Ali Habib
Ali Habib is an experienced expert in various fields, including distributed power, co-generation, waste heat utilization, energy efficiency, and renewable energy. With over 15 years of experience, he holds a master's degree in renewable energy engineering, which covers conventional and renewable energy, energy efficiency, and energy storage. In addition to his studies, he has attended summer university programs, advanced training and courses to develop his knowledge and experience further. Ali also possesses an MBA in management from ESMT Berlin, with a minor in sustainable energy future. This minor allowed him to learn about the latest energy technologies, including blockchain and IoT applications for energy efficiency. Furthermore, Ali has experience with energy policies, and he holds an MSc in Energy Policy from the University of Sussex.
This person has worked with national and international organisations such as IFC, EU, GIZ, MEDREG, RCREEE, UNIDO, and UNDP. He has been involved in numerous projects, both domestic and international, that centre around renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy policy, and green hydrogen, among other topics. Ali has published several works in Arabic and English. His publications showcase the latest advancements in renewable energy and energy efficiency and present the latest policies and regulations. One of his recent publications, produced in collaboration with the world-renowned research institute The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, focuses on the development of Hydrogen in Egypt. This publication demonstrates Ali's expertise in producing high-quality research and studies with insightful analysis. Besides lecturing at Cairo University, the expert is also involved in providing capacity-building and training sessions. He has conducted training in various parts of the world, covering a range of topics.
Essential Information
Personal Information

Mobile: Subscriber only
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Email: Subscriber only
Gender: Male
Linkedin Profile: Subscriber only
Years of Experiences: 20
Languages: English, Arabic, German
Citizenship: Egypt
Curriculum Vitae:
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