Maghreb Action on Displacement and Rights (MADAR)


The Maghreb Action on Displacement and Rights (MADAR Arabic for ‘path’) Network Plus aims to improve the humanitarian protection of vulnerable, displaced people in contexts of conflict in the central Maghreb region of Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia.

MADAR facilitate research collaborations and commission research projects drawing on the regional expertise of UK and Maghreb-based scholars from across the arts and humanities and the social and political sciences. MADAR combines an interdisciplinary approach with participatory and collaborative methods, deploying artistic and creative engagement to mobilize global voices, to improve access to marginal and underrepresented groups, and provide a more active role for displaced people to shape the research process and outcomes.

Supporting artistic and creative engagements is the essence of their approach to tackle social and political challenges associated with migration and displacement. They aim to respond effectively to the protection needs of refugees and other displaced people in the region by drawing on local knowledge and community-centered approaches – Their research partners include advocacy, humanitarian and cultural civil society organizations in the central Maghreb (Caritas, Racines, Notre Culture d’Abord).

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