Credit Agricole


Credit Agricole is the French economy’s leading financier and one of the top banking operators. Credit Agricole invests in the resilience of the territories it works in, the sustainability of the projects that it finances, the usefulness for its clients in the long term, and the sharing of the value created, with a particular emphasis on solidarity.

Grameen Credit Agricole Foundation: Initiated in 2008 by the Groupe Crédit Agricole, in partnership with Prof. Muhammad Yunus, Founder of the Grameen Bank and Peace Nobel Price 2006, the Foundation Grameen Crédit Agricole aims at contributing to the fight against poverty in developing countries by financing microfinance institutions and social business enterprises. It provides loans, equity, guaranties and technical assistance to its partners.

Tamwil El Fellah: To meet the financing needs of farmers who are not eligible for traditional bank financing and to whom microfinance can not meet, CAM has created Tamwil El Fellah, the only Moroccan financial institution authorized to grant loans to farmers who do not have a guarantee. mortgage. It is indeed agricultural mesofinance, offering products adapted to small and medium farms quite profitable.

ARDI Foundation: Created in 2006 by the Crédit Agricole Group of Morocco, the ARDI Foundation is a non-profit microcredit association, located in the main agricultural regions of the Kingdom. It offers disadvantaged populations, excluded from the traditional banking system, the local financial and non-financial services essential to their socio-economic integration.

NO Comment 8th December 2021

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