There are 32288 results
Client Title Deadline Sectors & Services Countries Type Status
Provision Of Banking Services For The UN System

Post Date :22 Sep 2022

Client Name : UNDP
12 Oct 2022
    Financial Management and Services
Libya Tender Closed
RBAS Knowledge Project

Post Date :22 Sep 2022

Client Name : UNDP
01 Oct 2022
    Media and communication
United Arab Emirates Tender Closed
Renforcement et extension de la station de surpression d’Ajdir

Post Date :22 Sep 2022

Client Name : Agence Française de Développement
09 Nov 2022
    Water and Wastewater, Engineering services
Morocco Tender Closed
Evaluation of the Project “Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization System Improvement in Minya and Fayoum Governorates

Post Date :22 Sep 2022

Client Name : Italian Agency for Development Cooperation
02 Oct 2022
    Agriculture, Monitoring and evaluation
Egypt Tender, Individual Closed
Asset Companies for Electric Vehicles

Post Date :22 Sep 2022

Client Name : World Bank
04 Oct 2022
    Economic Growth, Feasibility studies
Morocco, Turkey Tender Closed
Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Saida and South Lebanon (CCIAS) ReStarts project is hiring a public policy expert in Lebanon

Post Date :22 Sep 2022

Client Name : Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Saida and South Lebanon (CCIAS)
13 Oct 2022
    Economic Growth, Institutional Strengthening
Lebanon Individual Closed
Final Evaluation Proposal Safe Return

Post Date :22 Sep 2022

Client Name : Heartland Alliance International (HAI)
04 Oct 2022
    Refugees and Migration, Monitoring and evaluation
Iraq Tender, Individual Closed
Auditing Services for RESET Project (Extended)

Post Date :15 Sep 2022

Client Name : Leaders International
14 Oct 2022
    Accounting & Auditing
Palestine Tender Closed
Civil Society and National Organization Mapping

Post Date :22 Sep 2022

Client Name : Alight
15 Oct 2022
    Democratic Governance, Monitoring and evaluation
Sudan Tender Closed
Consultant-Video Series-Digital SRHR Platform

Post Date :22 Sep 2022

Client Name : Oxfam GB
03 Oct 2022
    Health, Women Rights and Empowerment, Advocacy and awareness raising, Media and communication
Iraq Tender Closed
Safety and Security Management Plan For Qader Association

Post Date :22 Sep 2022

Client Name : QADER for Community Development
26 Sep 2022
    Democratic Governance, Institutional Strengthening
Palestine Tender, Individual Closed
Consultancy-Organizational Development (Capacity Building–WROs, WLOs and CSOs)

Post Date :22 Sep 2022

Client Name : Oxfam GB
02 Oct 2022
    Democratic Governance, Capacity building and training, Institutional Strengthening
Iraq Individual Closed

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