security and Resilience Program (Phase 1)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Recruitment of a firm to carry surveys out to refine baseline indicators of the project “Reinforcing Social Services for poor and vulnerable household,groups and individuals”
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Social Development
Consultancy Service-Strengthening the capacity of EHA through improving its internal financial systems
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Comprehensive Health Sector Assessment and Development of National Health Sector Digitalization Roadmap
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health, Information Communication and Technology
Consultancy Services to Provide Technical Assistance to GDCA for Structural Feasibility,Energy Audit,Structural-Energy Efficiency Retrofit Design (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Consultants for “the establishment of an information system (software) for the management of the support project for start-ups and innovative SMEs”
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Project implementation consultant to supervise the implementation of the reconfiguration of water distribution system in southern and middle governorates
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Senior Specialist (Middle East and North Africa)Technical delivery of activities to raise awareness and support Middle Eastern and North African cities
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy
Options for Legal and Regulatory Frameworks for Green Hydrogen Production,Use and Exports
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Consultancy services for strengthening the Palestinian STEM Education Framework/Strategy (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Qualitative Research Consultancy to Inform Morocco Social and Behavior Change Strategy for Improved Nutrition Outcomes
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health
Financial Audit of the Industry Development Fund Project
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Industry
Technical Verification Agent to support the implementation of the Outcome-Based Incentives Program within the Industry Development Fund
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Industry
Procurement Consultant
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Consultancy services for strengthening the Palestinian STEM Education Framework/Strategy
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Turkey Earthquake,Floods and Wildfires Emergency Reconstruction Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Consultancy Services for Reconstruction Design & Supervision of Educational Buildings in zmir
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Designing Technical and Financial parameters for Public Private Partnership (PPP) Models in Education Sector
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Quality of Telecom Services (QoS)Technical Assistance (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Designing Technical and Financial parameters for Public Private Partnership (PPP) Models in Education Sector
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education
Development of Decarbonization Roadmap for Egypt Pharma Manufacturing Sector
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Industry
Jordan Time Release Study
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Trade
Consulting Services for Updating the Enabling Legal Environment for the Digital Economy
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth, Information Communication and Technology
Detailed Engineering Design for the Water Infrastructure for Priority Investment Projects for Bulk Water System
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Consultancy services for strengthening the Palestinian STEM Education Framework/Strategy
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Technical Assistance and capacity building to support a pilot intervention for improved learning outcomes
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors:
Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative in Jordan (WeFi Jordan)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Senior Software Developer for the Ministry of Education and Higher Education Consultancy
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
Scaling Geothermal:Creating Opportunities for Private Sector Investment
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy
Project implementation consultant to supervise the implementation of the reconfiguration of water distribution system in southern and middle governorates
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Detailed Engineering Design for the Water Infrastructure for Priority Investment Projects for Bulk Water System
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
GPN: Emergency Food Security and Resilience Support Project
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Food Security
External Auditor for Lebanon Emergency Crisis and COVID-19 Response Social Safety Net Project
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Social Development
Renewable Energy Scale-up in ECA – Challenges and Opportunities (Market Sounding)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy
Supporting innovation in rural agents
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consulting Services for Updating the Enabling Legal Environment for the Digital Economy
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth, Information Communication and Technology
Designing Technical and Financial parameters for Public Private Partnership (PPP) Models in Education Sector
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Conducting social media management services relating to MSMEDA’s investment activities in funds
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Lead Advisory Consultant
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy
MFI Product Development and Coaching
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Competitive and business assessment of the TowerCo market in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Infrastructure
Legal Firm to Support the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programing Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
MFI Process Mapping (Repository)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Implementation of an awareness campaign, Egypt is changing for the better, aims to develop and raise the awareness of the community and its members about the current services provided by MoSS and other social programs that support the wheel of development
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Social Development
GPN For Climate and Disaster Resilient Cities Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Climate Change and Global Warming
Needs and Gaps Assessment of Water Resources Tools and Models
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
System Diagnostic and Improvements for the Grievance Mechanism (GM)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Enterprise Surveys
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Choix de bureau pour la Conception et mise en œuvre du baromètre des e-services (2022-2023-2024)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Information Communication and Technology
Study on Beneficiary Multi-Tier Framework Baseline Survey and A Market Assessment of the Low Carbon Energy Value-Chain
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Climate Change and Global Warming
Jordan Trade and Gender
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Trade
Assess the Elderly Care to Strengthen Home Care for Elderly People
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Social Development
Railway Connectivity between GCC and Mashreq
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Infrastructure
Improving Quality of Third-Party Monitoring
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Health
Jordan National Single Window Gap Assessment
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Trade
Consultancy To Undertake Project Surveys Of The Social Entrepreneurship, Empowerment And Cohesion In Refugee And Host Communities In Turkey (SEECO Project)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
Developing Export-Oriented Green Hydrogen Trade in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Trade
Supporting an Education Reform Agenda for Improving Teaching, Assessment and Career Pathways
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Digital Transformation Strategy, IT assessment, business process re-engineering and design of the new property and cadastre system
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Infrastructure, Information Communication and Technology
Advancing industrial CCS Hubs and Developing an Enabling CCS Framework
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Technical Assistance to support the digital transformation of user-centric public services through the extension of the life event-approach to new services
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Formation des cadres de l’UGO et des intervenants dans le projet PIAIT sur le cadre de gestion environnemental et social
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Agriculture, Environment and Energy
Elaboration des supports, préparation et mise en œuvre des sessions de formation et de sensibilisation
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Agriculture, Environment and Energy
Roadmap and Operational Plan for the Accreditation of Primary Health Care Clinics
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Health
Enterprise Surveys in the United Arab Emirates
Country of Coverage: United Arab Emirates, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Enterprise Surveys in the West Bank and Gaza
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Enterprise Surveys in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Enterprise Surveys in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Comprehensive sector assessment with integrated roadmap for solid waste management in West Bank and Gaza
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Waste Management
Public Financial Management Improvement Project Phase 2
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors:
Iraq resilient and learning-oriented schools
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education
Development of a roadmap to develop the Blue Economy in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy
Support for Reform Coordination and Monitoring Mechanisms
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Private Sector Sectoral Deep Dives
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Economic Growth
Mashreq Gender Facility-High frequency phone surveys
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Consultant to support the World Bank’s Agriculture Program
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Agriculture
External Financial Audit
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors:
Technical Assistance to support the Government of Morocco in the diagnosis phase for the preparation of Multi-Year Plans for Human Development
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Expanding the Circular Economy-Investment Opportunities and Constraints Analysis
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth
Asset Companies for Electric Vehicles
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
Development of Psychometric Scoring Model
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Mainstreaming Universal Accessibility in Urban Operations (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Infrastructure
Global Education Policy Dashboard
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Gender Norms and Women’s Employment in the Maghreb
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Analytical and technical work on combating the impact of climate change on coastal development in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Tourism, Climate Change and Global Warming
Banking on Green Cities (Re-Advertised)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
Stock of policy trends in enrolling non-poor workers lacking formal employment and their dependents into social health insurance scheme
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health, Economic Growth
Renewable Energy Integration Strategy & Investment Plan
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Recruitment OHSE Expert for Rootcase Analysis
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Dam Safety Consulting Credit Karl
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Data collection on a pre-selected sample of private kindergartens (KGs)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Recruitment of a consulting firm for the development of a strategic orientation plan for the municipality of Khelidia in relation to its region
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Consultancy Services for Design Review, Preparation of Bidding Documents and Construction Supervision Services for Environmental Infrastructure Projects
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Consultancy Services for E&S Assessment, Monitoring, and Training for Sub-Project Applications of Participating Financial Institutions (PFI’s)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Support for Industry Development Fund
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Trade, Industry
Recrutement d’un Bureau d’Etudes pour la mission : Réaliser une Formation des formateurs sur la pédagogie universitaire numérique pour le développement de dispositifs pédagogiques numériques innovant
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education, Information Communication and Technology
Mise à niveau de l’infrastructure technologique du Data centre de l’éducation et son Intégration au cloud National (Re-Extended)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Infrastructure
Mise en œuvre de service de connectivité Indoor
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education, Information Communication and Technology
consultant pour l’établissement d’états financiers et comptables séparés pour les activités et sous-activités liées aux services de l’eau potable et l’assainissement liquide, et de l’électricité de l’ONEE
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater
Supply development program (SDP)-Technical Textile Value Chain project
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Industry
Egypt Seawater Desalination Plants PPP-Legal support
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Recrutement d’un Bureau d’Etudes pour la mission : Former et certifier des enseignants /administrateurs en terme de développement personnel et édification de soi
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Recrutement d’un Cabinet de Consultants pour la mission : Renforcement des capacités des Unités pour la Qualité à l’Université de Kairouan
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Implementation Of The Research Supporting Evidence Generation For Health Policy Making
Country of Coverage: Saudi Arabia, Sectors: Health
Third Party Monitoring Agent (TPMA) Services
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Food Security
Public Relations and Media Company
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Updating the National Transport Policy (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Debt Funds – Global Review
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Morocco Fintech Landscaping and Diagnostic
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consultancy Services for Designing and Supervising a Replacement MV Switchgear-New Operational Program and Civil Works for Gaza West Substation (GWS)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Technical support to accelerate Algeria wind deployment (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Technical Assistance to the INDH for capacity building and stakeholder engagement in support of implementation of its SBCC strategy for improved nutrition outcomes
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health
Road Condition Survey and Inventory Data Collection and Road Asset Management System (RAMS) (Installation and Implementation)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Infrastructure
Mapping and Institutional Capacity Assessment of National Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) who could work on Management of a Community Health Worker Program
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health
Debt Funds/Asset Managers Mapping in South Africa and Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
Global Education Policy Dashboard
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
Development of Net Lending Web Portal
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Development of Iraq Gender and Energy Assessment & Support to Basra Electricity Dissemination and Development Project (BEDDP)-(Extended)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Recruitment of an audit firm for auditing the financial statements of the Sudan Family Support Project at MoFEP of the Sudan Government
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Humanitarian aid
Case study Impact assessment of electric vehicle integration in the power distribution network in Türkiye
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Technical assistance for the benefit of the DRFP of Marrakech for the implementation of the apprenticeship training program relating to the Program “Supporting the economic integration of young people in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
Elaboration of a strategy for the promotion of a renewable energy self-generation framework
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Francophone Climate Risk Specialist – Short Team Consultant (STC)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Climate Change and Global Warming
Consultancy-Training Program Coordinator (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consultancy Services to the Palestinian Energy & Natural Resources Authority for the “Green Corridor” transmission Line and VERG Integration Study
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Technical Assistance for Advanced Engineering Practices and Capacity Building
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Recruitment of Procurement Expert
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Individual Consulting Services for Project Implementation Support (Financial Management Consultant)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth
Recrutement d’un Consultant pour la Violence basée sur le genre
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Recrutement du consultant individuel pour l’Élaboration des évaluations sociales
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Development of Psychometric Scoring Model
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Preparation of the Investment Case for Cold Chain Logistics for Jordanian Fresh Produce
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth
Improving Quality of Third-Party Monitoring
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Cold chain infrastructure-Mapping
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Infrastructure
Amman Bus Rapid Transit Phase II Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Management Plans
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Infrastructure
Consultancy service for Work Package 1 – Surveying and Data Collection
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Recrutement d’un consultant expert en gestion environnementale et sociale
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Mise en place d’un système d’information (software) pour le projet et assistance technique
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Information Communication and Technology
Tunisia Irrigated Agriculture Intensification Project
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Infrastructure, Water and Wastewater
Recrutement d’un Consultant Individuel pour le diagnostic en sécurité-incendie et élaboration d’un plan d’action pour la mise en conformité des installations de l’ISSBAT
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Assistance technique pour le suivi et contrôle de qualité de travaux de reconversion à l’irrigation localisé des secteurs G5 et G9 (composante 2)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Infrastructure
Strengthening Reform Management-Specialist Women Economic Empowerment
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Strengthening Reform Management-Senior Specialist Women Economic Empowerment
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Consultancy Services for Energy Audits, Technical Designs and Construction Supervision Services for Energy Efficiency Renovations in Public Buildings
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Assistance technique et accompagnement de l’Université de Jendouba et ses établissements pour la mise en place d’un SMQ
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Below The Line (BTL) Marketing for Mobile Money Services-Sudan -Bahri City and the North East States
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Information Communication and Technology
Private Participation in Infrastructure (PPI): Data Collection on PPI Projects (CY2022-2023)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Infrastructure
National-Scale Household Energy Survey in Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Environment and Energy
GPN: Support for Transition to Labor Market Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Technical Assistance for the Design of a Regional Monitoring and business intelligence System (SVMR) Observatory of Regions
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
Site selection for geothermal district heating and pre-feasibility studies for two pilot projects
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Formation en ingénierie de formation et ingénierie pédagogique Dans le cadre de l’implémentation du Centre d‘Ingénierie de Formation et d’Innovation Pédagogique à l’Université de Gabès
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Jordan Export Hub for Women SMEs
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Agent Training and Awards
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Economic Growth
Technical assistance in raising awareness on routine maintenance and Preparation of Performance Based Maintenance bid documents for Expressway
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Infrastructure
Transport Corridors Project
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Infrastructure
Assessing the SME-Public Procurement Nexus
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Market Scan-Creative Industries
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Industry
Events Management Company
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors:
Public Policy Advisory: Selection of a Firm to Provide Advisory Services and Analytics on Public Policies.
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Agent Recruitment, Training, and Deployment for Mobile Money Service in Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Information Communication and Technology
Selection of External Financial Audit Firm for 2021
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Social Development
Baghdad Water Security Strategic Plan
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Technical Assistance to Support the Mobilization of the Employment and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Morocco Apparel Circularity Mas Advisory Integrating Pre-consumer Cotton Textile Waste in Apparel Manufacturer Value Chains
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Industry, Waste Management
Agritech/Fintech Company Assessment, Agronomy Support, and NBFI Transformation
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Agriculture
Programme de Transformation digitale pour des services publics orientés citoyens « GovTech »
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Technical Assistance for the Design of a Regional Monitoring and business intelligence System (SVMR) Observatory of Regions
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Technical Assistance for the Design of a Regional Monitoring and Business Intelligence System (SVMR) Observatory of Regions
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
Fiscal Commitments and Contingent Liabilities (FCCL) Management Framework and PPP Capacity Building
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Infrastructure
Development of Green Resilient PPP Processes and PipLine
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Climate Change and Global Warming
Morocco Apparel Circularity Mas Advisory Integrating Pre-consumer Cotton Textile Waste in Apparel Manufacturer Value Chains
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Industry, Waste Management
Africa Green Banking Academy – Certificate Training Program
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
Assessment of Digital Receivables Financing (DRF) for Select Countries in Africa
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Information Communication and Technology
Focal Point/Monitoring and Evaluation Officer under the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
Regionalization and Territorialization of public policies in Tunisia: Module 1: Inventory and Analysis of Public Policies
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education, Democratic Governance, Infrastructure, Arts and Culture
Sélection d’une firme pour l’audit final des états financiers du 3ème Projet de Développement des Exportations (PDE3)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Trade
Promoting Private Sector Growth and Inclusive Employment Opportunities
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Agritech/Fintech Company Assessment, Agronomy Support, and NBFI Transformation
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Agriculture
Technical Assistance for Supporting Aneti Regarding the Processing of Collected Job Offers
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Technical Assistance for Aneti Business Prospection Support
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Iraq chemicals sector decarbonization
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Industry, Climate Change and Global Warming
Technical Assistance for the Definition and Implementation of Aneti Additional Services to the Basic Services Provided by Aneti to Companies
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consultancy Services for Energy Audits, Technical Designs and Construction Supervision Services for Energy Efficiency Renovations in Public Buildings
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Technical Assistance for Supporting Aneti Regarding the Processing of Collected Job Offers
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Recrutement d’un bureau de formation pour le renforcement des capacités humaines en matière d’innovation et d’entreprenariat en vue d’une préparation au concours
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education, Entrepreneurship
Consulting services of Assessing citizens’ engagement for Catalyzing Entrepreneurship for Job Creation
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Consultant to conduct a Land Acquisition Audit and Standard Operating Procedures
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund (SIEF) sixth call for proposals on recovering human capital after the COVID pandemic
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Education, Health, Economic Growth
Iraq chemicals sector decarbonization
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Industry, Climate Change and Global Warming
National consultant specializing in Procurement
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Service Delivery Indicators Health Survey Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Health
Prioritization of Sectoral Licensing Reform in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth
PPP Certification Training and Exam for Foundation Level
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Economic Growth
Local Medtech Manufacturing Seed Study
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health, Industry
Environmental And Social Due Diligence (ESDD) and Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) for the Region Of Guelmin – Oued Noun (RGON)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Infrastructure
Agent Recruitment, Training, and Deployment for Mobile Money Service
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Information Communication and Technology
Identification of Priorities for Climate Action in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth, Climate Change and Global Warming
Strengthening the Resilience of Critical Infrastructure and Essential Services
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Infrastructure
La Sélection d’un Cabinet/ Consortium pour l’accompagnement dans l’identification des Pme Innovantes et d’experts
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
National Table of Frequency Allocations (NTFA) Consultant
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Sélection d’une firme pour une mission d’évaluation d’impact final du 3ème Projet de Développement des Exportations (PDE3)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Trade
Kuwait Employer Skills Survey
Country of Coverage: Kuwait, Sectors: Economic Growth
Oil & Gas Sector Diagnostic: Technical Assistance Consultancy Services
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Territorial Health Groups (GST) Study
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health
Consultancy Support to Inform and Develop Decarbonization Harmonization Opportunities for the EMGF
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Research Program on Margins of Adjustments to Labor Market Shocks in MENA
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
Design, Development and Implementation of e-GP System
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Drivers of Gender Inequality in Middle East and North Africa
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
GPN: Turkey Climate Smart and Competitive Agricultural Growth Project (Tucsap)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Agriculture, Infrastructure, Climate Change and Global Warming
Réalisation des missions d’assistance technique au profit des communes
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Waste Management
Territorial Health Groups (GST) Study
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health
Consultancy Support to Develop a Decarbonization Pathway for the Egypt Oil and Gas Value Chain
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Climate Change and Global Warming
MCT ESG Baseline Assessment and Mapping Report
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy
Kuwait Employer Skills Survey
Country of Coverage: Kuwait, Sectors: Economic Growth
Digitization of Real Estate Records (transactions applications and property titles) and Providing Training & Manual
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Urban & Rural Development
Agriculture and Food Systems Performance and Options for Competitiveness Enhancing Policies in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Agriculture
Costing of Benefits Package for the social health Insurance
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Health
Survey for Rapid Assessment on Morocco Secured Transactions and Movable Collateral Registry Project Results
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Selection of a consulting firm to draft the ToRs for a mission on supporting the elaboration of a Country Brand for Tunisian investment agencies
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
West Bank Solar – Technical Consultant
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Rapid Assessment on Morocco Secured Transactions and Movable Collateral Registry Project Results
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
Selection of a consulting firm to draft the ToRs for a mission on supporting the elaboration of a Country Brand for Tunisian investment agencies
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Support to the reform of management by objective Units
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consultancy Services for Energy Audits, Technical Designs and Construction Supervision Services for Energy Efficiency Renovations in Public Buildings
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Provide Capacity Building and Support for Egyptian Water and Wastewater Regulatory Agency (EWRA) Staff
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Long-Term Low-carbon and Climate Resilient Strategy (LTS) in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Consultancy Services for Design Review, Preparation of Bidding Documents and Construction Supervision Services for Tokat-Niksar Centrum Drinking Water Network Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Supervision for the Rehabilitation of Three Sewerage Pumping Stations & Rehabilitation Al-Ghazaliya main trunk sewerage system in Baghdad
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
G7 – G12 Digital Skills Curriculum Content Development and Roll-Out for Public Schools
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education, Information Communication and Technology
Data and Knowledge informality
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Analytical and technical work on Marine Plastic Pollution in Morocco and Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy, Waste Management
Assess Citizens’ Engagement
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Develop Institutional Framework for Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Jordan Tourism Product Audit and Strategic Value Chain Diagnostic
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Tourism
Study on Options for a National E-Mobility Strategy in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Decarbonization of Istanbul’s Passenger Ferries and Urban Waterborne Transportation Systemand Urban Waterborne Transportation System
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure, Urban & Rural Development
Technical Assistance for Preliminary Seismic and Energy Efficiency Assessment
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Jordan Debt Resolution and Business Exit project #2
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth
Procurement of Media Production Agency Services
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Health
Climate Action in the Solid Waste Sector Including Wastewater Sludge in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater, Waste Management, Climate Change and Global Warming
Project Structuring and Transaction Advisory Services for the establishment of the 10th of Ramadan Integrated Solid Waste Management Facility
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Infrastructure, Waste Management
Management and Technical Support for Solid Waste Management Component
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Infrastructure, Waste Management
Long-Term Low-Carbon and Climate Resilient Strategy (LTS)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Climate Change and Global Warming
Promoting Sustainable Forest Management to Address Forest Fires in Algeria
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Climate Change and Global Warming
Data and Knowledge informality
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Enhancing Female Businesses’ Participation in the Digital Space in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment, Information Communication and Technology
Land Acquisition Plan (LAP) for Sedimentation Cleaning of Afsar Dam and Timp Lap Monitoring Reports
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Consultancy Services for Data Collection on H1 2022 PPI Projects
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure, Water and Wastewater, Waste Management
Market assessment on new agent network management models in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Women Rights and Empowerment, Urban & Rural Development
Supporting the Ministry of Economy and Planning in strengthening the capacities of the Investment Task Force to structure the involvement of the private sector in the Compact with Africa initiative
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Improving the Management of Coastal Protected Areas and Ecosystems as a Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Resilience and addressing Climate Resilient Rural Development Issues
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Urban & Rural Development, Climate Change and Global Warming
Railway Strategic Study Under the Component 3.2 of the Railway Improvement and Safety for Egypt Project (RISE) (Updated)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Infrastructure
Development of quality assessment tool for Elderly Care
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Social Development
Blue Finance Market Mapping and Sector Deep-dive: Africa
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Water and Wastewater
Support in piloting catch up programs in select public schools in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
Conduct of surveys of CNSS beneficiaries
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Supporting the Ministry of Economy and Planning in strengthening the capacities of the Investment Task Force to structure the involvement of the private sector in the Compact with Africa initiative
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Sélection d’un bureau d’étude pour la formation des enseignants de l’Université de Sfax sur la scénarisation pédagogique
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Building Capacity for Healthcare Quality Leaders
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Support to ECE System Strengthening in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education
Improving the Management of Coastal Protected Areas and Ecosystems as a Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Resilience and addressing Climate Resilient Rural Development Issues
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Climate Change and Global Warming
Sustainability-linked Bonds and Climate Transition Bonds Executive Training
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth
Conducting an assessment to the website for the Jordan Department of Statistics (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors:
CSO Advisory Framework Agreements
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Democratic Governance
Sectoral Technical Advisory Support for Strengthening Pipeline of Climate Responsive Public Investment Projects
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Climate Change and Global Warming
Independent Verification Agent (IVA) to Verify the Achievement of Performance Based Conditions (PBCS)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Selection of verification entity to support the implementation of the Public-Private Partnership pilot to expand KG2 services
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education, Economic Growth
Technical Assistance to Support the Establishment of Regional Water Utility (RWU) in Tubas District
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Digital Transformation Program for citizen-oriented public services: AMOA for GovTech activities – Education component
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education, Information Communication and Technology
Consultancy Services for Revision and Improvement of Pre-feasibility Studies for Wastewater Treatment Plant Projects and Green & Smart Infrastructure Projects (Group-2)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure, Water and Wastewater
Consultancy Services for Revision and Improvement of Pre-feasibility Studies for Basic Infrastructure Projects (Group-1)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Below The Line (BTL) Marketing for Mobile Money Services- Sudan – Bahri City and the North East States
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Information Communication and Technology
DigitalAg4Iraq Innovation Competition
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment, Agriculture
Consulting Services for Impact Assessment of COVID-19 on Multimodal Logistics Sector
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth, Infrastructure
Productivity Services for Pharma Manufacturers in Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health, Industry
Consultancy Services for Sustainability Study of Wastewater Services in Aitanit, Zahle and Anjar.
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
G7 – G12 Digital Skills Curriculum Content Development and Roll-Out for Public Schools
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education, Information Communication and Technology
Modernization of Public Financial Management Systems Project. Pre-RfP Market Sensitization Event Notice
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth
Formation de formateurs en ingénierie de formation et ingénierie pédagogique Dans le cadre de l’implémentation du Centre d‘Ingénierie de Formation et d’Innovation Pédagogique à l’Université de Gabès
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Conception et développement des Web Services, fiabilisation des données, adaptation SI et l’intégration avec la solution d’interopérabilité nationale
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Conducting an assessment to the website for the Jordan Department of Statistics
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Information Communication and Technology
Consultancy Services for Revision and Improvement of Pre-feasibility Studies for Wastewater Treatment Plant Projects and Green & Smart Infrastructure Projects (Group-2)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure, Water and Wastewater
Consultancy Services for Revision and Improvement of Pre-feasibility Studies for Basic Infrastructure Projects (Group-1)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Consultancy Service to Develop the Terms of Reference (Tor) for Supporting Pwa in the Design of a National Program to Improve the Operational and Financial Performance of Service Providers across the West Bank and Gaza
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Below The Line (BTL) Marketing for Mobile Money Services- Sudan – Bahri City and the North East States
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Information Communication and Technology
Development of UHIA’s Actual Costing & Tariff Setting Methodology
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health, Economic Growth
Consultancy firm to train 30 surveyors to perform nearly 100 surveying visits to different types of provider facilities for GAHAR. (Healthcare accreditation and registration program)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health, Economic Growth
Consultancy for Integrated Resource Planning Training for Decision Makers in the Eastern Africa Power Pool (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Climate Change and Global Warming
Conducting an assessment to the website for the Jordan Department of Statistics
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors:
Unlocking Opportunities for Private Sector Participation in Electric Mobility Transition in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy
Unlocking Opportunities for Private Sector Participation in Electric Mobility Transition in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy
Unlocking Opportunities for Private Sector Participation in Electric Mobility Transition in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy
Tunisia Agri Insurance Survey
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Agriculture
National Emergency Response Center – ERC Protocol Consultant
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Humanitarian aid, Information Communication and Technology
Recrutement d’une agence pour la conception et la réalisation d’une campagne de communication
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors:
Informing Green Recovery, Growth, Resilience and Jobs Creation in Southern Tunisia Oasis Landscapes Using NDCs Commitments and Related Measures
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Climate Change and Global Warming
Provision of Environmental & Social Appraisal and Supervision Support Services in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Infrastructure
Consultants individuels “Appui à la gestion de projet” au profit de la Direction des Soins de Santé de Base
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Engagement of Independent Verification Agent (IVA) to Verify the Achievement of Performance Based Conditions (PBCS)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater
Consulting services of External Audit firm
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Health
Conducting an assessment to the website for the Jordan Department of Statistics
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors:
Supporting the integrated and sustainable management of historical oasis landscapes in North Africa
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Agriculture, Environment and Energy
Evaluation of Morocco’s approach to flood risk management and associated action plan
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Climate Change and Global Warming
Water Desalination Assessment
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Consultancy Service to develop the Terms of Reference (ToR) for supporting PWA in the design of a national program to improve the operational and financial performance of service providers across the West BANK AND GAZA
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Assessment of the Green Building Market in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Feasibility Study for Turkey Green Investment Fund
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth
Forensic Audit Technical Assistance
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Merchant Acquisition and Management Firm – Sudan Bahri City and Northern and Eastern States
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Economic Growth
Merchant Acquisition and Management Firm – Sudan Omdurman City and Central States
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Economic Growth
Unlocking Opportunities for Private Sector Participation in Electric Mobility Transition in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Unlocking Opportunities for Private Sector Participation in Electric Mobility Transition in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Support for legal reform to create NPL secondary market in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
Unlocking Opportunities for Private Sector Participation in Electric Mobility Transition in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Merchant Acquisition and Management Firm – Sudan – Khartoum City and Darfur States
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Economic Growth
Enterprise Survey (ES) in Saudi Arabia 2022
Country of Coverage: Saudi Arabia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Design of the Waterfall and Liquidity Support Mechanism (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Strengthening the biopharmaceutical industry in Saudi Arabia through a modernized intellectual property regime
Country of Coverage: Saudi Arabia, Sectors: Health, Economic Growth
Assistance technique pour la mise en place d’un SMI par rapport aux référentiels ISO
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Communication Senior Advisor: Greater Cairo Air Pollution Management and Climate Change Project
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Climate Change and Global Warming
Promoting Sustainable Forest Management to Address Forest Fires in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Design of the Waterfall and Liquidity Support Mechanism
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Enhancing the Quality of Climate Resilient Infrastructure Design Approaches
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Running an awareness campaign to disseminate Health and Education conditionality messages by broadcasting three advertisements on three TV channels
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Education, Health, Social Development
Support for legal reform to create NPL secondary market in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consultant pour développer un Système d’Information et de Gestion à l’Office des Œuvres Universitaires pour le Centre
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Consulting services of External Audit firm
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Health
Improving Access to Finance for MSMEs and guarantee schemes
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Short-term consultant – Resource Efficiency and Climate in Africa
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Climate Change and Global Warming
Technical Consultant – Jordan Solar Thermal Water Heating (Pre-Feasibility Study)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health, Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater
Tunisia: Improving Access to Finance for MSMEs and guarantee schemes
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Digitization Of Real Estate Records (transactions Applications And Property Titles) And Providing Training & Manual
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Urban & Rural Development
Project Management and Technical Consultant – Microfinance Advisory
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Design of the Waterfall and Liquidity Support Mechanism
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Transport Data Collection (Transit Mapping and Intercept Surveys)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Infrastructure
System Integrator (si) For The Design, Development And Operationalisation Of An Integrated Forsa Mis Platform For The Ministry Of Social Solidarity (moss)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Social Development
Study of pre-consumer cotton textile waste sourcing in Tanger area, Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Industry, Waste Management
Consultancy services for structural feasibility, energy audit, structural – energy retrofitting design and construction supervision
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Blue Wager Program in Turkey
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater
Consulting Services: 4G Technical Advisor
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Technical Consultant – Jordan Solar Thermal Water Heating (Pre-Feasibility Study)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health, Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater
Nature-based Solutions for the Black Sea and Marmara Sea
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater
Sélection d’un consultant (firme) pour une mission de transformation organisationnelle et juridique du Centre de Promotion des Exportations CEPEX
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Trade
e-Government Service Inventory and Prioritization
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Analysis of Pollution in Environmental Hotspots of Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Environment and Energy
ESCO Project Development Expert Consultant
Country of Coverage: Saudi Arabia, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Iraq Municipal Services and Local Development Diagnostics and Transformation Roadmap
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth, Democratic Governance, Environment and Energy, Infrastructure, Urban & Rural Development, Social Development, Climate Change and Global Warming
Unlocking Opportunities for Private Sector Participation in the Electric Mobility Development in MENA Region
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy
Planning for Future Climate-resilient and Low-Carbon Development in the Urban Context in Aden, Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Urban & Rural Development, Climate Change and Global Warming
Inventory of warehouses in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Trade
Consultant individuel pour l’élaboration de l’évaluation sociale et VBG dans le cadre du Projet de Gestion Intégrée des paysages (PGIP)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Agriculture
Economic Impacts Of Women (Lack Of) Mobility In The MNAData Collection
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Infrastructure
Développement de la plateforme de digitalisation des Examens nationaux
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Conception, Développement et Mise en Place d’une Solution Globale et Intégrée de Gestion de la Scolarité
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Green Finance Turkey
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth, Climate Change and Global Warming
Improving and harmonizing the provision of differentiated services provided by ANETI to enterprises
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
ESCO Project Development Expert Consultant
Country of Coverage: Saudi Arabia, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Support to Tunisia Vaccine and Pharmaceutical Production Strategy
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Consulting Services for Revision of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessments, Resettlement Action Plans, Stakeholder Engagement Plans and Environmental and Social Management Plans
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Consultant Spécialiste en Gestion Financière (SGF)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Consultant Spécialiste en Passation des marchés (SPM)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Supply development program (SDP) in Egypt- Egypt Technical Textile Value Chain project, 605117
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Industry
Energy audit studies including technical pre-feasibility studies of photovoltaic self-production installations for two selected ports Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Electric Buses Deployment in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Nature-based Solutions for the Black Sea and Marmara Sea
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater
Unlocking Opportunities for Private Sector Participation in the Electric Mobility Development in MENA Region
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
End-Term Evaluation: Improving Business Environment for Prosperity Program
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth
Inventory of warehouses in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Trade
Energy audit studies including technical pre-feasibility studies of photovoltaic self-production installations for two selected ports Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Electric Buses Deployment in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Support to Tunisia Vaccine and Pharmaceutical Production Strategy
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Consultancy services to developed Private Public Partnership (PPP) framework and provide technical support in the COMESA region
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Infrastructure
Support to Tunisia Vaccine and Pharmaceutical Production Strategy
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Egypt PROBLUE: Cleaner Marine and Coastal Environment EGYPT Awareness Raising and Citizen Engagement in Dahab
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Sustainability-linked Bonds and Transition Bonds Executive On-line Training Service Provider
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Climate Change and Global Warming
Surveys and Research on Impact of Covid19 on Internal Migration, Labor Markets and Urbanization
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Urban & Rural Development, Refugees and Migration
GPN: Turkey Resilient Landscape Integration Project (TULIP)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Agriculture, Infrastructure, Water and Wastewater, Climate Change and Global Warming
Technical and Financial Feasibility assessment and cost estimate for Photovoltaic Systems and Energy Efficiency Measures on the Health Sector in West Bank (Palestine)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Health, Environment and Energy
Development of a whole of government strategy and Implementation action plan for digitalization of government
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Information Communication and Technology
Supply development program (SDP) in Egypt- Egypt Technical Textile Value Chain project, 605117
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Industry
Corporate Financial Viability Assessment
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
External Financial Auditing Services 2021
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Environmental and Social Assessment and Monitoring Services for Sub-Grant Applications
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Administrative Check and Technical and Financial Evaluation Services for Sub-Grant Applications
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
End-Term Evaluation: Improving Business Environment for Prosperity Program
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth
Contracting the private health sector under Universal Health Insurance System in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Electric Buses Deployment in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Energy audit studies including technical pre-feasibility studies of photovoltaic self-production installations for two selected ports Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Development of Design and Build Standard Bidding Document and Reviewing existing Non-Consulting Services SBD
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth
Support Program to Improve Access to Finance for MSMEs
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Insurance Demand Modeling for Diagnostic Projects in Africa
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
Tunisia Partnership for Entrepreneurship: concept development and feasibility assessment
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Sélection d’un consultant individuel en gestion environnementale et sociale
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Agriculture
Grant for Career Guidance Programe
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Education, Information Communication and Technology
Finance Consultant for Health System Strengthening and Support Project (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Health
Social Entrepreneurship-Empowerment and Cohesion in Refugee and Host Communities Project (SEECO)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
Geo-Location and Remote Detection of Dams and Reservoirs in the Nile Basin
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Infrastructure
Environmental and Social Management Framework – Region Guelmim-Oued Noun (RGON)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Infrastructure
Regulatory Watch Initiative – Phase 3
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Democratic Governance
Lamélioration du manuel de procédure et la mise en place dune plateforme servant de guide aux investisseurs de projets solaires sous le régime des autorisations
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Consultancy Firm for The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility with CSO
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Mobilizing Private Sector Capital for Climate Adaptation and Resilient Infrastructure in Turkey
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth, Infrastructure, Climate Change and Global Warming
Electric Bus (e-bus) Demonstration Project Detailed Planning and Design Study for Cairo Transport Authority (CTA)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Contracting the private health sector under Universal Health Insurance System in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Supervision And Management Of The Contract For The Design, Supply, Installation And Maintenance Of Modernization Of Signaling Systems & Track Works On Cairo – Beni Suef Corridor
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Infrastructure
Marketing and Investment Promotion Expert
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Technical Assistance for the Regional Displaced Women’s Economic Empowerment (R-DWEE) project
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Algeria Dates Value Chain Mapping
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Economic Growth, Agriculture
Forest Carbon Partnership Facility with CSO
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Climate Change and Global Warming
NDC Scaling Up Climate Finance Through the Financial Sector (30×30 Zero) Program in Egypt (Re-advertised)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Industry, Climate Change and Global Warming
Mobalizing Private Sector Capital for Climate Adaptation and Resilient Infrastructure in Turkey
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth, Infrastructure, Climate Change and Global Warming
E-Commerce for Women Entrepreneurs / Commerce digital pour les femmes-entrepreneurs
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment, Trade
Management and Technical Support Consultant for AQM – advisory services and technical assistance in managing and implementing the project across a range of topics related to AQM planning to address air pollution and climate mitigation in Greater Cairo
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Climate Change and Global Warming
Third-Party Monitoring Agent (TPMA)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Social Development
Below The Line (BTL) Marketing for Mobile Money Services- Sudan – Omdurman City and the Darfur States
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Information Communication and Technology
Below The Line (BTL) Marketing for Mobile Money Services- Sudan – Khartoum City and the Central States
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Information Communication and Technology
Below The Line (BTL) Marketing for Mobile Money Services- Sudan – Bahri City and the North East States
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Information Communication and Technology
Consulting Firm to Conduct Survey of Economic Courts of Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Government Services Platform SANAD Management and Development
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment, Information Communication and Technology
Consultancy Service for Assessing the CMWU Warehouse Management and Procedures
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Support Program for the General Insurance Committee (CGA) on IFRS
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Advertising / Digital Media / Graphic Design Firm
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth
FCCL Training-Capacity Building in (Financial Modelling and Analysis in Project Financing)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth
Selection of a service provider for the training of education project teams
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
E-Commerce for Women Entrepreneurs / Commerce digital pour les femmes-entrepreneurs
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment, Trade
Facilitating Community Implementing Partner (CIP) for Çukurova Development Agency (DA) Region (Adana and Mersin provinces) under SEECO Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
Facilitating Community Implementing Partner (CIP) for Eastern Mediterranean Development Agency (DA) Region (Hatay, Osmaniye and Kahramanmara provinces) under SEECO Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
Facilitating Community Implementing Partner (CIP) for Karacada Development Agency (DA) Region (Sanliurfa and Diyarbakir Provinces) under SEECO Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
Facilitating Community Implementing Partner (CIP) for Silkroad Development Agency (DA) Region (Gaziantep, Adiyaman and Kilis provinces) under SEECO Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
Facilitating Community Implementing Partner (CIP) for Tigris Development Agency (DA) Region (Mardin province) under SEECO Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
Consultancy Services for Energy Audit, Design and Construction Supervision Services for Energy Efficiency Renovations in Public Buildings
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Supporting Climate Action Planning for the Fez-Meknes region and the City of Fez
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Electric Bus (e-bus) Demonstration Project Detailed Planning and Design Study for Cairo Transport Authority (CTA)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
NDC Component Scaling Up Climate Finance Through the Financial Sector (30×30 Zero) Program
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Industry, Climate Change and Global Warming
Third-Party Monitoring Agent (TPMA)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Social Development
Consultant to Run Gleam-I Tool for IFCS Animal Protein Investment and Advisory Services Portfolio
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Agriculture, Climate Change and Global Warming
Central Monitoring and Evaluation Automation System
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Health
GPN: Lebanon Emergency Crisis and Covid-19 Response Social Safety Net Project (ESSN)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Humanitarian aid, Social Development
Support Program for the General Insurance Committee (CGA) on IFRS
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Enhancing Female Businesses’ Participation in the Digital Space
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Information Communication and Technology
Solid Waste Management (SWM) and Gender Assessments to support the Yemen Integrated Urban Services Emergency Project II (YIUSEP II)
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Waste Management
Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) of Procedures, Forms and Templates for the e-Government Procurement System
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Information Communication and Technology
Institutional & Regulatory Framework for the Root Certification Authority (CA)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Information Communication and Technology
Building Beirut Businesses Back & Better (B5) Fund: MTO Disbursement of Grant Funds in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Economic Growth
Delivery of Training: Gender Sensitization for Arab Incubators and Accelerators & Investment-Readiness and Capital Raising for Female Start-Ups
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Solid Waste Management (SWM) and Gender Assessments to support the Yemen Integrated Urban Services Emergency Project II (YIUSEP II)
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Waste Management
Delivery of Female Start-Ups/ Enterprises Pitch Competition
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Advisory services and technical assistance in managing and implementing the project across a range of topics related to AQM planning to address air pollution and climate mitigation
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Climate Change and Global Warming
Training Coordinator Consultant
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Economic Growth, Information Communication and Technology
Grievance Mechanism Specialist – Tunisia Local Government Grievance Support
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Below The Line (BTL) Marketing for Mobile Money Services- Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Economic Growth
Response Protocols, Standards and Procedures for the development and implementation of a unified emergency response number (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Study on Social Entrepreneurship in Turkey
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
Lebanon MSME Insurance Survey
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Risk Management Specialist
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Economic Growth
Sectoral impact assessment of marine litter on ecosystem services and socio-economic activities
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Waste Management
Diagnostic of the Regulatory and Institutional Framework and Material Flow Analysis-PROBLUE Cleaner Marine and Coastal Ecosystems in Egypt Diagnostic Study
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Waste Management
Sélection d’un consultant spécialiste en Gestion Financière pour le PDE3
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Trade
Supporting women’s MSMEs with optimizing e-commerce and training e-commerce advisors
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Implementation of Access2Markets Booster for Women SMES in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Market Study and Positioning Strategy for Jordanian Women Entrepreneurs
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Decarbonization and Climate Risk Assessment, and Training
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Paris Alignment (PA): Decarbonization and Climate Risk Assessment, and Training
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Legal and Regulatory Gap Assessment of Movable Asset Based Lending (ABL) with a focus on Supply Chain Finance (SCF) in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
B5 Fund Communication and software development Firm
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
IFC Client Survey
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
Education Finance Program (EFP)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Port of Beirut Reform and Reconstruction- Support to develop a Masterplan and Financing Options
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Infrastructure
Property valuation system development (Single and Mass valuation Standards, Methodologies and Software, Pilot project in selected municipalities (incl. practical testing and adjustment of methodology and software), Regulation drafting for Valuation Profession
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth
Development of fee-based business model for e-Government Procurement system
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth
Understanding the Business Case for Gender Sensitive Actions in The Private Sector
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Women Rights and Empowerment
Legal and Regulatory Gap Assessment of Movable Asset Based Lending (ABL) with a focus on Supply Chain Finance (SCF) in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Labor Market Researcher Consultant
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth
Senior Entrepreneurship specialist/expert
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
International In-House Advisor- Investment Policy and Promotion
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth
Supporting of Deployment of E-Mobility in Two Turkish Municipalities
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure, Urban & Rural Development, Information Communication and Technology
Global survey of SME rating agencies
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Implementation of Access2Markets Booster for Women SMES in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Market Study and Positioning Strategy for Jordanian Women Entrepreneurs.
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Individual Consulting Service: Project Coordinator
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
PPE and Medical Consumable Manufacturing in Africa
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health, Industry
Communication and Advocacy on the Education Program in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Francophone Banking and Financial Institutions Strategy Expert – Short Team Consultant (STC)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
VACPA – Supply chain Ag Tech
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Agriculture
Formation certifiante en management de la qualité
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Education Finance Program (EFP)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education, Economic Growth
Central Monitoring and Evaluation Automation System
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Health
Technical and Financial Feasibility assessment and cost estimate for Photovoltaic Systems and Energy Efficiency Measures on the Health Sector in West Bank
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy
PPE and Medical Consumable Manufacturing in Africa
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Institutional Frameworks and Regulation of Desalination and Wastewater Reuse: A review of Practices in the MENA Region and Beyond
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
County Opinion Survey for Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth
Developing a Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) process in support to the creation of Marine Protected Areas for fisheries in a pilot site in Morocco (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy
PR and Communications Agency
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Property valuation system development (Single and Mass valuation Standards, Methodologies and Software, Pilot project in selected municipalities
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth
Turkey power sector flexibility study
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Consultancy Service Procurement for Training Needs Analysis
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Urban & Rural Development
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Non-Revenue Water Management Guidelines to Combat Climate Change for Water Utility Departments (WUDs)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Urban & Rural Development, Water and Wastewater, Climate Change and Global Warming
For assessment for viability of Gold hub master plan World Bank (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Infrastructure
Environmental and Social Capacity building
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Development of National Palestinian Geodetic Reference Framework
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth
Africa Health Sector Country Maturity Assessment
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health, Economic Growth
Implementation of Gender Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Peer Learning Cohort in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Providing Urban Planning and Design (UPD) Services
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Urban & Rural Development
Agribusiness and Irrigated Farm Production Management Advisory Firm to support commercially viable models in Forced Displacement hosting areas of East Africa.
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Agriculture, Refugees and Migration
Consultancy Service Procurement for Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Its Sub-Management Plans, Environmental and Social Management Plan, Resettlement Plan and Stakeholder Engagement Plan of Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Center, Experimental Animal Production Center and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Health
Digital Finance Diagnostic & Scoping
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Information Communication and Technology
Verification Report consultant of the Annual Implementation Programs
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Consultancy Services for Preparation of Non-Revenue Water Management Guidelines to Combat Climate Change for Water Utility Departments (WUDs)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Urban & Rural Development, Water and Wastewater, Climate Change and Global Warming
Consultancy Services for Energy Audits, Technical Designs and Construction Supervision Services for Energy Efficiency Renovations in Public Buildings
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Implementation of Gender Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Peer Learning Cohort in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Economic Growth, Women Rights and Empowerment
Communication Consultant for the Africa FDP Team to be based in Nairobi, Kenya.
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Gestion des CAEDEL par un prestataire privé
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Youth Empowerment
Implement Digitalization of Government Payment Back End Solution
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment, Information Communication and Technology
Implementation of Gender Diversity & Inclusion (D&I)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Producing a practical guide to manage gender diversity in the workplace illustrated by 3 case studies of Moroccan companies
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Embedded Lending Technical Assistance Provider
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Information Communication and Technology
Jordan-Strategic Options for Development and Design of Communications, Public Relations, and Stakeholder Engagement Plans to Implement a National Communication Campaign for the Energy Sector
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Long-term Low Carbon Development Options for Turkey
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Assessments of Pathways for Energy Sector Decarbonization in Selected Countries in Europe and Central Asia
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Climate Change and Global Warming
Labor Market and Skills Assessment Survey in Turkey
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Jordan Rehabilitation Market Assessment
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health, Infrastructure
Sélection d’un consultant individuel pour l’évaluation des conventions d’alliances productives conclus entre GDA & acheteurs dans le cadre du projet PGIP
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Agriculture
Conduite d’une enquête de satisfaction auprès des bénéficiaires du PGIP
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Agriculture
Rapid Blue Sectors Assessment
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy
Focus Group Discussions and Persona Survey with Remittance Receivers in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth
Long-term Low Carbon Development Options for Turkey
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Rapid Assessment of BESS Potential across the Power Sector Supply Chain in Turkey
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Support Growth Entrepreneurs in Jordan through Business Matchmaking Intermediaries
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Information Communication and Technology
Strategic Options for City Gas Distribution Networks in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Environment and Energy
VRE Integration study: Supporting the financial viability and sustainable transition of the energy sector in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Technical review of existing information systems (including proposals for the enhancement of the existing system) and preparation of the PLA digital transformation strategy
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Assessments of Pathways for Energy Sector Decarbonization in Selected Countries in Europe and Central Asia
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Digital Finance Diagnostic and Scoping in Algeria
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Information Communication and Technology
Construction Supervision for Construction Supervision for Kirkuk projects (Two Bridges and one Road)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Infrastructure
Provide working spaces (Tech Hubs) in underserved communities
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Refugees and Migration
Project Customer Satisfaction Survey (Baseline Study)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Développement d’un système d’information pour le suivi et évaluation du projet (MTIP)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Youth Empowerment
Supervision of IFC-financed projects in the Benban Solar Park
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Assessing opportunities for women’s empowerment in agriculture in Iraq through the Womens Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Agriculture
Short Term Consultant (STC) to be based in Khartoum
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
General Procurement Notice: Digital West Bank & Gaza Project
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Economic Growth, Infrastructure, Information Communication and Technology
VRE Integration study: Supporting the financial viability and sustainable transition of the energy sector in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy
The Provision of Environmental & Social Appraisal and Supervision Support Services for Middle East, North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Master Plan for the Kasserine – Sidi Bouzid – Sfax Economic Corridor
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Infrastructure
Agri-Food Digital Platform for Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Agriculture
Amman Bus Rapid Transit Phase II, Preliminary Technical Assessment and Financing Options
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Infrastructure
Strategic Options for City Gas Distribution Networks in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Consulting Service for Productive uses assessment in the Horn of Africa Borderlands
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Mashreq & Egypt Early Childhood Care And Education Market Development
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Education
Iraq Education Service Delivery Indicator (SDI)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education
Consultancy Services for Reconstruction Design & Supervision of Educational Buildings
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Individual Consultant to support Tunisia value chains reforms
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Design for PETL NCC SCADA system’s development
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy
VRE Integration study: Supporting the financial viability and sustainable transition of the energy sector in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Egypt PROBLUE: Cleaner Marine and Coastal Environment EGYPT Awareness Raising and Citizen Engagement in Alexandria
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Waste Management
VRE Integration study: Supporting the financial viability and sustainable transition of the energy sector in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Digitization of Cadastre Maps for Turkey Land Registration and Cadastre Modernization Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Updating Cadastre Maps and Information I for Turkey Land Registration and Cadastre Modernization Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Specialized Consultancy Firm Services for Preparation of Detailed Engineering Design and Tender Documents for Basic Infrastructure & Site Supervision of Construction Works for 10th of Ramadan for the Integrated Waste Management Facility
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure, Waste Management
Diagnostic of the Regulatory and Institutional Framework and Material Flow AnalysisPROBLUE Cleaner Marine and Coastal Ecosystems in Egypt Diagnostic Study
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Waste Management
Sectoral impact assessment of marine litter on ecosystem services and socio-economic activities
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Waste Management
Mashreq & Egypt Early Childhood Care And Education Market Development
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Education
The Provision of Environmental & Social Appraisal and Supervision Support Services for Middle East, North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Environment and Energy
General Procurement Notice: Seismic Resilience and Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings Project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Humanitarian aid
Identification of Opportunities to Increase Access to International Capacity for the Horn of Africa Region
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Environment and Energy, Information Communication and Technology
Employment Support Project for Syrians under Temporary Protection and Turkish Citizens
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Institutional Support, Economic Growth, Democratic Governance
Formation et certification en management de la qualité
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Consultancy Services for Energy Audits, Technical Designs and Construction Supervision Services for Energy Efficiency Renovations in Public Buildings
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Technical Review of Development Potential in Two Urban Transformation Areas in Turkish Metropolitan Municipalities
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure, Urban & Rural Development
Central Monitoring and Evaluation Automation System
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Health
Mise en place d’un dispositif de veille sur les nouveaux métiers et adéquation offre/demande (MTIP)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Establishment of Road Asset Management System (RAMS) For Planning & Prioritizing Roads Maintenance Needs in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Infrastructure
Firm Survey in Libya
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth
Education Finance Program (EFP)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education, Economic Growth
Egypt Country Private Sector Diagnostic Phase 2 Deep Dive – Health Sector
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health, Economic Growth
The Provision of Environmental & Social Appraisal and Supervision Support Services for Middle East, North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Consulting Firm to Support the Registration Mechanism and Make It for Project Beneficiaries, Refugees and Foreign
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth, Agriculture, Refugees and Migration
Algeria Dates Value Chain Mapping
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Economic Growth, Agriculture
Egypt Country Private Sector Diagnostic Phase 2 Deep Dive – Health Sector
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health, Economic Growth
Education Finance Program (EFP)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education, Economic Growth
Technical Review of Development Potential in Two Urban Transformation Areas in Turkish Metropolitan Municipalities
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure, Urban & Rural Development
Private Real Estate Sector Capacity Assessment in two Turkish Metropolitan Municipalities
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth, Urban & Rural Development
Mashreq & Egypt Early Childhood Care and Education Market Development
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Education
Short Term Consultant (STC) for Tunisia Agri-insurance Diagnostic
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Agriculture
Employment Support Project for Syrians under Temporary Protection and Turkish Citizens
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Economic Growth
Short Term International Expert for Establishment of Bulk Water Supply Unit in Gaza
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Develop a Blended Learning Strategy
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Market Assessment of the Asset-Based Lending (ABL) with a focus on Supply Chain Finance (SCF) Market
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Sudan COVID-19 Emergency Response Project: General Procurement Notice
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health, Humanitarian aid
System Integrator (SI) for the Design, Development and Operationalization of an Integrated FORSA MIS Platform
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Social Development
Study on Smart Grid Options in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Institutional Support, Infrastructure
Assessment of Sustainable Lead Acid Battery (ULAB) Disposal, Collection and Recycling Scheme
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Assessment for Waste Heat Potential in Turkey
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Assessment of the Distributed Energy Market
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Environment and Energy
SME Finance Market Study – Identifying Opportunities for SME Financing
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Institutional Support
Monitoring Fragility, Conflict and Violence Risks
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Deployment of Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure and Incentives to Support the Scale Up of Electromobility Technologies in Turkey
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Short Term Consultant (STC) for Tunisia Agri-insurance Diagnostic
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Agriculture
Employment Services in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Contractor to Support the Implementation of a Pilot Supplier Development Program (SDP)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Industry
Promoting low-carbon technologies and decarbonization in Turkeys Organized Industrial Zones (extended)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology, Industry
Deployment of Electric Vehicle (EV) charging Infrastructure and Incentives to Support the Scale Up of Electromobility Technologies in Turkey
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Promoting low-carbon technologies and decarbonization in Turkeys Organized Industrial Zones
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Industry
Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture and Plastic Chain Analysis in Gaza Strip and West Bank (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Agriculture, Environment and Energy, Water and Wastewater
Assessment of Sustainable Lead Acid Battery (ULAB) Disposal, Collection and Recycling Scheme, Gaza Strip – Palestine
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Développement d’un Système d’Information pour le Suivi et l’Evaluation Basé sur la collecte des données ainsi que sur le Calcul des indicateurs et sur le « Reporting »
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Corporate Governance/ESG Consultant
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consultancy Service for Profiling
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
ISDEP Software Development Consultancy
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Short listing High Impact Social Enterprises in the Maghreb Region under the Promoting Rural Innovation for Social Enterprise (PRISE) Program
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Improving Early Childhood Development In The West Bank And Gaza. Subcomponent 2.2: Enhancing The Quality Of Kindergarten Services
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Region of Beni-Mellal Khenifra (RBMK) Water Environmental And Social Management Framework (ESMF)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Explore opportunities for industrial symbiosis in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Industry
Explore opportunities for Renewable Energy Investment in Morocco (extended)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Improving Early Childhood Development in the West Bank and Gaza: Professional Diploma Development Consultant
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Education
Project Management And Technical Consultant – Microfinance Advisory
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Strengthening Reform Management in Jordan: Economic and Business Environment Reform Lead
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth
Strengthening Reform Management in Jordan: Program Coordinator
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth
Engineering Design Review, Preparation of Bidding Documents for Civil Works, and Construction Supervision of Last-Mile Rail and Road Infrastructure Connectivity to/from Filyos Port and Filyos Industrial Zone
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Engineering Design Review, Preparation of Bidding Documents for Civil Works, and Construction Supervision of Last-Mile Rail Connectivity Infrastructure in Turkey’s Çukurova Region and Iskenderun Bay
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Strengthening Reform Management in Jordan: Sectoral reform lead
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth
Employability and Support for Young People in the Kairouan Region
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment, Agriculture
Iraq TVET Market Assessment
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education, Economic Growth
Assessment of Sustainable Lead Acid Battery (ULAB) Disposal, Collection and Recycling Scheme
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Diagnostic And Scoping For Infrastructure Opportunities In Horn Of Africa And Yemen
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure, Water and Wastewater
Call for Proposals: COVID-19 Impact on Internal Migration, Labor Markets and Urbanization
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Urban & Rural Development, Refugees and Migration
IEI Innovations – Inclusive Teaching Practices
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Education, Social Development
IEI Innovations – Inclusive learning assessment practices and utilizing principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Education
IEI Innovations – Social Determinants, Families, Communities
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Education, Social Development
Review of investment law in Algeria (extended)
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consulting Services for Feasibility Study/Needs Analysis, Technical Designs and Implementation Support (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Consulting Services for Feasibility Study/Needs Analysis, Technical Designs and Implementation Support
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
CGAP quantitative data analyses of poor peoples data footprints
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Economic Growth
Women’s Insurance Risk Profile Research
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Graphic Design Consultant – Applied Research & Learning Team – Financial Institutions Group Middle East & Africa
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
Digital Financial Services Specialist (Middle East and Africa)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
Jordan Education Reform Support Program: Develop a National Student Assessment Strategy
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Education
Quantified Universal Broadband Investment by Country (Qubic)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Infrastructure, Information Communication and Technology
Researcher – Financial Inclusion in the Arab World
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
Updated Baseline Assessment and Post-Implementation Monitoring Tool for STEP
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Setting-up of a digital platform for the management of matrices and reforms’ projects under Compact with Africa (CwA).
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Maintenance planning for a resilient road network – Technical Assistance (TA) to Performance-based contracting for road maintenance
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Infrastructure
Consultancy Services for Retrofitting Design & Supervision of Educational Buildings, GROUP-2: CQS-02-zmir- DRMIS-WB-DH-02 (20 schools)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Water Sector Application
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Consultancy Services for Retrofitting Design & Supervision of Educational Buildings/ Group -1: CQS-01-zmir-DRMIS-WB-DH-01 (20 schools)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Consultancy Services for Retrofitting Design & Supervision of Educational Buildings Group -3: CQS-03-zmir- DRMIS-WB-DH-03 (20 schools)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Infrastructure
Updated Baseline Assessment and Post-Implementation Monitoring Tool for STEP
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Master Plan for Electricity Generation and Transmission (PETL Master Plan) 2021-2035
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Women’s Insurance Risk Profile Research
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Survey Of Jordanians To Understand Perceptions Of Policy And Inequality
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Social Development
Energy Consultant to support West Bank & Gaza Energy Program
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Evaluator for GPSA projects
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Democratic Governance
(Senior) Communications Officer Consultant – Applied Research & Learning Team – Financial Institutions Group Middle East & Africa
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Agriculture
End of Program Evaluation of Multi Donor Trust Fund (MDTF)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Agriculture
Support to COVID-19 vaccine deployment in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Support to COVID-19 vaccine deployment in Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Tax policy on non-performing loan loss provision
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
Morocco tax policy on non-performing loan loss provision
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
Eco-Industrial Parks Legal and Institutional Framework Analysis
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Industry
Master Plan for Electricity Generation and Transmission (PETL Master Plan) 2021-2035
Country of Coverage: Palestine, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Infrastructure
Study on Electrical Energy Storage Options in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Construction Supervision Services for Selected Activities in Diyala and Naynawa Governorates
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Infrastructure, Water and Wastewater
Construction Supervision for Ramadi Pump Stations
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Infrastructure, Water and Wastewater
Demand assessment for warehouse receipts finance
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Agriculture
Jordan Consumer Surveys (Assessing Barriers to Adoption of Digital Financial Services by Social Protection Payments Beneficiaries)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Social Development
Investment Policy and Regulatory Reviews
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth
Farmer Survey in Turkey
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Agriculture, Refugees and Migration
Strengthening participation of vulnerable groups in municipal governance in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Institutional Support, Democratic Governance
Implement Digitalization of Government Payment – Back End Solution
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Democratic Governance
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Awarded Projects
Programme Taehil Appel d’offres réalisation d’actions de formations qualifiantes ou de reconversion 2023 au profit des chercheurs d’emploi diplômés dans le cadre du projet « Appui à l’insertion économique des jeunes dans la région de Marrakech Safi »
Awarding date: 23-9-2023 , Location: Morocco , Budget: MAD 150,000.00
Technical Audit for Upstream Monitoring
Awarding date: 15-2-2024 , Location: Lebanon , Budget: 55,925 $
Consultancy Services to support Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) in improving their databases of economic establishments
Awarding date: 5-2-2024 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 289,953
Predictability Services for Strengthening Reform Management in Jordan project
Awarding date: 9-1-2024 , Location: Jordan , Budget: USD 62,486.67
Procurement of consultancy services regarding the preparation f survey, needs analysis and technical specifications
Awarding date: 8-2-2024 , Location: Turkey , Budget: USD 99,960
Open EMIS For Jordan Youth, Technology, and Jobs Project
Awarding date: 30-1-2024 , Location: Jordan , Budget: JOD 18,320
Contract of Annual Evaluation Meeting Logistics and Organization Services Procurement
Awarding date: 2-2-2024 , Location: Turkey , Budget: TRY 250,500,0
Railway Strategic Study Under the Component 3.2 of the Railway Improvement and Safety for Egypt Project (RISE)
Awarding date: 30-12-2023 , Location: Egypt , Budget: EUR 1,350,477.00
External Audit 2022-Municipal Services and Social Resilience
Awarding date: 1-5-2022 , Location: Jordan , Budget: JOD 9,000.00
Digital Transformation Strategy, IT assessment, business process re-engineering and design of the new property and cadastre system
Awarding date: 10-12-2023 , Location: Palestine , Budget: 199,000.00 USD
Project Design and Construction Supervision Consultancy Services for Reconstruction Works of Educational Buildings in Adana and Kahramanmara Provinces
Awarding date: 21-12-2023 , Location: Turkey , Budget: USD 1,445,575.00
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report, Stakeholder Engagement Plan and Sub-Management for Contractors for Izmir Dikili Agriculture Based Specialized Organized Industrial Zone Project Consultancy Service Procurement for Preparation of Plans
Awarding date: 8-12-2023 , Location: Turkey , Budget: USD 81,600.00
Consultancy Services for Health Care Waste Management Audit of Participating University Hospitals (Ain Shams Specialized Hospital and Qasr El Aini French Hospital)
Awarding date: 10-12-2023 , Location: Egypt , Budget: EGP 372,000.000
Contract of Recruitment of a Consulting Firm for Projects Social Media Management and Web Services
Awarding date: 30-11-2023 , Location: Turkey , Budget: EUR 32,120.00
Communication Firm-Municipal Services and Social Resilience
Awarding date: 18-10-2023 , Location: Jordan , Budget: JOD 29,720.000
Supervision And Management Of The Contract For The Design, Supply, Installation And Maintenance Of Modernization Of Signaling Systems & Track Works On Cairo – Beni Suef Corridor
Awarding date: 5-12-2023 , Location: Egypt , Budget: EUR 4,822,100.00
Development of public sensitization awareness on mental health and for migrant domestic workers and training for migrant and refugee (CSOs)
Awarding date: 18-5-2023 , Location: Lebanon , Budget: USD 54,030.00
Provision of Logistics and Event Management-Supporting Egypt Education Reform Project
Awarding date: 14-10-2023 , Location: Egypt , Budget: EGP 1,198,949.400
Consultancy services for strengthening the Palestinian STEM Education Framework/Strategy
Awarding date: 12-9-2023 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 192,631.1
Improving Early Childhood Development in the West Bank and Gaza: Selection of a Data Collection Firm/impact assessment of KG teachers professional diploma (baseline study)
Awarding date: 21-9-2023 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 227,939.00
Financial Audit of the Industry Development Fund Project
Awarding date: 30-8-2023 , Location: Jordan , Budget: JOD 15,570
PPE and Medical Consumable Manufacturing in Africa
Awarding date: 2-12-2021 , Location: Egypt, Morocco , Budget: USD 293,250
Agribusiness and Irrigated Farm Production Management Advisory Firm to support commercially viable models in Forced Displacement hosting areas of East Africa
Awarding date: 20-12-2021 , Location: Sudan , Budget: USD 288,170
Promoting low-carbon technologies and decarbonization in Turkeys Organized Industrial Zones
Awarding date: 21-12-2021 , Location: Turkey , Budget: USD 289,124
Unlocking Electric Mobility Development Potential in the Region
Awarding date: 21-5-2021 , Location: Egypt, Jordan, Morocco , Budget: USD 333,025.4
Impact Evaluation of the Tunisian Rural and Agricultural Chains of Employment Program (TRACE)
Awarding date: 7-9-2021 , Location: Tunisia , Budget: USD 306,700
Iraq Education Service Delivery Indicator (SDI)
Awarding date: 18-10-2021 , Location: Iraq , Budget: USD 322,856
Study on Smart Grid Options in Jordan
Awarding date: 1-11-2021 , Location: Jordan , Budget: USD 288,121.64
Technical Assistance to the Development of Liquidity Support Account and Payment System (LSAPS)-Legal Support and Advice
Awarding date: 4-7-2023 , Location: Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Palestine , Budget: USD 250,000
Railway Connectivity between GCC and Mashreq
Awarding date: 2-3-2023 , Location: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen , Budget: 299,995
Technical support to accelerate Algeria wind deployment
Awarding date: 6-2-2023 , Location: Algeria , Budget: USD 539,000
Supply development program (SDP) in Egypt- Egypt Technical Textile Value Chain project, 605117
Awarding date: 1-2-2023 , Location: Egypt , Budget: USD 400,000
Consultancy Services for E&S Assessment, Monitoring, and Training for Sub-Project Applications of Participating Financial Institutions (PFI’s)
Awarding date: 6-4-2023 , Location: Turkey , Budget: TRY 4,784,900.00
Technical Assistance for Advanced Engineering Practices and Capacity Building
Awarding date: 20-6-2023 , Location: Turkey , Budget: USD 494,028.00
Financial Audit Firm for 2021
Awarding date: 31-5-2023 , Location: Jordan , Budget: JOD 10,635.00
Consultancy Services for Design Review, Preparation of Bidding Documents and Construction Supervision Services for Environmental Infrastructure Projects
Awarding date: 24 February, 2023 , Location: Turkey , Budget: EUR 869,660.00
GPN: Turkey Resilient Landscape Integration Project (TULIP)
Awarding date: 08 June, 2023 , Location: Turkey , Budget: TRY 1,834,600.00
Mise à niveau de l’infrastructure technologique du Data centre de l’éducation et son Intégration au cloud National
Awarding date: 25 April,2023 , Location: Tunisia , Budget: USD 4,278,834.22
Job Fair Event
Awarding date: 06 June, 2023 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 21,116.00
Technical and Financial External Audit (ECD)/Y 2022,Y 2023
Awarding date: 14 May, 2023 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 13,688.00
Video Production Service
Awarding date: 5 June, 2023 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 13,000
Consultancy Services for Social Impact Assessment Survey
Awarding date: 13-2-2023 , Location: Turkey , Budget: USD 234,949.8
Recruitment of a consulting firm for development of MIS and system support
Awarding date: 13-9-2022 , Location: Turkey , Budget: EUR 45,000.00
Consultancy Services to Provide Technical Assistance to GDCA for Structural Feasibility,Energy Audit,Structural-Energy Efficiency Retrofit Design
Awarding date: 30-5-2023 , Location: Turkey , Budget: USD 320,000.00
IFMIS Implementation Capacity Consultant
Awarding date: 27-12-2021 , Location: Iraq , Budget: USD 1,727,703.88
External Audit Firm
Awarding date: 7-12-2022 , Location: Jordan , Budget: JD 14,000.00
External Financial Auditor-Transport Corridors Project
Awarding date: 1-2-2022 , Location: Iraq , Budget: USD 77,900.00
External Financial Auditor
Awarding date: 14-6-2022 , Location: Iraq , Budget: USD 36,000.00
Technical assistance in raising awareness on routine maintenance and Preparation of Performance Based Maintenance bid documents for Expressway
Awarding date: 12-1-2023 , Location: Iraq , Budget: USD 963,162.5
External Auditor 3
Awarding date: 13-12-2022 , Location: Iraq , Budget: USD 20,000.00
Development of Iraq Gender and Energy Assessment & Support to Basra Electricity Dissemination and Development Project (BEDDP)
Awarding date: 16-4-2023 , Location: Iraq , Budget: USD 41,540.00
Consultancy Service Procurement for Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Its Sub-Management Plans, Environmental and Social Management Plan, Resettlement Plan and Stakeholder Engagement Plan of Ankara Akyurt Vaccine Production Center, Experimental Animal Production Center and ABSL3 Level Laboratory Project
Awarding date: 10-12-2021 , Location: Turkey , Budget: USD 295,070.00
Implement Digitalization of Government Payment Back End Solution
Awarding date: 22-9-2022 , Location: Jordan , Budget: USD 420,000.00
RS Website
Awarding date: 1-5-2023 , Location: Jordan , Budget: JOD 7,908.00
Slection dun bureau de consulting pour mener des panels denqutes auprs de bnficiaires du Projet
Awarding date: 14-2-2023 , Location: Tunisia , Budget: TND 49,980
Recrutement d’un cabinet d’audit du projet
Awarding date: 20-5-2022 , Location: Tunisia , Budget: USD 37,000
Technical Assistance to Support Developing the MOETE Strategic Communication Plan
Awarding date: 21-1-2023 , Location: Egypt , Budget: EGP 3,764,840
Broadcasting awareness “Waii” program messages and conditions of Takaful and Karama during the holy month of Ramadan on the most-watched TV channels
Awarding date: 9-5-2023 , Location: Egypt , Budget: EGP 2,800,000
Study on Electrical Energy Storage Options in Jordan
Awarding date: 27-9-2021 , Location: Jordan , Budget: USD 318,950
Mashreq & Egypt Early Childhood Care And Education Market Development
Awarding date: 23-12-2021 , Location: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon , Budget: USD 400,000
Ralisation Dune Tude Dvaluation De Limpact Socio-conomique Du Projet Dentretien Communautaire De Routes Rurales (ECRR)
Awarding date: 23-8-2022 , Location: Morocco , Budget: MAD 7,200,00.00
3rd Annual Meeting for Health Technology Assessment
Awarding date: 8-11-2022 , Location: Turkey , Budget: TRY 1,945,643.00
Consultancy Services for design,Bidding documents preparation,Tendering and supervision for Rehabilitation and retrofitting of equipment at NGWMF,Equitization Tank and Emergency pond
Awarding date: 17-7-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 410,083.20
Digital Solution Contract for the automation of Business Registry for the Palestinian Government
Awarding date: 19-2-2023 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 1,463,350.00
Public Financial Management Improvement Project Phase 2-Delivering a Training Program on the National Standards Bidding Documents (SBDs)
Awarding date: 13-4-2023 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD USD 20,000.00
Feasibility Study for Assisted Digital Access Points
Awarding date: 20-3-2023 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 11,8958.00
Consulting firm to work on the design of the manuals and procedure for the fund main core programs in order to approve it from the Council of the Ministries
Awarding date: 11-9-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 13,572.00
Video Production Services that will be used to highlight the impact of IPSD on a number of beneficiaries
Awarding date: 9-3-2023 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 6,000.00
Soft Skills Training 2-Work Ethics
Awarding date: 30-6-2022 , Location: Lebanon , Budget: USD 1,311.00
Port of Beirut Reform and Reconstruction- Support to develop a Masterplan and Financing Options
Awarding date: 10-1-2022 , Location: Lebanon , Budget: USD 529,525
Strategic Options for City Gas Distribution Networks in Jordan
Awarding date: 25-1-2022 , Location: Jordan , Budget: USD 317,800
Supporting of Deployment of E-Mobility in Two Turkish Municipalities
Awarding date: 28-1-2022 , Location: Turkey , Budget: USD 296,500
Amman Bus Rapid Transit Phase II, Preliminary Technical Assessment and Financing Options
Awarding date: 9-2-2022 , Location: Jordan , Budget: USD 489,550
PIM Phase 2 – Support to the Tunisia Public Investment Management Reform
Awarding date: 24-3-2022 , Location: Tunisia , Budget: USD 799,900
Consultancy Support to Develop a Decarbonization Pathway for the Egypt Oil and Gas Value Chain
Awarding date: 17-8-2022 , Location: Egypt , Budget: USD 379,325
Long-term Low Carbon Development Options for Turkey
Awarding date: 14-2-2022 , Location: Turkey , Budget: USD 599,540
Lebanon Vulnerability Assessment Panel (LVAP)
Awarding date: 20-2-2022 , Location: Lebanon , Budget: USD 279,965
VRE Integration study: Supporting the financial viability and sustainable transition of the energy sector in Tunisia
Awarding date: 9-3-2022 , Location: Tunisia , Budget: USD 308,190
Master Plan for the Kasserine– Bouzid–Sfax Economic Corridor
Awarding date: 29-3-2022 , Location: Tunisia , Budget: USD 42,3001.17
Support to ECE System Strengthening in Lebanon
Awarding date: 13-7-2022 , Location: Lebanon , Budget: USD 947,970
Long-Term Low-carbon and Climate Resilient Strategy (LTS) in Jordan
Awarding date: 27-9-2022 , Location: Jordan , Budget: USD 399,400
Iraq Municipal Services and Local Development Diagnostics and Transformation Roadmap
Awarding date: 22-5-2022 , Location: Iraq , Budget: USD 29,7322.79
Territorial Health Groups (GST) Study
Awarding date: 28-6-2022 , Location: Morocco , Budget: USD 331,025
Support in piloting catch up programs in select public schools in Lebanon
Awarding date: 19-7-2022 , Location: Lebanon , Budget: USD 942,093
Software Development Consultancy
Awarding date: 28-12-2022 , Location: Turkey , Budget: TRY 1,440,000.00
Public Financial Management Improvement Project-(LOT 1)
Awarding date: 8-1-2023 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 81,890.00
Consultancy Services to the Palestinian Energy & Natural Resources Authority for the “Green Corridor” transmission Line and VERG Integration Study
Awarding date: 14-2-2023 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 228,576.60
Review Assess and Modify PETLs non-applied version of the Financial System
Awarding date: 10-10-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 27,000.00
Project Structuring and Transaction Advisory Services for the establishment of the 10th of Ramadan Integrated Solid Waste Management Facility
Awarding date: 1-2-2023 , Location: Egypt , Budget: USD 22,3375.00
Production of Motion Graphic videos on pesticides-4 Videos-MoA
Awarding date: 21-2-2023 , Location: Jordan , Budget: JOD 2,759
Management and Technical Support for Solid Waste Management Component
Awarding date: 1-2-2023 , Location: Egypt , Budget: USD 332,6575.00
Financial & Technical Auditing of the Project ASPIRE
Awarding date: 24-1-2023 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 27,900.00
Develop the capacity of the project stakeholders with necessary office IT equipment and tools-Project Phase 2
Awarding date: 8-1-2023 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 2,524.00
Develop the capacity of the project stakeholders with necessary office IT equipment and tools
Awarding date: 8-1-2023 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 81,890.00
Recruitment of a consulting firm for development of MIS and system
Awarding date: 13-9-2022 , Location: Turkey , Budget: EUR 45,000.00
External Financial Auditor
Awarding date: 22-2-2023 , Location: Egypt , Budget: EGP 50000.000
Selection of Technical Auditor
Awarding date: 7-2-2023 , Location: Jordan , Budget: JOD 43,050.00
Local IT Firm to Develop QA System
Awarding date: 21-2-2023 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 113,680.00
e-Government Service Inventory and Prioritization
Awarding date: 6-10-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 302,000.00
Selection of verification entity to support the implementation of the Public-Private Partnership pilot to expand KG2 services
Awarding date: 16-2-2023 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 131,660.00
GPN: Emergency Food Security and Resilience Support Project
Awarding date: 25-1-2023 , Location: Egypt , Budget: USD 7,1085,000.00
Property valuation system development (Single and Mass valuation Standards,Methodologies and Software,Pilot project in selected municipalities, Regulation drafting for Valuation Profession
Awarding date: 17-1-2023 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 1,702,800.00
Design of Remaining Works Related to Expansion of Sewage Network to Connect to Zahl Wastewater Treatment Plant Project
Awarding date: 13-12-2022 , Location: Lebanon , Budget: USD 11,642.40
External Audit
Awarding date: 7-11-2022 , Location: Egypt , Budget: EGP 198,000.00
Development of National Palestinian Geodetic Reference Framework
Awarding date: 13-12-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 209,130.60
Selection of External Financial Audit Firm for 2021
Awarding date: 13-12-2022 , Location: Jordan , Budget: JOD 2,900
Technical Support Services for the Palestinian Public Procurement Portal
Awarding date: 21-10-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 18,000.00
Soft Skills Trainings
Awarding date: 10-11-2022 , Location: Lebanon , Budget: USD 8,800.00
Monitor & Evaluation IT System
Awarding date: 16-11-2022 , Location: Lebanon , Budget: USD 4,000.00
Communication Services(Social Media Retainer+Media Expenses)
Awarding date: 22-11-2022 , Location: Lebanon , Budget: USD 14,700.00
Running an awareness campaign to disseminate Health and Education conditionality messages by broadcasting three advertisements on three TV channels
Awarding date: 5-12-2022 , Location: Egypt , Budget: EGP 11,402,850
Provide Capacity Building and Support for Egyptian Water Regulatory Agency (EWRA) Staff
Awarding date: 1-12-2022 , Location: Egypt , Budget: 10 Month
Audit of the World Bank Supported Projects for the Year Ended on December 31,2021
Awarding date: 3-12-2022 , Location: Lebanon , Budget: USD 25,000.00
Video production to highlight TechStart Project beneficiaries
Awarding date: 9-11-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 2000.00
Environmental and Social Assessment and Monitoring Services for Sub-Grant Applications
Awarding date: 17-11-2022 , Location: Turkey , Budget: TL 9446000.00
Capacity Building at the Projects and Planning Unit at the Ministry of National Economy
Awarding date: 29-11-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 88672.22
Ggateway HR Management Consultancy
Awarding date: 24-10-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 145978.88
Providing Youth with Vocational Training in Hospitality Management Services
Awarding date: 28-11-2022 , Location: Jordan , Budget: JOD 59552.000
PR and Communications Agency
Awarding date: 10-11-2022 , Location: Jordan , Budget: USD 1280568.00
Hiring Legal Firm to work with Ministry of Tourism and Antiques to revise,amend and develop legislation regulating the Tourism Sector
Awarding date: 8-9-2022 , Location: Jordan , Budget: JD 94,827.000
Development of an e-Government Strategy and Implementation Roadmap
Awarding date: 26-11-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 316175.00
Mapping and gap analysis of the National Communicable Diseases Surveillance Health Information System
Awarding date: 22-11-2022 , Location: Jordan , Budget: USD 39800.00
Environmental and Social Assessment and Monitoring Services for Sub-Grant Applications
Awarding date: 17-11-2022 , Location: Turkey , Budget: TL 9446000.00
Third-Party Monitoring (TPMA) for the component 4:Subcomonent 2 of the Roads and Employment Project
Awarding date: 23-8-2022 , Location: Lebanon , Budget: USD 88,400.00
Delivering Digital Marketing Training Program
Awarding date: 25-9-2022 , Location: Lebanon , Budget: USD 30000.00
Innovative Private Sector Development
Awarding date: 1-11-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 132,388.88
Assess citizens’ engagement
Awarding date: 4-11-2022 , Location: Egypt , Budget: EGP 3984004.000
Legal Services
Awarding date: 28-10-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 32900.00
provision of services to prevent and respond to Gender-Based Violence (GBV), including Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and Sexual Harassment (SH)
Awarding date: 19-10-2022 , Location: Jordan , Budget: JOD 38300.000
Gateway Social Enterprise Consultancy
Awarding date: 30-10-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 79,924.00
West Bank and Gaza Electricity Sector Performance Improvement Project-The Annual Book of Achievements for PENRA and the World Bank Projects
Awarding date: 26-5-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 14600.92
Support to Ilbank PMU:Review of Financial Feasibility
Awarding date: 23-9-2021 , Location: Turkey , Budget: Euro 198,188.00
Jordan Education Reform Support Program
Awarding date: 20-6-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 144,000.000
Innovative Private Sector Development-IRAS (Phase 2-Fixed Fees Contract)
Awarding date: 4-7-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 441,032.80
Innovative Private Sector Development (Phase 2-Variable Fees Contract)
Awarding date: 4-7-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 111,111.00
Contracting with External Auditor
Awarding date: 1-2-2022 , Location: Egypt , Budget: EGP 66,000.000
External Financial Auditing Service
Awarding date: 10-5-2022 , Location: Tunisia , Budget: Tunisian Dinars 89,877.800
The Skilling Up Lebanon-Career guidance for High School
Awarding date: 16-2-2022 , Location: Lebanon , Budget: USD 25000.00
Contarct of consulting firm tfor Annual Financial Audits
Awarding date: 15-2-2022 , Location: Turkey , Budget: 181,200.00 Euro
Consultancy Service Contract for Project Preparation Trainings
Awarding date: 4-1-2022 , Location: Turkey , Budget: EURO 158,775.45
Experts Basic Local Support on the Financial Management Information System FMIS-Olive Tree
Awarding date: 31-3-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 20,880.00
Conducting Business and Financial Trainings for startups and early stage enterprises
Awarding date: 8-6-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 16,563.64
The Second Phase of a Detailed Comprehensive Public Transportation Master Plan for Ramallah Al-Bireh Urban Area
Awarding date: 5-5-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: 315,000.00 Euro
Mid Term Review-Innovative Startups Fund Project
Awarding date: 29-3-2021 , Location: Jordan , Budget: USD 50,506.40
End-line Impact Evaluation of Takaful and Karama Program – Heterogeneity Analysis
Awarding date: 1-1-2022 , Location: Egypt , Budget: 100,000 $
Institutional Development for MDLF – Upgrading and enhancing of IT Infrastructure – Lot No. 2
Awarding date: 10-5-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 4,402.00
Institutional Development for MDLF – Upgrading and enhancing of IT Infrastructure- Lot No.1
Awarding date: 10-5-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 68,323.80
Provision of tax consultancy services to GGateway-Gaza
Awarding date: 21-4-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: 8,800.00 $
Process and impact evaluations to assess CTP and CMS performance
Awarding date: , Location: Palestine , Budget: 140,000.00 $
Financial audit for the project for the fiscal years of (2021- 2022)
Awarding date: 9-3-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 11,000.00
Consultancy Services for Energy Audit, Design and Construction Supervision Services for Energy Efficiency Renovations in Public Buildings
Awarding date: 1-5-2022 , Location: Turkey , Budget: USD 750,000.00
Digital Academy Consultant for Gateway
Awarding date: 6-4-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 36,288.00
IPSD Audit ( Two year contract 2021 and 2022)
Awarding date: 27-4-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 8,120.00
Tax Consultancy Services for GGateway
Awarding date: 21-4-2022 , Location: Palestine , Budget: USD 8,800.00
External Auditor Consulting Services
Awarding date: 8-5-2022 , Location: Iraq , Budget: USD 35,965.00