About Oxfam Novib and Oxfam International
Oxfam Novib is a Dutch organization for development cooperation that has been fighting for a just world without poverty since 1956. Oxfam Novib is part of the worldwide Oxfam confederation. In 2016/17, Oxfam Novib worked with 500 partners in more than 25 countries to address the injustices that cause poverty. Oxfam Novib works on sustainable development, provides emergency relief and influences policy makers. The total available resources are approximately € 170 million per year. Approximately 300 Full Time Experts (FTEs) work at the head office in The Hague and around 800 FTEs in developing countries.
Organizational Structure
1) Public Engagement Unit: The unit aim at maintaining relationships with the Dutch public, focused on fundraising, mobilization and campaigning; 2) Thematic units that are engaged in the development and implementation of content programs and campaigns in the field of 'food, land and water; governance and financial flows, conflict and fragility and gender and youth '; 3) Humanitarian unit: The unit aim at providing emergency aid; 4) Program Support & Impact Unit which aim at the process-based support of programs such as knowledge sharing and evaluation thereof; and finally 5) Support Services Unit that include IFDR (Institutional Funding & Donor Relations), Quality and Finance Control, ICT, HR and Corporate Communications.
Oxfam International
Oxfam International (OI) was established in 1995 as an international confederation of cooperating NGOs. This confederation is an interdependent network of independent affiliates. Novib was one of the founding fathers of OI and in recent years has been one of the driving forces behind further integration. OI now has 20 affiliates (member countries) and expects to grow further in the coming years. The secretariat of Oxfam International (OIS) has a central role within the confederation. The General Manager of Oxfam Novib is a member of the Executive Board of OI. Oxfam Novib is one of the biggest affiliates of OI.
Fundraising Challenges
1) Composition of and relations with donors is changing. In recent years Oxfam Novib has undergone a major change in its financial base. A strong diversification of donors has taken place. Fundraising is growing. The strategic goal is to realize € 200 million in revenues in 2020. 2) Social discussion about development work and migration fluctuates rapidly. Oxfam Novib is an important voice in this debate. This voice will have to gain momentum in the coming years.
Organizational Challenges
1) Processing recent slimming down and strengthening growth. 2) Further decentralization of responsibilities to countries and further integration in Oxfam International. 3) Strengthen project-based and thematic management.
Integration Challenges
The confederation consists of 20 affiliates who work together more and more intensively. This also concerns more and more 'southern' countries. The Oxfam International Secretariat (OIS) recently moved to Nairobi. The management of the confederation is logically complex. 1) 40% of the total budget (approx. € 1 billion) is spent together. In all countries (over 80) the confederation carries out joint programs under the leadership of OIS. 2) The way of cooperation, control and effectiveness of the confederation will be further strengthened in the coming years. 3) Oxfam Novib has invested a great deal in the increase of diversity of members and the number of Oxfams from (former) developing countries. The continuation of that line requires further leadership from Oxfam Novib.

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