Terre des Hommes Italia
Terre des Hommes Italia
Protecting children from any form of violence or abuse, guaranteeing every child the right to health, education and life are the very reasons for the existence of Terre des Hommes, since 1960 when a group of people animated by Edmond Kaiser gave birth in Lausanne (Switzerland) to what is now one of the largest movements in the world for the defense of children's rights.
Profile Information
International Organization Sectors of Interest:
Child Rights, Health, Women Rights and EmpowermentSub Sectors of Interest:
Women equity and equality, Nutrition, Child protectionType of Service:
Advocacy and awareness raising, Capacity building and trainingLocations:
Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine, Syria, TunisiaHeadquarters:
Contact Information
Terre des Hommes Italia
- https://terredeshommes.it/
supporters@tdhitaly.org - Andre Kendirjian
CountrCommunication Manager
a.kendirjian@tdhitaly.org - Hussam Zeidan
Country Administrative Manager
Beirut Governorate, Lebanon
h.zeidan@tdhitaly.org - Wet Rasp
Project Manager
Erbil, Iraq
u.rasul@tdhitaly.org - Roberta Zappulla
Project Manager
Amman, Jordan
pm.assistant.jordan@tdhitaly.org - Luca Ricciardi
Country Director
Beirut Governorate, Lebanon
Current and Previous Partners Worked With Terre des Hommes Italia
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13th May 2024