Arab Resource Collective (ARC)


Arab Resource Collective was founded to produce resources in Arabic for the use of community workers in health, education and development projects, and to facilitate communication and networking among workers and organizations in the Arab World.

ARC targets in priority the workers and policy-makers within NGOs and other relevant institutions (including in UN or government “professional” structures) by offering them resources responding to their needs, and training on their use, a platform for debate and networking, mainly through regional workshops and collective work on resources and newsletters.

Primary health care was the original matrix of ARC's work, which later developed into various components. Programmes in fields related to childhood and youth have gradually taken precedence in the allocation of ARC’s resources. Over the years, ARC had developed full programmes in the following fields:

· Early childhood care and development,

· Children's rights,

· “Child-to-child” approach to active learning,

· Youth and healthy living,

· Mental health for a new generation,

· Digital solidarity project with deprived communities,

· Health for all through primary health care, women’s health, rational use of drugs and working with people with special needs and on inclusion,

· Training, learning and communication for development.

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