Yemen faces an alarming rise in acute food insecurity and malnutrition, with approximately 54% of the population, or 17.4 million people, suffering from a severe acute food crisis. To combat this, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is implementing an initiative that aimed at increasing household food production, contributing to improved food security and nutrition for the most at-risk populations. The project targets 4,400 households, offering a combination of concentrated feeds, mineral blocks, and Good Livestock Husbandry Practices training sessions.
With nearly 17.4 million people are expected to experience acute food insecurity in Yemen, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is currently implementing a project which plans to help increase household food production and contribute to the improvement of food security and nutrition of the most vulnerable populations facing catastrophic levels of hunger and malnutrition. Through livestock production support provided under the project, food insecure families will not have to turn to negative coping strategies such as selling livestock assets or buying food on credit. Hence, the project's holistic approach seeks to build resilience within communities, promoting sustainable agricultural practices and ensuring long-term food security in Yemen.
The expected impact of this project is that communities will have access to affordable, local produce and proteins that can provide essential nutrients that are lacking in their daily diets and create a more sustainable production system to help maintain soil fertility. Knowledge sharing on good livestock husbandry practices will provide benefits to pastoral household’s production efficiency, livelihood, and environmental protection, increased on-livestock production.
With that said, the project seeks to target 4,400 households who will benefit from the distribution of concentrated feeds and mineral blocks combined with training and awareness session on good livestock husbandry practices.
It is expected of the awardee to implement the following strategies:
- The awardee, on behalf of FAO, shall distribute the inputs to the beneficiaries on the list approved by FAO and according to the distribution plan, protocol, and guidelines, and will document the distribution process using FAO provided templates.
- The awardee will carry out the distribution of all inputs to the targeted beneficiaries and ensure all activities are well documented by reports and pictures wherever possible.
- The awardee will ensure the following
- Avoid exposing people to any form of harm.
- Give people’s access to impartial assistance—in proportion to their need and without any form of discrimination.
- Protect people from physical and psychological harm arising from violence and/or coercion.
- Assist people to claim their rights, access available remedies and recover from the effects of abuse.
- The awardee should be able to identify storage facilities within the target district suitable for safe storing of project inputs.
- The awardee should disseminate to the beneficiaries “FAO Beneficiary Feedback Mechanism Flyers” to beneficiaries during distribution, meetings, workshops and ensure FAO contact details for complaints and feedback are posted in the banners used during distribution.
The tasks that the project is expected to carry out include:
- Mobilize and sensitize stakeholders and secure clearances at national district and governorate levels in addition to coordinating, mobilizing, and sensitizing of stakeholders to implement.
- Mobilize and sensitize communities including local government officials, community leaders, and other stakeholders at district and village levels and establish community beneficiary committees to identify beneficiaries in accordance with selection criteria defined by FAO and agreed target areas, and beneficiaries, type of support, and beneficiaries’ entitlement from the project.
- Register beneficiaries based on the methodology provided by FAO and uploaded in FAO data information system.