There are 816 results
Client(s) Project Name Awardee Sectors Locations
World Bank Drafting of Investment Law and Regulations A and T Najdawi Law Economic Growth Jordan
World Bank Technical Assistance to Libyan Water Institutions: Planning for and building resilience to future shocks DAR AL OMRAN Water and Wastewater Libya
World Bank Technical Assistance for Setting-up of a National Payments Company PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Economic Growth Palestine
Council for Development and Reconstruction Technical, Environmental and Social Studies for the Assessment of Odor Impact from Solid Waste Management Facilities and Landfills Rafik El-Khoury and Partners Environment and Energy Lebanon
World Bank Public Awareness Campaign Cardboard and paper sorting-Bethlehem Urban Area Oyoun Media Urban & Rural Development Palestine
European Commission Supervision Services for Construction of Establishment of Common Use Ateliers in TRB2 Region Liv Engineering and Consulting, SAFEGE Infrastructure Turkey
GIZ Beschäftigungsförderung / Employment Promotion OTT Consulting Ltd Economic Growth Egypt
European Commission Technical Assistance and Provision of Business Advisory Services to SMEs ( Updated) ELARD, Eptisa, Euro Funding, OCA Global Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship Lebanon
Millennium Challenge Corporation Selection a legal firm to support Agence MCA-Morocco in the negotiation of partnership agreements between the public and private sector (PPP) in the field of revitalization and development of industrial zones Gide Loyrette Nouel Economic Growth, Industry Morocco

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