IOM is the leading inter-governmental organization in the field of migration and works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental partners. IOM is dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. It does so by providing services and advice to governments and migrants. IOM works in the four broad areas of migration management: Migration and development, Facilitating migration, Regulating migration, Forced migration. IOM activities that cut across these areas include the promotion of international migration law, policy debate and guidance, protection of migrants' rights, migration health and the gender dimension of migration.
Profile Information
Bilateral and Multilateral AgencySectors of Interest:
Humanitarian aid, Refugees and MigrationSubsectors of Interest:
Relief assistance and services, Refugee integration and social cohesion , Internally displaced personsCountry of Coverage:
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, YemenHeadquarters:
Contact Information

iomamman@iom - De Boeck Laurent
Country Representative
Egypt - Mays Mahjouba
Governorate Focal Point at IOM
Syria - Madeleine Walder
Program Manager
Yemen - Zerihun Zewdie
Programme Manager (DTM)
Aden, Yemen - Hanan Ahmed
Administrative Assistant
Sana'a, Yemen
Procurement Notices by IOM
MHPSS and Reintegration Services Consultant
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Consultant (Hebrew Language and Media Monitoring Support)
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Media Development
Final Evaluation for:Progressive Resolutions of Displacement Situations(PRDS)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Educateur spécialisé en horticulture therapeutique
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Agriculture
Consultant Educateur spécialisé
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights, Refugees and Migration
National Consultant-Durable Solutions and Community Engagement Data Analytics
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Regular and Irregular Migration Consultant
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Provision of Hospital Medical and Health Care Services in Istanbul(Extended II)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Health
Consultant for Verification of Budget Support Indicator
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Call for Consultant to Support the Finalization of the Country Strategy
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
High-resolution drone survey for an 18000-donum-Kalar-Sulaimaniyah
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Urban & Rural Development
Consultant–PVE Plan of Action Toolkit
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Data and Research Analyst–Labour Market & Migrant Registration Systems–Consultancy
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Formation en Marketting Digital
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education
Call for Applications–Workshop on Developing the Capacity to Address Drivers of Violent Extremism through Improved Community and Police Engagement
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Engaging Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the implementation of the HIV component under the Middle East Response Project (MER)to Fight Tuberculosis (TB)HIV and Malaria
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Call for Expression of Interest–Wasl Civil Society Fund-Strengthening Community-Led Transitional Rehabilitation Efforts for Returnees from Northeast Syria,in Mosul,Qayyarah and Fallujah Districts
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Consultant–Strategic Communications”Peacebuilding and Stabilization Division”
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Call for Expression of Interest Establishing a Pool of Protection Partners for Future Collaboration in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Call for Expression of Interest Le programme Forsaty Plus
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Consultant – Educateur specialise
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights, Human Rights
Consultancy – Support to the Implementation of the Global Compact on Migration in the Middle East and North Africa
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Request for Quotation(RFQ)-for Special Education Project Center Fee for 1200 Individual and 600 group sessions for 25 students in Gaziantep-(Extended III)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Request for Quotation(RFQ)-for Special Education Project Center Fee for 1200 Individual and 600 group sessions for 25 students in Kilis-(Extended III)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Request for Quotation(RFQ)-for Special Education Project Center Fee for 1200 Individual and 600 group sessions for 25 students in Mersin-(Extended)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Consultant – Community Policing
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Women Peace and Security Consultant
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Human Rights, Women Rights and Empowerment
Call for Expression of Interest Pre-qualification Process 2025
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration
Software Adaptation and implementation for electronic Readmission Case Management System in the Republic of Turkey
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Democratic Governance
MPCA Programming Response to Humanitarian Crisis in Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
EOI:Strengthening Emergency Health Response with integrated Nutrition, MHPSS and WASH needs to support IDPs from Eastern Jazira in Al Fao locality and El Botana locality in Gedaref
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration, Water and Wastewater
Consultant en Réduction des Risques Climatiques et Renforcement des Capacités Locales
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Call for Expression of Interest: Wasl Civil Society Fund-Supporting Beneficiaries of the Yazidi Survivors Law’s Return to Education
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education, Refugees and Migration
Booklets for Awareness raising campaign including production of 3 videos for awareness raising
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Women Peace and Security Consultant
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Human Rights, Women Rights and Empowerment
Mission De Vérification Partenaire D’implémentation
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Request for Proposal:Green Skills-Hydroponic Farming in Sabha
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Food Security
Request for Proposal (RFP) Provision of services for survivors of CRSV
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Human Rights, Women Rights and Empowerment
Protection and Reintegration of Victims of Human Trafficking (JTIP)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Human Rights, Refugees and Migration
Formation en Marketting Digital
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education
Labour Market Information System & Registration System Interoperability
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Capacity Building Consultant(Trafficking in persons)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Workplace Culture and Diversity Inclusion Consultant
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth
Provision of qualified Vocational and Soft skill trainers
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Education, Youth Empowerment
Establishing a Pool of Site Management and Coordination Local Partners for Future Collaboration in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration
Call for Expression of Interest:Marla Ruzicka Iraqi War Victim Funds
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Women Rights and Empowerment
Réalisation D’un Pack Audiovisuel en Format Storytelling
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Appel à Candidatures (Bootcamp RSE) Youth Empowerment
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Protection and Reintegration of Victims of Human Trafficking (JTIP) and Migration Cooperation and Partnerships for Durable Solutions
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Human Rights
Consultant (Labor Market Needs Assessment)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
Financial Service Provider:Provision of Cash Disbursement Services
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Assessment to Identify the Most Relevant Skills Needed the Labour Market
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education
Consultant : Contenu Audiovisuel Enas
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights
Midterm External Independant Evaluation for the Project Jtip
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Human Rights
Enhancing Livelihoods opportunities Post-Storm Daniel in Derna,Alshat,Albayda,Soussa
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Market Survey for Provision of Enhancement Skills Training(YESS )in Misuratah
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education
Provision of Hospital Medical and Health Care Services in Istanbul(Extended)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Health
Provision of Service Provider of ToT for Business Development under Economic Empowerment Programme(Extended)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Call for Expression of Interest:Providing MHPSS and protection services to IDPs in Dohuk Governorate-Wasl Civil Society Fund
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration, Women Rights and Empowerment
Request for Proposal (RFP) Provision of services for survivors of CRSV
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Human Rights, Women Rights and Empowerment
External Final Evaluation of IOM DEVCO EDFA Project,Support to Governance and Sustainable Job creation in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
External Final Evaluation of KFW III Project and Midterm Evaluation of KFW V Project,Contribute to the Economic Recovery of Iraq Through Employment Creation and Revitalization of Local Economies
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
Consultant – Environmental and Social Risk Management
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Infrastructure
Designing engagement strategy between TVET centers and private sectors
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education
Provision of Service Provider of ToT for Business Development under Economic Empowerment Programme
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Call for Consultancy for Final Evaluation to Support the Establishment of a Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration System
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Providing training on Basics of Search and Rescue for Egyptian MOD pilots
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Dissemination of the Risks of Irregular Migration and Counter Smuggling Awareness Raising Campaign
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Request for Proposal-Third Party Monitoring for Wasl Civil Society Fund
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
LTA Request for procuring and provision of the service of supplying of skills development programs for the facilitation of labour mobility
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education
Consultant–Climate Mobility National Adaptation Plan
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Refugees and Migration
Building Community Resilience to Climate-Induced Adversities in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy, Refugees and Migration
Formation en Marketting Digital
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education
Request for Proposal: Midline Survey ILA Community Impact Study
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Food Security, Refugees and Migration
Provision of Materials and Services to conduct flood Safe Training in JULIANA Hotel in Benghazi
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Request for EOI-Construction and WASH Works in Abyei
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Waste Management, Water and Wastewater
Call for Proposals Grassroots advocacy for women’s citizenship rights and child documentation-Wasl Civil Society Fund
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Renforcement Des Capacités Du Personnel De Santé Et Des Organisations De La Société Civile en Santé Mentale Et Soutien Psychosocial
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Reconstruction of the culvert area in Albayda (Abu Zafier)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Infrastructure
Communication specialist consultant
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Consultant specialiste en droit des etrangers
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Call for Expression of Interest-IP Pool-Livelihood-Türkiye(Livelihoods & Early recovery)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Food Security, Refugees and Migration
Engineering Services for Structural and Hydraulic design of small-scale dam project
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Infrastructure
Développement d’un module de formation de renforcement des compétences des sociaux.ales
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Women Rights and Empowerment
Recrutement d’un bureau d’architecture pour reamenagemnt de 4 maisons de jeunes
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Infrastructure
Services Requested for the co-management of specialized shelters for victims of trafficking in cooperation
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education, Health, Human Rights
Provision of Service for Empowering Women in Gaziantep through Vocational Training and Entrepreneurship
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education, Entrepreneurship
Recrutement d’un Bureau d’architecture – Ingénieur en génie civil pour le réaménagement de quatre maisons des jeunes au gouvernorat de Sfax
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Empowering Women in Gaziantep through Vocational Training and Entrepreneurship
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Request for Proposal: Hiring a non-profit Organization to Conduct a Research Project on Climate-induced Displacement Flows
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Refugees and Migration
ResearcProposals”Harnessing Synergies Between Climate Change Adaptation and Risk Reduction in Migrant-inclusive Health System Responses in Lebanon”
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Health, Refugees and Migration
Cooperative Development Fund (CDF)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Women Rights and Empowerment
Open Call: Enterprise Development Fund (EDF) – Turkey
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Consultant – Legal Advisor and Researcher on Security and Accountability for NES Returns
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Engineering Services for Structural and Fire Safety Assessment for IOM office,Erbil
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Infrastructure
Development of IOM Türkiye’s Enterprise Development Fund(EDF)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Advocacy and Awareness-Raising on Reintegration in Iraq–Wasl Civil Society Fund
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Provision of Event Management Services
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors:
Provision of Localization, Editing and Production of Existing Video Content Service for IOM Türkiye
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultant specialiste en droit des etrangers
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Fourniture d’une assistance directe (médicale, psychosociale, administrative, humanitaire et juridique) adaptée à chaque victime de traite
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Human Rights
Request for Quotation (Rfq) for the Provision of Media Production Agency Services to Produce Podcast Series
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Human Rights
Building Community Resilience to Climate-Induced Adversities in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy, Refugees and Migration
Consultant–Climate Mobility National Adaptation Plan
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Refugees and Migration
Provision of Project Management,Monitoring & Evaluation Trainings in Erbil
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Communication specialist consultant
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Request for quotation For agency services to locally recruit the candidates participating in the Ymed 2024 project
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Information Communication and Technology
Independent review of IOM’s EDF Grant Management related Internal Control Systems,Data and Processes
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Provision of Cash Disbursement Services
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Agence De Communication Spécialisée Dans Le Storytelling
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Mettre en oeuvre des formations de développement des compétences pour les jeunes Tunisiens et les migrants en situation régulière afin de faciliter l’accès aux opportunités économiques
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Education Service- LVH-CDF Project-Provision of Service Provider for Capacity Building and Training of Cooperatives
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Food Security, Refugees and Migration
Climate Action for Resilience and Sustainability(CARS)–Wasl Civil Society Fund
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Democratic Governance, Environment and Energy
IOM Calls for System Development Consultant
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth
(IOM) invites interested and eligible vendors for registration with IOM Libya with respect to the supply of various goods and services
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Appel à manifestation d’intérêt : Services de renforcement des capacités du personnel de santé et des organisations de la société civile en santé mentale et soutien psychosocial
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Resilience Innovation Facility Technical Trainings to Promote Employment
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Consultancy services to support with the research, analysis and publication for a Migrant Profile Report for Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Building Community Resilience to Climate-Induced Adversities in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Environment and Energy, Refugees and Migration
Call for Expression of Interest: Wasl Civil Society Fund-Faith-Based Organization
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Vendors Registration In IOM-Sudan System
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors:
Consultant (Research) – WASH and Durable Solutions
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Independent review of IOM’s EDF Grant Management related Internal Control Systems,Data and Processes
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Call for Expression of Interest: Wasl Civil Society Fund PVE Through Locally Led Initiatives
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
International Consultant: Summer school on Migration
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education, Refugees and Migration
Specific Education Project for 1200 Individual and 600 group sessions for 25 students between the 1st of July 2024 and the 31st of December 2024 in Mersin Province (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Specific Education Project for 1200 Individual and 600 group sessions for 25 students between the 1st of July 2024 and the 31st of December 2024 in Kilis Province (Extended II)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Specific Education Project for 1200 Individual and 600 group sessions for 25 students between the 1st of July 2024 and the 31st of December 2024 in Gaziantep Province(Extended)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Specific Education Project for 1200 Individual and 600 group sessions for 25 students between the 1st of July 2024 and the 31st of December 2024 in Adana Province (Extended II)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
“Developing Juvenile Justice in Libya” Public Awareness Campaign:Media Production and Broadcasting
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Child Rights
External Final Evaluation of Community Revitalization Program Phase XII IOM Community Revitalization Program Phase XII
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Development of a Report on African Migration Governance, and a Migration Glossary for the African Migration Observatory (AMO)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Establish a Dedicated Call Center System Line for IOM Liby
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
External Final Evaluation for IOM Libya Project“Multi-sectoral support for vulnerable mobile populations in Libya”
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Social Development
Expression of interest for CSO Capacity Building
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Information Management Consultant to create a dashboard and infographics for protection monitoring data related to camp closure
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Sélection d’un centre de formation pour la mise en œuvre de deux sessions de formation sur la fonction de coordonnateur de mission de recherche et du sauvetage en mer
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors:
Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) – Vendors Registration In IOM-Sudan System
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health
Ex-post Evaluation for the project: Migration Data Literacy Enhancement Advance Non-Discrimination in North Africa (M-LEARN)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Fourniture d’une assistance directe (médicale, psychosociale, administrative, humanitaire et juridique) adaptée à chaque victime de traite
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Human Rights, Refugees and Migration
Recrutement Agence événementielle ou bien un prestataire de service pour le projet CINEMARENA, chargé d’assurer le bon déroulement d’un évènement
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Youth Empowerment
Impact Evaluation of the Project fostering Health and Protection to Vulnerable Migrants Transiting Through Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, and Sudan
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
CinemArena – Le Programme d’éducation et d’information Itinérant pour Sensibiliser aux Opportunités Socio-Économiques et Promouvoir le Renforcement de Capacités en Afrique (Extension 2)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
The provision of a consultancy firm services of Development and delivery of capacity building component
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultant en autonomisation socio-économique des jeunes
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Call for Applications–Workshop about Transitional Rehabilitation for Civil Society Organizations in Kirkuk,Mosul and Falluja
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Photographie et audiovisuel pour Projets Helma (Updated)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Wasl Civil Society Fund for Locally Registered Civil Society Organizations in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Exploring the Economic and Social Impacts of Regular and Irregular Migration,the case of East Libya’s Economy
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
External Final Evaluation DS.0018″Community Revitalization Program (CRP)–Phase XII”
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Provision of cash disbursement services LTA
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Programme d’éducation Et d’information Itinérant Pour Sensibiliser Aux Opportunités Socio-Économiques Et Promouvoir Le Renforcement De Capacités En Afrique (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Norwegian Documentary on Returns-Media and marketing company specializing in sensitive humanitarian storytelling
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Midterm External Evaluation for the Project “Making Migration Work for All: Improved Social Cohesion and Fair Access to Services for Migrants in Morocco”
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Provision of Skills Enhancement Training Services (Misrata) (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education
Call for Expression of Interest Third Party Monitoring of IOM Supported Projects in North West Syria
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Provision of Comprehensive Assessment of Labor Needs and Sectoral Vulnerabilities in Turkey’s Earthquake-Affected Provinces
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth
Services d’actualisation du Référentiel Tunisien des Métiers et des Compétence (RTMC) et montée en compétences des cadres
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Trade
Recrutement d’une agence de communication pour le projet CINEMARENA
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Youth Empowerment
Provision of conflict sensitivity assessment focused on youth programming in Sabha and Benghazi (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Youth Empowerment
Provision of Infectious Waste Management Services as a Long-Term Agreement Basis
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Waste Management
International Consultant-Summer school
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
International Consultant on Access of War Victims to Law 20 Reparation Scheme
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Human Rights
Strengthening Integrated Transitional Justice Approaches Consultant
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
National Researcher on access of victims of war to Law 20 Reparation Scheme
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Capacity Building Consultant for Trainer Development
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Resource Mobilization Consultant
Country of Coverage: Bahrain, Sectors: Economic Growth
Ex-post Evaluation for the project: Migration Data Literacy Enhancement Advance Non-Discrimination in North Africa (M-LEARN)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Programme d’éducation et d’information Itinérant pour Sensibiliser aux Opportunités Socio-Économiques et Promouvoir le Renforcement de Capacités en Afrique, Comme Alternative a la Migration Irrégulière
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Request for procuring and provision of the service of supplying of skills development programs for the facilitation of labour mobility
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth
Appel a Consultation : Cabinet d’expertise Comptable et Conseils le Projet L’amélioration Des Opportunités De Réintégration Socio-économique
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Procurement and provision of media production agency services
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors:
Expressions of interest : Consultant for Analyst (Research And Advocacy)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Two days training on Mental health and psychosocial support for CSOs, and NGO in Northeast Libya
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Health
MHPSS/PFA Training for IOM on 21‐22 May 2024
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Health
Design and implementation of vocational and civic-linguistic training programmes for third-country nationals in Morocco (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Education, Refugees and Migration
Call for Expression for Strengthening Emergency Health Response and Humanitarian Border Management in Sudan PoE for the Health intervention in Basunda locality, Gedaref state
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health, Humanitarian aid
Provision of Social Cohesion Small Grants Supporting Harmonization between Migrants and Host Communities in Adıyaman, Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, Malatya and Mersin (Amended)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Communication Consultant
Country of Coverage: Bahrain, Sectors: Human Rights
Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) (Vendor Registration for Supply of Various Goods and Services to IOM in Libya)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Consultancy for Mapping of Protection Services and Service providers
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Provision of Skills Enhancement Training Services-Misrtah
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education
National Consultant To Support The Implementation Of The Urban Diagnostic Tool In The Municipality Of Agadir
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Urban & Rural Development
Fourniture d’une assistance directe (médicale, psychosociale, administrative, humanitaire et juridique) adaptée à chaque victime de traite
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Human Rights
Etat Du Cadre Réglementaire Des Soins De Santé Au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Services d’actualisation du Référentiel Tunisien des Métiers et des Compétences (RTMC) et montée en compétences des cadres (de l’équipe RTMC)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Recrutement d’un Groupement de Concepteurs : Architecte et Ingénieurs pour l’etude et le Suivi du Projet de Construction d’un Batiment a Enfidha pour le Compte de l’etat Tunisien
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Infrastructure
Conseiller chargé d’identifier les fonctionnaires et les prestataires de services de première ligne en faveur des migrants et évaluer leurs besoins en formation
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Final Evaluation of DS.0057 DS Netherlands Project; contribute to durable solutions through sustainable returns and reintegration in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Excel Developer Consultant
Country of Coverage: Bahrain, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Call for Expression of Interest for a Non-governmental Organization to Support IOM in Implementing Its Protection and Prevention Program Activities
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Strengthening Integrated Transitional Justice Approaches Consultant
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Sélection d’un centre de formation pour la mise en oeuvre de deux sessions de formation sur la fonction de coordonnateur de mission de recherche et du sauvetage
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors:
Provision of Livelihoods initiatives for early recovery in flood affected areas in Libya
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Food Security
Consultant – Strategic Communications Advisor
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Recrutement d’un centre de formation pour assurer des séances de formations accélérées en coiffure pour des bénéficiaires du projet Helma
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
CPP assistance humanitaire pour les migrants en situation de vulnérabilité
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Provision of Development of a Community Engagement Strategy (CES)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Fourniture spécifique de services d’assistance humanitaire pour les migrants en situation de vulnérabilité dans la région de Souss-Massa
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Call for Expression of Interest-Women’s Empowerment in Iraq “Wasl Civil Society Fund”
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment
La fourniture de Intégrer le nexus migration, environnement et changement climatique dans la planification régionale à Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceima et Souss-Massa
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Refugees and Migration
Identification, protection et réunification familiale durable des enfants non accompagnés et séparés (en mouvement) marocains, comprenant le soutien à la scolarisation et réinsertion scolaire, la formation professionnelle, et les activités génératrices de revenus aux familles
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights, Refugees and Migration
EoI for the Pre-qualified Pool of Implementing Partners for Turkey
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Health, Humanitarian aid
Cet appel vise à solliciter des propositions pour des initiatives contribuant au développement économique de la Tunisie, en mettant l’accent sur les régions à fort potentiel migratoire
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
EoI for the Pre-qualified Pool of Implementing Partners
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Health, Humanitarian aid
An EoI for the Pre-qualified Pool of Implementing Partners
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Health, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Waste Management, Water and Wastewater
Developing Community-Led Referral Mechanisms for the Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Iraqi Nationals Returning from northeast Syria
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Supporting the Plural Heritage of Communities in Basra: Afro- Iraqis (Updated)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Arts and Culture
Producing Photography Campaign on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Call for Expression of Interest–Caregivers and the Prevention of Violent Extremism
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Conseiller chargé d’identifier les fonctionnaires et les prestataires de services de première ligne en faveur des migrants et évaluer leurs besoins en formation
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Service D’evaluation Finale Externe Pour Le Projet Actions Concretes Pour La Territorialisation De La Snia Au Niveau Regional
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Appel À Propositions: Soutien à des initiatives de cohésion sociale
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Recrutement d’un cabinet pour assurer des séances d’assistance comportementale des bénéficiaires du projet HELMA
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Social Development
Fourniture spécifique de services de renforcement des capacités d’associations partenaires (Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima, Souss-Massa, Oriental) sur la prise en charge psychosociale des migrants vulnérables
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
International Consultancy-Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Expression of interest for CSO Capacity Building
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Pathways to Durable Solutions: Fostering Peaceful Coexistence and Sustainable Reintegration for IDPs in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Conseiller en Evaluation du système tutelle légale pour les enfants
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Child Rights, Refugees and Migration
Training on Mental health and psychosocial support for CSOs,and NGO
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Health
Support for social cohesion initiatives
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Development Of A Protection Needs Assessment In Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Fourniture d’une assistance directe (médicale, psychosociale, administrative, humanitaire et juridique) adaptée à chaque victime de traite, ainsi que leur réintégration sociale et économique dans la communauté)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Human Rights, Refugees and Migration
Regional Counter Trafficking Consultant
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Human Rights, Refugees and Migration
Conseiller en développement communautaire
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Rendre la migration bénéfique pour toutes et tous: Améliorer la cohésion sociale et l’accès équitable aux services pour les personnes migrantes au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultant (Manual Developer)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Final Evaluation of DS.0111 Project:Building Peace and Stability in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Information Management and Reporting Consultant – Technical Working Group
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultant-Access to Microscholarship Program
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education, Social Development
Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) (Vendor Registration for Supply of Various Goods and Services to IOM in Libya)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Call for Expression of Interest–Wasl Civil Society Fund: Supporting the Reintegration of Iraqi Nationals from northeast Syria through targeted communication interventions in areas of return
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultant for Environmental and Social Risk Management
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Lead Regional Child Protection Assessment RDPP Consultant
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights
Celle-ci aura pour finalité d’apporter une assistance technique pour le développement d’une campagne de sensibilisation
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Support for social cohesion initiatives
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Awarness-raising Campaign On Tip
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Human Rights
Call For Expression Of Interest (Cei) Special Education And Inclusive Education
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education, Social Development
Regional Child Protection Operational Guidance Consultant
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Child Rights
Request for Proposal:Foster Families and Independent Living
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Appel À Propositions:Soutien À Des Initiatives De Cohésion Sociale
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education, Refugees and Migration
Documentation of the Families of the Victims in Speicher Camp
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Rapid Response Fund (RRF) Program Evaluation on the Humanitarian Organizations Operating in Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Consultant (Final External Evaluator) Focus on the Gaziantep Province of Turkey
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultant (Final External Evaluator)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Call for Expression of Interest (CEI)-Support to Community Resilience in the Face of Climate Change
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Democratic Governance, Environment and Energy, Refugees and Migration
Final Evaluation of Reintegration and Recovery Assistance in Areas of Return in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
IBG Meteorology training for GACS personnel in Benghazi (Re-Announce)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultant (Final External Evaluator)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Évaluation de référence sur la traite des personnes au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Human Rights
Development of the Information System for the Directorate for Survivors Affairs (MOLSA)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Social Development
Final Evaluation of the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security Project
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Fourniture d’une assistance directe (médicale, psychosociale, administrative, humanitaire, et juridique) adaptée à chaque victime de traite, ainsi que leur réintégration sociale et économique dans la communauté)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Human Rights, Refugees and Migration
Call for applications-Workshop for Civil Society Organizations in Kirkuk and Salahddin (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Consultant (Final External Evaluator)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Democratic Governance
IBG Meteorology training for GACS personnel in Benghazi
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
IBG training on Maritime signals for GACS personnel in Benghazi
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultancy Contract of a Monitoring and Evaluation Consultation Firm of the Migrant Assistance and Protection Portfolio, including the IOM Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Programme (AVRR) in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
IBG Training on Preventing Collisions at Sea for GACS Personnel in Benghazi (Re-Announce)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Third Party Monitoring (TPM) (External, Mixed, Joint or/and Participatory Monitoring)
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Provision of Market Cards to IOM CBI Program beneficiaries
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Impact Evaluation of IOM’s Labour Migration Governance Trainings in Libya
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Training on: Information Technology (IT) & Data Management
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Partners to Implement Direct Assistance Services to Migrants at risk
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Advisory Services For Information Management Systems And Risk Management Support Iom Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consultant-Advancing Durable Solutions for Displaced Syrians
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
A software consultant (software developer)-(Re-Advertisement)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Provision of Skills Enhancement Training Services in Sabha and Benghazi on Long-term basis
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Business Development Training
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Call for Proposal Terms of Reference–Midterm Evaluation of Kfw IV and Final Evaluation of Kfw II Project Contribute To the Economic Recovery of Iraq through Employment creation and Revitalization of Local Economies
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Appel à consultation Conseiller en formation professionnelle et entrepreneuriat-OIM
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education, Entrepreneurship
Appel à consultation Conseiller en développement communautaire-OIM
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Workplace Culture and Diversity Consultant
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Cash-Based Assistance through IOM’s Various Humanitarian Response and Migrant Assistance Programs in Libya (Jan 2024 to Dec 2025) (Extended II)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Entrepreneurship vocational training on baking for female population in Ubari and Ghat
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Education, Entrepreneurship
Training Lead Facilitation For The Iraq Conflict Sensitivity Facility
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
LMG Training
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultant–Labour Exploitation and Risk Analysis
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth
Une boite de communication ou bien un prestataire de service pour la phase II du projet « Helma », chargé d’élaborer et assurer la mise en place d’une stratégie de communication pour le projet
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Baseline Survey Job Creation Community Impact Study
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth
Extension- Cash-assistance Financial Service Provision in Turkey
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration
Grants to Csos and National Ngos-Survivors of conflict-related rights violations and conflict-affected communities are supported with protection and assistance needs and have increased capacities to access and exercise their rights
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Vocational Training and business Development Training Services
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education
Fourniture spécifique de services d’assistance humanitaire pour les migrants en situation de vulnérabilité dans les régions de L’Oriental, Marrakech-Safi, Souss-Massa, Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceïma
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Consultant–Labour Exploitation and Risk Analysis
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth
Advisory Services to the Graduation Approach
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education, Refugees and Migration
Call for Proposal Terms of Reference–Midterm Evaluation of Kfw IV and Final Evaluation of Kfw II Project Contribute To the Economic Recovery of Iraq through Employment creation and Revitalization of Local Economies
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Consultant-Child Protection Specialist
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Child Rights
Sélection d’un groupement d’architecte et d’ingénieurs conseils pour la mission d’études et de suivi relative au projet de construction d’un bâtiment à Tabarka pour le compte de l’état Tunisien
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Infrastructure
Consultant for Environmental and Social Risk Management
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Provision of Medical Health Referrals and Emergency Cases
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Health
Appel à consultation Recrutement d’une agence de communication
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultancy Services- media and communications support to activities implemented in Sanliurfa and neighbouring provinces under IOM’s Refugee Response Programme
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultancy Services-media and communications support to activities implemented in Istanbul,Edirne and Izmir under IOM’s Refugee Response Programme
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultancy Services-media and communications support to activities implemented in Adana,Hatay and Mersin under IOM’s Refugee Response Programme
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Services d’assistance juridique pour les personnes migrantes
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Protection and Climate Change Consultant
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Women Rights and Empowerment
Skills based Labor Mobility and Climate Change Consultant
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming, Economic Growth
Supporting Implementation Of The Local Plans Of Action For Prevention Of Violent Extremism
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Provision of LPSP Training Services for PHC – PHU Under Long Term Agreement for 1 year with possibility of Renewal for another year
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health
Basic soft skills training for migrants in Egypt (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultant – Public Information and Communication Expert
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Resilience Innovation Facility Technical Trainings to Promote Employment
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Evaluation Ex-post Externe Pour le Projet Irtiqaa Autonomisation des Femmes Travailleuses Migrantes Circulaires au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Women Rights and Empowerment
Baseline Survey Job Creation Community Impact Study
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Appel a Manifestation d’intérêt Pour établir une liste restreinte des Organisations de la Société Civile Services de protection et d’assistance humanitaire pour les migrant.e.s en situation de vulnérabilités
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultant-Results Based Reporting (RBR) Assessment
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Migration Health Physician Consultant
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Mapping services for the diaspora
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
International and national experts to support the implementation of current and prospective projects under its portfolio
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Human Rights, Refugees and Migration
A software consultant (software developer)-(Re-Advertisement II)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultant for Environmental and Social Risk Management
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Consultant for Curriculum Development for Climate Change Awareness Raising
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Climate Change and Global Warming
Consultant for Climate-Smart Agriculture
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Agriculture, Entrepreneurship
Call for Expressions of Interest to Provide livelihood assistance and create employment opportunities to contribute to reducing food insecurity and malnutrition in Gedaref State
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Food Security, Refugees and Migration
Call for Expressions of Interest to Provide livelihood assistance and create employment opportunities to contribute to reducing food insecurity and malnutrition in Blue Nile State
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Food Security, Refugees and Migration
Call for Expressions of Interest to Provide livelihood assistance and create employment opportunities to contribute to reducing food insecurity and malnutrition in Aj Jazirah State
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Food Security, Refugees and Migration
Evaluation Ex-post Externe pour le Projet Irtiqaa « Autonomisation des Femmes Travailleuses Migrantes Circulaires au Maroc »
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Women Rights and Empowerment
Appel à manifestation d’interet « Services de protection et d’assistance humanitaire pour les migrant.e.s en situation de vulnérabilités, dans la région de Casablanca-Settat»
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Call for expressions of interest for the establishment of a community resource center in the North Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
IOM Libya Vendor Registration updated
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Trainer on Customer Service, Time Management and Stress Management
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Appel à consultation Projet Nebni : Agence de Communication Digitale et Conception Graphique
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Basic soft skills training for migrants in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Organizational Capacity Building To Grantees Of The Wasl Civil Society Fund
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Final Evaluation of CRP X , CRP XI Project; Community Revitalization Program
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Recruiting a service provider in charge of capacity building for companies in the Mobi-TRE project
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
PXD-IBG Consultant-Comprehensive training curriculum on rights-based,protection-sensitive,maritime interception and Search and Rescue Operations
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultant-Community-based Protection (CBP) Specialist
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Advanced Training on Rescue Diving Benghazi
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Assurer la mise en oeuvre d’un mécanisme de référencement communautaire des migrants et d’un programme de formation destiné aux experts juridiques sur le droit international de la migration
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Recureter un cabinet d’expertise comptable et conseils spécialisé dans les services comptables, fiscaux et juridiques
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Agence de communication digitale et conception graphique chargé d’organiser une campagne de communication et information sur les possibilités et les opportunités liées aux investissements de la diaspora en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Services spécifiques de soins de santé et des activités socioculturelles pour les migrants dans la région de Tanger-Tetouan-Al-Hoceima
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
LMIS-Capacity Building Trainings
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Development of Strategy Paper and Consultation Process
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Consultant-Youth Migration and Development Training
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
CEI- Wasl Civil Society Fund-Third Party Monitoring
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
CEI-Due Diligence Assessment
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Consultancy to increase the capacity of the TNP and related institutions in detecting forged documents,profiling passengers, and conducting risk assessments related to irregular migration
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultancy To contribute to the ongoing efforts of the Government of Turkey to address irregular migration in line with the EU standards and best practices
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Develop a Web-based information management system (IMS System)/Database
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors:
Identification d’un cabinet d’avocat.e.s
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Develop a Web-based information management system IMS System Database
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors:
Request for Proposal (RFP): Environmental, Social Management Plan for Water and irrigation project for South and North
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
LMG Training (Sabha)-(Revised)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Consultant-Criminal Data Analytics
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Identification d’un cabinet d’avocat.e.s
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Provision of special educational services for 15 students in İzmir
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Provision of special educational services for 4 students in Seferihisar İzmir
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
Renforcer l’accès aux services de soins pour les femmes et les enfants à travers le renforcement des cellules d’ecoute et contribuer à la culture de vivre d’ensemble dans la région de l’Oriental
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Consolidation et développement d’une feuille de route nationale sur l’anticipation des besoins en compétences pour la gouvernance de la mobilité de travail en Tunisie
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Services spécifiques de soins de santé et des activités socioculturelles pour les migrants dans la région de Tanger-Tetouan-Al-Hoceima.
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
M&E Consultant
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Request for Expression of Interest (REOI): Vendor Registration for Supply of Various Goods and Services to IOM in Libya (Updated)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Conception et production de capsules vidéo
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) (Vendor Registration for Supply of Various Goods and Services to IOM in Libya) (Re-Advertisement)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Training on Rescue Diving Technique In Azzawiya
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Provision of Maritime Navigation Training for GACS in Benghazi
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Provision of Operator Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Provision of Operator Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Monitoring and Evaluation CIOP Consultant
Country of Coverage: Bahrain, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Provision of Entrepreneurship Vocational Training on Digital Marketing in Benghazi and Qatroun
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education, Entrepreneurship
Appel à consultation_ développement d’une base de données et d’un tableau de bord sur les indicateurs de migration pour l’Observatoire africain des migrations
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Provision of E.Voucher services across Iraq-Long Term Agreement
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Consultant–Civil Society Capacity Building
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Comprehensive Information and Orientation Programme (CIOP) Master Trainer
Country of Coverage: Bahrain, Sectors:
LMG Training (Sabha)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
LMG Training (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Cash-Based Interventions
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration
Standard SAR Operations Training for LCG and GACS Staff (Azzwya)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Mentorship services that will be provided to small and medium-sized enterprise SME owners across
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Third party monitoring to oversee the implementation process of Cash for Work CFW Employment for Public Works (EPW) services of IOM Funded Projects
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration
Third Party Monitoring to Oversee the Process and Results of the Individual Livelihoods Assistance (ILA) Services of IOM Funded Projects
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth, Food Security, Refugees and Migration
Call for Grant Application – National Women’s Consultation on PVE International Organization for Migration
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
National Predeparture Orientation (PDO) Guide Consultancy (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Training on Rescue Diving Technique In Benghazi
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Human Trafficking and Migrants Smuggling Training
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Prestataire de service pour assurer le transfert des bourses d’études au profit des candidats
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
Services d’actualisation du Référentiel Tunisien des Métiers et des Compétences (RTMC) et montée en compétences de l’Agence National du Travail et du Travail Indépendant (ANETI)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Trade
Consultant-Community Policing-Baseline Assessment
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Standard SAR Operations Training for LCG and GACS Staff
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Final External Evaluation for the Project Action to Support the National Coordinating Committee on Combating and Preventing Trafficking in Persons to Create a Safe and Secure Environment in Egypt, Phase II
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Human Rights
Prestataire de service pour assurer le transfert des bourses d’études au profit des candidats
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Education
CEI-Due Diligence Assessment
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
International and national experts to support the implementation of current and prospective projects
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Data Analysis and Reporting Consultant
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Mise en œuvre d’une évaluation interne de projet
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
WASH-Training Content Development Consultant
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
First Aid Training_Al Qaryat
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
STCW training for the Libyan General Administration for Coastal Safety (GACS)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Développement du cahier de charge pour une plateforme digitale
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Development of a training module on the rights of migrant populations and on sexual and reproductive health at the legislative level, and implementation of an information workshop for civil society
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) (Vendor Registration for Supply of Various Goods and Services to IOM in Libya)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
MRRM_Training for Government Officials from Ghat on Migration Governance under PRM
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Final External Evaluation for the Project “Action to Support the National Coordinating Committee on Combating and Preventing Trafficking in Persons to Create a Safe and Secure Environment in Egypt, Phase II
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Human Rights
Research for Areas of Limited and No Returns
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Protection and humanitarian assistance services for migrants in vulnerable situations
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration
Evaluation of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in IOM
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Provision of Strategy Development for Inclusive TVET Education
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education
Mid-term Evaluation of IOM DEVCO EDFA Project,Support to Governance and Sustainable Job creation in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Provision of trash collection and recycling services for IOM offices in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Waste Management
Program Closure Data Collection & Monitoring Assessment
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Final Evaluation Of IOM FCDO Project; Supporting Stabilisation Through Sustainable, Safe, And Dignified Return And Reintegration In Iraq.
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Research Consultant-Risk Management in Cash-Based Interventions (CBI)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Migrants’ Trafficking & Smuggling Expert
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Human Rights, Refugees and Migration
Establishing website and social media platform for the Migration Research Unit (MRU) (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
External Independent Final Evaluation of the project “Strengthening National Capacities in Applying International Standards to Improve Labour Migration Management in the MENA Region” (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
MRRM-Training for Government Officials on Migration Governance Training under COMPASS
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Emergency Care and Visual Triage & Dead Body Management
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Mapping of the private sector actors to support linkage to potential employment opportunities for youth
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Analysis and integration of the gender dimension in the regional project Fostering health and protection of migrants in vulnerable situations in Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen and Sudan
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration, Women Rights and Empowerment
Transfer Mechanisms for Recurring Cash-Based Intervention Services (CBI)
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Training on Labour Migration Governance
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Establishing website and social media platform for the Migration Research Unit (MRU)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Events Management Services
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Provision of Training on Labour Migration Governance
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Mise À Jour Des Modules De Formation En Ligne Sur La Lutte Contre La Traite Des Êtres Humains
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Human Rights
Promoting and supporting media for peace in Iraq through local action (Wasl PVE Civil Society Fund)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Media Development
Provision of trainings for youths in Benghazi and Sabha
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth, Education
Legal Consultant on the institutional frameworks for migrant workers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Country of Coverage: Bahrain, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Online Pre-bid Conference related to project
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Research Study on the Socioeconomic impact of COVID-19 on migrant population in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Provision of Final External Evaluation of The Project Harmonisation And Social Cohesion Programme Across Turkey (Extension)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Provision of the evaluation of the three waves of the national counter trafficking campaign (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Human Rights
Final evaluation of the EU-IOM Joint Initiative in North Africa and evaluability assessment of the MPRR-North Africa programme
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Provision of Skills Enhancement Training Services on Long Term Agreement Basis (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth, Youth Empowerment
Provision of Final External Evaluation of The Project Harmonization and Social Cohesion Programme Across Turke
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Evaluation finale du Projet « Assistance et protection des enfants non accompagnés et séparés au Maroc »
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights, Refugees and Migration
Basic Need Assistance Voucher Service Provider (Modification 1)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Provision of Specific Education and Rehabilitation Project for Disabled Children in Adana
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education, Child Rights, Social Development
Provision of Specific Education and Rehabilitation Project for Disabled Children in Sahinbey, Gaziantep
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education, Child Rights, Social Development
Mise à jour des modules de formation sur la lutte contre la traite des êtres humaines
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Human Rights
Media and information literacy”ToT training and cascade sessions”
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Education, Media Development
Develop forty-eight (48) hours Training of Trainers (ToT) Curriculum on Media and Information Literacy with a focus on social media as tool for peacebuilding
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Education
Provision of E-Voucher Services for all Iraq Governorates
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
External Independent Final Evaluation of the project “Strengthening National Capacities in Applying International Standards to Improve Labour Migration Management in the MENA Region”
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
External Evaluation Consultant for Strengthening the Sphere of Protection for Victims of Trafficking and Vulnerable Migrants in Egypt while Preventing Irregular Migration and Human Trafficking – Phase II” (SPHERE II)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Human Rights, Refugees and Migration
Basic Need Assistance Voucher Service Provider
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration
Call for Expression of interest and Concept Note for the Health intervention in Shamar village in Blue Nile
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Public Information and Communication Expert
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Renforcement des méthodes participatives et Adaptation des outils d’appui à l’entreprenariat
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Consultant-Behavior Change Expert
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Intercultural Communication Training
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors:
Provision of Video Production and Video Recording at the lunch event
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors:
Consultant-Durable Solutions Analysis and Reporting
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Assistance technique au Réseau des Nations Unies au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights, Human Rights, Refugees and Migration
Expression of Interest from Companies-Service Providers for Delivery of Goods,Works and Services
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Water and Wastewater, Food Security
Development of IOM Türkiye’s Enterprise Development Fund(EDF) Website Portal
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Initiative pour la création d’un réseau des lauréats(es) internationaux de l’ENSP
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health
Midterm Evaluation of KFW III Project
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Diary Vocational Training Project2
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education, Women Rights and Empowerment, Agriculture, Refugees and Migration
Consultation pour l’organisation de session de coaching et l’accompagnement d’une compétition nationale
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Database Management Support Consultant
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Human Rights
Consultancy Serivce under “Harmonization, and Social Cohesion Programme across Turkey” project
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Development of IOM Türkiye’s Enterprise Development Fund (EDF)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Agriculture, Industry
Third Party Monitoring of IOM-supported projects implemented by civil society organization
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Internal & External Consultant o support the implementation of current and prospective project activities under its portfolio
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
National experts to support the implementation of current and prospective project activities under its portfolio
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Mission D’accompagnement Des Jeunes Leaders De Villes À La Mise En Œuvre De Leurs Initiatives Communautaires
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Appel À Manifestation D’intérêt: Projets Icer Innovation Contre L’exclusion Et La Radicalisation
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Internal and external consultancy for Harmonization and Social Cohesion Programme across Turkey
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Training with Protection Unit in Benghazi location targeting community leaders
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Provision of a Dead Body Management Manual tailored to the Libyan Context and training curriculum for DBM on SAR/SARD activities
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
The development of a web based registration system for factories in the KRG
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
CFP Development of Care Giver Module
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Consultant (Information Risk Management)
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Monitoring and Evaluation Consultancy
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Child Rights, Refugees and Migration
Consultant- Midterm External Evaluation of the Project “Supporting Removal Centres’ Capacities and Fostering Alternatives to Administrative Detention”
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
IOM Libya Call For Expression of Interest For Pre-qualified Organizations
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
IT Skills training East (Basic and Advanced)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Call For Expression of Interest Publication Request
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Agriculture, Refugees and Migration
Mental Health Documentary Content Producer (Extension)
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health, Women Rights and Empowerment, Refugees and Migration
Technical Study, Analysis, Implementation And Coordination To Reduce The Impact Of Flash Floods On Human Lives And Economic Assets In Um Zaifa Village Ed Al Fursan Locality – South Darfur State
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Technical, Study, Analysis And Implementation Of Nature-Based Solution To Reduce The Impact Of Storms On Human Lives And Economic Assets In Srobtway Village Reifi Khashm El Girba Locality – Kassala State
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Consultant-Visualization and Graphic Design
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors:
Technical Consultant on Domestic Work Analysis
Country of Coverage: Bahrain, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Data Collection and Research Consultant
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
External Evaluation-Providing Youth With Alternatives to Irregular Migration
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Education, Youth Empowerment
Migrant and host community Entrepreneurship Study Consultant
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
Final external evaluation of the EUTF II project “Protecting vulnerable migrants and stabilizing communities in Libya–Phase II” (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Quantitative Research Consultancy
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Monitoring and Evaluation -HIV Consultant
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health
Epidemiologist – HIV Consultant
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health
Epidemiologist – Tuberculosis (TB) Consultant
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health
Monitoring and Evaluation – Tuberculosis (TB) Consultant
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health
Fleet Management Review of IOM Third-Party Vehicles
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth
Iraq National SME Trade Form
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Trade
Final Evaluation of Community Stabilization Program CRP Phase X
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Social media campaign management and content development
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health
External Evaluation Consultant
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Refugees and Migration
Provision of Social Harmonization Information Campaign in Online and Offline Channels
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Contribute to durable solutions through sustainable returns and reintegration
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
International Consultant-Passenger Profiling and Passenger Behaviour Analysis at Border Controls for Identification of Fraudulent Travel Documents
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Data collection in Sudan on migrants along the Northern Corridor conducted under the European Union (EU)-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Provision of Business Plan Assessment Services
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Consultant-Information and Data Management
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Provision of Special Education Services to 13 Students in Izmir
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education
La mise en place d’une stratégie de développement d’activités psychosociales
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Sustainable Fashion with a Meaningful Story: Providing Sustainable Fashion Workshops to Migrant and Egyptian Women to Enhance their Access to Livelihood Opportunities
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Wasl Civil Society Fund Program
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Education, Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment, Refugees and Migration
IOM Call for Expression of Interest
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Health, Human Rights
Enhancing Border Management Capacity At The Iraq-Syria Border
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Consultant-DRR Capacity Building
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Activités culturelles, artistiques innovantes accessibles aux migrants et marocains et ayant pour objectifs de promouvoir le vivre ensemble et lutter contre les discriminations
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
L’appui à l’Insertion économique et l’autonomisation des communautés hôtes et celles de migrants en Tunisie.
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Alimentation Du Site Web De L’anapec En Contenu Informatif Sur La Migration
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
M-LEARN & Research Consultant
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Production of the voiceover for sign language video
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Training LMG Training Round (3)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Final External Evaluation of the IOM Project “Responding to the needs of most vulnerable populations in Libya through COVID-19 prevention, assistance and access to vaccination” Extended
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Health
Prequalificatoin of NGOs into IOM Turkey Protection Pool of Implementing Partners
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Education, Women Rights and Empowerment, Child Rights, Refugees and Migration
LMG Training Round (4) Tripoli
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Registration of Vendors in IOM Iraq System- Invitation for Expression of Interest
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Mapping Consultant
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Intégration de la dimension migratoire dans la planification locale avec la Municipalité de Tanger
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Renforcement des capacités des acteurs locaux dans trois régions : Tanger-Tetouan-Al Houceima, l’Oriental et Souss Massa, sur les questions migratoires et développement
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Event Service GBV case management training
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Final External Evaluation of the IOM Project “Responding to the needs of most vulnerable populations in Libya through COVID-19 prevention, assistance and access to vaccination
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Health
Organisation et animation d’une formation sur la collecte et la gestion des données migratoires
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Design/Improve EDF web platform and Design/Develop Beneficiary App
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Introductory Design Workshop IOM Civil Society Fund Program
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Video Production on 100 Harmonization Meetings
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Provision of Summer School Activity for Academicians and Practioners
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Education, Refugees and Migration
Organisation et Animation d’un Atelier de Travail au Profit des Inspecteurs du Travail
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth
Arrangements of training for surveillance officers and RRT 24-26 May in Benghazi
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Arrangements of training for surveillance officers and RRT 21-23 May in Benghazi
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
IOM Call for Expression of Interest ID#: LEB_ERR_20221
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Promoting employability through the provision of financial management and employability trainings to youth in Upper Egypt as response to the impact of COVID-19
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth
Kufra Environmental Improvement Activity
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Environment and Energy
Services de mission d’accompagnement des partenaires de la société civile pour la bonne gouvernance interne et externe dans le cadre des projets mis en oeuvre par l’OIM au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Provision of Legal Services in Telafar and Sinjar districts
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Support for Peacebuilding and Stabilization in Iraq- CSOs funds in six locations to prevent violent extremism
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Livelihood supports for the conflict affected vulnerable community in Gereida IDP camp, Greida locality, South Darfur
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Agriculture, Refugees and Migration, Industry
Services for Conduction of a Study on Case Management Practice in the Context of the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Regularization Feasibility Study
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultancy for 14 IOM IPs on Advance Governance and Compliance Topics (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Provision of Protection against Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) to affected populations
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Third-Party Monitoring (External, Mixed, joint or/and Participatory Monitoring)
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Provision of Video Production for Migrants Day
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Recrutement d’un prestataire de services/ cabinet-conseil national chargé de développer un programme de formation en « levée de fonds » et financement de micro
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
Supporting COVID-19 response and relief at the country level through disbursement and facilitation of sub-grants for selected diaspora organizations
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration
Call for express of interest to support governorates, their local stakeholders and communities across Lebanon to establish an effective disaster risk information and management system
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Conduct remote environmental assessment on land use and potential environmental impact study
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Urban & Rural Development
Development of E-Migration Portal
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Services d’assistance juridique pour les personnes migrantes
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Promoting Self-Employment through the Provision of Entrepreneurship and Income Generating-Related Assistance to Migrants and Host Communities in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
Pour l’évaluation finale du projet-La migration comme ressource-mobilisation de la diaspora tunisienne et stabilisation des
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Elaboration de la cartographie projet PRM
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Human Rights, Refugees and Migration
Turkish Language Courses as Extension of Support to Community Centers (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Education, Refugees and Migration
Provision of First Aid Trainings (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Health
Consultancy to develop a solution and system setup for migrant workers as a pilot to be deployed in one municipality
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Capacity Building Training for Surveillance Officers and RRT
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth
Event Management Services
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors:
LMG Training Round (2) Benghazi
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Crisis Management Trainings (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors:
IT Skills Training for 20 Libyan authorities at Benghazi for Basic & Advance level
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Social Cohesion of Migrant Children to Turkish Society and Culture Through Music Education Project (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Arts and Culture
Un(e) consultant/cabinet de formation pour développer un programme de formation en « levée de fonds » et financement de micro- et petites entreprises destinées à des entrepreneurs
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
Curriculum Developer – Parenting skills and recreational/ educational activities for children
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Curriculum Developer – Nutrition Education
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health, Women Rights and Empowerment
External Evaluation Of The IOM’s Enhancing Border Management Capacity At The Iraq-syria Border
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Appel a Manifestation d’intérêt Pour établir une liste restreinte des Organisations de la Société Civile au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Human Rights, Refugees and Migration, Social Development
Safety Assessment at Tripoli Main Port
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultant-Business Development
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Organizing Short Film Competition
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
National COVID-19 RCCE Consultant
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Development of Web-based Labour Market Information System in Libya (Phase Two)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth
Procurement of Harmonization PI Campaign-Video Production
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Services d’assistance juridique pour les personnes migrantes
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Research Assistant Consultant
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Consultant-Knowledge Exchange and Capacity Development
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Dissemination of the Counter Trafficking Awareness Raising Campaign
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Human Rights
TOR Support for Community Stabilization in Hawija District
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Social Development
Study on the Perceptions of Host Communities towards Migrants in Libya
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultancy to implement a Gender Analysis of the Transition and Recovery Programme
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
An End of Cycle External Evaluation of the Project
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultant-Statistician and Data Analyst
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Development of IOM Turkey’s Enterprise Development Fund (EDF) Website
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
RDPP Consultant
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Development of Industry‐Oriented Training Curriculum for TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) Reform in Libya
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth
Call for Expression of Interest: Researcher Consultant
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Learning Management Consultant
Country of Coverage: Bahrain, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Service Providers on available E-Voucher systems in the market
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
Contribute To The Economic Recovery of Iraq Through Employment Creation and Revitalization of Local (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth
Provision of Facilities and Event Services for IOM Trainings/Workshops on a Long-Term Agreement Basis
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors:
Final Evaluation of CRP IX Project-Community Revitalization Program
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consultant – PVE Advisor
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Enterprise Development Fund (EDF) Website
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Entrepreneurship
External Evaluation Service to Assess the Enhancing Border Management Capacity Project (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Call for Expression of Interest Only for IPs (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Support for Community Stabilization (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
RFP for Arrangements of training workshop for surveillance officers and focal points 18-20 January 2021
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
RFP for Training to health workers on covid-19 preparedness and response in Benghazi
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Health
Conducting Labor Migration Governance training for the Libyan government and other stakeholders from Ghat
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultant-External Evaluator
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Evaluations Services of Two Return and Recovery Unit Projects
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Consultant–Durable Solutions Analysis and Reporting
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultancy to provide technical design and specification for Doka water network (8.6 KM) project Qalabat El Shargia- Gadaref State
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Creation of 2D Animation Videos for Improved Awareness on Migration-Environment and Climate Change Amongst Stakeholders
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Refugees and Migration, Climate Change and Global Warming
Establishment of Camp Management Mobile Team to Build the Capacity of Site Representatives and Improving Living Conditions
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Recrutement d’un cabinet pour assurer la d’accompagnement et de reconversion professionnelle dans les métiers de l’informatique de 50 jeunes bénéficiaires du projet Helma Request for proposal
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Youth Empowerment, Information Communication and Technology
Call for Expression of Interest for Pre-Qualified Organizations
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
E-learning Course Production
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Establishment of One Mobile Health Clinic to Provide Health Care Services
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Health
Call for CN for Linking the beneficiaries with local market and business opportunities to facilitate the sustainability of livelihood activities in Ardamata IDP camp, Geneina locality, West Darfur State
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Agriculture, Refugees and Migration
Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Final External Evaluation of Phase II and Mid-Term Evaluation of Phase III of the Project Fostering Health and Protection To Vulnerable Migrants Transiting
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Consultant – Operationalization Child Reintegration Monitoring Toolkit
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Child Rights
Call for CN for the implementation of health services in South Kordofan State
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Évaluation à mi-parcours du projet IRTIQAA Autonomisation des femmes travailleuses migrantes circulaires au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Refugees and Migration
Harmonization and Social Cohesion Programme
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Recrutement d’un prestataire pour le développement de cahiers des charges pour la réalisation de 6 radios web
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Youth Empowerment, Refugees and Migration
Consultation outils et recueils juridique Projet ENAS
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights
Recrutement d’un cabinet pour assurer l’accompagnement et la reconversion professionnelle dans les métiers de l’informatique de 50 jeunes bénéficiaires du projet Helma
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Youth Empowerment, Information Communication and Technology
Assistance et protection des enfants non accompagnés et séparés au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Child Rights, Refugees and Migration
Provision of Financial Services (FSP)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors:
Research on skills assessment frameworks and tools in Egypt
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Soutien à des initiatives de cohésion sociale
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultant to Develop SOP and Corresponding Guidelines
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Health
IOM Appel A Propositions
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Psychologue clinicien(ne) (Sfax)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Community Policing Media Training
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Media Development
Consultant – Migration Governance Specialist
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Migration Environment and Climate Change (MECC), and Disaster Risk Reduction Consultant
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Environment and Energy, Refugees and Migration, Climate Change and Global Warming
Provision of Legal Services
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Recrutement d’un cabinet pour la Formation et accompagnement, de 30 jeunes entrepreneurs bénéficiaires du projet Helma
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
Provision of Social Cohesion Small Grants for Supporting the Harmonization between the Migrants and the Host Communities in Ankara
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Regional Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
RFQ for capacity building and skills training in Tripoli and Benghazi
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth, Youth Empowerment
Consultancy to provide technical design and specification for Doka water network (8.6 KM) project Qalabat El Shargia- Gadaref State
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Professional Graphic Design of IOM Iraq Informational Materials & Audio-Visual Products
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Capacity building of the key health actors in Asounga Point of Entry (PoE) and IDP gathering areas in El Geneina West Darfur
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health
Service d’assistance juridique
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Enhancing a quality of health services of the community in Labado area/Yassin locality and Malwi area/ Yassin locality, in East Darfur
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Consultation Pour le Programme « Pour une approche globale de la gouvernance des migrations de main- d’œuvre et de la mobilité des travailleurs en Afrique du Nord (THAMM)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
MigApp Financial Literacy Training: SMARTs
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Recherche / étude sur les canaux de communication adaptés à la sensibilisation des enfants et jeunes exposés aux risques liés à la migration irrégulière
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Provision of First Aid Trainings
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Health
Communication for Development (C4D) Consultant
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Elaboration d’une cartographie des services et besoins existants dans les principales régions de retour et de réintégration au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultant – Enhancing and Strengthening Partnerships with National Disaster and Displacement Management Authorities on Disaster Risk Reduction Initiatives (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Humanitarian aid
End Cycle Evaluation of Contributing to Ongoing Stabilization Efforts in Iraq by Preventing and Reducing Violence in Communities at Risk
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Consultant(e) National(e) Infirmier(e)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Consultant-Expert: Misconduct Management
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Consultant for Data Analysis and Reports Writing
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Health
Conducting an External Financial Audit for Provision of Shelter Repair and Livelihood Assistance to Returnees Population
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultant: Baseline Assessment for the COMPASS Initiative
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
CIOP Graphic Design Consultant
Country of Coverage: Bahrain, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Appel à consultation : Formation ENAS
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Increasing access to livelihood and employment opportunities for the community in Kusa Area, El Fasher rural area/Tawilla locality, North Darfur
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Agriculture, Refugees and Migration
External Final Evaluation of Enhancing the Community Policing Approach
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Enhancing a quality of health services in Kusa community in El Fasher rual area/Tawailla locality, North Darfur
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Consultant-Assessment of Coordination Mechanisms on Migration and Sustainable Development
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
RFQ for Implementation of Capacity Building Workshops
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Consultant-Parliament Oversight
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultation en « Renforcement des capacités et évaluation des statistiques de la migration »
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
HRDDP Assessment on strengthening the Humanitarian Border Management and Health capacities of Libya authorities in the South
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Comparative research on labour market needs and qualifications in Egypt and main countries of destination (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Comparative research on skills assessment frameworks and tools in Egypt and main countries of destination (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Increasing access to livelihood and employment opportunities for the community in Dalami town, Dalami locality, South Kordofan State (SKS)
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Women Rights and Empowerment
Consultant:Guidelines on Reintegration of Ex-combatants
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Consultant: Disarmament-Demobilization and Reintegration Advisor
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Water Supply Expert
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Water and Wastewater
Consultancy on developing a training curriculum/manual together with Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Code of Conduct (CoC) for the law enforcement and criminal justice actors on migrant protection incorporating national and international standards
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Research Consultant – Inclusion of Vernacular Building Practices and Disaster Risk Reduction measures in Shelter programming for displaced population in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration
Appel a manifestation d’interet pour l’identification et l’accompagnement des associations de Rabat-Salé-Kenitra et/ou de Casablanca-Settat
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Education
Creation of 2D Animation Videos for Persons Under Administrative Detention on the Rules Applicable at and Services Available at the Removal Centers
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Media Development, Information Communication and Technology
Consultant – National Migration Data
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultant – National Referral Mechanism
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
International consultant – Gender Analysis of Community Engagement and Durable Solutions programme
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment
Migration Law Consultant
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Elaboration d’une cartographie des services et besoins existants dans les principales régions de retour et de réintégration au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Développement d’un Manuel de capitalisation des actions de renforcement des capacités socio-professionnelles avant le départ pour les personnes migrantes en situation de vulnérabilités
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultant(e) National(e) Infirmier(e)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Health
Gender Analysis of Community Engagement and Durable Solutions Programme
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Organizing National Photo Contest for Raising Awareness on Trafficking in Human Beings
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Information Communication and Technology
Etat du marché de l’emploi national et international et identification des opportunités pour les demandeurs d’emploi tunisiens
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
cartographie, guide de l’investissement en Tunisie et formation (Mobi-TRE)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Evaluation mi-parcours du programme régional THAMM
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Harmonization Training to Central Level DGMM Personel
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultant to Develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) on the Identification and Assistance of Migrants
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health, Economic Growth, Human Rights, Refugees and Migration, Food Security
Research Consultant: Sign Language Use and Development
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Social Development
Social Cohesion of Yazidi Communities in Sinjar Political Dynamics
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment, Refugees and Migration
Development of an Intervention Plan for the Response to Public Health Emergencies at Points of Entry
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health, Democratic Governance
Appel à consultation : cartographie, guide de l’investissement en Tunisie et formation – Mobi-TRE
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Data Collection
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration
Preposition and Distribute Non Food Items (NFIs) and Emergency Shelter Kits in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration
Invitation to Submit Expression of Interest For Prequalifying Listing Implementing Partners
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration
Service for Develop a PDO Programme specific to Indian migrant workers employed in Jordan’s garment sector
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration, Industry
Consultant for development of a national training plan for healthcare workers for the capacity building of the Ministry of Health and Population.
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health
Provision of Legal Services
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultancy for the development of safe migration brochures specific to two key countries of destination for Sudanese migrant workers (Re-advertised)
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultancy on for developing a training curriculum/manual together with Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Code of Conduct (CoC) for the law enforcement and criminal justice actors on migrant protection incorporating national and international standards
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Recrutement De Formateur(Ice) En Production Audio-visuelle Ou Court-metrage
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Evaluation mi-parcours du programme régional THAMM
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Capacity Building to Respond to Public Health Emergencies at Points of Entry
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Training of Trainers for Sabha Youth
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Youth Empowerment
Consultancy for the development of a licensing and monitoring framework of recruitment agencies
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Developing SOP for labour inspectors on the protection of migrant workers’ rights, identification of migrants vulnerable to violence,exploitation, abuse and trafficking in persons and referral for protection and assistance
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Economic Growth, Human Rights, Refugees and Migration
Appel à consultation : Renforcement des capacités de l’Agence nationale de promotion de l’emploi et des compétences (ANAPEC)
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Consultant: External Evaluator-IBM
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Institutional Support, Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Consultant: External Evaluator
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Institutional Support, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration
Provision of Legal Services in Shirqat- Salahaddin
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Institutional Support, Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
CIOP Training & Capacity-Building Specialist
Country of Coverage: Bahrain, Sectors: Institutional Support, Refugees and Migration
Midterm External Evaluation of The Project : Harmonisation And Social Cohesion Programme
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Social Cohesion of Migrant Children to Turkish Society and Culture Through Music Education Project (Ankara-Bursa-Istanbul-Izmir)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Arts and Culture
Appel à consultation pour l’élaboration d’une cartographie participative des services psychosociaux nationaux
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Provision of Legal Services in Sinjar-Ninewa
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Provision of Legal Services in Tel Afar-Ninewa
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Reporting Consultant
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Institutional Support, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration
Consultant – Development of Applied Training Material on Search and Rescue in the Desert
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Migration Data Analysis and Visualization Capacity Building Consultant
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Institutional Support, Refugees and Migration
Consultant: State of the International Labor Market and Identification of Opportunities for Job Seekers
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Institutional Support, Education, Economic Growth
State of the International Labor Market and Identification of Opportunities for Tunisian Job Seekers
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Institutional Support, Economic Growth
Regional Development and Protection Program-North Africa (RDPP-NA) – IOM
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Institutional Support, Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Expression of Interest for Awards opportunities with the IOM and the other United Nations Agencies in Turkey
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Human Rights, Refugees and Migration
Senior International Consultant (Project Management Systems and Tools)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Institutional Support
Construction Engineer Consultant
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Provision of E-Migration Portal (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Provision of a Website and Mobile Application (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
PWD project Call for Expression of Interest
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Social Development
Contracting Research Institution to Support in the Work of the Data and Evidence Working Group (DEWG)
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Development of Case Management Guidelines (Subject Matter Experts)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
EOI-External Evaluation of the IOM Capacity Building
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Institutional Support
Video Production on Search and Rescue Vessels
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Health, Mobility and Border Management Expert
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health
Consultant: Local Peace Processes
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Institutional Support, Democratic Governance
Consultants-formateurs de formateurs en Robotique
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Appel à consultation pour l’évaluation finale du Projet « Amélioration de la protection et de l’assistance aux migrant-e-s vulnérables au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Appel à consultation pour l’élaboration d’une cartographie participative des services psychosociaux nationaux
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
International Consultant – Civil Society Advisor
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Institutional Support, Democratic Governance
Applying Behavioural Science Methodology for Social Mixing
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Youth Empowerment, Refugees and Migration
Video Production Services about Covid 19 in NW Syria
Country of Coverage: Syria, Sectors: Health
Media Production of C4D Risks of Irregular Migration Awareness Campaign
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Provision of Social Cohesion Small Grants Supporting Harmonization between Migrants and Host Communities in Ankara and Hatay
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Provision of Social Cohesion Small Grants Supporting Harmonization between Migrants and Host Communities in Afyonkarahisar, Bursa and Kahramanmaraş (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Public Health Contingency Plan for Point of Entries (POEs)
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health
Social Cohesion of Migrant Children to Turkish Society and Culture Through Music Education Project (Extended)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration, Arts and Culture
Research on Women’s Agency and Livelihoods/Microbusiness programming in Jordan
Country of Coverage: Jordan, Sectors: Women Rights and Empowerment, Refugees and Migration
Integration of Speech Analytics System, Voice Recognition System and Interactive Answering System into YIMER 157
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Development of a Labour Migration Governance Strategy for Libya
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Consultant formateur en techniques de recherches d’emploi
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Elaboration d’un référentiel de compétences pour le poste d’attaché social et d’assistante sociale au sein de l’Office des Tunisiens à l’Etranger (OTE)
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Request for Proposals (RFP) for Scale-up health and nutrition services in Bambodai village, Wad El Mahi locality, Blue Nile State
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Consultant(e) pour l’élaboration d’un Manuel de formation des formateurs sur la traite des personnes
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
2 Consultants formateurs en techniques d’animation « Stop Motion »
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
3 Consultants formateurs en journalisme
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Youth Empowerment
Recrutement d’une agence de communication
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Développement de modules en ligne sur l’identification et la protection des enfants et jeunes, migrants et réfugiés au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Researcher for P/CVE in Morocco
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Consultancy for the development of safe migration brochures specific to two key countries of destination for Sudanese migrant workers
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Un cabinet pour la mise en place d’un programme RSE
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Communication Agency -IOM Tunisia
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth
Execution of a Community Intervention in Akkar and the North in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Social Development
Execution of a community intervention in Central & West Bekaa in Lebanon
Country of Coverage: Lebanon, Sectors: Social Development
Renforcement des services de santé mentale et de soutien psychosocial et leur accès aux migrant-e-s au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
IOM Call for Proposal Support for community stabilization in Tel Afar City
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Social Development
Capacity Building of Key Stakeholders to Increase Resilience of Vulnerable Communities in Yemen (Re-Advertisement)
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Social Development
Direct Assistance for Victims of Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Human Rights, Refugees and Migration
Forgery Detection and/or Risk Analysis
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultant (Forgery Detection and/or Risk Analysis)
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Democratic Governance
Assistance médicale, humanitaire, psychosociale et sensibilisation des migrants vulnérables au Maroc
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Consultancy Services for IOMs IPs on Procurement-Finance-Project Cycle Management
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Service Provider for Capacity Building on Conflict Resolution and Formation of Conflict Resolution Committees
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Provision of Legal Services in Ba’aj, Ninewa governorate (Extention)
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultancy for the development of standard Pre-Departures Orientation (PDO) modules and delivery mechanism
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Consultancy for the development of SOP for labour inspectors on the protection of migrant workers’ rights, identification of migrants vulnerable to violence, exploitation, abuse and trafficking in persons and referral for protection and assistance.
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Human Rights, Refugees and Migration
Evaluator Consultant
Country of Coverage: Egypt, Sectors: Health, Women Rights and Empowerment, Refugees and Migration
Development of a Labour Migration Governance Strategy for Libya
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Appel à consultation pour « Researcher for P/CVE in Morocco»
Country of Coverage: Morocco, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Urban & Rural Development, Social Development
Appel à consultant.e : Evaluation et cartographie des programmes et mécanismes de réintégration socio-économique des Tunisiens de retour, les initiatives et les lacunes
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Appel à consultation : Etat du marché de l’emploi international et identification des opportunités pour les demandeurs d’emploi tunisiens – Programme THAMM »
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
Youth & Capacity Building Consultant
Country of Coverage: Multiple Countries, Sectors: Economic Growth
Provision for the Development of Social Activities
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Provision to Improve Local Economic Development and Livelihood Opportunities
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis Consultants
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Statistician and Data Analyst
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Provision of Institutional Needs Mapping Consultancy
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Institutional Support, Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration
Supporting Livelihoods of Host Communities, Displaced Populations and Migrants in Tripoli and East
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth, Refugees and Migration
Capacity Building of Key Stakeholders to Increase Resilience of Vulnerable Communities in Yemen
Country of Coverage: Yemen, Sectors: Social Development
Training workshops of MHD in Benghazi
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Health
Appel à consultation: Agence de Webmarketing
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration, Social Development
Appel à consultation: Cabinet de Consulting et d’Accompagnement des Projets
Country of Coverage: Tunisia, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration, Social Development
Services for the Development of a Web-based Labor Market Information System (LMIS)
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Economic Growth
Consultancy Service for the development of a licensing and monitoring framework of recruitment agencies in Sudan
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Targeted Communication and Outreach Campaign
Country of Coverage: Turkey, Sectors: Entrepreneurship, Refugees and Migration
Grant for Direct Assistance for Victims of Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling in Iraq
Country of Coverage: Iraq, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Supporting Social Cohesion, Community Engagement, and Capacity Building in Fezzan Region, Libya
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration, Social Development
Supporting Social Cohesion, Community Engagement, and Capacity Building in Tripoli and East Libya
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Democratic Governance, Refugees and Migration, Social Development
Supporting Livelihoods of Host Communities, Displaced Populations and Migrants in Fezzan Region
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Research Consultant for Re migration Analysis (EU IOM Joint Initiative Programme)
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Provision of Training and support for Algerian civil society and migrants
Country of Coverage: Algeria, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Enhancing a quality of health services to support conflict and displacement affected communities in El leayet health center, West Kordofan state
Country of Coverage: Sudan, Sectors: Health, Refugees and Migration
Labour Migration Governance Training
Country of Coverage: Libya, Sectors: Refugees and Migration
Subscriber Only Content
Awarded Projects
Mobility Tracking Data Collection Services in Libya
Awarding date: , Location: Libya , Budget: € 227,368.00
Research on Women’s Agency and Livelihoods/Microbusiness programming in Jordan
Awarding date: , Location: Jordan , Budget: $24,700
Iraq Stabilisation Initiative
Awarding date: 16-10-2020 , Location: Iraq , Budget:
Subscriber Only Content
Current and Previous Partners Worked With IOM
Logo | Name | Category | Countries of Coverage | Sectors & Services |
National and Regional NGO
Agriculture, Arts and Culture, Child Rights, Climate Change and Global Warming, Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Education, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Food Security, Health, Human Rights, Humanitarian aid, Industry, Information Communication and Technology, Infrastructure, Media Development, Refugees and Migration, Social Development, Tourism, Trade, Urban & Rural Development, Waste Management, Water and Wastewater, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
National and Regional NGO
Child Rights, Democratic Governance, Education, Health, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Social Development, Women Rights and Empowerment
Consulting Firm
Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, Yemen
Economic Growth, Food Security, Humanitarian aid
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Yemen
Democratic Governance, Humanitarian aid
International Organization
Lebanon, Palestine, Sudan, Turkey, Yemen
Child Rights, Humanitarian aid
International Organization
Lebanon, Morocco, Turkey
Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Social Development
Consulting Firm
Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia
Child Rights, Human Rights, Refugees and Migration
International Organization
Democratic Governance, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Women Rights and Empowerment
National and Regional NGO
Entrepreneurship, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration
Consulting Firm
Egypt, Saudi Arabia
Climate Change and Global Warming, Economic Growth, Education, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Industry, Information Communication and Technology, Refugees and Migration, Social Development, Tourism, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
International Organization
Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia
Agriculture, Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Education, Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
National and Regional NGO
Child Rights, Education, Women Rights and Empowerment
Consulting Firm
Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Sudan, Tunisia
Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
Bilateral and Multilateral Agency
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Democratic Governance, Human Rights, Social Development, Women Rights and Empowerment
Consulting Firm
Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, Yemen
Humanitarian aid
National and Regional NGO
Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Social Development
National and Regional NGO
Morocco, Tunisia
Agriculture, Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship
National and Regional NGO
Education, Industry, Women Rights and Empowerment
National and Regional NGO
Morocco, Tunisia
Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Women Rights and Empowerment
International Organization
Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Yemen
Economic Growth, Environment and Energy
National and Regional NGO
Democratic Governance, Environment and Energy, Humanitarian aid, Social Development
Consulting Firm
Child Rights, Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Humanitarian aid, Social Development, Women Rights and Empowerment
National and Regional NGO
Arts and Culture, Child Rights, Climate Change and Global Warming, Democratic Governance, Economic Growth, Education, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Food Security, Human Rights, Humanitarian aid, Information Communication and Technology, Media Development, Social Development, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
National and Regional NGO
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Democratic Governance, Environment and Energy, Human Rights, Refugees and Migration
Consulting Firm
Democratic Governance
National and Regional NGO
Egypt, Syria
Education, Health, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration
Consulting Firm
Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan, Syria, Turkey
Democratic Governance, Education, Entrepreneurship, Human Rights, Refugees and Migration, Social Development
National and Regional NGO
Health, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration, Water and Wastewater
National and Regional NGO
Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia
Arts and Culture, Urban & Rural Development
Consulting Firm
Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Climate Change and Global Warming, Education, Health, Women Rights and Empowerment
National and Regional NGO
Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Youth Empowerment
National and Regional NGO
Child Rights, Refugees and Migration, Women Rights and Empowerment
National and Regional NGO
Child Rights
National and Regional NGO
Human Rights, Refugees and Migration, Women Rights and Empowerment
Consulting Firm
Egypt, Palestine
Democratic Governance, Education, Entrepreneurship, Infrastructure, Refugees and Migration, Urban & Rural Development, Water and Wastewater, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
Consulting Firm
Media Development
Consulting Firm
Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia, Yemen
Economic Growth, Education, Environment and Energy, Media Development
National and Regional NGO
Humanitarian aid, Women Rights and Empowerment, Youth Empowerment
Consulting Firm
Media Development
Consulting Firm
Iraq, Lebanon, Qatar, Sudan, Yemen
Education, Youth Empowerment
National and Regional NGO
United Arab Emirates
Child Rights, Human Rights, Women Rights and Empowerment
National and Regional NGO
Economic Growth, Entrepreneurship, Environment and Energy, Human Rights, Social Development
National and Regional NGO
Health, Humanitarian aid, Refugees and Migration
National and Regional NGO
Humanitarian aid, Social Development
National and Regional NGO
Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Sudan
Democratic Governance, Humanitarian aid
Consulting Firm
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Democratic Governance
Consulting Firm
Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey
Information Communication and Technology
Arab Organization
Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Yemen
Humanitarian aid
National and Regional NGO
Jordan, Palestine, Syria
Democratic Governance
Subscriber Only Content